How do I stop smoking?

How do I stop smoking?

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bump for relevancy.

just stop


dont quit, just replace


By not putting a cigarette in your mouth, faggot.

you die

Get corona virus and die. Guaranteed you'll quit smoking.

damn, i would smoke a cig rn.

don't do it now, it makes you immune to corona user

Set up a date where you will quit. Everyday say to yourself, “im a faggot if I don’t quit on...” when the day comes just don’t be a faggot. Thats how I quit.

I read in "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean hill that to achieve goals one must arouse a burning desire.

Also, in a quit smoking book, I read that one must take the viewpoint that nicotine is a poison.

Good luck quitting, I used to smoke a pack a day of ciggies and now I vape.

spbp, retards..

Make it 2 weeks and they will start to taste like shit. After that you will enjoy them less and less, and eventually quit. It only works if you abstain for a minimum of 2 weeks though. You can do it!

switch to vaping

>building up the faggot pressure
actually that's kind of a good strategy

Chew nicotine gum until smoke cravings stop. Then gradually replace it with regular gum.
You could also not stop and instead replace your regular cigarettes with ones you make at home. Getting the filtered sleeves and PIPE tobacco will cost 75% less than buying cigarettes.

Literally don't smoke
The first few days are horrible, then it becomes bearable, then you become proud of yourself
Stop quitting and quit

>Try slowly cutting back. If you smoke a pack a day, cut down to 15 cigs, then 12, 10, etc.
>Try nicotine patches/gum
>See a doctor and ask to try Chantix
>See an addiction specialist if all else fails

Just don't

/thread and vapepilled

Step 1: if you think you want to smoke a cig, don't.
Step 2: repeat step 1.

count how many cigs or hits of vape you take a week. go down by 10-20 hits or a cig once a week. continue until sober

You will stop smoking after Coronachan kills you. Probably 100% of smokers who get infected die.

Do jumping jacks


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legit, sign up for a marathon (or half marathon if you're a pussy faggot). if you actually plan on finishing it you will quit as a result of pursuing the healthier goal. change your perspective and it literally isnt even hard

Smoke DMT


Just switch to a pipe, it's actually good for you.

Stop smoking.

Vape and then quit vaping.

I did the research, thats the most effective way for smoking cessation, its how most people quit.

What if hypothetical a person has masturbated to trap porn a couple of times and is thus a faggot, how would shaming work then
Asking for a friend

Let niggers fuck you in the ass with no condom until you die of AIDS.

-Get pregnant or get your girlfriend pregnant.
You're a piece of shit if you smoke around a baby.

-Vape weed instead.

-Smoke passionflower to ween off.

-replace smoke with exercise.

- dont hang around faggots who smoke

- dont do shit that makes you want to smoke.

If it's that serious and you cant quit just buy expensive cigars instead of shitty cigs.
My dad always says " If tobacco's gonna kill me, I might as well smoke the high quality shit."

It's like a 20euros per pack down there, how can you even afford it?

Hypnosis. I thought it was fake and gay but I personally know 6 people who have done it and only 1 started up again. Or you could just earn more money and not quit faggot

>Stop buying cigs
>Don't hang out with people/places for smoking
The second part is the hard part if your friends smoke and you smoke with them.

or a nice dose of LSD or Mushrooms.
There's studies on psychedelics as treatment for addiction.
Last time I did acid, I didnt feel the need to smoke for 2 weeks.

Become gay

911 fake and gay. Smokers are 100% protected!

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Former 2 pack a day smoker here. I quit by vaping. However it must be a conscious decision to switch to vaping and to replace cigarettes completely.

1. Buy a entry level mod kit with good reviews
2. Buy PG/VG Juice 70/30 or 50/50
3. Buy nicotine and learn how to mix it and do the math to get your desired nicotine content in milligram. I started with 3mg and immediately went down to 1.5mg which is basically nothing
4. Buy your juice and it's gonna take a while until you find what you like so buy lots of different ones until you find your daily


1. You don't have to drop smoking (the actual act of smoking)
2. No nicotine withdrawal - you can slowly reduce it
3. You save a shit town of money - hundreds of dollars per month depending on your cig prices etc
4. Teeth improve
5. No more smell
6. Variety in tastes
7. You can smoke 24/7 and it's still healthier than cigarettes


Room can become sticky. Good ventilation is needed but depends on layout and airflow etc. Electronics can get damaged like your PC if the airflow is bad. Vaping in a car can leave residue and shit.
Juice is harder to obtain so running out in the middle of the night can mean you won't have access to juice immediately like with cigarettes which you can buy everywhere 24/7 so planning is needed.

There's probably a lot more but that's basically the idea.

I quit vaping too for 2 months now and it was super easy. Went from chain smoking Marlboro reds to a non smoker in 14 months or so. You can do it too.

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DMT helped me quit drinking after drinking pretty much erryday for 20 yrs. it’s also not addictive i am ackchiually TERRIFIED of the stuff after seen some kind of ayy lmao stuff at low doses. Never did it again

On LSD a cig is so smooth and refreshing tho

The digits don't lie FAGGOT

start vaping.

Throw them into the garbage. Don't wait until you finish the pack. Ball them up, trash them, and never buy them again. I've tried medicine, hypnosis, vaping, you name it. The only thing that has ever worked for me is the act of throwing them away.

Stupid idea

Don't call it stupid just because it didn't work for you. It's one of the most effective methods there are. It helped millions.

>Stupid idea

Vaping is great, it worked for me. why shouldnt someone vape instead of smoke?

My 64 year old das smokes 1-2 packs a day, how do I make him stop?
He's been smoking since 20s

Self discipline. If you can’t stop immediately please consider what is
Best for all of us and kysq

I quit smoking in January last year.
What I did:
- Got 5 packs of cigs.
- Got Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking book.
Sat through the entire book while chain-smoking. After a hundred pages you feel so poisoned and the book keeps redpilling you on how bad it is till the end. Just do it one go. Smoke & read in 1 day. You'll feel like a shit for 2-3 days afterwards but now even fumes irritate me. It was a very positive decision and I'm so happy I did it.

Btw, nicotine and heroine have highest relapses rates sitting at 90something %. So just don't get distracted, focus and do it.

Gift him a vape kit and let him try it out. follow this strategy. The experiment only costs you around 100 dollar depending in the mod kit you buy. Mod and Tank + coils cost around 50-60 and juice and nicotine another 20-30 depending on how much. Prices may vary in Russia so idk. Do your research on it. Gift it to him - let him try it and if he likes it maybe he stops. If he doesn't there's nothing you can do really. Someone that smoked this long accepted is faith a long time ago.

40-70% of the population is going to get CHINC virus. So if you want to live, stop smoking now and don't rub your eyes at all. If it gets in your eyes you will probably die because thats the pathway it takes to you central nervous system. IF you are a smoker, you will probably die as well from lung infection.

Like others are saying just get a vape and a high nicotine salt liquid.
I used a Smok Nord with 0.8 ohm coils. Small, simple and doesn’t draw too much attention. If you want something that hits more like a cig use the 1.4 ohm coils.
Taste is subjective but I prefer, Tobacco Monster Smooth. Doesn’t smell bad or have a fucked up aftertaste. Comes in 20-40mg nicotine salts. 40mg will make your head swim after a few pulls, good for killing cravings on the spot. 20mg will let you puff a little longer, closer to the length of a cig, keeps the ritual intact.
Don’t fuck around with a bunch of crazy flavors. Tends to be confusing and disappointing. Just find something that doesn’t piss you off and roll with it.
Good luck.

Firstly, you have to actually want to stop. If you don’t have this in your heart then you’ll never quit. After that everybody has their own way. I weened myself off on a weekly basis, 10 a day for one week, 9 the next and so on. Smoking only 1 a day is really tough so I just quit the week after 2. I also only smoked American spirits and I’d smoke it in thirds so it was more like 6 mini cigs a day. Otherwise staying busy is always a help.

It would work even better because your "friend" is secretly ashamed and hence extra sensitive to being a faggot.

Stop smoking and start sucking candys mint candys with honey was the ones i used.
Prepare to suck candys for 2 years, my fren.
And forget the nicotine bubble gums or the normal bubble gums they only make you have gasses.


you dont

I can't recommend that much nicotine. Nicotine salt is terrible. You end up more addicted to nicotine than before. No idea why Americans fell for the JUUL jew it's a absolutely retarded.

You just don't

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snus my friend

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Same way you quit sucking off fags. Take the sin stick out of your mouth.

I you don't quit do you have to let some fag pound your in the shitter?

You need a social life. They put rats in a cage and they drank nicotine water until they died, but a family of rats were put in a cage with a nicotine and regular water supply, and the rats didn't drink the nicotine water.

You are trying to fill a void op. Get some friends.