Defend this

Defend this.

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Less poor people voting is good.

Not when they're republicans though right?

Sounds like a bunch of malarkey. Who know who's tough on malarkey, right?

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The left has been playing dirty for the past 50 years, im not going to cry about the right finally deciding to stop them by any means.

>Democrats need more polling places than there are McDonald's so their brown hordes will remember to vote
>White boomers drive 30 minutes in rain to vote

Just send an absentee ballot, I don't get why everybody doesn't do this. So much easier.

Bahahaha that's the most embarrassing excuse yet.

fuck you i hope every spic gets screwed out of their chance to vote

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Illegals don't need voting locations.

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This is how it should be. Low agency morons who are unwilling to devote more than a tiny bit of effort to vote for their handouts shouldn't be voting at all.

Democrats wanted this cause it means people can vote wherever they want to. It was suppose to help minorities. Guess what it didn't work.

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real id for voters only. how is this not a thing

Honestly increase polling places but make ID a requirement.


Don't democrats flood places with immigrants to flip states blue? If they play dirty then they can't complain when the other side doesn't play fair either

4 Supreme court JUSTICES also voted to prosecute illegal aliens for stealing identities. So there's that.

das raciss

Come to Illinois, you can continue voting dem when you're dead and I know you'd like that wouldn't ya peter puffer

We have to show passports like wtf burgers get voter id law. Whats blocking it. House?


What if there was 10 times more voting places in Democrats district than Republicans? Fairness is fairness my man!

Are you literally fucking 12? What the fuck. Two wrongs don't make a right. Not that that's even comparable to actual objective voter suppression.

This is operating under the assumption that Democrat and Republican district had the same amount of polling stations. In reality, it's probably that the districts affected had much more polling stations which were costing too much mobey to operate so they scaled back.

Democrats banking on the illegal vote

You shouldn’t be allowed to vote if you live off the public dolt

Idiots claim racism, so it shuts down any notion of a voter ID.

Nevermind India -- a country of 1 BILLION -- can handle voter IDs, but apparently blacks cannot. Go figure.

What's the need to use meme flag?


Well isn't that amazingly convenient. And the whole taking hours to vote is totally unrelated to that fact too! I suppose you have proof?

>meme flag
>laughs off dem corruption
never saw that coming

The Poorest Republican's left pinky toe is worth more than ten democrat leeches

>demcucks are already making up excuses for losing the election

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>Democrats have 90% more polling places
>cut back on such waste

you admit your team doesn't play by the rules yet you want us to give a fuck about this? Fuck you, fuck your team, fuck your voters. None of us care. At all. We know you only pretend to care when it benefits you. I hope you get killed soon.

Illegals aren't voters

Have you ever heard of the tragedy of the commons?

It’s corrupt as shit, it’s indefensible no matter who is doing it, anyone arguing other wise is a braindead trumpkin shill.


Primaries of political parties are not the responsibility of the state. The parties should provide poling stations themselves. Cope.

>>Democrats have 90% more polling places
Fucked up if true. Source??

The Democratic Party of Texas runs the Texas Democratic Primary. No Republican was involved.

100% accurate. Lol imagine thinking otherwise.

Why else would they be closing them?

Because gerrymandering and election interference is well-documented and fucking exists, you moron? Jesus Christ, is this the kind of thought you put into your everyday life? Are there really this many normies among us?

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>my team
It's not my team. And whether you like it or not, two wrongs don't make a right. It's not a fucking excuse except in your retarded childish brain.

>unless evey school, park, wendy's drive through and porta-potty is a polling station your interfering and suppressing the vote.
Gerrymandering isn't Republican exclusive fag and is irrelevant in the general election.

Fuck Democrats! simple as that. They don't play fair so why should anybody else?

KEK fuck niggers

Translation: I have no source and am pulling stuff out of my ass to defend my precious party.

Yes, imagine thinking it's ok to keep suffrage to enemies of the state.

No, I'm laughing off at the extremely childish excuse of pointing fingers instead of defending yourself.


the poorest Republican is worth more than any Democrat

It doesn’t have to be exclusive to any group or party for it to be a scourge that anyone with a drop of self-awareness should be against, you simpleton.


It's called politics you meme flag faggot. All sides play dirty, libshits such as yourself have your own tricks. Lurk moar

>He has no source
>House Reps aren't elected in the general
Based retard

Probably another lie, but I nly white men should vote anyway


When Democrats cheat is ok apparently, so fuck off hypocrite retard
you use illegals and vote multiple times

This isn't gerrymandering its closing extra polling places.

Again. No Republican is involved in the Democrat Primary. It is a Democrat who chooses where their precinct boundries are for their primary. It is a Democrat who decides how many polling places are required for each precinct.
The existence, or lack thereof, Republican gerrymandering does not apply at all to the Democratic Primary. Because Republicans can not influence the DNC's Primary, at all. Just like how Democrats can not influence the RNC's Primary, at all. Because the parties run their own primaries.

I mean, you're not wrong

Is this supposed to be a defense?

>t. actual retard memeflag


>flooding the nation with foreign nationals and illegally allowing them do vote
>not comparable to voter suppression
Guys you know how trump wants to buy Greenland right? There's less than 60k people living there.
If we get together about 30k likeminded anons we can all illegally immigrate there and vote to join the USA. This user just confirmed that it's fine!

Yeah apparently I can simply show up in CA and vote too. wtf is this shit

>When Democrats cheat is ok apparently,
Never said that, nice strawman you literal baby. You are unable to argue at all, you just dodge the question and point fingers at the other side like the drone you are.
>shit, I can't argue so I'll make fun of him!
Classic Yas Forums.


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This desu. Honestly, most states should just do what Washington does. There is no in person voting, just mail in ballots.

Not OP.

Democrats claim it's racist against poor people, because blacks are too poor and stupid to have ID. White liberals believe it too. Everyone has a state ID or DL. In most states if you are poor you can get the $20 fee waived.

>Defend this.
i only defend things that are true

That is the most retarded excuse. niggers dont vote because they actually have to leave the house and go someplace? retarded excuse and they dont deserve the right to vote if thats all they can say.

This isn't gerrymandering retard

Giving people homes will never ever be comparable to voter suppression. Conspiracy theories about illegals are just that. Either way you're dodging the point, two wrongs don't make a right, dems could sacrifice babies to Beelzebub and this point would still stand.

I am, I just moved places. Why else do you think "OP" stopped posting coincidentally at the exact same time another United Nations flag appeared?


>We have to show passports
There vast majority of Americans do not have passports. I didn't even have mine until like... October or so of last year.

And democrats use felons and illegals voting 3 times in one day to make it her turn.
Politics is a shitshow made to keep people happy and stupid.


Nothing is stopping these niggers from getting an absentee ballot and avoiding long lines. Go kys, faggots gonna faggot.