Why do many of them do this?
Why do progressive women who hate white men usually have White boyfriends?
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For one reason and one reason only all throughout history and for eternity.
Jealousy of the White race.
90% of twitter profiles are fake/troll/bots
They're not even taking real White dick because no healthy White man would ever race mix. Race treason is a vile act of demented subhuman animals
Almost no one actually "hates" white men. They're demonized because they vote Republican. And women and minority immigrants are valorized because they vote Democrat. Everything else is just chatter that seeks to reverse-engineer this conclusion on the basis of other premises.
non-white roasties brag about having white boyfriends while also calling for our genocide, and Asian incels will cry racism if white women deny them pussy. Mad world.
A status driven world driven by intersexual competition
AOC doesn't have a White man, she has some s@y guzzling faggot named something gay like Aiden that she only wishes would ravage her like a Chad conquistador
>look, I posted it again!
Because white men are the best looking and have the best values
OP you are mentally ill.
That ain’t me
This!! I was just asking myself what white guy would stick their dick in a woman who hates them? Lots of self loathing going on here.
I dunno either
>Why do many of them do this?
There is such a thing as the natural order and leftists try to deny any time they can. But some non-white women accept this hierarchy and take their place in it.
Of course there is also picture related.
Because deep down they know that Abdullah and Jamal won’t support them financially or treat them like people. It’s easy to hate white men because they allow them to talk and be free.
Because deep down they are racist themselves, and know a white man looks better and will treat them better than a black man who will impregnate them and gtfo, an insecure Asian, or an “open bob” Indian.
Unless they have tatos magnificos like AOC. Then, you just double bag the horse head, and go to work.
Sounds like a cope
Black men have small dicks
Have sex incel
they want to be put into their place
Not by liberal white men they won’t
That's mean! There are plenty of cute Nafri's Latinas, Latinos (female) and Asians that are cute.
You seriously underestimate the self-loathing of modern white men. 90% of race mixers I know are white males who are either betas who cope by dating non-whites or they truly hate themselves and their race.
It's all about taboo, because, no matter how you slice it, white men ARE the strongest drink in the bar. As for the twat who tweeted this she is projecting her inability to keep a man. But she can always get ANY nigger she want, they are picky at all.
If you can't get them out, you breed them out.
>90% of race mixers I know are white males
Wtf most racemixing is wfbm
It's a women thing. Like you stop for a McDonald's she is not hungry no matter how often you offer food. Then when you have got yours, she eats your food.
>most racemixing is wfbm
It is
>he actually believes that
You are so fucking pathetic to keep spamming this garbage over and over. You're going to die alone you incel loser.
Cope. If whites voted Democrat and non-whites voted Republican, whites and Democrats would be considered "evil".
AOC isn't hispanic, she's Jewish
Oh look, another spam thread by the retarded britbong. Sage.
We need to deport this phenotype. Jews too of course.
But they do fuck white men, all of them. Blm leaders, woke w*men of any sort. It's the only men they really chase after, tall white men.
It must be some sort of step up from a 'bad boy', instead of a black street thug going 'ye gurl, just capped his azz...' or some bollocks, you have a white wall street banker going 'So then i sold off everything to private companys, absolutly bankrupting the country...' I mean, is that a 'step up' i dunno.
Your strategy is too long term, meanwhile billions of shitskins proliferate and require give for further genetic success. It's no good, just but unironically start nuking the 3rd world now.
No, that's just the combo that grosses out all non-coomers. Wmaf is the largest group in the US.
Don’t think so bro
It definitely is.
>actually believing this.
because then all the babys that man has will be non white
its genocide through fake love
He doesn't give a fuck about the truth. He has a nigger fetish, so he denies anything that contradicts it. This is what the spamming autist does every single day. Mods do your job.
Largest racemixing in the u.s is done by white men with Hispanic women closely followed by white women with Hispanic men.
Only trash tier white women date niggers when going interracially.
That’s the marriage stats, everyone knows that when it comes to hookups White girls will fuck everything
By and large, they don’t fuck niggers as much as you think
You don't read very well, do you. This is spam. Don't argue with spammers.
landelrey posting get too boring for you? you should be killed regardless
Absolutely redpilled take. Everytime you want to racemix remember about picrelated
>Source is his pornhub playlist
How does Ilhan Omar enjoy dick when she doesn't even have a clitoris?
Same reason some white women date niggers. White men are niggers to colored women.
nah he is a kike
if the parents are well balanced the kids are going to be aswell
It actually is possible for people to identify “the different”. Be careful proclaiming it, yet accept that it’s the truth that matters.
Feminists keep company with men who are not the kind they complain about.
I don't think white people are being persecuted the way that you think inside your echo chamber that spoonfeeds you extremism.
People are just engaging in a dialogue with white men about racial and sexual issues and trying to have their voices be heard. Yes, there's a few outliers who genuinely want you dead, but they're usually hyperbolic, if not just another ignorant and uneducated person lashing out at their own powerlessness.
BBC is better than BWC