time to panic, user
end times confirmed
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Isn’t that just the reasonable response after seeing what happened in Iran when they refused to stop cramming themselves into mosques for prayer?
it should be spelled "mosk" this isn't france
Dying during the Hajj is a blessing as you are a martyr and cleansed of sin. It is anti-Islamic to not allow the Hajj and especially out of fear someone will die. Pure hypocrisy.
There are two options:
The King of Saudi Arabia, the protector and guardian of the two holy cities, for the first time in the 1400+ year history of Islam, closed the two holy cities.
Coronachan is a PSYOP in which the King of Saudi Arabia, the protector and guardian of the two holy cities, for the first time in the 1400+ year history of Islam, closed the two holy cities.
which of those is the good option?
would have loved that toilet bowl to be the end times for those death cult sand niggers.
No. Muslims believe that every single person's time of death is preordained by Allah. Trying to subvert the will of Allah is perverse.
On a side note is it creepy as fuck that the captcha was apparently a picture of my local Walmart parking lot?
Why do they worship a Saturn cube, I will never get it
They're coming for you.
What's inside the cube??
>closed for one day to make sure the area is clean for when prayers resume Friday morning
Goddamn, youre trying to paint it like its perma closed. At least post accurate information you retard.
based coofer
The best hentai collection in the world.
a tiny rock presumed to be a meteor
Another Cube
>historically unprecedented thing happens
>"it only happened once you fucking sperg"
>t. dead faggot
It should be spelled shit
According to this video, Turkey is going to nuke it.
the truth
The one in which they all get AIDS and die
Nuke it.
What's stopping you from running into the cube, I want to see what's inside
Don't they trust Allah?
69 assholes tied in a knot
Captcha showed me my apartment building and frequently shows me the bus I ride.
Interesting. The thing is they had problems before with someone claiming to be the mahdi i think. If my memory is correct. Some islamic channel on youtube said. They even has to use french special ops.To get those people down.
Just an ornate empty room
The two holy cities play an important role in Islamic eschatology.
Their closure implies that the arrival of the Dajjal, the liar or deceiver, who will pretend to be second coming of Jesus and later on God himself, is soon to be upon us.
goat pussy
you really don't want to see what's inside
Maybe theres a cube inside of the cube. Forming a hypercube
the yellow school bus?
Good one that will be missed by most. Redpilled, unfortunately, usually connotes neither enlightenment nor intelligence around here.
Are you sure about this?
Yes. It clearly states in the Ahadits that the Dajjal will be unable to enter Mecca and Medina.
a rock that sorta looks like a vagina. Seriously
space rock
Isnt someone burried there? What's in the cube? A meteor piece?
"Al-Bukhaari (1881) and Muslim (2943) narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no land that the Dajjaal will not enter, apart from Makkah and Madeenah. He will not come to any of their entrances but there will be angels standing in rows guarding them. Then Madeenah and its people will be shaken by three earthquakes, and Allaah will expel every kaafir and hypocrite from it.”
some ancient rock from pre civilization time that supposedly fell from heaven(not outer space no literally heaven)
apparently it once was pure white but through the ages became black after absorbing human sins.
might’ve came down to earth alongside adam and eve when they were cast out of heaven.
other then that there’s nothing really special about it.
it wasnt always cube shaped thats a more modern convention.
originally it was just a wooden shack.
and before that a temple.
the meccas shape has always changed throughout the ages but one thing thats always remained constant is the black rock held inside.
So im the dajjal ? I can checkmate scripture and an hero
No, you're just a Belgian waffle eater, I would assume.
Now is the time to steal the rock!
When the mongols fucked the middle east sideways and basically threw the islamic word back into the stone age, everyone thought the end was coming.
The world didn't end and it won't end from Corona chan.
Meneflaggot. This will not evolve your clefairy or something.
Underestimating corona chan and gengis khan at the same time? Rebel heart
You cannot deny that almost all so called minor signs of the Qiyamah have come to pass.
the actual mahdi will be obvious as hell and won’t be able to be stopped.
and would have no need to claim to be when it’ll be obvious to anyone with a working eye.
but before the mahdi appeara there’ll be countless other horrible events and signs no doubt.
for example the mountain of gold hidden underneath the tigris and euphrates river has yet to be found so thats one sign missing.
when you start seeing absurdities become reality thats when your approaching the end times.
personally i’d say we are getting really close to end times but still not quiet yet there.
>cultural sites will be attacked
how did Trump do it??
what signs?
apparently inside is a piece of a green gemstone that was part of Lucifer's crown that was cut off when he was kicked out of heaven, and fell to earth like a meteor. That's why green is venerated in islam, emerald tablet of hermes, thoth's wisdom tablet, etc, etc.
I have been on the fence for years about the reality of Allah. Those days are now over.
Can I get two witnesses please?
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ
The 48 minor signs that the day of judgement, Qiyamah, is upon us.
Damn, I thought this was a stranger things spoiler
Don't they have faith that Allah will protect all those pious pilgrims?
I bear witness to your Shahada, brother. To all those in this read: It is not yet too late to repent. However, once the Sun rises in the West, no more repentance is accepted.
See the ending of pic related
some signs yes but the vast
majority have yet to appear.
for example gender disparity is not as crazy to the point there are 50 women for each men yet.
mothers are not yet fucking their sons en masse as lovers degenerately yet.
so thats just two signs missing.
مَا شَاءَ ٱللّٰهُ
look at this retarded cunt burger
So there aren't much more women being born nowadays due to all the hormones in the food we eat on a daily basis?
Incest porn isn't a thing that all the degenerates watch?
Of course one can debate about the extend of these things, but it should be clear that we're headed there.
May Allah grant us ease in these difficult times.
The FEMA bus is waiting for you user.
can somebody post "the happener" for me because i don't have it and i can't find it.
The sun may rise in the east, but at least it settles in a prime location.
The base of the ball looks like Saruman's staff
But lucifer is venus the morningnstar and he/she is related to pink??? Lucifer is europa and the advent of electricity and long hair blonde powermetal and shit
That is lucifer. Green has probably more to do with ouranos
Lucifer is God. The Hebrews have their stories all backwards.
Sorry mem flag read my post
Soon it will be pictures of your sharts in the mart
Ouranos is the father of saturn which is obviously daddy of the cube dude.
Also the movie was a tryhard artistry
It's actually a goat with a prolapsed anus