40% of College Women get this wrong

>Females have somewhat better verbal ability than males, and males have somewhat better math and visuospatial ability. Please look at the test picture. Although you’d think anyone capable of human speech would get it right, Dr. Murray tells us that fully 40 percent of college women get it wrong.

Taken from a review of Charles Murray's new book about human biodiversity:

That's pretty bad.

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Epic drawing skills.

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well Yas Forums, how do you solve it?

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It's this, right? The water would settle evenly. What do women think it does?

Depends on how much fucking force you use to tilt the bottle and at what timing you are supposed to draw the line. Obviously his is right once it settles.

I think settling is implied in the instructions. Are women trying to draw motion?

hard to do a precise drawing

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Well here's what I think; if you push this to extreme - you tilt the bottle almost horizontally, the water level would obviously be lower. So I think it would be a bit lower in the B picture

Howd I do?

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Intelligence can be divided into many categories.What IQ test you might be familiar with (when you see statistics by populations) measures, is general intelligence, which gives you just person's general IQ, without telling you how high or low a person scored in specific category.A person who has high verbal IQ will be a great candidate for a lawyer (this career requires high communication/language manipulation skills to be successful-these types of people generally think in words) while another person (with high visuo-spatial IQ-these people generally think in images- they visualize things in their mind) will be great at mathematics, physics, engineering etc.That's why there are stereotypes of women being worse drivers than men (visuo-spatial capabilities are being used while driving/moving in a 3D space more than anything else) and why men are generally better engineers/architects (again visuo-spatial skills are used a lot when you are designing a skyscraper or creating a highly complex device with many parts that you must visualize and manipulate in 3D in your mind), men on average have higher visuo-spatial IQ than women.Women generally have a little higher verbal IQ than men, that's why there is a stereotype that women are more talkative than men and many of them constantly gossip. People who have high emotional IQ will be great at "reading" people based on little cues like body language, facial expressions, voice intonation etc. and people like that are frequently sought for in intelligence agencies and as a hostage negotiator. Different types of IQ play huge role in politics, because people with higher verbal IQ and/or lower visuo-spatial IQ tend to be more social and lean towards left on the political spectrum and that's why they dominate media, while people with higher visuo-spatial IQ and/or lower verbal IQ tend to be more individualistic and lean towards right on the political spectrum, hence memes created by right-wing are more successful.

Left-leaning people are group-think / hive-mind kind of people (what here was called in a meme form as NPC), the ones who are very susceptible to peer-pressure and follow social trends, while right-leaning people are more individualistic, they first filter information coming from the outside world and choose what to believe or not, while left-leaning people are absorbing every kind of information confirming their existing world-view as a fact, without filtering it / checking it first. This topic is way too serious and detailed to reduce it to a conversation on a Yas Forums, where posts' characters amount is strictly limited. However to make the long story short - remember when you were in school? There were generally 2 kinds of students: ones who were good at math, physics, engineering etc. and the ones who were good at poetry, essay writing, social-kind of studies etc. The ones from the first group are more right-leaning due to their higher visuo-spatial IQ and lower verbal IQ, while the second group tends to lean towards the left, because of their higher verbal IQ and lower visuo-spatial IQ. For the same reason great lawyers have high verbal IQ and high and wide forehead (that's where the part of the brain responsible for verbal and social communication is), while great physicists and mathematicians have a big head at the back of the skull (that's where part of brain responsible for visuo-spatial abilities is).

>What do women think it does?
pic related is what women think

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What’s this, a gremlin?

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Calculate area of rectangle, turn into a triangle of the same area with meniscus/surface in respect to the level one.

You pass and automatically graduate with a P.H.d in astrophysics
Congrats doctor user

but that's what happens? how is it wrong?

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this can't be




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youre joking, right user?

So the majority get it right?
Sage slide threads

>Dr. Murray tells us that fully 40 percent of college women get it wrong.
meaningless unless you tell me how many men got it wrong.

Of course the euro is overthinking it

Water is a liquid and fills its container parallel with the pull of gravity.

Damn and blast!!!!

but the amount of water doesn't change

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Oh no

It’s retarded

>40% of people on earth die
>what? Not even the majority? Tell me when something actually happens


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College women need to be hydrated, so pic related is correct.

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Duh idk the shape is a bit rectangular it should be a square unless they put values in

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>estimating the course of water in motion is "overthinking"
Well, the memes write themselves

I hope this is just you having a laugh


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Yeah I;d guess this is the common mistake that people make. Forgetting that water is a fluid and is under the influence of gravity.

but steel is heavier than feathers!

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Buy the book to find out!

charles murrary is coming back to middlebury college, lol. can't wait for the salt.


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Actually if you weighed let's say 100 tons of steel and 100 tons of feathers, the scale would show that the feathers weigh less. Even though they have the same mass

please, really?
grow up

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Water always tries to be closest to the gravitational center as possible. In the womens drawing it could be closer, thus the drawing is wrong. This only applies partially if other forces than gravity effect the water.
>inb4 someone calls me a brainlet
Try explaining it to that user with the 30IQ

>Knowing how many men get it wrong changes how many women get it wrong.

s*i boy woke retard detected

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Damn at first I though I was a brainlet because I couldn't decide where exactly to draw the line. Then I realized that women were not drawing a horizontal line lmao

Really you have to do some trigonometry to figure out the area of that triangle and how it compares to the rectangle

Double-digit IQ

You're all wrong
>the water has been "tilted"

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it just tells you that this 1-question test can say if a woman is above or below the 60th percentile of women. Badly.

What is the percentile for men?

>while right-leaning people are more individualistic, they first filter information coming from the outside world and choose what to believe or not, while left-leaning people are absorbing every kind of information confirming their existing world-view as a fact, without filtering it / checking it first.

Citation needed faggot.

Without measurements it basically impossible to do it accurately, but the line should be slightly lower than it is on the left, since both bottles have the same lowest point

It says the first bottle has water in it.

It does not say the 2nd bottle is the same as the first one or that there is any water in it. So there is no water in the 2nd to draw the line of.

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Not if we assume a perfect scale, a vacuum and your 1000kg measurements being exact on both. Which is done a lot in theory. In real life you are probably correct but we cant say, as gravitational forces arent specified, so we could be in outer space. In which case "measureing" weight would be a meaningless task.

only if your scale has been engineered by niggers

tits or gtfo

Buoyancy. Have you heard of it?
I was assuming we are on earth, and earth has air.

imagine using your whole brain to come up with a solution this stupid

i think i got it right

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So...the pollock jokes are based in fact.

Who knew?

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>but that's what happens? how is it wrong?

Either bait or found the npc woman

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Globe fags BTFO

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This trick keeps jews out of the water

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Think about the question a little longer. It is already established that both weight the same amount, a 100 tons. They have clearly been weighed in order to get this information. Weighing them again will not change the original measurement, so yes, they will weigh the fucking same.


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Good work. Technically the dick should be pointed INTO the bottle, unless you think the bottle has an internal dick.

Your science is sound...for 20 years ago. Also keep in mind that the assessments and curriculum have been designed specifically for educating women, and getting more women into college...and it hasn't worked. Also important is the distribution of intelligence, so even if you have the same mean, men will have more variation.

Oh, and calling it left brain and right brain went out of fashion decades ago. different and more categories..

lol, fill your glass with water and tilt it, see for yourself.

Nice assumption, source for it? Cant see it specified in the question.

I'm sorry, user, you have literal woman IQ.


Eh is it in normal earth gravity?

>and it hasn't worked.
More women go to college these days than men.



Looks good. Thanks.

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dumb fagot that cant derive from first principles detected

This thread is funnier than any tv or movie

right? men good women dumb!1

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the sad state of slovenian education

I would think college women would be good at a problem involving drinking bottles.

>meaningless unless you tell me how many men got it wrong.

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He's right though.

This is the answer. The only other answer is "durr there's no water in the second bottle."

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>Buoyancy. Have you heard of it?

>pic related:

Tru answer here

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I won't spoon-feed you. It's your job to research the subject. Start with confirmation bias and peer-pressure. Additionally, your casual use of ad-hominem verbiage and entitled attitude tells me you are not worth my time.

Moreover, r/K-selection plays a big role in human populations and different IQ types are partially responsible for that, as I explained here:
Political implications are staggering. Left-leaning people are more r-like, while right-leaning people are more K-like. When you research r/K-selection and compare societal rules of Bonobos (matriarchy / socialism) to Chimpanzees (patriarchy / individualism), then you will understand socio-political differences in human populations and be able to distinguish who is who.

r-selected populations are leaning towards Matriarchy/socialism, while K-selected are leaning towards Patriarchy/Individualism.

r/K selection:


women are retarded but even my dog wouldnt draw this. are you serious?


Listen. Easy

If you turn a rectangle into a triangle The triangle will look "bigger" than the rectangle

Little bit more than level of first bottle

Verbal iq is brainlet and simp cope desu.
Just because women talk a lot does not mean that they're good at it. The ones on the left side of the bell curve just copypaste behavior from whatever lovedrama they consume. Right of bell curve emulate superficial qualities of whatever they think makes a good x (leader, politician etc). Add pointless bickering/bitching, weakness to perceived(!) social/peer pressure, inability to reflect and analyse behavior and circumstance in abstract ways.
Tldr if you think the complete inability to have agency and solve problems in social settings makes you good at social settings, your definition is really bad. +holding grudges over minor disagreements which sabotages future cooperation etc etc

you did not understand what I wrote.

Autism is sad.

Explain how the water GAINS VOLUME in your "solution"

Is this...

>american education i fucking swear...
not to mention all the other brainlets here

turn the paper so the bottle is upright (or your head)
draw a vertical dotted line halving the bottle and another horizontal where your best estimate or measurement is of the bottle on the left
rotate back and draw a horizontal line trough the cross





"the" bottle has been tilted

its the same bottle

fuck off im basically right. I think you need to use trig though to get the correct height above the corner XD

They have the same MASS. I never said they were weighed to get the number. It's a hypothetical case. You can determine an objects mass through density, or if you have enough time you can count the atoms
We score above USA in PISA, mutt. Air is a fluid.


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College women are only good at sucking Chad's dick, nothing more, nothing less.

Also allow me to explain why women struggle with this

Women have a harder time conceptualizing 3d in their minds. Think of a box. Put yellow dots on the box. Make it spin in your mind

That's hard for women. They don't think, they more so "feel"

Thank you user

>It does not say the 2nd bottle is the same as the first one or that there is any water in it.
>in figure A a bottle has water in it
>in figure be THE bottle has been tilted
No actions have been performed upon the bottle other than tilting. Therefore we can only assume the volume of water is the same, and that you are a retard.

It doesn't gain volume, it just shifts this triangle worth of volume.

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Asked girlfriend and she got it wrong

it doesn't? area stays the same


tilt it 45 degrees in the first one, add the same above as you take below
apology for sloppy paint

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Based geometry utilizing chad.

fucking finally

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>What do women think?
could it just be the amount, IE making sure the water level is correct for the volume of water? How specific of an answer are they looking for? Like, since the tilted bottle has a narrower bottom due to the corner, the water level will be higher. Are women getting dinged because they didn't realize this and drew the water at the same level as the un-tilted bottle? I have a hard time believing that 40% of women would just flat-out not understand that the water stays level though like pic

outlier women can actually be competent at even some IQ-moated stuff. They might not be in the top 10% of the true masters in that field, but they can still dwarf normies.

NPC/Normies also have a percentage of complete idiots both m&f, and the f group is a relatively larger percentage.

Most of that is biological, but models like the 'google-effect' also play a huge role, especially in simple non-IQ-moated problems such as the (OP). Just as even intellectuals don't bother learning trivial trivia that can simply be joogled (or in other words easy to retrieve, not efficient to be memorized, not rewarding to be memorized) normies and especially women are disincentivized socially from critical thinking. This factor should be considered, particularly in simple tasks that don't require IQ or developed skill.

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American genius here


See , it’s more intuitive than his solution.

What was her answer?

Those triangles clearly don't have the same area though.

Women really are this stupid.

>100 tons of steel and 100 tons of feathers

literally where the fuck does anything else come into play.

Hey, howabout this. A short fat guy weighs 200 pounds. A tall fit guy weighs 200 pounds. A block of concrete weighs 200 pounds.

Do they weigh the same, or different amounts?


best answer.

They clearly DO.

It's not more intuitive, it just hides all the prep work to get accurate measurements. I just showed it so people could understand.


Kore ga...

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