Riddle me this Yas Forums

Riddle me this Yas Forums.
If you love to recycle so much and acting green then why the fuck are you still using dead trees to clean up your anus?

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How do you dry your butthole after spraying?

This contraption is fucking nasty.

Well we all know what happens when you don't, India.

Shitting in porcelain and flushing with drinking water is peak civilization.
If you don't like it, move to Africa where you can clean your anus with sand.

Riddle me this pole
Why the fuck do you not clean your bathroom?

imagine being a europoor with a ring of shit in every toilet and a wet foggy feces infected asshole.

OP can you please tell me what is happening in upper right corner with those brackets?

Thing about trees
they grow back

Clean your toilet you fuckin pig.

I shit in the shower

i literally dont recycle. most states put it all in the same garbage truck anyway

they don't have those in 'Murica

How do you dry your asshole after showering/bathing?

Implying I don’t wipe my anus on only the freshest chinese bats and newly imported wuhan pangolins and then dump the results directly into town water supply

holy shit this.

i am not a savage with a dirty butthole
i have a bidet

so, do you just wipe your shit juice on a towel or do you have a magical soapy water bidet?

>He doesn't know about the sea shells

So you’re saying there’s a dedicated arse drying towel? Do all the family have one?

I go from the toilet straight to the shower to save time and money.
It's kinda disgusting to have shit water running down your leg but after that my ass is probably cleaner than most peoples mouths.

? The metal covers the deep hole.

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We have more trees now on Earth than ever before in recorded history

You gently dry your ass with a hand towel and then put it through the laundry.

aren't you worried about futa corona chan pozzing your neghole with her hot, thick seed?!

>1 post by this ID

There is, in fact, no toilet paper in my house .

>not going full demolition man and using 3 sea shells

Attached: Demolition-Man-3-Seashells.png (640x316, 97.5K)

How is that purified water with the required infrastructure and maintenance any better?

dude, just buy some wood and make a nice wooden shelf

>that ring
holy fuck clean your toilet once in a while you fucking barbarian.

So you wash your towel after every shit? How’s that good for the environment?

>If you love to recycle so much and acting green
I hate both of those things. If I could buy toilet paper made from virgin rainforests I would.

i let it air dry

Who said it's good for the environment? Fuck the environment, I'll use it up and not give a shit after I'm dead.

I use 3 sea shells

>If you love to recycle so much
lol what? I have literally never recycled anything in my entire life

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Better question for OP;
Why are you wasting drinking water to wash your ass?

why is there a deep hole to begin with?

This question needs an answer. Do you have dedicated ass towels in the bathroom and do they ever begin to stink? How often do you clean these ass towels? How do you keep them separate are they all different colors do you have people's initials embroidered on them?

What is this corona thing senpai? I was just in shanghai snorting ground up tiger penis to increase my sexual potency and the prostitutes I was with never mentioned anything like that. Hard to tell with all the coughing they were doing though

>this retard again
Gas yourself my man.

Basedboy not buying toiletpaper from chad rainforests

>If you love to recycle so much and acting green
I don't

What's in the deep hole?

I would also swear into the microphone until it dispensed enough tickets to clean my ass properly

So you get a new towel for each shit? What if you have diarrhea, sometimes I need to take a few shits a day.

I have many towels and do laundry often, towels are piss cheap btw

I'm not
I have a toto toilet with built-in washlet
checkmate poorfags

The most American of digits, for the most American mindset.

God bless The United States of America!

Fuck Canada, Mexico, China, and all those faggy European countries.

Also after I have showered my ass there is no shit juice left

I live alone

This too

How many hand towels do you have? If you're taking like 20 shits a day you have bigger problems than drying your ass.

Nah bro, you just use the hand towel by the sink. Totally sanitary.

>absolute state of pol
read the topic

God damn cheap lazy fuck Pollacks... one wood board and a few tiles is all you need to fix this. Truly the niggers of the white race.

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>think the polish give a shit about the environment
He just wanted an excuse to show off his mean machine to Yas Forums

Buy it online. Cheap is fuck. Just installs inline to the toilet water inlet hose.

> Since the beginning of human civilization, the number of trees has dropped by 46%, they estimate.

>i let it air dry

I don't have half an hour to just fucking sit there.

because trees are the most renewable resource on earth?

>using dead trees to clean up your anus
Bamboo and sugarcane is the ubermensch choice.

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clean your toilet room you retard there is fucking black mold everywhere

damn, I thought poles were all plumbers

>using God's tears to wash shit off your asshole

your ass dries in 5 minutes you retard
wait do you think that when using a bidet you spray your asscheeks and legs too?

So close

self-hating american detected

I thought Poles were supposed to be competent plumbers

is he ok?

>not getting powder-comped after every bidet use

What's wrong with my plumbing? Shit works, water pressure is ok, no leaks.

I'll stop. Come lick my asshole clean, you fucking nigger.

That sprayer is not for your anus; it's for shit marks left on the toilet bowl. Judging from my visits to Britain, I would have thought you Poles knew everything about toilets.