
Can someone explain to me why you would want to look like this after your father gets willingly put into a coma after severe drug abuse?

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Lurk more
Its a women, any chance for acceptance and vanity they will divulge

Mikhaila is an adulterous attention seeker. That’s why.

the law of first comment: it is always the best

she's obviously an exhibitionist, she should just accept that and do porn already

How’s Jordan doing these days?
Is he home and on the mend?

Clean your benis and pop your pills, goy.

I just don't get how you can be such a fuck up. I grew up in an affluent household too and I do a lot of drugs but I've got nothing on these fiends

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She's not attractive enough to get away with this level of narcissism


They're Jews.

>Mikhaila is an adulterous
Did she cheat on her husband?

she's got herpes man

>How’s Jordan doing these days?
>Is he home and on the mend?
Yeah, I was wondering about this also. Is he still in Russia getting medical care?

Gotta get those likes somehow

she left him.

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>she left him.
Okay. She looks like she's hopped back onto riding the cock carousel.

she's a dumb hoe riding on dad's fame and money. Her mother is most likely to blame here, if I had to guess.

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I wonder how Peterson would explain this failure. You'd think a guy who promotes "fixing oneself" would raise decent children. This post isn't intended as sarcasm.

Hes a kike, of course he is going to do the opposite of what he says.

So you're suggesting that he didn't impart the values he harps on about to his daughter while she was growing up?

>I wonder how Peterson would explain this failure. You'd think a guy who promotes "fixing oneself" would raise decent children. This post isn't intended as sarcasm.
I've thought the same thing. But she is likely engaging in this sexual and drug use behavior and narcissim because mental illness is heritable. Her dad is sick. And is the mom Jew?

Isn't she the one who was really sick in childhood, had joint problems and has alergies for almost everything? I'm not sure if it's about her but Peterson told that story a few times. So maybe thats why she is acting like that. On the other hand it's quite common for people to act radically different from their parents. Though I think her having such a facade is immoral I don't value the big J.P. less for that

lack of enforced mongamy ruined the family of his daughter

>Can someone explain to me why you would want to look like this after your father gets willingly put into a coma after severe drug abuse?
dead father —> lack of male provided security
lack of security —> need to fish for men

Nobody is perfect. That level of fame could have destabilized any family.

she started this when her father started to make bank and got famous

>And is the mom Jew?
Look at her.

Absolutely possible.

Did Peterson marry a kike? Mental illness also makes sense for the daughter turning out badly.

What’s wrong with the way she looks?

She looks more slavic than jewish

That's not a slavic nose, bro. Obviously some slav in there too, though.


she dressed up like a whore to announce on social media that her mother is terminally ill and her father is in humanrights violating russian drug rehab

she is overcompensating shit, her narcissim is running rampant and her daddy encouraged that behaviour even before he went totally off the rails

Her mother is part native.

more like when she got her illness under control.

we can safely assume that it is the natural instinct of women to go full whore on the CCs in their 20s, unless repressed by society.

Is that what they call it these days?

Obviously not considering shes on meds for herpes and left her husband to ride the cock carousel.

how do you guys know all these things about social attention whores, did you guys follow her?

>peterson couldnt even raise his own children properly
>thinks he's the one who should be giving advice to young people

maybe he should clean his own room/daughter
and wash his own penis/daughter

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Don't forget the herpes.

Adulterous attention seeker with herpes.

It's important.

Listen quadruple-Satan. You had a daughter yet?

I don't get all the hatred on Peterson. The fuck did he do you fragile fucks. I didn't get it when you all loved him. Don't get why now you hate him. Can any of you unstable fucks explain yourselves?

Literally who?

guy is 90% of time working/lecturing/on tour and has been for years. He's not raising her as a single father. Implying he alone is responsible for outcome is stupid.

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moisturize your cut, dried dick and clean your room.

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Men want money. Women want attention.

It's her revenge against daddy for doing inappropriate things to her when she was little. She is deliberately embarrassing him and maybe even talked him into going comatose in Russia. She probably even seduced him when he was under the influence and video recorded the whole thing and is using this video to blackmail him. Peterson is utterly humiliated but also slightly aroused by being dominated by his insane whore daughter. This is why he willingly gave himself brain damage. He hopes to keep on living but in such a vegetative state that his guilty conscience will no longer torment him.

the_donald chesscuck tier

I thought it was obvious she's trying to kill him for his money.

Why are white women attracted to euro fag niggers

They’re back together

It's worse. She wants to turn him into her zombie that she can parade around like another Stephen Hawking. She has a Svengali complex. She gets to dominate daddy and milk it for $$$.

No. However her husband speaks Russian and yes she set all that up foe him.

Juden Peterschwein's wife is a Jew and thus is his daughter.

This Petersons wife is 100% yid probably why he achieved any sort of fame in the first place. Also why he countersignals white identity so hard and wont talk about (((who))) actually ran the USSR.

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kek the russian guy got cucked by bald chad?

Damn she's ugly


Whoever fucks you harder right?

I mean, it's not exactly a big secret with that schnozz.

is this the bitch that only eats meat because she has awful genetics and can't digest anything else?

I'm having a brain-fart.

she looks like she just took a shower, has either permanent eye-brow makeup or just applied some, and looks like she has semi-recent lip injections... I don't see anything unusual.

Or is it simply "why would she post a thot pic"?

if it's the latter, she's going to thot... She has a social media presence to maintain, and has to market her assets/stay-relevant ...

am i missing the point?

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But thirsty incels still want to fuck her.

>euro fag niggers

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Mikhail is only half white. She is also part Ashkenazi and part Injun.