I'm proud to have this fucking madman as my president.
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It's all so tiresome.
Based dunking on the libtards instead of building the wall or withdrawing from the Middle East
I wish he did all this shitposting AND the other things he was elected to do.
If I had to choose though, I'd take the shitposting.
its as if he knows the outcome before it happens
what kind of wizardry is this?
He remains the eternal Shitposter in chief
Weak colonials. Giving up on the best chance you’ve had in generations. It’s clear to everyone the republican establishment fucked him over at the start (Paul Ryan) and then the dems fucked him with 3 years of bullshit impeachment hearings.
Watch the Madness when the Teflon Don doesn’t have the voters to worry about and he wins a landslide
Trump has defended Bernie Sanders more than Bernie Sanders has defended himself.
Let that sink in.
>I'm proud to have this fucking madman as my president.
fucking idiot watching his country goes to shit and laughing all his way to hell
Truth is, the game was rigged ever since he let those sheboons cuck him on stage the last election.
also fpbp
Pull up a chair fren, it's a comfy feel.
>It’s clear to everyone the republican establishment fucked him over at the start (Paul Ryan) and then the dems fucked him with 3 years of bullshit impeachment hearings.
And then he obediently submitted to the fucking and has been doing the exact same shit as every mutt president has forever. Just imagine if he had half the balls of Jackson (dismantling the banks) or John Kennedy (dismantling the CIA glownigs)
Like the Steven Spielberg face wasn't already a giveaway
How is the country gone to shit under Trump? Honest question. I live in a major city that was already shit and getting worse but only because we have dems letting niggers get away with murdering white men.
Imagine if everyone was talking like him?
politic would look like a douchbag meetup in a schoolyard. Who really care right?
Kushner right the law and make the deals anyway.
Still amazing even when it's every time
Tiedrich is like a superkike
...pulling out of Afghanistan by November is probably the biggest part of withdrawing from the Middle East.
He's doing pretty good for an older fellow.
Hands down has accomplished more of his campaign promises than Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc promised! Look up his EOs on lobbying.
>How is the country gone to shit under Trump?
I don't know retard just look around you? You're a fucking third world country in every aspect but in name. A bunch of ultra riches plutocrats owning cattle that defend their very right to enslave them.
Brainwashed to the point where everything is upside down.
> eugene goy
>implying it won't fizzle out just like the last time he announced it
How does Eugene gu still post on Twitter? It should be common knowledge he's a schizo wife beating white cock obsessed faggot.
They're just mad bernie bros. Watch as he'll probably go on about shit in the US that was bad before Trump even got in.
Bernie bros must rage right now not knowing what to think.
>fuck drumpf
>fuck biden
>fuck warren
>Bernie could've won
t. kike
Trump is trying to fix things in a way that lasts. It's shaping up. I'll give him more time.
Though I'm expecting a controlled crash, not an overnight miracle. We'll be humbled for maybe a decade and then we'll lift off again until space boomers are born and collapse the solar economy with their colony lending bubble.
But that applies to illegal immigrants of any race. I'm sure there are a handful of white Europeans here illegally in sanctuary cities, and they should be kicked out too. If the other 99.9% are meximutts, that's just a coincidence.
the salt here alone shows that it is working
Lmao have you looked at your own country, do you even know who your local MP is or are you to obsessed with American “news” to pay attention?
Imagine being a leaf and claiming other countries are going to shit, at least I can't go to jail for calling someone a fag.
>Eunuch Canuck telling me my country is now worse than 4 years ago
My window is open and my television is off. It's the opposite.
come the fuck on. You didnt have to look that up at all. He has that Moloch worshiping baby blood drinking face.
Fuck off Eugene
Who’s the fucking simp commenting on all his funny tweets?
Also that's a cool picture, you're probably alright irl based but sadly Canadian user.
>t. Chang living in a $2000 flat with three pakis in Turdonto
Ah, how the game is played...
How did the dems fuck him for three years when theyve only been in one?
Trump was itching for the final showdown between capitalism & socialism.
Elizabeth "Imahoe" Warren*
>A single Chang and three Pakis paying $500/ea.
user be realistic. It's at least two Changs and four Pakis.
I was thinking that too and it would be pretty based.
imagine coping that hard
>muh canada is worst lol
How is it better retard? Please enlighten me? I ask on the board since 3 days if any Trump supporter can find me even 1 proposition or deal not made by Kushner but none of you could come with anything.
Can you find me 1 proposition, deal, or executive order nor written by Kushner the unelected jewish extremist?
Who's your president mutt?
The clown in chief tweeting college level banter or the shabbad lubavitcher making the deal and righting the paper?
Did you guys read the last Kushner proposition for immigration?
I bet you taught Trump wouldn sign DACA right?
I'm quebecois not Canadian. They stole our country.
That's funny you guys have 10 times more chinese and 50 times more pajeet than canada.
Hey Marty, toss me a couple games from the sports almanac while you're at it.
How is he better at politics than lifetime politicians?
digits and eugene dies from coronachan
This Eugene MD guy is everywhere on twitter. Who the fuck is he?
I look around and am not seeing it. My local Democrat politicians are responsible for the shit in my city and it's been going downhill for over 30 years here. Turn off the tv bro.
You know the more interesting part of that picture?
Who gave the award to Trump.
Dr. Samuel I. Cohen.
An extremist zionist. If you search the life of the now deceased man you can learn something about Trump allegiance to zionism.
Some kind of Jewish simp
Based and redpiled
>repeat what tv say
>turn off the tv bro
they use the false left and right paradigm to manipulate the goyim into submission you fail to acknowledge this you're a useful idiot.
This. His twits and followers are so tiresome.
Oh no, muh more Asians and Europeans and college educated Indians, muh glorious ethnostate. I'm talking about how nice and tranquil my city is starting to become again since before the millennium. Things are picking up again. Local people aren't afraid to express disdain for unwanted foreigners and rowdy ghetto nogs again. Sorry not everyone is going full Hitler-youth Deus Vult, but it's a nice and reasonable change.
Bro I think the Zion Don angle might be a psyop playing on the fear that Trump had to mingle with certain crowds to infiltrate and do what he does. He's always been known for being an honorable man in private, an obnoxious Bruce Wayne in public. Yeah yeah you'll cringe at the comparison, but we have no idea what goes on with PlvsUltra. Trump knows all about Zionism and has drawn attention to it in numerous ways.
He's literally a wildcard that has to act almost random to conceal his intent at all times.
a wife beater
Hahaha fucking Eugene
Best chance to do what exactly bong? Kick out Western Europeans and take in Africans?
>let that sink in
Ik we need to unpack this
American politics in the year of our lord 2020.
In the time Trump shits out a single tweet; jackson had already successfully dueled three faggots and Kenned had fucked 12 White House interns through force of Charisma.
Just stop coping and hoping and startremembering your founding fathers didnt give you these guns so you can use them as toys and fudd them up.
I did laugh when I read "Pocahontas".
Wtf you talkin about nigger? I don’t get on that gay ass tranny website.
This Fkn gook doc is in erry tweet
>I'm talking about how nice and tranquil my city is starting to become again since before the millennium.
That's a state of mind before anything be honest.
>Things are picking up again. Local people aren't afraid to express disdain for unwanted foreigners and rowdy ghetto nogs again.
Now that's confirmation bias but you know that.
>Bro I think the Zion Don angle might be a psyop playing on the fear that Trump had to mingle with certain crowds to infiltrate and do what he does.
I mean, the 10+ zionist award he receveid in the last 20 years only tend to prove otherwise but OK.
Let's give him the benefice of the doubt.
Why would he give all that power to Kushner an avowed jewish extremist then?
this word doesn't belong on here
Bernie didn't want to win, he wanted to enrich himself. I'm one of the most dumb politicians and even I know this shit. What's youare excuse?
The TV doesn't blame the left you idiot. Even Faux News treats my grandparents like borderline nazis.
One can be aware that (((they))) have infiltrated both sides, while also being aware that leftism is still worse because it's geared toward decay.
If we were really dealing with puritanical fascism from the right it would be comparable. But it's not.
Neocons who say they are right-wing but import endless cheap labor = not right-wing
I get it. You get it. Great.
But I've yet to see these brown horses you say Trump is responsible for. The only brown people I see were already here when I moved... Most of which are Koreans, which Trump says he'll invite more of. Sounds good to me.