Why did the tranny agenda take off in 2015? Before then, they were simply unheard of/ non-existent...

Why did the tranny agenda take off in 2015? Before then, they were simply unheard of/ non-existent. People saw them as mentally ill freaks for the few that did 'exist'. Now that are seen as a major human rights campaign and you must castrate your kids bigot. This whole tranny thing is so forced and happened really fast

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Legalization of homosexual marriage

Hollywood started pushing the tranny agenda at least since the 1980s. We had TV shows like Bosom Buddies and movies like Tootsie and Kiss of the Spider Woman. Even earlier in pop music we had songs like Lola and Madame George. It grew incrementally from there. Once the fags succeeded in making gay marriage legal, the trannies saw their opportunity and started getting in everyone's face about it, thinking that this was their moment at last. It's going to backfire on them. No normal healthy man wants drag queens with satanic horns reading perverted stories to his children at school or in the libraries.

It's interesting how manufactured it is. Sweden is more progressive than America yet the tranny shit isn't here to the same degree at all. Most normies still see them as mentally ill men and we still legally consider them sick in the head and they're sent to mental health wards.

This is correct answer

It's because every day we drift further from God's Light. If people would read their Bible's and join in fellowship with other believers this would not happen the way it has.

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Because while you sat on your asses laughing at SJWs they weasled their way into positions of power and then abuse HR to remove anyone who dared speak out against the politics they were pushing. Now they hold the reigns on every avenue of cultural change and you dont have to support them. You just have to be silent and they will win. Which you will because they can have you fired for so much as using the dictionary definition of woman

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>we infiltrated office, we can't lose!
What is 1929

This. After gay marriage got legalized by the Supreme Court, the media, far-left politicians, LGBT groups needing a new 'cause' for which to ask for donations, etc. quickly shifted to transgender stuff. The Bruce Jenner Vanity Fair cover in mid-2015 was the opening shot.

I would also like to point out the death of 2 parent households and the enabling nature of single mothers.
>Boys raised by a femanine adult alone
>No male role model
>They assume female is good because mother is still around
>Mother enables this thinking, allowing the boy to act like a girl
>Boy takes it seriously
>Mother continues to enable it
>Boy goes full tranny

i was raised half of my childhood by a mentally ill single mother, the latter half and the rest of my adolescence was with a single dad who was always there for me

They didnt. infact very little of the US government is SJW. But every media body is controlled by them and their masters and its the media bodies that control culture. Your kids kids will be heavily left wing becuase anyone who tells them not to be will be destroyed

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oh my, do i see a possible connection here


So many people destroyed their lifes in these 5 years

Glen Or Glenda came out in 1953

>but it's just about a man who likes wearing women's clothes
Even if that were true it was a stepping stone. But no, the last story goes further.

>Back in Dr. Alton's office, he starts another narrative. This one concerns another tranvestite, called Alan/Anne. He was born a boy, but his mother wanted a girl and raised him as such. Their father did not care either way. They were an outsider as a child, trying to be one of the girls and consequently rejected by schoolmates of both sexes. As a teenager, they self-identified as a woman. They were conscripted in World War II, maintaining a secret life throughout their military service. They first heard of sex change operations during the War while recovering from combat wounds in a hospital. They eventually did have a sex change operation, enduring the associated pains to fulfill their dreams. The World War II veteran becomes a "lovely young lady". Following a brief epilogue, the film ends.

Tbh, it's better to have them off themselves in


You're right, sex change operations have been around for half a century. Christy Jorgensen was in the 1940s. But I do think it seems that, culturally speaking, it's gotten a lot louder and more pernicious in the last five years.

It's called a slippery slope. first you legalize gay marriage and soon you are having people tell you it is okay to have sex with children.

Does everyone forget about Mr Garrison?
South park showed a sex change operation that alone was enough to deter people before 2015.

>(((Sarah and Ian Hoffman)))
Every single time, it's so tiring.

Socially awkward/autistic children being manipulated by people in to thinking that the reason they don't fit in is because they were born in the wrong gender and should change their entire life and have their genitals inverted to do so and they'll be normal, rather than facing the fact they just have special needs and need help with that.

This + the media makes trannies way more trendy than special needs people, so they might think they'd be more popular and have the spotlight shun on them if they "transitioned"

>tfw you transitioned before it was cool
There isn't even a process anymore. Literally anyone can go to Planned Parenthood and get HRT. They hand it out like they hand out free condoms.

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fuck of christ cuck

IIRC the books burnt by the nazis were porn and tranny stuff.

It's called the gate. When you extend rights to absolute weirdos it makes blacks campaigning for civil rights seethe. The truly dangerous are rendered harmless.

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I was raised by my mom and sister. They taught me to be a gentleman, but, they also taught me to not be a fucking doormat. I'm not gay, bi, tranny, etc. I'm married to a woman of my own ethnicity, and my kids are all of my ethnicity. It's not about single moms. It's about having NO parents in the house because they're both working, and teachers being given a green light to fill their heads full of garbage. When you let PBS and the public school system direct your kids thoughts, you deserve what happens.

They were

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people saw dollar signs and turned a weird fetish of playing dress up into a full blown lifestyle industry. there is the medical dosh for pills and surgery. then after that it is buying make up and clothes. trannys are the perfect consumer.

I didn't really oppose gay marriage at the time. Didn't figure it was the government's business, privacy of their homes, and all that...but now. Forcing girls to shower with boys, giving little kids puberty blockers, drag queens teaching toddlers to twerk...I really wonder if pedophilia is next. Where will we be in ten years?

Zoomers taking memes seriously. In this case, In this case traps, fear of women and self improvement. Combine those three and you get the tranny movement.

I suppose you're right. Its absentee parents that make shit like this happen, but being in a single parent household allows situations like the one you described to come about more often. Glad to hear you're making it tho user.

To raise conservative backlash against them from centrist normies. To pit the center left off against the fringe left. To pit men against women and faggots and grotesques against each other.

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first post best post. they got fag marriage, had to push it farther.

You know for a guy who lives in a country with free healthcare, you'd think he'd get that giant tooth gap fixed.

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Media and Jews

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Mother works in a school.
Apparently trans kids are seen as a cool interesting thing to be.
Shame this is the kind of phase you can’t back out of.

They could've just grown up and been normal men. Instead, they were destroyed.

Two of them already had the tits for it.

How is the first post always the best post? Like it shouldn't be possible.

Easy, jews user

Hah, I recognize that face

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It's all staged propaganda to keep us distracted to create division the population


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Your dad saved you.

Why are zoomers so degenerate?

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the same threads are posted day after day after day and the best answers and/or consensus are distilled and float to the top. u new?

Did kikes really think pushing the tranny thing so fast was necessary? If anything, it helped redpill more people, me includes. I used to be a lefty, but once the tranny shit started happening, it was when I started to see through their insanity.

I thought Sweden was the most pro-tranny country in the world.

he did, still ended up a tranny though

The worst part about the tranny thing is how (((they))) try and indoctrinate children ASAP so that more people will accept this madness into adulthood. Girls can't be tomboys anymore, or the government will force them on hormones, mutilate them, and vice verso.

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sort of. Basically, SJW bullshit is used to control the masses and prevent any sort of actual progress. The working class has been getting fucked over hard for the last 50 years and most young people will be worse of economically than their parents/grandparents, who could afford a house with wages from a factory job.
So once one issue wraps up (eg gay marriage) they have to push another one. The problem is they're running out of issues. They've actually started *opposing* social issues (namely men's rights), just to throw extra confusion into it. But their #1 goal is: Prevent the "left" from caring about economic issues, and just get them obsessing over identity politics instead. That's why corporations and the media push this stuff so hard.


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quality post my man

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Truth be told, there is no such thing as being a tranny. You are a man or a women. You are just a mentally ill cross-dresser.

>They hand it out like they hand out free condoms
What part of America do you live in? I doubt it would work that way in the south.

nah im not a crossdresser, its not a sexual thing, if you wanna call it anything call it hardcore larping

Why do you see yourself as a tranny?

im not sure how to respond to this desu. i know ill never truely be a woman but i do my best to come as close to as i can. the only time i talk about being a tranny is on here or with my docs and shrinks. i dont make my identity revolve around being a tranny, thats honestly a disservice to yourself if you want to be stealth
im really just doing what i feel i need to do to be able to look myself in the mirror, i wish it didnt have to be in this way but theres currently no better treatment than transitioning, that is if its properly diagnosed (which took me 2 years and a whole team of shrinks and docs) if there was a cure for this mental disorder id have taken it in a heartbeat instead of hrt
idk im rambling. sorry if this does not answer your question

jews/spooks jews pushing it for years in colleges then spooks spread the word to make everyone freak out over the fact that their is retards and they do exists


Socialized healthcare dentists will absolutely butcher your mouth.