Family comes at your door starving

>family comes at your door starving
>It's just you and your supplies
>they will die if you don't help them

what will you do? it is an inevitability in a few months time.

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If the wife is hot enough, she is now mine. The kids and father can fuck right off.

Kill the man and the kids and take the wife as a sex slave.

are modern people really too stupid to figure out basic farming? i mean with a good, well-learned leader a dozen men with shovels could easily feed themselves.

True lion move there.

Feed them cyanide and feed their bodies to my pet vultures.

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lots of room at the farm. he must however bring me 10 nigger scalps to prove he is worthy to remain. after that I expect him and his wife to pull thier wieght. He must be able to recite the lords prayer and the 14 words.

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as a christian i share my supplies without discriminating people

Only the man

If they are at least as white as your picture then sure. I'd help them get their act together in exchange for loli hugs and that's it really. Fuck my standards are low.

Why would I use my scarce resource to ensure the survival of another male's children?

>The infected arrive at your door
>wonder how they got past the punji traps
>wonder where the fuck my dogs are
>wonder why my betties didn't bounce
>these starving fuckers breached my perimeter
>watch the radioactive rain melt them on my Ring

Father and children get a bullet. Wife is mine now.

If you don't bring ammo, women, or food, I will kill you.

Eat them.

This. I would tell the father and children to fuck off. Then feed the wife a steady diet of sea men

You had months to prepare you idiots
I even stood by the roadside yelling that the world was comming to an end and you laughed at me
but who's laughing now Thomas
Not you
I am
*unzips cock*

I’d take in his wife and even the kids. The husband can commit sudoku for his failure to provide for his family.

not in gay way;
If he agrees he is pathetic and i shut door
If he says no then i shut door

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Why would you keep vultures as pets?

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Rack a shell as I countdown from 10

Holy mother of based

Kill the man and seize your winnings. Two food-finding goblins to slave for you and a cumbucket you can lock away.

Kill them and now I have more supplies.

Should have stocked up instead of blowing money on bullshit.

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>implying I would even answer my door in an apocolypse

I trade for the loli

You are not a Christian you obvious kike

Post timestamped physique.

You guys are dumb. You can never do what all those extra pairs of eyes can do rotating night watch etc. in fallout world soon as you turn ur back ur done, u need to team up and the couple would increase ur survivability a lot. Fuck off D&C coomer jews.
And yes she prob would be giving grateful affection on the dl when papa is out risking his neck scouting supplies for an afternoon

Help them out and when this all passes in a few months you have new connections! Imagine not being an incel and building your circle

>see family approaching my compound
>buzz them though the electrified perimeter gate
>deactivate hidden walkway landmines
>they're standing on my porch ringing my doorbell
>i didn't deactivate the doorbell trap and they fall to their deaths onto sharp metal spikes
pssh like i'd let some casual just walk up on my property

she would take your gun and kill you while you sleep, then go get the husband back

where is the dutch coomer?

Based and Piercepilled.
Post timestamped physique. Everyone who LARPs as a raider hardmann is a fat fuck who thinks authority comes from the rusting barrel of a cheap, poorly maintained gun he's brought to the range maybe three times at most.

Idiots, you cut off her arms and legs and chain her to the wall. Reduces the amount of feed as well.

this is the only correct answer
>little girl is too young and just a burden
>accepting males who aren't able to find food themselves is a HUGE NOPE and if you don't kill them then they will kill you
>accepting the wife as sex slave
This. The girl is too young and as soon as you killed all three then the wife won't help you anyway so it's either sex slave or shoot her as well.

But if there is still a government and law enforcement I would just close the door.

>hey guys this guy will share all his supplies, just go here.
oh no I'm out of supplies in 1 day how could this have backfired!

Kill them all, rape/eat their corpses.

>forgot pic related

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I am prior service military, an avid hunter, gun collector, and outdoors-man. Unfortunately my family knows this and would show up on my doorstep in the event of any sort of major event. I say unfortunately because by and large most of them would be completely useless to me. I would still take them in, but they would be relegated to guarding the perimeter in the evenings. If i could even trust them with that.

kill the mom son and father keep the cunny for myself

Jesus, FINE! Here, take all this toilet paper.


Fucking trash

This except kill the wife and take the dad, shota and loli as my brides

no worries I will take care of the children

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Not a "raider hardmann" just a person that logically realises that feeding strangers (a family of 4 no less) serves you no purpose in an apocalyptic scenario.

It makes much more sense to eliminate the potential threat (the man) and enslave the children to do your bidding and take what pleasure you can from the woman. This is very basic stuff. Our ancestors did this for thousands of years.

If we want to talk about real LARPers, its the Christians who say they'll help their neighbor. Watch how fast that changes when SHTF.

>too young

Post-apocalypses are libertarian anarchy by definition

They can stay as long as they brought enough supplies for all of their families.
The supplies they must provide for themselves are food, water, and enough air filters to compensate for the increased strain they will cause on my air filtration system.

Feed them to the raccoons.

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I don't disagree but do you not believe there is an inherent value in being in a community in an apocalyptic scenario? On the basis it was local people that you sort of know, and not too large.

they can work on my plot of land if they offer me their daughter to be my wife

Too bad for them. I’ve been sounding the alarm since the middle of January to everyone I can that they need to prepare for multiple months of not going to the store. If they’re not prepared and think they’re going to lay hands on mine I’ll gladly share the fun end of my 9

Exactly. And you hear all this shite about price gouging.
>b-b-but please help me even though I made no efforts to help myself
they can piss off. £100 for a surgical mask (that I've put holes in) or nothing. Then collect it and sell it to the next. Keep all the p3s for the chosen Anglos such as myself.

If you let a fella into your house with his family he automatically becomes cock of the house. Simple as. Kill him, exploit him, or turn him away, but NEVER let him in.

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Authority comes from power and if some dip shit shows up with nothing in hand I don’t care if you’re 8 years old because if you have a gun you’re the authority figure.

Heh, this is good

Got me


If you happen to have extra, why the fuck wouldn't you?

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Make the wife my personal whore for a can of corn


>Life is an episode of The Walking Dead.
The Post.

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True alpha male behavior.


nature dictates this.

Oh sure, there is definitely value. I only meant in the context of a scenario where a random family of 4 has knocked on your door.

Realistically what value does that family have of you once they realise you're alone? The man will try to take you out at some point.

As for forming groups with local people you've known for many years, sure why not.

I can't let kids die. I'd give them some food and water.

not having a situation (a defendable farm) where extra white families willing to work and fight weren't welcome. my food supply is based on my labour supply. my only question for the man is: Is he willing to kill niggers?

My only command to the husband is: Obey me.
My only command to his wife: Obey your husband
My only command to his children: Obey your mother.

I consider all white people an extension of my family, and will treat them accordingly.

this guy gets it. except I dont need her affections, I expect her to be loyal to her husband. there is a good reason not to fuck the mans wife, it will only create internal conflict and suspect loyalties.

wrong dude. if you cant set him up to generate more food then they eat, then you should cut them loose. our ancestors did not do this. there is strength in numbers. with more men, i can take over nearby farms, kill more niggers, grow more food and expand my feudal empire. in time I will make this man a baron, as one of my earliest supporters and most loyal leiutenants.

loyalty will be rewarded, betrayal will be answered by death

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I'd ask for 5 nigger scalps because it's a Fibonacci number

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war bride

Only have the kids. Wife could stay if she becomes my sex slave. The dad can only if stay if he can contribute which he cant

obviously get rid of the man and kids, and keep the wife.

I make jerky using their meat.

Trade the daughter for a generous bit of supplies.

Why does this pic remind me of Sam Hyde?

>Implying this alfa chad wouldnt rekt some fucking user to provide for his family

I would help them

I'd quarantine them in the garage for 2 weeks then let them in, but they have to pull their weight

tell them that I'm also out of food but I will gladly keep an eye out for some and in case I will give them.
If you start giving out food, they will come again and again asking for more

By that point my tiny, rural neighborhood will have check points. Unless they have useful skills or items to trade, they have to move along. Giving them food so we all die more quickly helps nobody.

You'll never get any woman worth anything to abandon her children. If she dumps the kids she isn't worth saving.
>Letting white children die
True men take care of their own, you might as well save the Dad too. Community is important and a man is worth 10 women if you need to get shit done

>what will you do?
Kill them all and eat their bastard children.

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1st real response in the thread.

I have room and supplies - they would have to prove their worth - as stated by another user, the man would have to show he has the fortitude to kill and the skills to work - the children would also have to work - the woman, now, we all know what she has to be willing to provide and my gf, if she wants to stick around, will have to be okay with this - I've already informed her

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Offer to take the women, tell the guys to fuck off. If they get uppity about it, magdump and bury in backyard.

ex DIA user here (Defense Intelligence Agency)...cia but for le mil. Basically all of the talk we ever had about this informal or roundtable, it comes down to hunger. So yes, you will kill your neighbor to feed your children. Yes, that same neighbor you barbequed with on the weekend. You'll say sorry, and not be happy but you will pull the trigger. And he will do the same.

>it's the food... when the food runs out or the perception of food has ran out...that's when the boogaloo starts.

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are they native europeans?

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