Does anyone know what are these

Apparently, migrants from Syria and beyond are drawing these on some spots of the town. It is really strange to see the attitude towards them changed so suddenly in mainstream media, even the reddit became redpilled and does not approve of their presence (Greek border) Some are reporting that these drawings are appearing in other countries as well. Local organisations are saying it is some sort of a muslim sect sign, but it all sounds like a bunch of bullshit made to get reactions and generate clicks on bullshit news articles. I've tried to find anything similar, but no luck. Is it random shit to generate hysteria, or does it have some meaning?

Attached: shitskin.png (334x346, 252.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a warning sign that white men are near and erect

Attached: shitskin2.png (433x484, 410.95K)

>Niggers marking their territory
You're being invaded. They've come to rape your woman, plunder high trust villages, and inbreed.

Orthodox cross?

>attitude towards them changed so suddenly in mainstream media
Earlier the refugees were actually fleeing highly probable death. This time around it's people that are already safe from death but are being used as a literal weapon by Erdogan.

Female with penis

It doesn't look like this:
I'm with erect Pekka

that was true for syrian refugees, but a shit ton of them came from other countries, that are just shitholes, and not areas where the actual conflict was happening. Still, people would be oMg YoU RaCiSt, LeT tHeM In

>migrants from Syria
How is there anyone left in syria? They should have all left or died years ago.

Attached: 1556024627415.jpg (1024x917, 82.89K)

Congregational mark seems to be the most likely explanation.

This. They were never at harm. Even if this was true, the women and children should have been in Europe. It was men of fighting age lying about being children.

Here you go, this is very serious, Sunday 4pm protest

It signals to other gang members that there will be much raping of children in this area and to watch out 'cuz they might find and rape you too.

I'll paraphrase for non speakers, it basically means that they will spread jihad with sword over european soil allegedly.

This looks like some grafitti artist's symbol and he's trying to get famous by associating himself with a current popular phenomenon.

It means that Serbs will get the werbs

3 branches become one

Stop posting your meaningless hipster graffiti.

Blame Erdogan. He effectively called them "his weapon".

That's a "Zinkn". Those signs were used by the european beggar's organization from the middle ages onwards and from the german Bündische since the 1819 Kotzbue murder with only miniscule changes.

If they're using the older code, it means "devout people", as in "act like a devout christian and they'll give you money". In the newer one, it means "stay away from here, these people will sell you out".

Close. stylized human with a halo.

GIS says it's a lob wedge
refugees are only trying to improve their game

Attached: lob wedge.png (1261x836, 509.82K)

the signs are a trail to mark the path to western europe
the migrants at the front mark the walls
the migrants at the back follow the signs

do you have any source or more material that can be read on this? it looked like a "hobo sign" to me, but people like to panic

Come on what's he saying?

>a back 9 instead? my good sir?

based GIS does not give a fuck about refugees

No excuses.

You made this thread the other day.
See >Thieves Guild operatives. Find the Grey Fox and take him out!
You even posted pic related so I don't know why you would make this thread again.

Attached: 1583254185648.jpg (2560x1600, 159.99K)

No, it looks like some sort of code for them to understand. I would be looking into older languages and pictographs.

Change them or cover over them. Geez, why is not being done?

someone was stabbed by migrants at that spot, and later on this sign appeared.
people are getting more and more pissed off, some movements are organizing patrols in certain areas, and waiting if some bigger shit will happen. Guy from the video is not sure what the sign means, but he's speculating that its some sort of a "warning" by rapefugees, and calls people out to join the patrols and be prepared to kick them out.
Again, this organisation is prone to spreading fake news, just so hysteria could be generated, but still people here are ready to start the violence against them.

Thought the same.

Fuck I have to head to work soon and I can't be sifting through thousands of these fucking things!!!!

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be a Muslim living in Europe over the next decade or so. I smell another genocide brewing.

I can confirm that I am erect

There's a lot of german material on Zinken, Zinkn, Gaunerzinken, Gaunerzeichen and whatever else they're called. Most of it shows a different code though, which seems to have been created in the 70s and which I've enver seen used.

The older codes are almost exclusively used by the clans nowadays, and obviously, we don't publish complete lists - the only symbols of those codes that we translate to outsiders are ones such as this one that have no negative meaning.

Might be a modified version of this:

Attached: 233423423.jpg (474x505, 47.6K)
Just watch this, apparently it’s some jihadi crap

>symbol in white spray paint
>this symbol means something and we should be concerned!
>just happen to have a can of the exact shade!

kek true though

>Exact shade of white
Yeah that colour has so many variants

Its similar to what nazis did to jews, they market the places of people they wanna kill/rape once shtf

lol, these niggers came for gibs not for jihad you schizo. if anything these are burglar's hierglyphs made by gypsies.

ngl reminds me of this shit

Attached: 143bd8fac0a1ee6ef1fd026d8b4fe2e6.jpg (798x790, 99.57K)

>clean white
>bone white
>stained white
Don't underestimate what designers come up with.

Then explain why they’re screaming Allahu akbar at the Greek border.
They sure want gibs, but many of these fuckers are former militants.

>stylized human with a halo.

Islam forbids drawing the human form. That is why all Muslim art is just textures and squiggles.

Good point, but I don’t think those shades would be even visible in the video.
Plus what other colour could he use to spray a dark surface?

1) arabs say allahu akbar in everyday conversation all the time and 2) they know it scares people

Illiterate Muslim invader drawing of great white Christian god kicking him in the ass.

>they know it scares people
good way to get shot here

>It's in white paint
Means it's the white man probably
>Had the cross
Could mean Europe, Christianity.
>A man is on the cross being crucified
Meaning we will have the same fate as our lord

Well it's assumptions but we've gotta start somewhere.

That's not a muslim symbol though. It's literally a symbol for a dude who's so devout that he might as well have a halo, meaning they'll give you support if you act like a christcuck and call the cops on you if you don't.
it's part of a set of symbols the german clans have been using for over 200 yrs after adapting it from the gypsies and that the turks and kurds have in turn adapted from us.

Paint over them as soon as you see them, dumbass.

>It scares people
So they’re agressive, it’s logical for them to see themselves as conquerors of Europe. After all it’s obvious even to them that certain parts of major cities in the West are becoming islamized.

show bobs

They're gypsy-like symbols for scumbags to communicate.

Attached: aacda254d101d45353297b8a547405a4--ministry-gypsy.jpg (200x252, 20.17K)

>Dar al-Harb
>Not Jihadi
KYS Faggot

First thought was of the christogram

Attached: F4345261-10A4-4BB0-9D13-AF81B9EA0233.png (500x600, 17.98K)

stickman dubbing

Also the orthodox cross

Attached: 5A0132BA-B4C3-4AF2-934B-94D4BE1776D3.png (400x400, 2.61K)

I think it is a modified version of the Evil Eye symbol. The eye of Set has the diagonal line bottom to top (left to right) The crux is in the T form as opposed to the t or x form. Then there is the arch at the top... or the Eye with the top little tip of the T being used as the pupil.

Oh... OH

Why is this happening in Serbia and not countries that are much more heavily infested?

is there a new prince album coming out?

Attached: princesymbol.png (870x1024, 27.1K)

It's happening in germany too. but as such symbols have always been commonplace, nobody cares.

Is this true user, are we being clowned?

lol, beat me to is

Pretty close.

It is a Glyph that represents a Turk fagot doing a rocket dance in a chorus line with the other trannies

I was right it is about fagots