What's the best weapon of choice to fight off corona virus raiders in cuck countries that have banned guns...

What's the best weapon of choice to fight off corona virus raiders in cuck countries that have banned guns? I'm leaning towards a machete like pic related. Good or bad?

Attached: machete.jpg (1200x800, 71.06K)

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make a spear
make three good spears

A gun

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Oy lad! Do ya have a loicense for that machete?

A gun faggot

Multiple guns.

A crossbow or a spear. You want something with range considering how contagious the shit is.

Currently waiting for a gift card to show up in the mail so I can go buy a Remington 870.

In my state I can walk into a store and out with the shotgun.

God bless america

>What's the best weapon of choice to fight off corona virus raiders in cuck countries that have banned guns?
A gun

Maybe a bow and arrow? Or javelins?

Probably a plastic bag.

Do it knight style, riot gear, riot shield and big fucking machete

your best bet is a butter knife

>not securing your lair with traps

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Spearchucker detected

Actually short of a gun, a two handed battle machete is effective. A spear is even more effective.

rope tied knuckles

Find a 12 gauge pump shotgun. Ammunition is relatively inexpensive, and you don't have to be a marksmen to hit your target. You can easily find a good one that will get the job done, for under 300 dollars.

I need something that I can just jump out of bed and immediately use as fun as that sounds I don't think it's practical.

All I can get is .177 pellets, can't see me doing much damage with that?

Attached: here, pls don't hurt me...jpg (800x612, 55.03K)

Cough at them, until they go away.

A gun.

A good door lock, a standard steel front door and a perimeter alarm are the best deterrent if you are worried about being robbed. If you do not live on an upper floor consider movable steel grates for large windows if you have a balcony

i have this one

Booby traps and stealth

Get some armor. Being pure offense isn't good.

Bladed instruments require sharpening, and can get stuck in a body; blunt instruments are superior, especially if you're not a trained fighter
if you can't get a gun, get a pipe, cap one end, fill it about halfway with sand, then cap the other end. Make sure to use a thread-lockong compound so your caps never come loose. Pipe should be about as long as your forearm, and 1" to 1.5" diameter. Wrapping the handle with grip tape (or using a dip) on one end to make a handle will reduce reverb, but the sand should serve that purpose as well as providing extra force on impact
happy niggerbeating user

Amerimutt must have grown up in one of "those" school districts. He can't read.

Club, blunt and sturdy. Blades get dull after going through fat, sinews and bones.

I really hope you realize I meant a steel pipe. surely you won't need a loicense for those

A gun

good solid knives for inside
good solid sharp sword for outside
if you don't have either learn how to tie a noose and fucking kill yourself

Stay away from made in China crap, it will fail. A blunt weapon can be just as effective as a blade, and easier to get/make in the United Cuckdom.

A plane ticket bong, or at lease a ride to the country side.
And besides knoifes are almost illegal in bongland, you cheeky cunt,

an axe.

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Would you recommend?

interesting, I have a baseball bat but it seems kind of clunky for fighting in hallways.

If those spaghetti eating filipinos can manage to make their own gun why can't you?

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You can have a double barrel shotgun in the UK

Spear is better than machete, really anything with a reach for a melee weapon. If you can't get a gun then search "four winds shotgun" on your favorite gentile search engine. I would also recommend a crossbow if you can get your hands on one. I don't own any guns because I'm cucknadian and I don't hunt, but I did prepare a four winds shotgun and I bought a crossbow.

Machetes are good for the sheer terror factor. Even a group of armed attackers can instinctively flee when faced with a shiny cleaver when they were expecting no or light resistance. Easier to find a weaker target than risk a limb or a life.

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shovel is good too.

Shovel man was my favorite character in Mystery Men so I prefer shovels.

pole arms like spears or halberds. They have historically DOMINATED at melee combat on the battle field, but are relatively unknown because they aren't considered sexy like swords or axes.
If you have a spear, you are going to be able to defend a hall, door, or window much better than with a machete. Out in the open you also have a better chance defending yourself against a corona virus raider that's coming at you with just a machete; you can get them before they you are even in their range


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Probably a slingshot. It allows you to defend yourself while keeping your distance, and it can use a variety of projectiles.

With your machete idea, you have to get close, which means they're close to you with whatever weapon they have

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>no bow
>no bastard sword

A short club or hatchet for indoors. Get a nice piece of hardwood lumber and carve it.

Just buy a gun from some tor market, it would be even more effective in a cuck country since no one else will have them

I cant even buy a crossbow in this fkin country, license required. At least I can buy a spoon.

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Just looked at amazon.co.uk and they might not be able to buy machetes in the UK. Axes seem fine though.

> and they all laughed when we kept our spears

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Machete doesn't have enough weight for anything but superficial hacking you want a falchion or spear

Why not try your hardest to get a fun?


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yes very strong, balanced and comfy grip. 8/10, needs sharpening though when first buy

Instant Legolas
I love this guy

Grip the bat in the center with both hands and use the ends to strike
but a pipe as long as your forearm should be short enough to get full swings in a hallway. Pick a pipe about a hand's width shorter than your forearm, or a hand's length if you're particularly lanky
second, strike low first, knees/shins/thigh
it's harder to catch a blow when it's below the waist, and once they're grounded, go for the ribs/head

Bows aren't too hard to make.

I've already set a bench out on my front porch and put a whoopie cushion on ut

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Soak your pellets in weeks old animal blood

yes very good product indeed.

go ask /k/, they def wont make fun of you

A spike or hammer poll tomahawk.
Small,fast and very capable.

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Looks like a tool, though. You're supposed to use it to hack thick brush and maybe saw some of it. I think it would be a waste to use for fighting. A kukri machete would be a much better choice: larger, heaver, more slicing edge, and the most pronounced of all curvature types so you get as much power as a hammer when you wield it.

Check out this handy-dandy guide for your next cowboy samurai purchase: machetespecialists.com/buying-guide/machete-types/

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how do you even have a baseball bat there instead of a cricket plank thing?

No, in SHTF scenario, you need to barricade every entrance and only clear it in one spot to get in or out

Fuck me, What states dont have week waiting periods? I don’t need to wait bc Concealed Carry, but i didnt know there were states like that.

Why not try your hardest to get a fun?


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Most countries that have "banned" gubs still have sport and hunting guns available. The weapon you need, OP is a gun.

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You're a retard who doesn't know his own nation's gun laws
Hahahaha I bet you're a fucking townie and all

Chainsaw? Chainsaw on a branch?

cut long ash shoots - the straightest you can find
2-3" diameter 6-8' long sharpen both ends and harden points with blowtorch
keep machete for last resort hand to hand

>What's the best weapon of choice to fight off corona virus raiders
boiled piss/shit works well, throw it while it's hot!

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Best weapon is all the friends you've made along the way.
All the guns in the world won't do you jack shit if you don't have someone to keep watch while you sleep.

Checked. How hard is it user to obtain a fun?

What better barricade than a door that needs either a few ours with a locksmith or half a day with an angle grinder? I don't even have to worry about windows since I'm on a third floor

can you show us its features?

couple of gallons of sulphuric acid and some ketchup squeeze bottles. you can take on 10 people with one squeeze bottle and fuck them up for life.

jollibee spaghetti is pretty gud ,
their fried chicken is fucking awesome ,
Flips really know how to do fast food good

Pellets will just make a full grown man angrier...

I'm going to get a combat shovel, could come in handy and some you can even turn into a spear

Get a crossbow, a dagger and an axe

Forgot pic

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based Achmed

I can dig it

You could also get a .22 semi auto for laughs, or any bolt operated rifle unless you're some schizo or townie that isn't in any sort of shooting group
You've also gotta jump through legal hoops, but if you're imagining some sort of global HABBENING with society collapse it wouldn't matter by then anyway, you're also probably a diagnosed mental case and have no chance of getting a firearm either

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machete is a nigger weapon
just buy a gun, retard

Spears or a pole arm.

>Sugary ketchup spaghetti sauce
You probably think Filipino women are attractive too

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Do you have a loicense for that machete?

Seriously though, can you even get your hands on one in brittanistan?

T shirt gun loaded with cement filled cans

Bro, that's garbage. The shovel idea is good, just that shovel is junk, the hollow handle made out of many pieces is weak and each screw connection is a weak point. Get a real military entrenching tool.

wrong filename. That's a gladius or a spatha



Yes but wasn’t this due to group tactics?

I’m assuming OP can’t put together a phalanx

A .22lr semi auto can be enough any 12ga as well is better than nothing. May you elaborate a bit here lad?

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Who cares bout legality anyway?

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Rocket jumping?


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A monkey fist. Stick a billboard ball in there.
You can make a few. Some short that you can hide or some with extra rope so you can throw it and pull it back.
It's how sailors used to kill each other at sea back in the day

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Fair ballache tbqh mate
Harder to get a cert as a townie no doubt, might be possible through shooting clubs though not 100%, doubt shotguns are hard still
Living rural it's a lot easier, pest plinking and hunting make it real easy to get a shotgun certificate, and not that harder to progress unless you're fucking mental
You are subject to checks and gotta keep em locked in a safe though along with other shit and restrictions though, but you can own any caliber of bolt action rifle, and .22 semi autos, no handguns though

Nothing better for collapsing a human skull

This. The spear is easy to clean and keeps you further from infected.

A sickle cell spray bottle.

>Not knowing how to make a homemade scatter gun and ammo.

Spear for outside fighting
Axe for close quarters
Don't forget the shield
I made a slingshot like pic related with 3 meters of paracord using youtube tutorials, took me 10 mins and around 6€. Shit's powerful, but you gotta practice.

>in cuck countries that have banned guns?
I thought you could still get black powder guns in most European countries, including the UK.


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