Yas Forums humor thread

Yas Forums humor thread

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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Attached: dontdemoralizeonme.jpg (783x668, 83.3K)

Attached: rightwingersin2019.jpg (500x500, 62.59K)

Attached: PAYstWc.jpg (840x657, 88.35K)

Wack. Tucker is based

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so my meme is true

Attached: yipeekayaye.jpg (640x392, 52.76K)

Cringe, dude

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Left can’t meme

This guy uses vpn.

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Attached: RIDIN WITH BIDEN2.png (960x628, 676.87K)

Look down your pants.

If you have a penis, you're a man.
If you have a vagina, you're a woman.

But if you look down your pants and you have no clue what you got, then you are most likely a democrat.

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thank god Ima centrist

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Sure thing Sven, it's not like we know how much you like that chocolate

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now that's fucking funny

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fucking cringe without canadian flag

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Fuck, the centrists can't either?

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Makes sense. Niggers don't go to college and don't care about their health.


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>my meme is true
reddit is over there faggot

Double cringe

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This is literally the defense for migrants, LOL. It must be a troll image.


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what in gods name is this

Retarddit tier

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The left cant meme because the left is mentally ill and their brain doesn't work properly

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thanks, means a lot to me

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why is there always one clearly paid shill in these threads posting obviously think-tank funded "memes" ?

Is it because these threads scare them? I've noticed that both Yas Forums humor threads and fashwave threads always have at least one clear shill spamming the thread with low quality content, in effort to flood it with bullshit in the hopes that less people click into them later on, probably to neutralize them because they're effective.

Why does Yas Forums humor and fashwave frighten them?

Attached: rapscallion.png (2147x1505, 1.92M)

lel nice one

>white people literally the strongest on the planet
>White boy do you seriously want to start a race war?
The absolute intelligence of niggers

Like clockwork

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Boomer tier

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>Tucker Carlson told me that!

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he's a mentally ill jew larping as a nigger

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>these are the people who call you a nazi incel

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>Is it because these threads scare them
yes we are scared of your boring ass repetitive LMAO NIGGERS "jokes"

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>Implying I'm poor

Why is it that Bernie Bros thinks everyone is a retarded poorfag?

Kek THE LEDT CANT MEME!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA always with these "I took what you wrote and switch a few words to my liking. Checkmate" these never work that I've seen and you've been doing it for years... Are you all those Indians hired by share blue?

red dit.com/

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