Why am I supposed to hate them?

why am I supposed to hate them?

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have you met them? i mean up close?
either poor trolling attempt or lived sheltered life

>copy of the copy of jewish religion
>women covered like ninja umbrellas
>no real progress in hundreds of years
>butt sniffing prayer
>gay robes

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>why am I supposed to hate them?

I can give you many reasons to 'stab' at.
Reasons that can be 'explosive' if you give it a chance.
I mean, it's not that hard to find reasons. It's not like 'flying a plane into a building'.
But if you don't like my reasons, you don't have to get upset and 'chop my head off'.

Anyways, sand niggers aren't compatible to live in an advanced society.

Nooo abdul! you are going against the script! do more anti israel shilling, you can't reveal pol is majority muslim before the revolution. SHUT IT DOWN

go live in an arab country for few months and you will see why

>he thinks all muslims are arabs

pol is equally anti jew as anti muslim, are you new?

If you got to ask, you are obviously a sandnigger.
Go home and blow up Achmed.

>>women covered like ninja umbrellas

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the most well known norwegian right now a 16yo tranny
are you sure you want to continue on the same path?

>are you new?
Where have you been since 2012? This website was bought by soros and ever since its non stop JQ memes and mullah conspiracies.

>Butt sniffing prayer
I'm in

Stop being a sellout faggot!


newpol is just /r/the_donald redditors
they hate muslims and jews, except for trump the jew

Islam IS that path faggot.
Every culture where Islam dominates is full of fags and pedos.
Jews and Arabs are both inbred degenerates, the difference is that Arabs don't think its gay if you keep it secret.

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It's coming buddy...it's coming.

because theyre low IQ retards who molest little boys and cant into successful civilization. a europe under white sharia is a europe that is stagnant forever

>a tiny afghan group
>representative of muslims
you know that group got massacred by the taliban right?

>molest little boys
so they're catholic?

>>butt sniffing prayer
What's wrong with this?

user, that there is a taliban.
They only kill those that talk about it.

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>that there is a taliban.
no it isn't faggot
you clearly don't know shit


now show when they meet

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Enlighten me.

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Bacha bazi is a cultural (not religious) specificity from Afghanistan. It has nothing to do with Islam.

The issue is primarily their race, not their religion. Whites even managed to make a cucked religion like christianity work for quite a few centuries. I assume whites could also make a decent religion out of Islam.

Thanks Omar, I guess it's only Afghans after all...

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>90% of the population are foreigners
It was probably a Pajeet desu

Must be those damn Pajeets pushing their Hinduism from migrant camps across Europe.
Luckily they sex segregate those camps.

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They thrive off of resentment but that's no reason to hate them

kanker op vieze stink moslim

>Arabs will be better at being Europeans than Europeans

What kind of faggotry are (((you))) pushing here

Most Muslims are shitskins including u mehmet

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You forgot shitty looking geometric patterned domes cause their religion outlaws pictures.

kanker op naar je eigen land, vieze buitenlander

>la maman est à gauche de l'écran

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So it's just appearance when there are much bigger threats in your shithole country?

>no alcohol
>no sex
>no fun

Muslims are basically not allowed to do anything fun why praying 5 times a day.

Why do you think they're all pissed of and want to die ?

Just to add on to that last panel.
Muslims always enjoy presenting themselves as a monolithic group in order to unite against the infidel, but ask them to specify their beliefs to a branch of Islam and they either shut up to avoid internal conflict or they start infighting with each other like savages.

They always have a reason to kill, and they are always obligated to do so by their prophet.

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oh look, it's you again

The young Muslim invaders smoke drink and party all the time, the only thing left for them is the hate and oppression of women and the hate for us natives. But we hate them much more so they live in constant sadness and it prompt them to chimp out and get arrested. Fuck them, the world is full of Muslim countries for them where they could apply

Who are u memefag?

Hating Islam itself no, but the people understandable.
In comparison to other Turks I am selfreflecting.
I understand why Europeans, especially Germans despise my people, partially I also despise them.
The majority does not pray, they drink alcohol and do other forbidden things, and thats when you even exclude the crime.

My time reveals Yas Forums is anti-jew, anti-Israel, anti-soros and especially anti-rofschild.

Yes, Muslims love pervasive technology and smart phones because it allows them a communication device to give to their women on order to keep them inside all day. They are one reason jews are profitting off snapchat and all that other shit

Because they're not Catholics.

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I called you a sandnigger once you probably don't remember me

You do realize that there is more then one person in Algeria, right?

You know that a lot of the rapefugees, Arabs and blacks, that came here have mental illness and was already the worst of your counties. These people that came over the years are just retarded, they can't even follow the religion they claim if not for bullying their own women while trying to rape the others that are scared as fuck to even walk near them. And they stick out a lot, you can tell them apart quick everywhere. They don't talk our language, they don't know any work, they are just parasites. And we have our own retarded people bringing them here for muh humanity. We are full of this shit

They are better than the left clearly.

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its not islam its just the People that suck

>think about the children.

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How about a simpler solution? Kill all the mudshits and Jews and suddenly everything returns to normal.

You are supposed to hate them because they are 99% brown non Europeans who want to replace you and are the footsoldiers of Jews and Tyrants. However you have come across a hidden redpill. Pic related.

The Jew brought Islam here to die, what they will never expect is a 100% indigenous high fertility closed community. This terrifies the Jew and they would try to shut it down immediately.

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They are not white.

Ideological degeneracy can be recovered from, racial replacement is permanent.

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Islam is literal pig crap, we should go back to pre-christian religions and forget all the jewish nonsense

Really though I don't think you're the same user the other guy was way more obnoxious and stupid than you seem to be
also he was carrying on about how great his life is because he's a mudslime incel that shitposts on Yas Forums

Based Brap Posters.

They pray without women present.

Live close and observe. You will understand.

Their religion makes literally zero sense and there are a fuckton of contradictions in the Qur'an. The Qur'an even claims that Jesus (Isa) is superior to Muhammad in a lot of ways that make Jesus divine. For example, miracles, born of a virgin and a sinless nature.

All the Qur'an is is heretical Judaism mixed with heretical Christianity with some sandnigger warlord shit thrown in there in order to conquer other sandniggers.

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get out Mohammed

You are such a dick.

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muslims do not believe that mary was a virgin.

I heard that but I won't bother to even read that shit seeing how people that follow it are

We know the Holy Q’uran teaches
The justice that our faith unleashes
In the month of Ramadan
Hire a big burger van,
Allah Akhbar! We leave them in peaces!

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neither does any religion? what's your point


>its not islam...
You need to go home, you don't belong here.

>its just the People that suck
If it started with the prophet advocating inbreeding with first cousins and diddling 9 year olds, and religiously mandated it as virtuous to emulate him, then I cant see how Islam isn't one of if not the cause.

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She said, “How can I have a boy while no man has touched me and I have not been unchaste?” He said, “Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me…”
Quran 19:20-21

"And Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who guarded her chastity… she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devoutly obedient."
Quran 66:12

They don't believe in their holy book then, which they claim to love so much.