Syria General /sg/ - Safezone Edition


SOUTHFRONT TAF Tactical Retreat

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Devs Mar 4
With the fall of Afes, Al Qaeda in Idlib and their Turkish allies have been forced off the M5
Turkshills killing themselves en masse
Roach Experts announcing Operation S.O.O.N.
Putin-Erdogan meeting in Moscow today
Clashes between protesters and security forces at Al-Khilani Square
Former Egyptian army officer Hisham Ashmawi has been executed in Egypt after being captured by LNA scouts in Darna. He was wearing an explosive vest while assisting ISIS in Darna.
LNA forces fully liberated the apartment complex in Al-Azizia.
Ma’rib tribes prepared to hand over city to National Salvation Government of Yemen (Houthi Yemen)
Peace deal collapses as Taliban and US return to combat
After the closed session in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, after the statements of Engin Özkoç, there was a fist fight in parliament.


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Arabs are a joke.

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>turduni rn

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M-4 also goes through Al-Bab. Does the safe zone also apply here?

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This pic summarizes how the talks went pretty nicely.

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Below too

around m4, not north to m4

Looks sweet

Holy shit I laughed more thab what I should have.
Based twink showing the hirsute homo who's top.

So it all comes down to this:
1. Ceasefire
2. 6km safe zone on M4 with join patrols
3. anything else?

Anything else? Overall it's not bad for the SAA but prevents any gains in a short term (unless jihadees retreat before the M4 line). On the other hand it prevents any dream from Erdogan, eventhough it's enough for him to sell it as some kind of "victory" to his roaches.

I don't think Jihadees will be happy with this though.


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>M-4 also goes through Al-Bab. Does the safe zone also apply here?
Interesting question. Doubt that tough, they talked about Idlib.

I guess all below would be gained. That makes no sense to be there for rebels any more.

this for later
keep warm

>6km zone covers ALL of Al-Bab

If his dreams were to annex whole syria, they've been crushed, yes.

But it wasn't, idlib and even jishr al shugur will be established as the political powerhouse, the opposition to assad

Afrin is liberated lol

Overall, it looks fucking good for turkey

the VIRUS is getting TOO WILD
the PIEROGI of HERS will i EVER taste?

pls shitpost here first
we'll be back soon


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The ceasefire starts tonight, not now.

You can laugh at me

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didn't mean to reply lol


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He just takes time.
1) s400 activation
2) Europe begins to think about refugees
3) the stock of bombs and drones is replenished, other military preparations
4) agree with America and NATO on support
At hour X, they will begin the offensive by announcing that the Assad is not observing a truce or by presenting another “chemical attack”.

As I’ve been explaining to people, these talks are going to be settled in a ceasefire, neither Turkey or Russia will seriously get into a war with one another. As long as Turkey is there and as long as the US is just across the street Assad can forget about a unified Syria.

warming up


>the absolute state of it all

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Am I the only one that isn't blocked by Jihadi Julian yet?

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#Syria: a Pilot & Colonel from #Latakia countryside was killed today in #Homs province. This is likely the 1st documented fatality during latest #Israel|i airstrikes.

Press S to spit on grave

>turks: mad
>terrorists: mad
>julian: mad
>bashar: winning
Allah akbar!

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Im a Turk chad turbofucking white cuties as you shill here. Get mad losers, whaddaya gonna do , call me a roach?

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>Jihadi Julian
What's his problem though? Why is he so butthurt about us and what does he do for a living in the first place?

Fight with your sword, swear allegiance to abu muhammad al joulani

And follow the ranks of the soldiers of faith

Fly your banner high in the levant, for it is the land of sacrifice and the finest of knights

Our warriors leave the field with coffins when they are present

They charge without fear amidst a rain of continuous gunfire

They are reinforced with faith and bravery

The sound of battle encourages them

The echoes of fighting and clashing of swords

Defenders of the belief and sworn enemies of the devil

It is indeed enough for the heroes that their blood has never flown through the veins of cowards

O finest soldiers.


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Somebody give me a summary of what happened. The joint patrols, which highways do they apply to? Do the SAA and HTS have to ratify them?

Shitty bait, chang.

The situation is grim, I must admit, this betrayal is a declaration of war, Muslims are in deep slumber while everyone is stabbing them, when will we wake up and take arms, o Knights of allah, to your horses, O KNIGHTS OF ALLAH TO YOUR HORSES, THE TIME OF JIHAD HAS COME, THE TIME OF JIHAD IS NOW, RIGHTEOUS JIHAD IN DEFENCE IF ISLAM, RUSH TO THE AID OD YOUR EMIR IN IDLIB OUR DEAD IN PARADISE THEIR DEAD IN HELL OUR LORD IS ALLAH THERE IS NO LORD FOR THEM!!

Is a deal considered good or bad, when it makes both sides mad?

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HTS isn't part of the ceasefire agreement is it

So what the plan for the south ?

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Imagine being Erdogan right now

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Syria sure is desperate for the ceasefire huh? there’s something we don’t know.

Erdogan let it go on purpose 5DC

it basically was Syria getting a bunch of territory

Neither is the Syrian government, everyone just assumes their pets will play nice

> momy just 15 more minutes of booooming roaches

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happy feast

torkish womans love BIG ARAP COCK

Abu Muhammad Al Joulani, peace and mercy of Allah upon you, after that, I urge you to not accept the agreement made between those 2 dogs, don't ever think even for a second that erDOGan will break the will of the servants of allah, he is nothing but a munafiq donkey, damnation of Allah upon him, you are righteous, and when the righteous face tyranny the aid of Allah is sufficient for them, they have the numbers, equipment and overwhelming technological advantage, remember that when the people have gathered against you, Allah is the best disposer of affairs, and nothing on this planet can overcome his judgement, in 1 moment the tide may change, but it will require unwavering faith and fearlessness, go towards victory in the name of allah, and victory allah will reward.

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>The joint patrols, which highways do they apply to?
Only M4

>Be terrorist
>lose fighters and territory
>call turkey for help
>lose even more fighters and territory also dead thurks
>stabilize the fronts
>lose even more territory
what is the name of this 160iq strategy? Erdogan's gambit? haha

Shameful defeat for the half kuffar half secular fake Mujahideen funded by Jewish ottomans and Israel. Hopefully the actual believers in Idlib finally turn on Jewlani.