Market Crash - Is today the day?

I bet 3 glasses of delicius ACE Juice with Red Oranges full of C, that today is the day.

Dow with this behavior after a FED cut is totally non sense.

>Lock your sealt belt and change your underwear, we are going down

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enough with this corona shit... its been almost three months and nothing of significance has even happened. you guys just keep saying "two more weeks bro, im serious"

I’d say a week now. You already have a happening. When the US tests come back we should know how bad it is.

Schizo... Trump IS DOING GREAT for our Economy!!! No Chink Bug can bring down the GREAT USA!!!!!
As a White Man I love BBC in White Pussy, and so should you!! Now go back to sucking Nigger cock PastaNigger!!!!!!!!

-Sent From Iphone11
By Bill

It’s like some movie monster that seems dead but keeps popping up again.
But you know how the movie ends.
The monster dies.

Express elevator to hell. Going down!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Trump said mah markets would never go down, ever!!!!!! My boomer father told me to ride it out...ohhhh noooooooo!

It has been going up and down for days now, the bull is taking back what he lost last week in the crash and then they will pull out and crash the economy



Wait till next year this time if you’re even around and alive

B-b-but the stocks rocketed on joe bidens super tuesday victory! How can this be!

>largest economic downturn in over a decade
>China shutting quarantines 1/10 of the human global population
>Japan closes all schools for months
>Iranian politicians dropping dead


Neck yourself.

What happened to all the antichinese posting that its just a bat soup thing?

lol you haven't seen anything yet just wait until the US actually starts testing people more than British Columbia

It's funny because Trump's economy is going to brought down by some Chinese flu virus.

cope. nothing happened. this is a global pysop.

>MFW I bought $2000 in Tesla at the10 AM dip and sold at the 12:30 spike before it all came crashing down
A quick $50. Feels good man

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I'm almost completely illiterate when it comes to economics or marketing so I have to ask is it possible for the DOW thing to just vertically freefall drop like that and if so what could cause it?

China and Iran , hmmm

All part of the plan user
the zionists are about to get fucked

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Hahahaha I just checked. S&P down another 3.5%.
Down we go. Rally to me, fellow dipfags! To meeee!

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lol down nearly 1000 now despite Steve Jewchin's Plunge protection team buying stonks at midday. Next month will be a bloodbath.

What the fuck?
If any war or potitical conflict would be able to stop all production in china and put 1/10th of humanity in wartime lockdown and crash the economy and international trade it would be significant wouldn´t it?
Stop posting here retard, nobody needs your stupid opinions

Buy KGC. hedged with gold in three countries.

This won't be cinematic

But now you gotta pay taxes so was it really worth it?

Leave the bear market to me.

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Yeah corona is obviously a bioweapon made by US to weaken their worst enemies China and Iran, so they can't wage war when Trump and Q start to round up politicians in US which are paid by said countries.

Only people with 150+ IQ can comprehend this absolute fact

If everyone sells yes, but that would only be caused by some sort of disaster.

is it a sign, Yas Forums?

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The floor is about to drop out.
12 years of accounting fraud, balance sheet gimmicks, stock buybacks, executive options, record margin buying, and market manipulation are about to come crashing down.

The godzilla debt bubble is going to pop.

Get out while you still can.

It's not panicking if you sell now before the avalanche and stampede.

If you understand the attached chart, you will sell.

If you don't understand it, you are too stupid to be in the market.

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Ah, nevermind then.

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It will come back better than ever. Now narrative is holding off until mass US testing outside the kiked CDC and then he can blame China and say it’s time to bring business home. US equities will be higher than ever before November.

>Q poster
Boomers gtfo

and at the same time big move into the treasuries, 10year bond now at 0.9% !

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Who cares, it will just go up 1,000 points in a couple of days anyway. Crashes take weeks to play out.

yeah any day now lol
You idiots have been saying this for months now

Did you see Bob Iger's surprise statement for why he stepped down from Disney? All he said "I don't want to run it anymore", simple as that. He is no doubt in the Jew bunker by now with all the other CEOs who quit this year in record numbers.


based Yas Forumsnessman

But the U.S. isn't testing anyone.

We can't have an explosion in cases if no one is being tested.

Pay taxes on what? The $50? Yea, who cares?

>Eh, I'm bored. I quit. Time to go to New Zealand.

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>nothing of significance has even happened.
You're not even good at being a shill, Chink. Call up JIDF and ask how to false flag properly.

Imagine being this retarded. The market reacted this way BECAUSE of the rate cut. Boomer sellers are panicking because they think something is amiss and Coronavirus fears.

my money is safe in the bank right?

Does Norway have negative interest rates?

I've been saying this for 4 years,
and I don't think I even believe it anymore.
This market will stay propped up,
one way or another,
by hook or crook.

Feds will print money, what is the problem really?

I have no idea what that means.

I've been saying this for a few weeks now. This is not a retraction or revaluation. It's the start of a recession and the death of the dollar as a fiat currency.

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>its okay, see its a trillion dollar note

or maybe this one?


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Perhaps the world's most unethical bully is President, one who writes his own version of the truth.
He has pinned his success on an ever-rising stock market.
He will do everything in his power to keep it propped it.
I think the big investors understand this,
Look for his Tax cut and Federal stimulus proposals soon.

checked but opinable i think;

so your point is:

Financial Market, a virtual market based on digits generated from banks, will crash so hard that will no more make sense to live

Question, all the Crypto shits going around? Will all these shit become ash? I hope yes but i dubt it will happen

In this scenario, US is yet ready and has a "costitutional money backup" that will use:
1) for keep people using money and don't go back barter
2) limit inflation, you will never need 1Milion dollar to buy a Coke if the biggest banknote is 1000

Yas Forums your position on this? I hope for a like this scenario but i think it's very hard to realize

God willing

because of your endless fear mongering my 200k portfolio is worth 80k and some change...

you people and your low IQ will be the death of our system..

boomer detected


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If you kept money in the markets you deserve to lose it.

I've been telling people since mid-January that these markets are entering recession. If you didn't believe me that's your problem...

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also the hospital in my city does not have proper equipments and bought the white uniforms from farmers

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friendly advice

You can even purchase them in your 401k.

>no divi
I'd rather lose everything..

Cry harder
Nothing happening zoomy

It's the end, market is going to crash either today or tommorow to levels never seen in the human history. In one month or so you'll have to sell one of your lung to afford a piece of bread.

it will be very bad, but not that bad

What are you rolling for? DOW 20,000 by end of march?

How was your portfolio losing cash?
Why did you open your wallet and give it to?

Yeh, those damn /cvg/ larpers wrecking the global economy armed only with memes.

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