Voting rights should be weighted based on age

Why should a 70 year old boomer vote that has at most 10 years left to live and see the consequences of his actions, be as important as the vote of a 20 year with his full life ahead of him?

Young people are the future, it's on them that elections should be built and focus, not fucking oldfarts on their way out.

Rant over, please share your thoughts.

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True, but also oldfags have more experience so their ideas count for more.

It evens out.

No voting allowed until 21. If you can’t be trusted with a cigarette you can’t be trusted with the vote.

Young people are also dumb and can't be bothered to go out and vote, cry about it

Older people have a lot more wisdom and experience and probably most importantly they have more perspective. Young people are often passionate and get swept up in ideology which takes years to break free from before they really start thinking for themselves.

Unironically it should be $1 in tax money paid = 1 vote.

Why should someone with no life experience and yet to contribute to society have more of a say?

Oldfags are the future, youngfags can go gas themselves.

>Own property
All the qualifications you need.

Just like the Founding Fathers made it. Universal suffrage was the beginning of the end for America.

Why should someone who has been an adult for only 2 years have a vote that's weighed heavier than a person who's been an adult for 52 years? Why wouldn't experience be worth more than potential?

Young people are easily manipulated as they lack experience. Denying the vote to the elders means the results would benefit the ones strong in subversion and manipulation.

Why should a 21 year old with no children or skin in the game get a greater right to vote than a grandparent with children and grand children who is thinking more long term about posterity.

Long-term thinking isn’t personal, it’s about ancestors and posterity.

Voting should be limited to land owners and only citizens should be allowed to vote and only those whom have served in the military should be citizens and only a military that has only literally defended the actual nation that it calls home

open your eyes. both are important.

>In case you absolutely positively want elections ...

Srsly, only system that would work in the long run.

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Thank you fuck
Or rather
If we can vote at 18
We can drink smoke and fuck too

Fucking commie. Young people have shit for brains. They have no life experience and are easily manipulated. Your opinion will change zoomer

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voting should be based on income


We started this country with a restricted franchise for a reason. I propose only married, undivorced men with children. They are literally the only people who consistently care about the future of the country.

Women and childless men are too prone to short term, selfish thinking. If you are divorced you have proven you can't even run your own family. You don't get to run the country.

This sounds great until you get older and stupid kids start voting.

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That's rayciss!

And don't whine to me about women initiating divorce. It just proves your judgement is faulty. If you screw up a decision as important as choosing a spouse, you don't get to make choices for the country.

There will always be exceptions and special circumstances. Toy can't base public policy on exceptions. We have already seen where minoritarianism leads.

B/c they know better. And one day you will too.

This would actually solve virtually every single problem in about a decade.

Every time i see you post it's some retarded shit with the same picture. You're a fucking retard commie. No once can explain shit to you because you're retarded literally

Because young people don't fucking vote, that's why. It's the same reason why no party ever tries to appeal to youth audiences aside ultradesperate leftwing faggots - There is no point in appealing to a voting block that does not vote.

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25 and land owning.

hur dur onlee peeple i liek shood voat in d lecshuns fo prezdnet

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Admitting you hate democracy is not the least of your sins commiefag desu .

Well, in a healthy functional society (not ZOG Weimerica) that 70 year old Boomer would have many grandkids to think about and would do what was best for them.

>why vote
because the country was almost too good to them, and they want to try and keep it that way


definitely should be forfeiting your voting rights while on the public dole

What a childish take.

get companies in on and and the deficit would be solved. also though, had to be a blind system, nobody knows who won until april 16th

because he has 50 years more life experience
hell probably more like 70 years considering the absolute state of zoomers

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voting ought to be outlawed.

You could just as easily argue that you wouldn't want young people to vote because they don't have the experience necessary to understand the consequences of their votes.

And before 25 you are too ignorant to vote. Teens and early adults vote for the loudest retard they can find.

Imagine being this much of a brownshirt

Most of them are brainwashed and stupid, their opinions didn't matter when they were younger and now that everything has changed it matters even less.

Raise the voting age to 30

Voting rights shouldn't exist for anybody you stupid fucking idiot. Democracy is just a cover for people doing what they had decided already what they want to do and will do. It's a sham and not real.

>Why should a 70 year old boomer vote that has at most 10 years left to live and see the consequences of his actions, be as important as the vote of a 20 year with his full life ahead of him?

Why should a 20 something know nothing nearly zero experience pampered safe space snowflake who has never read the Constitution have a right to vote at all?

You have to take a test to get a drivers license. Driving a car can cause death. You should have to take a test to vote because of the same reason. How many bombs did Obama drop?
That's why.

A hundred years ago people took civics seriously because women weren't involved. The more women became involved, the more it became a fucking clown show.

I trust a boomer much more than a person below 30. He has seen a lot, knows what the Dunning-Krueger effect is and relativates the votes of retarded ppl who think teir stupid ideas should be enforced above all. Every generation has its purpose.

Based infant voting system when? Also by the way we need to get children into schooling and daycare as soon as possible. I hope Bernie makes a statment about free childcare from birth as part of his campaign platform.

People without children should not have the right to vote.

Makes sense, but they're voting for the future of their grand children and great grand children. 20 year olds are faggota with no children and no interest in the future, only selfish here and nice bs. I think it should be based on if you have children or not. All the childless demons in washington shouldn't be able to serve either.

No, it should be based on gender - women don't get a vote.

Only taxpayers over the age of 25 should be allowed to vote

Because young people are morons. Just like you OP.

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flag, checks out :-)

Literally everyone over the age of 25 is a taxpayer you bootlicking retard

18 should be the legal age for everything. The are you can smoke, drink, vote, serve in the military, and snort cocaine.

For what purpose?

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one vote per child in your household?

I actually meant to say taxpayers with zero debt. I'm drunk and spaced it out

I'm sorry but 70 years of experience is so vital compared to 20 years 18 years. and you act like they have nothing they're leaving behind people in their 70s have maybe two or three generations that they have single-handedly produced and their well-being is very much in their mind when they vote. you might see it as they're going to die soon they don't care what happens next while they see it as I'm going to die soon I better make sure things are as good as I can get them. and wisdom like that comes with experience

Why should a 20 year old person be as important as a toddler who has probably 85 years ahead of him?

Jesus Christ what a stupid fucking thing to say. Let's let 5 year olds vote they have the most to offer the world with their wisdom!

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People with children and property, skin in the game. People with a future.

you think elderly aren't dumb KEK X9000

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You've got it backwards. Young people will usually think whatever is happening in history is at its worst or best and will change the future forever. Old bastards have seen the same shit on repeat for decades. Nothing happening now is special just because it's happening to you. Vote by historical knowledge or abstain.

>older people who vote for bennies exclusively should have more weighted votes



Why should a 20 year old who has many more elections before him vote's count the same to a 70 year old who at most have 2 more elections he can vote at? I mean his vote will literally die out...

Ihhhhhhg this isnt inclusive of the people who don't live to 21

Ok then you need to prove your commitment by serving in the military before you get to vote.

yes but people under 30 are arrogant and stupid on top of being hyper. it's the worst combination of attributes for making decisions

The military isn't the only way to serve your country. As long as you're being productive, like in middle income tax bracket, you're providing more for your country in times of peace. I've said before, if you're living on government benefits you shouldn't get a vote.

There's obvious exceptions like social security (it was all money you paid into it I'm the first place), and maybe a guaranteed vote for military veterans.

You should not be allowed to vote, child.

Only land-owning males above the age of 25 should be able to vote.

Being robbed of your income against your will =\= voluntary service.

You should have to want to serve your nation before you get to vote.

Because young people are dumbasses.

See: You