Corona Virus expert

No wonder Trump is skeptical of what these supposed "experts" are saying

who carries around used tissues and contaminates not only its hand but its pen and what ever they touch

a few cans of spinach apparently

Attached: 1579243705765.png (685x679, 1007.54K)

Maybe not. Maybe the mutant tranny has some type of superpowers.

She's a House Representative, you drooling retard.

Attached: zoinks.jpg (1280x720, 77.66K)

mike flynn in drag
like indelible in the hippocampus was kavanaugh in drag

even the thing in the back looks suspect...i can see a slight hint of 5 oclock shadow. Dear god cleanse it all

Thats not an expert thats a Democratic representative from Connecticut.

Put two and two together you reddit refugee.
She wasn't the expert.