Just going to leave this here


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Other urls found in this thread:


Your post will either be ignored or flooded with glowniggers

If you like i can give you a link to the paper where COVID-19 was designed.

Of course.
Remember Stuxnet was revealed as a US/Israel invention to sabotage Siemens controllers in Iran and it got loose. Many such cases.


Don't be confused by the title, it doesn't "show potential", they create the chimera virus in this paper.
I can take you through all of it, just keep this bumped and I'll explain.

VeteransToday were always schizos. Pass.

I told you

fuck off shill


At least provide RT or sputnik link not some Cult Of Trump followers news

Could it be?

Attached: Manysuchcases.png (1130x266, 85.31K)

Well? Let's have it, double-o.

I've posted it already.
Begin by reviewing this paper I'm here to answer any questions, especially if you're confused by it. Feel free to post screenshots with highlighting.

Also I advise you to save a copy of the PDF and print the paper.

Note the publication date.

Attached: covid19-origin.png (934x674, 65.7K)

Cult of Tr-

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-05 Donald J Trump – Veterans Today Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services.png (372x325, 79.34K)

the messed up part I recall reading about was that when one particular species of bat wasnt showing good potential for carrying it, they went on and kept looking for the bestest carriers for it

In summary: They actually "cheat" in this paper and just make a SARS-Corona virus, then genetically engineer rats with ACE2 receptors in their lungs, just like asian males. The virus successfully infects the rats, thus they conclude that human potential is achieved.
This wouldn't yet be a weaponised virus but it's half way there, the rest is just tuning (virality, survival in air, etc.).

Remember Charles Lieber and mysterious gene inserts.

>veterans today


Literal fake news, brainlet.

Note how the shills ignore the evidence from the world's premiere scientific journal and instead circle back with meme posts about OP' source (which is only relaying Russia state TV):

They have some decent articles but they are a Putin, democrat and China cult.
At least they attack the "bad cop" part of the (((system))).
MAGA cultists are shit at attacking the "good cop" with reliable references and concise reporting (mostly because it's a bunch of jews trying to save face).

This site triggered the heebs massively years ago and they will be forever butthurt about it.
But it's a very shady organization anyway.

Regardless, Only one relevant comment I'm giving you the keys to the kingdom here as well. LOL


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Distract and diversion at its finest, gentleman.

Attached: 2C68294C-235B-4A9E-B6D2-E88AC36895ED.jpg (800x533, 48.04K)

> valuation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy;
> both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.

>China refuses to boycott Iran early 2019
>Huawei CFO arrested
>ZOG glowniggers astroturf HK protest
>muh freedum protest all over MSM
>tanker attack false flags
>Soleimani hit
>Now a strange virus hits China and Iran hard
A coincidence

Attached: huawei cfo arrested.png (720x542, 248.32K)

Now you're thinking. Doesn't this sound familiar?
This paper is critical, from this you can understand that the vaccine won't work. You also know who is behind this.

china is russia's ally, right?

Attached: 1551430553174.png (1008x754, 238.71K)

Pretty much.

>Michael Coundrey
>Literal glowie
>Confirmed cases of #COVID19 were first found in China, but its origin is not necessarily in China. We are still tracing the origin.
China has all but exposed that the US is behind COVID-19. And in this thread, I showed Yas Forums this fact but the post was ignored. It shows that 95% of the posters on Yas Forums are now glowbots.

Yes. They’ve been stepping up military and tactical cooperation in recent years. They’re probably closer than they’ve ever been before.
How much are they paying you?

> Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol
> (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279).

> These studies were initiated before the US Government Deliberative Process Research Funding Pause
> on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS and SARS Viruses

We’re just not gullible morons falling for propaganda. Your country is a borderline colony of China—why the rock would you defend these people? Stop giving China an out for releasing a bio weapon on the entire global population.

>why the *fuck*

> Change history
> 20 November 2015.
> In the version of this article initially published online, the authors omitted to acknowledge a funding source, USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance, to Z.-L.S.

Fuck off kike, China got attacked and used those infected to counterattack back.
The only ones benefiting from this she is the ZOG

Fuck off Chang. Unlike the Chinese, we’re not conditioned to believe everything the CCP shoves down our throats.

Do you actually know if it was offensively used by the US? As opposed to other circulating scenarios stating a car crash, or a leak from their BSL4 lab.


Snopes predictably
>conspiracy theories worse than the actual pandemic

Attached: did coronavirus originate in us.png (720x662, 371.43K)

I predicted over a month ago that China would try to shift the blame to the good ‘ole American boogie man—no surprise there. Chinks gonna chink.

it looks more like elements of this virus were STOLEN with complicity of possibly some Americans by Chinese agents and it was made in China with stolen US elements... America doesn't need to stoop to such measures to win.

BTW the two chinese authors belong to Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China

yep shows intent

Yes but what about the HIV-alikeness? I'm not fluent in medicine.

raised eyebrows early when hib treatments were working

very interesting you describe this counter attack . Yesterday i was driving on a moderately used road in a woody wealthy suburban Boston town... there were relatively few residences per sq acre but up market. I came upon a group of perhaps ten Asian (Chinese) looking people males and females just walking along this country road... It looked like they could just be roaming around spreading coronachan...

This wouldn't be such a problem if our glowniggers didn't get caught with their pants down over and over again. American credibility is about right near rock bottom. And all of it spent at the behest of Israel.

anyone paying attention should already know that traitorous agents in the usa & canada worked with traitorous agents in china to get them working on this and then eventual "accidental" exposure as a weapon where required

>Your country is a borderline colony of China
Keep freaking out glowie, I haven't even started to expose who is behind this. I've been researching medical journals for a month now, ignoring your meme posting on the coronavirus threads.
>> In the version of this article initially published online, the authors omitted to acknowledge a funding source, USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance, to Z.-L.S.
Just wait until you dig into the corporate backers of this research.
They have to assume it is because of the time and place it was deployed on.
China stole a sample of the weaponized version of virus in October 2019, knowing that an attack would start in winter where it would be the best time to spread such a disease.
Chinese military sites made it clear that they are going to take an eye for an eye response. I can link you this if you like.
Basically, my concern isn't even the original COVID-19, but the new virus that has now been deployed by China against the white race. There are two Coronaviruses now.
>citing snopes
>the literal kike run site
Are you a new glowie?

Everybody shills on this site, glowniggers, FSB, Chinese, JIDF—you name it. None of that changes the fact that this pandemic is on China.

> Chinese military sites made it clear that they are going to take an eye for an eye response. I can link you this if you like.

Please do.

The truth shall set you free. One day China’s crimes will come to light. Shame on you for trying to give them cover.

Yep, it's the perfect place to put an agent (the Wuhan facility).
The HIV-alikeness is actually part of the weaponisation process. This was to increase the persistence of the virus. This is the "big one" and it's going to remain with us forever, every winter will be a quarantine situation for the planet. Yes it pains me to write this.

It leaves room for doubt and divide right down the geopolitical line. It's why no country came forth with accusation of any kind and never will. It will be nothing but under the table conspiracy and shilling effort.

Lol human also have Ace 2 receptors moron

>China stole a sample of the weaponized version of virus in October 2019, knowing that an attack would start in winter where it would be the best time to spread such a disease.

This makes sense; did the Chinese receive advance warning that an offensive was imminent? How did they know? Or was it for provisional use?

Your explanation rests upon baseless, reaching assumptions (American and Chinese agents working with each other). Mine rests upon facts; China’s most dangerous biolab is less than a km from the Wuhan seafood market, the alleged epicenter of this outbreak.


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Cynical take, but you’re right.

Just going to leave this here since it feels well-timed and Assad was accused of using chemical weapons on their own people after bombing out a building fortified by ISIS. ISIS were known to store munitions and chemical weapons in schools, hospitals and in urban environments to discourage the use of such tactics to kill them.

It seems Yas Forums has caught on to my posting. Here is a screenshot of my attempt.

It won't allow me to post the link in the image because it exposes the nature of this weapon.

Attached: 4chan.png (532x910, 69.62K)

>Please do.
gnews.org/102795/ there is a video form of this as well.
The keywords from the video:
"China shall retaliate to this situation in a human way"
"Eye for an eye, blood for blood"

Why do you think your LARP was halted?

I'm literally posting papers you faggot I don't claim to be anyone of significance. I'm just smarter than you and your glowfags and gatekeepers.

amerikkkans created the coronavirus

First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute. The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,
“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year, when people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people – an event of celebrating happiness – all cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine; and more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss

You're giving people a sliver of tangible reality to support your narrative in order to suspend them from reality to feed into your legally liable shitpost.

>Event 201
This is what made me start to dig into this.

Guess who has the patent for corona?

Yours is an interpretation as well, except if you were actually there and have inside knowledge.

To us, both are equivalent at first since we know next to nothing. But imagine this: USA vs China for some time now and for some time in the future, yes?
Imagine you are the US and want to bring China to her knees. What options to you have in 2020? Invasion? Monetary/financial blackmail/blitzkreig? The A bomb? What about all those huge numbers behind China in human and other resources? To cut a long story short you can imagine a scenario where a bioweapon is a feasible option.

Where the fuck do you plant it? Beijing? Some backwards country-ass village? Or near the only BSL4 lab in the country so that you might enjoy plausible deniability? A fucking leak that's what it was! We will never actually find out; or do you expect the shadows to come to the light and tell you the truth?

>The United States Air Force has placed a tender to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians, according to the Federal Business Opportunities website.
>"All Normal Human Fresh Frozen (FF) Synovial Tissue and Normal Human Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) samples must be Russian / Caucasian origin. All FF Synovial tissue and RNA samples must come from normal donors, who have no musculoskeletal injuries. This shall be confirmed by pathology," the contract reads.

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Interesting that the CCP has stopped short of officially accusing the United States of launching a bio attack. That tells me they’re using this false narrative more as propaganda, than as something to set the geopolitical stage.

>sliver of tangible reality
And all you do is keep repeating debunked points about "BSL-4 close means it's the source". The Wuhan facility is there to study viruses, not to develop weapons. China has other labs for that.
I have other points but there's no point blow the load right now.
>legally liable shitpost
You're not scaring me glowfag. I didn't state who I was but I never said I wasn't state backed myself. Australia is not as big of an arsekisser as you think. We have our own interests and your little operation has completely fucked us over.

>Interesting that the CCP has stopped short of officially accusing the United States of launching a bio attack. That tells me they’re using this false narrative more as propaganda, than as something to set the geopolitical stage.
INDEED. If no one admits to launching a bioweapon attack, any retaliation can be disguised as a "mutation".
In the coming weeks, the news will be on full blast about "new dangerous mutations of COVID-19".
The key sign to watch is Brazil, once that goes into epidemic mode, we know they launched the big one. Avoid NYC like the plague.

>The LARPer sticks words in someone else's mouth
>The schizo projects their beliefs about what someone else believes as objective because they themselves have infallible beliefs
Pottery. Better work on pretending to be mentally ill to develop that alibi.

>The HIV-alikeness is actually part of the weaponisation process
This should also be a no brainer

Also, reminder that Isreal closed all embassies worldwide right about the incubation period before this all started.

My explanation doesn’t have to do any reaching—that’s what makes it so much more probable.

2019 August (ETA-2 month for deployment)
>World must prepare for biological weapons that target ethnic groups based on genetics, says Cambridge University
2019 December (ETA+2 month for deployment)
>23andMe Suspends Access To Health-Related Genetic Reports After FDA Complaint
China got access to the 23andMe database and created an ethnic bomb for white people. The world will start at the end of this month according to these delays.
In the now infamous Project for a New American Century (the masterminds behind 9/11):
>And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. (p.72 of .pdf)

>Avoid NYC like the plague.
Like, literally!

You're literally describing what you're doing in this post. Keep doubling down, it will draw attention to the information I posted on here and will doom your info op. What you should have done was immediately contact the janitorial staff and had them prune this thread. You're simply too stupid to confront me effectively.

>Also, reminder that Isreal closed all embassies worldwide right about the incubation period before this all started.
North Korea as well.

people really don't understand how much russia is investing in disinformation and propaganda warfare.