Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year, while world's all fishermen catch 20million tons fish in a year. Whale is enemy of mankind.
Whaling should be legal, it's delicious and it's a good source of fuel.
For the people that hunt whales, this is a very profitable activity. It is clearly not easy to hunt down a huge animal such as a whale, and as such they turn into heroe whenever they do manage to do so, and they get a lot of profit out of it.
Fuck whale, the minke is not even endangered. Not our business what Asia does anyway.
Whaling industry is GOOD
Why do you keep remaking this thread?
>Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year, while world's all fishermen catch 20million tons fish in a year. Whale is enemy of mankind.
>Fuck whale, the minke is not even endangered. Not our business what Asia does anyway.
I've said the same thing. whales are pests.
All they do is eat our fish and grow.
Whale is the cow of ocean with more meat, fat is useful too.
Show flag nip
Important topic
You eat meat, where does it come from stupid?
Exactly. They are useless except for food and fuel.
You're mad because you went from number one whaling in the world to nothing. Ha
Name one good reason to not hunt whale?
Jesus killed stupid fish all the time.
They're smarter than niggers and we can't hunt those
Why not? That's a separate issue that also needs to be addressed. They are also enemy of human and serve no purpose. You can eat whale, no one wants to eat a nigger but a nigger.
Herman Melville defended the trade of whaling most eloquently in Moby-Dick, but he did not foresee a menacing, massive, species-endangering Asiatic ocean-threshing epidemic.
Humpback recovered. Minke and beluga are not in danger.. what's the problem? How is it not just a big deer in the ocean?
>t. Japanese lunatic who obsessively hates whare and dorphin
Projected fishing haul this year is 130million tons according to google, and there is 0 data to suggest whales eat that much so I’m going to say that’s bullshit based on how bullshit your other figure is. Fuck off
Tuna is more important and you retard hunt them to extinction too.
wtf i hate whales now
Humpback whales such as we see in Hawaii every year in the summertime will eat up to 2–1/2 tons per day. They also eat schooling fish such as capelin, herring, sardines, and whatever else they can get. Do the math.
They're sea jews always crying about muh extinction but there's millions of them and they destroy the planet. Fuck whale
you know who else eats tonnes of fish and its useless to this planet? chinks
>we can't hunt those
We used to be able to.
Agree, but Puerto Rico isn't any better so you can not talk.
I have nothing against whalers. PETA fags are aids to the planet
Fucka you dorphin, and fucka you whare!
It's not like shark finning at least. All the whale is used, only hunt from prevalent ass hole over population species. Who cares? It pays good.
Dolphin taste bad
There is zero anti whaling facts
That's a shark.
Why are they eating a shar....never mind, it's the chinese
I dunno, i think id rather eat people. Same reasons apply.
It's true!
because of fukushima eating anything in that ocean will give you cancer in a hurry anyway
I agree. I fucking hate whales. Fuck whales I hope the great Japanese eat all of those fucking things. Nothing that big should be in the water. Fuck whales. I'm like one of those Japanese people on South Park that has an intense hate for whales irl. I mean it. Fuck whales. Yes they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell.
With the quality of chink and jap proxy posters i cant tell if this is a troll or not
Okay, I’ll bite. 40k global humpback whales, on the high side of estimates. I’ll use your 2.5 number. 40k*2.5*365 is ~40m tons if you round up. You’re a jackass.
THe entirety of the book was literally page after page of how shitty it is to be a whaler, wtf are you smoking?
Even if it is, the point still stands. We have no reason not to kill whales and a lot of us hope they are removed from our oceans. I'm almost tempted to go on a whale watching tour and bringing a bunch of rocks to throw at them. Why the fuck do people go to WATCH retarded ass whales? KILL ALL WHALES
I would eat the hell out of that whale bacon.
Funny watching that Sea Shepherd speedboat get rekt. That was the first time they took one of the fastest boats on the planet out and they destroyed it by ramming a ship with 100X it's mass. Morons.
Whales eat like krill and plankton. Not the fish we eat
what does whale taste like?
Maybe in the past was dangerous to kill a whale and you were a hero because you put your life in danger but not now.
>Someone has never seen Star Trek IV
No...it was about how shitty it was to live a life of vengeance. Everything was shitty back then.
Even baleen whales eat fish, my dude. And what do you think sperm whales eat? And before you say it, no- they don't eat the same thing your mother does that's also in their name.
Fuck whales.
Hurr that's only one whale type
Red pill
Hurr more than one type whale
Between beef and tuna.
I hated those idiots, I'm glad they gave up.
Most Whales eat plankton you retard, the only one who would be bothered by that is Onions Green
Honestly you changed my mind.
Some not all
If the whales did somehow all die, what would even change? Nothing.
are you the guy from norway with electric heating using a VPN?
The human population should only be at 3 billion, not 7.5 billion.
Overpopulation of fish leading to ecosystem collapse. Possibly.
If what you said in the OP is true about the 100mil vs 20mil figures.
That would be an extra 80 million tons of fish in the sea every year. But I guess it's possible that the ecosystem would just adapt. Or we could up our fishing industries.
Then why don't you go in the water with the fucking whales?
You bring up a good point though, we could just get rid of all the useless shit people on the world by throwing them in the ocean and eliminate them along with all the fucking whales.
shark tastes good though...
You sound like a psychopath.
I had no idea they could remain alive while they were being chopped up.
He's actually japanese
Did you ever think that the world needs psychopaths? Maybe it does, if that's what I am then.
I know right, I assumed when I lost a leg I died immediately
Do you have any pics of the latest jap whaling season?
There’s almost a million whales of one type only.
Whales a huge problem.
Giant squids are now coming to the surface since the whales are eating everything.
I'm American
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Also OP is slant eye
no, he sounds absolutely reasonable. A psychopath would deny whaling as a food source and try to starve people.
The world needs fewer people. People who think logically, creatively, and have compassion. Recklessly raping the Earth will only lead to our own destruction.
Exactly, Japanese are doing the world a favor by them killing and eating dumb ass whale.
Every time a whale swims though the ocean just sucking everything in, it is raping the Earth. Fuck whales.
Or... people could just have only one/two kids and consume less.
I hold humanity to a higher standard.
Why did my ID change? Damn.
Checked it out
You going over to Africa and India to tell them this though? Or just western countries?
so... cullings in africa, the only place in the world where that takes place regularly?
I'm glad he made it, otherwise I would have never realized it. Its logical.
Your writing is poor. Are you Asian?
Fuck off, whales are one of the few creatures on the earth which killing presents a moral problem when not necessary for survival. Genuinely intelligent creatures alongside dolphins.
Corona proxy faggot
Non arguments.
Western countries need to consume less, however, Asian countries need to stop making people. Africa is a lost cause...
That isn't a justification for the harm done to the fish population which is far better utilized toward people.
There are ~50,000 killer whales
they eat ~300 pounds of fish, every single day
This means they alone eat 2.7 million tons of fish a year.
They are one of the least populous types of whales.
Cringy meme, Rabbi.
Africans just need to go extinct. Incompetent and violent.
But by that reasoning:
>Asia = too many people
>Africa = lost cause
That means that they consume too much. Why do western countries need to consume less then?