Romanian president Nicolae Ionescu wins the Kalergi prize for 2020. Never been more proud to be Romanian.
Romanian president Nicolae Ionescu wins the Kalergi prize for 2020. Never been more proud to be Romanian.
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b-but Yas Forums told Romania isn't white
Why is this happening? AAAAAAAAAAAA
Ionescu has been elected in a landslide as a president several times in a row. He is highly respected and a great national hero of Romania. Couldn't be more proud to have him as our President.
He looks white because he is a pure blooded Dacian BVLL, not a single bozgor or g*rman drop in him.
Klaus Johannis is German you retard
The main goal of Kalergi's plans was not just the abolition of the national states. He went much further than that, as he also wanted to erase the European nations, which would be replaced with the new kind of people, who would fit better into his vision of a future European super state. He described this new type of man in his above mentioned book, Practical Idealism:
»The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the current diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. «
And it was precisely this vision of the future citizen of Europe that delighted the international elite of bankers, freemasons and other influential businessmen
Kalergi's ideas and views represent the plan for the demographic replacement of native Europeans through race mixing and planned mass migration. Keep in mind that Kalergi also included African colonies in his new Pan Europe, which would mean that the population of the black continent could freely move to Europe. The consequences of this would be of course a new population of mongrels, without a clearly defined identity, or a sense of belonging and loyalty to any particular culture or nation. And that is exactly the kind of population that would suit the international elites, because they are well aware that it is easier to control the masses of individuals. These elites crave total power over us, and they know that they could never achieve complete domination over the once homogenous nations of Europe, which would always stay loyal to their own tradition, culture and religion. So the only way for them to achieve total domination is by mixing different peoples and races into one human herd, which is exactly what Kalergi advocated in his plans. These plans are being put into action by certain elites from Brussels exactly for the above reasons. Their main goal is the creation of a new totalitarianism of political correctness under the mask of human rights. That is the real reason behind their constant support for mass immigration, for Marrakesh declaration type documents and resolutions that they are pushing, and for their praise of the supposedly so enriching multiculturalism that they are promoting through mainstream media every day. So it turns out that Kalergi was not only a pioneer of European integrations, but was also a pioneer of multiculturalism,and an architect of a new world order.
Absolutely based.
Romania=leftist cancer hole=liberals +socialists and nothing else
Dont worry. Not even niggers want to live in Romania.
Take off your memeflag shill. You are just seething because your shitty country didn't get this prestigious award.
>Take off your memeflag shill.
>said the memeflag shill
Kalergi on the "man of the future" and destroying diversity
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
The comparaison with the british:
>The precursor of the planetary man of the future is the Russian Slavic-Tatar-Finnish mongrel of modern Europe; because he, among all the peoples of Europe, is the race of the typical multi-soul people with a wide ranging, encompassing soul. His strongest antipode is the insular Briton, the highly bred single minded man whose strength typically lies in the character, in the will - he provides modern Europe with the most closed, perfect type: the Gentleman.
On philosemitism and antisemitism
>The prominent position held by Jewry these days is owed to its spiritual supremacy which enables it to win the spiritual battle over enormous superior numbers of favored, hateful, jealous rivals.
>Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomenons of the mediocre against the supreme; it is a new form of ostracism applied against a whole people.
They arent good workers they already are protesting even though they are less than 300 hundred at this construction company.
On the jewish leadership
>The highest requirement demands that aristocracy coincides with nobility, and leadership coincides with a model: that leadership falls to the perfect man. From the mass of European humanity, two quality races stand out: blood aristocracy and Jewry. Separated from each other, they both hold firmly to the belief in their higher mission, of their better blood, to human differences in rank. In these two heterogeneous and preferred breeds lies the core of future European nobility: aristocracy in the feudal blood, as far as he did not let himself be corrupted by capital or the court, and aristocracy in the Jewish brain.
On the future jewish aristocracy
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
About the intellectual « jewishness» of Europe
>Christianity, (John), through the ethical Jewish Essenes and spiritually Jewish Alexandrians (Philo) regenerated Jewry. As far as Europe is Christian, it is (in the ethical and spiritual sense) Jewish; as far as Europe is moral, it is Jewish. Almost all European ethics are rooted in Judaism. All champions of religious or irreligious Christian morality, from Augustine to Rousseau, Kant and Tolstoy, were Jews by choice in the spiritual sense; Nietzsche is the only non-Jewish, the only pagan ethicist in Europe. The most prominent and the foremost proponents of Christian ideas which are present in its modern reincarnation are pacifism and socialism, and these are Jewish.
Kalergi and the crew
I dont see a problem with this.
because you are already a gypo mutt
Another Kalergi prize recipient
That's cause you're scum.
I am not a roma but Romania and romanians have always mixed with immigrants so I dont understand the idea that there is some kind of purity we have to defend.
I am not.
You just proved yourself to be one you nigger.
Kalergi's Plan in action:
>Commission: EU Too White, Mass Third World Migration Must Be ‘New Norm’
>EU Commission President Juncker: No Matter How Bad Migrant Crisis, Terrorism Gets, We’ll Never Give Up On Open Borders
>EU Threatens Member States With Fines Over Failure To Accept Refugees
>EU Official: We’ll Force Members To Accept Refugees
>EU to Open Migration Centres in Africa Because Europe ‘Needs 6 Million Migrants’
[YouTube] Sarkozy: Challenge of the 21st Century: Racial Interbreeding (FRANCAIS, intro anglais) (embed)
>French President Nicolas (((Sarkozy))) on EU plan for forced miscegenation
>EU To Force Poland, Hungary & Czech Republic To Accept "Refugees"
>"Economic migrants" have a 73% chance of staying in EU even if asylum claim is rejected
>Kalergi and the communist plan for the European Union
>German Govt. Promotes Interracial Sex
wtf, I didn't leave Romania for America to see Romania become America, this is outrageous
You are delusional
Oh I wish Romania would be like USA, a world power with a strong army and a vibrant multicultural society.
>romanians mixed with some people int he past
>so we should fuck niggers again
also youre a nigger loving faggot for using roma lmaothey are gypoids
>you are you are
Choke on a lump of crap and die you scum moron!
Not with Corona, they ain't, thank God for Corona.
Roma is the accepted term the other one has a racist and dark history attached to it and I dont understand your outrage.Romanians have always accepted and reproduced with foreigners, why do you think we survived so many invasions and empires?
Stop insulting me.
So is this what they do? dig up some loser's ideas hundreds of years later and try to implement them? Like digging up hobo Carl Marx a hundred years later to create the hobo soviet union.
Based german bulls showing us nigger romanians how to get a real prize
pretty much
i for one welcome all the german bulls culturing us gyppos on how to suck big black cocks
it's not that they dig up old ideas, it's just that it takes a long time to implement vast societal changes that go against what the vast majority of people actually want. they have to boil the frog slowly
Romanians are very open and wish more foreigners and more EU values.So there is no need to change anything.
I swear to God i have not seen such levels of faggotry in my life. You and Ioha can fuck off to r/romania.
>Romanians have always accepted and reproduced with foreigners
maybe your weak bloodline gypsy lover
You can literally go to any city or village in this country and you will see their culture imprinted on the buildings and customs.
A cityboy in all his glory ... you guys truly are pathetic.
kalergi ensures state guaranteed BBC for everyone
how can you be against stat?
truly our german bulls and gypsy overlords know best for us
Even village boys like yourself are like us so I dont get your arrogance.
Imprinted ? Maybe ... down south, probably where you are from, its a shit fest. The part of Romania thats not inside the mountains deserves to be culled. God bless Transylvania.
Transylvania is even more evident where entire cities where build by non romanians that now is inhabited by them, the same goes with your culture and language.Its folly to believe anything else.
and thats a shame people were too weak to fight so they fucked niggers and destroyed their bloodline but unlike you i dont like nigs so i wont be fucking them rather die
>we borrowed some good architectural ideas from Austro-Hungary so therefore we'll be culturally enriched by mass importing niggers
globalist cope is the saddest cope
KEK nobody knows what any of this shit is. Is Romania a town in Italy or something? Is that where Romans came from?
Good for you but for some insane idea you believe that the absolute majority of people will be like you when history proves you wrong.
What does borrow have to do with literally building cities from the ground up.Most of major cities in Transylvania have been built almost exclusively either by germans,hungarians or austrians.
>Most of major cities in Transylvania have been built almost exclusively either by germans,hungarians or austrians.
So you're saying the Austro-Hungarians were so stupid that they brought over their own workers instead of hiring the local majority-Romanian population? Wow, I knew Hungarians were dumb but that's a whole new level. Care to link to any proof of this claim? I'm sure Hungarians will be very upset if you just insult them like this with no evidence.
No the cities and villages were never intended for romanians to live in them because the Hungarian kingdom and Austrian empire promoted a racist and ethnocentric vision on the minorities living in their land.And you can google yourself cities build by germans in Romania and you will find countless sources.You can pick whatever you wish so you wont think I am forcing my mind on you.
Oh I see, so you're saying Hungarians should be deported back to where they came from because they never had a right to be there in the first place, just like gypsies and all the rest of the invaders? I agree. The cities they built can stay though, those have been culturally appropriated and are now Romanian.
No I am not saying that I was only providing a historical reason for the existence of those cities.And romanian culture has never and will never promoted racism and refusal to reproduce with minorities.
A term invented by the Communist Leon Trotsky to demonize his political opponents. Everyone who isn't Communist = "racist".
>refusal to reproduce with minorities
Sorry buddy, but this has been the opinion of the vast majority of humanity throughout all of human civilization. Racemixers have always been a small percentage of every population, and the only way that will ever change is by forcing people to racemix against their will, which is exactly what the Kalergi plan entails.
Go fuck yourself you retarded hungarian shit stain, show flag
It matters little who invented the word but the meaning behind it and Romanians have never been ethnocentric as shown by the Hungarian,Austrian empires, or like any other central and western European country as a matter of fact.So your argument fails short when most of the elite that ruled and progressed Romania were not ethnically romanians but either minorities or mixed.
>Romania was never 100% pure therefore niggers should rape me in the ass and I have to enjoy it
>what is logic
>what is statistics
I see the Romanian educational system is just as bad as the American one.
No my point is that romanians were never against mixing with minorities so why do you expect them to be now? Our entire culture is built around welcoming everyone who wants to be here.
No you idiot, you didn't make that point at all, you made an anecdotal fallacy, because you don't know what logic and statistics are.
When I say the vast majority of people don't racemix, and you reply with "yeah but this one time it did happen!", that doesn't disprove my point you literal retard. How are you this stupid?
>Our entire culture is built around welcoming everyone who wants to be here.
This is the dumbest historical revisionism I've ever seen. Even the Communist revisionism wasn't this absurd. Romanian history is the history of constantly fighting to kick invaders out, not welcoming them in. Just because sometimes the invaders won and some elitist royals mixed for diplomatic reasons doesn't speak at all about what are the views of the common man (which are obviously the vast majority of the people).
I recommend reading our history and the countless war refugees and migrating tribes that remained and settled among us and united both genetically and culturally.Till then its pointless to speak with you since you compare USA with Romania which are two different entities.