Sweden thread

can we have a serious discussion about sweden's situation

(no trolls allowed)

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Oh hey! Im förm Swäden! Who can i help ?

It's always Brazil.

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Swede here. Just moved to the United States this morning. Sweden is fucked!!!!!! Also coronavirus in my asshole


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how is sweden doing,also i love you

Hur gjorde du det? Gifte du dig med en amerikan eller blev du anställd av ett företag?

He still believes he'll get a blonde swede wife one day

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Sweden is natsoc in reverse. Extremely submissive people and its been like that since before tacticus' descriptions

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Not good desu

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Why are swedes so cucked? Low testosterone?

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>can we have a serious discussion about a joke of a country

Said the country used as how shitty a place can get. You're even muttier than america.


sweden is still better than your country

The Brazilian is back at it again I see

At least we have a country kek

Bombings , shootings rape of minors everyday. Yesterday pregnant woman got hurt in a shooting 500 meter from where I live. Today woman murdered in gothenburg what do you wanna know we are Brazil tier


Forgot the bomb yesterday aswell

>We wuz swedes n shiet

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lilla gubben han e troll

why would you move to an even bigger shithole? USA is doomed and majority non-white

oh,that sucks,but you are not from sweden,still hope your country gets better

Tydligen min operatör som spökar

no he is Swede, seen him before. probably phoneposting

Serious question for serious thread: Why is Sweden so tolerant? Is Sweden even white?

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Even your internet doesn't want to be in sweden


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>why would you move to an even bigger shithole? USA is doomed and majority non-white

pedophile child rapists go to prison in america unlike scandanavia

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the situation here is overexadurated on most right wing places, and under in most left wing. no one like's the current riksdag/government yet are too lazy to do anything. most immigrants have integrated pretty well to be frank, the niggers are the only problem.

Denmark palmed off all their Jews onto Sweden in WW2.

lmao. Sweden is fake tolerant, that thing is called virtue signalling and they take it to the extreme. shitskins hate Sweden because deep down they know they're trash and bottom of the social ladder

>most immigrants have integrated pretty well to be frank
except the Muslim ones, Muslims do not integrate. two faced pieces of shit I swear

>niggers are the only problem
What the about the constant insurance frauds by the muslims?

first off danecuck, stop acting like you're better than us, the only thing you've contributed to western civilization is consumerist plastic bricks that redditors drool over. second, yeah, sandniggers and niggers never truly feel accepted here. but i think that happens in every nordic country

most shitskins i see aren't muslim anymore and eat fucking bacon burgers.
har inte hört något kring det

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do the swedes like the pissing in the mouth refugee ritual?

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What the dane said. Like 90% of people try to avoid shitskins as much as possible.

Not great, we have 94 cases of corona here, what about you?

>implying Sweden has contributed more than Denmark

still pissed about losing to us like 500 years ago?

so the problem isnt the muslims,thats a surprise

only weak faggots get humiliated like that. it's good, makes them stronger and more racist

maybe 5 cases idk,but i hope you stay fine

>stop acting like you're better than us

>sandniggers and niggers never truly feel accepted here
good, I hope they fuck off or kill themselves. but best solution will always be Zyklon B

islam is greatly overexadurated here too, there aren't that many mosques and i rarely see people in hijabs or whatever those autistic things are called. honestly, if you don't live in one of the ghetto shitskin areas, nothing has changed much in the last 20 years.
don't go to stockholm's center, just don't.

Typ alla bilar och pizzerior som brinner up välfärdsmjölkandet exempelvis

says the danefag that constantly shittalks sweden in sweden threads

>most shitskins i see aren't muslim anymore
where do you live, in some villa neighborhood? I grew up in a shitskin ghetto and I know very well what pisslamic subhumans do and do not do. stop defending Muslims you fucking cuck

burger here. def something I noticed. no one even spares a glance for the gypsies

2nd Amendment bitch.

>there aren't that many mosques
You have 2x more mosques than Norway and Denmark put together. I'd burn them all if I were you.

denmark & sweden.

both very weak timid people fulled with "male feminists" and "strong wahman",

välfärd är inte ju "insurance". jag fattar vad du pratar om, skiten som hände i rinkeby i typ 2016. jag tror inte att något likt det hände igen dock.

Hva skjedde i Rinkeby i 2016?

i'm not, i fucking hate muzzies, i'm trying to say that sweden isn't lost like 90 percent of you danefags and norcucks like to say.

It's difficult to say what's really wrong with Swedish culture. But really, there’s almost nothing special or unique in Sweden, like, we barely even have a culture. Everyone just behaves in the same way, same food, same pastimes, same tastes. While every immigrant I’ve met is unique and special. Like, they all have this complex culture; mystical, spiritual religion; 5000 years of culture and history. Swedes are the most normal and unsurprising people you’ll ever meet.

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>islam is greatly overexadurated here too
together with France and Austria, you have some of Western Europes largest relative Muslim population, which is 9%. someday Muslims will start getting influence through voting and you will deeply regret that

fuck off Mona

yeah, true

Scandinavians are fucking weird dude. So "progressive" and "open minded". Fucking WEIRD!

bbc breeding stock

i think swedes are relly nice and lovely,and that pic is from norway

I would say there's no situation at all. We endured 127 bombings last year nobody raised an eyebrow and the bomb makers got apprehended in december.

Now the coronavirus is starting to hit hard but i guess we will survive that also.

fredagsmys i norr.

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i think it might have been 2017, not 16, but they started burning down cars and caused millions of dollars in damage atleast. i think a cop or two died.

swedes are strong

So all the rapes and grenade throwing is non-muslim shitskins?

no it is not, only /pol spergs say that. but you have too many already, and we also have too many. I hate seeing them walking on the streets

Hmmm corona has started to hit the US just a few days ago.

pissed? I'm furious, I'm learning swedish so I can take away a woman of yours and make her bear polish children

almost all shitskins in Sweden are Muslims, I don't know what he is talking about

people like you genuinely make me fucking seethe. every european nation has a culture, that's what makes europe special compared to other continents. we all have our own language, culture, traditions, etc. most immigrants you see are pretty similar, even though a decent portion aren't muslim anymore, they all dress in their armani and hugo boss shit and act like degenerates.

Oh yeah, I remember seeing that on the news. Cars burning, just like Osloistan.


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Same thing, Norway used to be west Sweden not long ago.

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they were born "Muslim" yet go against a ton of shit the religion stands for and do weird shit like not eating pork, yet they commit crimes.

don't bullshit, you're learning Swedish to clean Swedish women's toilets. back to work Krzysztof, your break is over

Go clean toilets, enough Yas Forums for you today.

I don't know, i think its the opposite, its not like Denmark, Poland and Russia wasn't beat in one blow when all 3 attacked at once :D

Black American culture is so rich and colorful, I wish we had more like it in Sweden. Really, there’s almost nothing special or unique in Sweden, like, we barely even have a culture. Everyone just behaves in the same way, same food, same pastimes, same tastes. While every immigrant I’ve met is unique and special. Like, they all have this complex culture; mystical, spiritual religion; 5000 years of culture and history. Swedes are the most normal and unsurprising people you’ll ever meet.


I'm surprised anyone still wants to help you guys.
Every single time I see anything posted that's troll tier a swede defends it within 5mins.

genuinely don't come to sweden, we have enough immigrants, heck i'd say every type of immigrant, except finnish and germanic commit crimes here, slavs do too ,lesser rate than "Muslim" immigrants, but still do a fuck ton

A tranny once told me.. "Hunny there exists a fine line between being a Tranny and a Circus clown.. And that bitch's foundation is Clown worthy."

It's still so true.

great autistic minds think alike

Tbqh I dont think damage control is the right way to go but as a part immigrant myself I leave that up to the swedes.

Import shitskins, get a shitskin country.
It’s that simple.

(((UN flag)))

hey retard, how about you stop focusing on us and realise the fact that you're country literally won't be white in generation?

You're just angry you don't have a toilet cleaner, only muslim rapists.