The Wall?

Whatever became of the wall? I feel like everybody was talking about it during Trump's first year but as every week has had it's own scandal to focus on it fell out of the news cycle.

Is it being built? Is it close to done? Have immigration decreased because of whatever measures have been taken since Trump took office?

I'm curious.

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Lowest common denominator pandering, just like the rest of trumps strategy. He doesn’t do or believe anything he says, it’s all theatre.

At least it's fun to watch

>implying (again) that the wall isn’t being built
You realize Trump is gonna saturate the airwaves with pictures of his wall, right?

This lie is so pointless.

>>implying (again) that the wall isn’t being built
I'm not. I genuinely don't know what's up with it. If it was being built I'd assume he'd talk about how great it is at doing whatever, and if it wasn't I'd assume that the democrats would be more mocking about his big promise being another lie.

But it's silent on all fronts

It was always a gimmick from day one, as time went on any dummy can see that but ppl are so emotionally invested in chumps personality cult they don't want to admit they were duped

I strongly disagree. I don’t want a bunch of braindead liberals clamoring for gibs, but I hate this retarded narcissist and all of his corrupt cronies as well. The days I long for probably never existed, but I would love to see some poised, intelligent, decent, policy-focused individuals soaking up the national spotlight, not the current cast of dingbats and wackos

He's building it. It's not a brick wall or something like that though. And Congress keeps holding up funding for it

You've got a lot to learn kid *chuckle*
The system is set up to KEEP DECENT PEOPLE OUT. Tattoo that on your forehead

He has executive ability to do it. Cope harder

He doesn't believe that. It's some halfass attempt to get moderates to not like Trump.

Liberal: I'm mad at the wall, it makes so angry it ruined my brunch

Also Liberal: I demand a wall, Trump broke his promise

looooool this is why libs keep losing over and over non-stop

Anyone who's not immersed in Chump's personality cult can see what a shyster he is.Trump doesn't need any help getting people to not like him

Sadly, I truly believe you’re right.

Why do you faggots keep making this thread when we have all seen thousands of pictures of the wall being built? Do you think if you repeat nonsense enough times people will forget what they themselves have seen? Genuinely curious as to what you retards think you're going to accomplish with this specific low-effort shill.

wall's more than halfway done why you so upset?

>b-but I want it faster, I want the wall that I protested so much against done by YESTERDAY


>blocks your path

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IDK about you but the wall was never even a factor for me. I think conventional border patrol and deportation could be enough, if the sleazeballs in charge weren't so corrupt.

I didn't vote 2016, period. But I support Trump now because I want the disclosure and swamp draining he's been working on. I see way more progress on those fronts than the wall.

But. Now that he's promised a wall, I do kind of want that too. You can bribe local ICE and BP, but you can't bribe the unmanned portions of a wall. And not everyone can scale a wall. So it might be effective after all.

On the other hand, I shudder to think of the day when people need to flee America, and that big dumb wall is in the way. If I want to escape the NWO, I'd try my odds in Mexico before trying Twisted Trudeau's Canada.

that's not a wall it's a fence

No he doesn’t Anne you stupid fucking cunt. No one is buying your book.

Cope lmao

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Yeah no. He's doing a lot to illegal immigration and your purposefully trying to be misleading. Again you're a shill and a bad one at that


The wall become a wall system, utilizing different resources to curb illegal border crossing.

Still would have been nice if we got a 100ft Great Wall sealing off at least one state like California or New Mexico.

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Keep coping, you're in for a rude awakening when that con artist goes back to maralago and nothing has changed

>that's not a wall it's a fence

"I'm angry that it serves the same purpose only cheaper, they're not even wasting any money :-( "

lol, liberals haha, they keep losing

This is a real wall you retards.

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Ok now I know you’re trolling

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Kek this. Lefties antagonize us every time Trump throws them a bone or tries to make them happy. They're too stupid to realize we were considering the whole country when we elected the guy.

Well, not we, since I mean truther and Q/MAGA-type moderates/nonpartyers, but that includes some people here. Also I didn't vote because I don't think Trump had the truther angle going for him until Q.

Half of America now knows the literal Illuminati plays puppet theatre with our politics, and that's the change I asked for with Obama. I'm pleased and it makes you angry kek.

Why did everyone vote for it then 10 years later say their former selves are racist?

>oh no he's show us what a real wall is and I'm getting embarrassed because our so-called "wall" is shit.

y-you're trolling!!

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Trump is a lying con artist. Keep your Stockholm syndrome if you must

>ID: myHT
>read: my Hormone Therapy
Checks out.

it's being built and there's nothing bad three commies can say about it so they're memory holing it. Just like Afghanistan. Notice how you never hear about them anymore? That's because Trump just basically ended the war on American victory conditions. why would commie agitprop say anything about that?

There is only one wall that Trump cares about

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Also Li7 because you take Lithium 7 times a day.

>t. schlomo scheklestein

and yes immigration has decreased. Illegal border crossings are down, deportations are up and legal immigration is down by something like 70%.

Just because that wall is less than half the size of ours and easily scaled. But of course (you) know that, since you’re an epic troll

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There is no wall and there never will be. He got one taste of jewjewcum and hasn’t looked back since

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They have built a lot of wall but it depends on whether you count taking down an old wall and building a new wall in its place as building a wall.

Yeah this guy broke both femurs and his lower back for fun

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You're living in a fantasy land as Trump is the only reasonable candidate left

There's no wall. It's a fence. And they're not even bothering to put one up on the Texas border at all.

>100 miles of "wall"
>year 4 of trumps presidency
>nearly 1 million illegals per annum
and that's a lowball figure given what ICE and border patrol publishes.

You're compared a small dense city to +1000 miles of mountain and desert.

The United States Border Patrol Chief posts an update about once a week.

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What is a wall?

Like seriously what does that word even mean?

Besides if you look at statistics, South america is actually 20% higher rate of christianity, and latin derived cultures are naturally more family cultured.

They are conservatives already and minds can be swayed so we only hurt ourselves in the future.

He was actually talking about the degradation of the female reproductive system and the decline in female attractiveness / value in the sexual marketplace

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Pic related is the most effective migrant wall in the current era:
Picture is from Hungary.

Attached: hungary_border_wall.jpg (640x420, 42.19K)

>Trump issues Executive Order
>Judge Sheklesniff-Rosenberg- Gomez says no
>start over from beginning


It’s a stylized tactical fence Mexico didn’t even pay for
you are :)

>What is a wall?
>Like seriously what does that word even mean?

According to the Oxford English dictionary:
>a long, solid structure that rises straight up from the ground, that surrounds, divides or protects an area of land


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the US is already going to be 30% latino in 2030, how much more do we really need?

Isn’t El Paso in Texas?

Pic related is the previous update.

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I guess an existing river counts as a physical barrier too then. I'm so tired of winning.

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I would believe the Zion Don commie agitprop angle too... except I've been paying attention for years and things are planning out just as he said they would.

We're going through the economic transition X22 Report told me about 4 years ago. It's hard to believe you're being genuine and not just a bernout.

My peers and I, we all wanted disclosure and economic balancing. We're getting all that and space shit. It's all slowly coming to fruition.

So far, in reality, it seems that Trump's opponents literally have done nothing but project their own faults at him. They're all racist, sexist, classist, hateful, genocidal, authoritarian people.

My generation is just now getting clued in about the semitic race war that was declared on ALL goys (including brown).

I think Yas Forums is ironically stuck on white victemhood and can't see the bigger picture. The Cabal bloodlines sabotage EVERY race.

It's in our interest to work toward civic-nationalism until the different races are awakened enough to cultivate their own ethnostates. Also not everyone WANTS ethnic homogeny, which is a silly imposition on Yas Forums's part.

Anyway I know Yas Forums isn't one person; I'm more Yas Forums than bernouts and stormniggers. It's important we keep fighting, because we truly are the difference.

Wow. They might have to walk around it by a few miles. Clearly devastating for people that walk all the way from fucking Guatemala.

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true. 4 years in power, TWO YEARS OF WHICH CONGRESS WAS FULLY RED. But hey, at least he built a wall in israel.

Rivers often make excellent borders between countries.
During WW1 Italy and Austro-Hungary spent the entire war fighting over 1 river.

If the river was a super moat that actually stopped them, than sure why not. But it doesn't so we built a barrier than does. CTR is getting desperate

oh goodie, another 26 miles completed. we got 1874 more to go, think they'll be completed in time for november at this rate?
>inb4 b-b-but muh NATURAL borders!!

>They are conservatives already
Must be why all of central and south america is a socialist dystopian hellhole. They vote for handouts over christian values.

4 years in power, 2 years with a republican everything. People switched parties for the fucking wall. You think anybody voted for him because of his anti-socialist stance and pro-business tax policy? Please. He could have been militantly incompetent on every other subject (which he may be), but people will still vote for him because he promised to build a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL that MEXICO would pay for.
Now we have militant incompetence and no wall. Everyone here is still voting GOP, obviously, but without the hope and energy.

it's not all walking, they take trains and buses sometimes.

What about the 46 miles next to it that you ignored?

More importantly, why did you lie about them not building in Texas?

>inb4 reddit spacing distraction from answering the second question

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this is pretty low tier, Muhammed. maybe you should just give up and go back to Pakistan. more goats.

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>you are hurting yourself in the future by not being replaced even quicker, goy
Wtf am i reading?

Not a bad wall, and it was built by an impoverished, bombed out commie country. Imagine what a wall would look like if a civilized country with extra billions to spare decided to build one.

see pic It's not a meaningful amount. And they're not even planning on building ANYTHING for the vast majority of Texas' border.

Well tbf I can smell you from here

Have you seen the rio grande?

Looking at the math, the US completed 5 miles of border wall in 10 days.
That 5 miles also required 7k tons of steel and 9k cubic yards of concrete.

Hungary is a pretty poor country and their wall that I posted here has been incredibly effective.
Those graphs charting the muslim invaders just dropped off a cliff wall when the wall was built.

Did you just move the goalposts after you caught lying?

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Problem: is it truly the conservative christians who are crossing? Probably not. Those who aren't Christian for show (no tats) most likely live in gated communities and can afford to stay.

No conservative moves TO America lol. Ok maybe that's a broad statement. But we're the country people move to when they can't be degenerates in their own.

Nobody gives a fuck about the aesthetics of the wall, as long as it does the job, like it is shill have to be really fucking desperate to spam us day in and day out

Even before the election it was clear that the wall was infeasible.
The main benefit of "The Wall" was as a rhetorical device to communicate that he would toughen up immigration policies.
By talking again and again about the wall, he made it clear that he wasn't an open borders and everything for everyone kinda person.

>Bolivarian socialists are natural conservatives because they spit out cuatro goblinos per goblina
but damn do you shill hard on immigration. tipping your hand, Rabbi

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CTR Dont use those sorts of tactics you bigot!

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You're doing the pilpul thing again, rabbi. It would be cute if it wasn't so old and busted.


>51 Senators
Call me when Trump has 60 Senators.

You nose why.

>If I call it something different then they lose

Mexico holding their own border is a lot more effective and buys time for building on the US border.
