The mark of the beast is very close

The mark of the beast is very close...
It was only a matter of time once countries started moving their embassies to Jerusalem, which is the future capital of the world government where the antichrist will be declared king in the third temple.
>Following reports that Beijing had "quarantined" dirty cash, the WHO warned on Monday that the virus could survive on banknotes, potentially spreading Covid-19 within communities, and across the world. To reduce the risk of being infected by money, the NGO advised citizens in countries struggling with outbreaks to favor digital payments when possible, the Daily Telegraph reported.
>That the WHO is telling the public to avoid cash is hardly a surprise: research has found that coronaviruses have been found to live on surfaces for as long as 9 days.
>During the statement, a WHO spokesman referenced a Bank of England study claiming that banknotes "can carry bacteria or viruses" and urged people to wash their hands. Other studies have shown that 90% of US $1 bills had bacteria present, and one Swiss study found that viruses had survive on the faces of Swiss francs for days.
>Of course, that one of the world's major NGOs is seizing the opportunity to proclaim the virtues of 'paperless' money is hardly a surprise: the globalist push toward a 'cashless society' has been underway for years now, having had its biggest successes in Scandinavia. Sweden has gone virtually "cashless", and in such a short time, they've already confronted the many drawbacks of relying exclusively on digital money.

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That's not the only thing they have gotten Sweden to accept.
>Thousands of people in Sweden are having futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash.
This is the mark of the beast, it has been written that nobody will be able to buy or sell without it. It will also replace ID, driving license, health card and so on, everything will be accessible through it. The Coronavirus pandemic is the perfect opportunity to push mass surveillance on a global level facilitated by 5G, tracking everyone purportedly for their own safety.
>Microsoft is teaming up with Accenture to build a digital ID network using blockchain technology, as part of a United Nations-supported project to provide legal identification to 1.1 billion people worldwide with no official documents.
>The companies unveiled a prototype of the network on Monday at the UN headquarters in New York during the second summit of ID2020...
>The ID2020 Alliance has launched a new digital identity program at its annual summit in New York, in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, vaccine alliance Gavi, and new partners in government, academia, and humanitarian relief.
>The program to leverage immunization as an opportunity to establish digital identity...
Everything is in place, no turning back now.

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Lol that guy looks like he's in the worst pain in his life

Nothing comparable to the pain he will likely experience in the next life still

Bumping to help avoid the Mark of the Beast.

Thank you user

If you're using a smartphone it's already too late

2033 its really ahppening

Not really, for most people who own a smartphone it is too late in the sense that they've already consented to be tracked and are unlikely to back down as their freedom gets infringed further and further. But someone who realizes what's going on can simply throw it in the trash.


primmies explode when thrown, dude?

What I have heard about microchips is that they aren't that popular in Sweden, even though media tries to make seem harmless and popular.

Beast was killed on the 1st January 2017.

Totally detached from my knowledge too. Argue with that until the cows come home.

Thick, disrespectful and vile Americans, Jews and Brits.

Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped
One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?

Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’

BREADCRUMBS &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

Emergency backup drive

Attached: BE2D4E04-E2D1-4ED8-B7DA-C26D3C337CA8.png (640x1136, 98.7K)

Direct links.

Illumination route(27 pages)

Methodology (37 pages)

Direct link to google drive pdf of illumination route (27 pages)

Direct link to google drive pdf of methodology. 37 pages

You’ve been duped Americans, Israelis and Brits.

By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .

Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

It’s all over 8kun too. Lol

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped

One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.
What good are your weapons now?

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’

Never lies and is never violent.


BREADCRUMBS &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

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Even if they aren't popular they'll be forced to take them. An economic crisis is brewing, they all fell for the con of trusting the banks with their money and they'll see them vanish.

The vaccine will be the mark of the beast. Those who refuse to take it will not be able to buy or sell. In China they forbid infected to buy food and anyone to sell it to them. (Likely because they figured the person is going to die anyway why waste food?) In Last Messages youtube channel #9 you see the police hunting down people at night who were infected and were out trying to buy food and the merchants who were selling to them.

The vaccine is going to be deadly BTW--so stock up and wait until every fool that takes it pops their clogs.

smartphone ownage doesnt prevent you from buying and selling goods nor does not having one cause people to want to kill you on the spot

With a bit of luck. Lol

Money and celebrity worshippers.

Julian Assange made the game multidimensional and Trump betrayed him.

The thick fucks have been trying to conceal the inescapable and incontrovertible fact that Britain is both the winner and loser in the global holy war.

And yes, yours truly owes Julian a massive thank you.

And no, i’m not perfect either, but some of my knowledge is. That’s why it is date and time stamped.

And yes, it is all over 8kun too.

Illumination route (27 pages)

Methodology (37 pages)

You’ve been duped America and Britain

By all your politicians and twitter too. Who collectively thought it would be a wise move to conceal, threaten and judge the true source of the storm .

Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

And don’t be too precious about your nationality, it means nothing.

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. Every single entry date and time stamped

Jon James Pratt (999)

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire

Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’

Never lies and is never violent


BREADCRUMBS &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

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That's a part of it, the history of vaccinations will be accessible through a scan of the chip. But not the mark itself, people will bribe doctors to bypass it.

Ya cause gods going to torture him forever because 2 people ate apples. But as an all powerful god he didn't know? or didn't care? to stop them for whatever reason but now he decides to torture people in Hell forever.
Sounds like a fucking kike doesn't it...

We all make our own choices, and those choices have consequences

Dumb kikes fumbled the ark of the covenant on the 1st January 2017.

7 weeks meditation with these bad boys.

Holy skill set. Lol

Revelation was a guided tour of 13 pizza ovens. The real pizzagate. Lol INDEX.htm

Laughing my ass off.

Best poker face ever.

Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

It’s all over 8kun too. Lol

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format.

2,238 pages130mb
17 year long beam of light from the absolute.

Every single entry date and time stamped

One size fits all.
Kills butthurt Americans, Brits and Jews instantly.

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Jon James Pratt (999)
Aka ‘cosmic Lol’
Aka ‘the storm’

Never lies and is never violent.


BREADCRUMBS &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

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Yeh, it’s really happening this time Yas Forums, supermarket’s in Australia are starting to run out of everything as the realisation hits home for the normies that this simply isn’t just the sniffles and that they’ll be quarantined for up to two weeks.


wtf is this 17 year old beam of light?

>tfw when tinfoilhats were right
i got the phone number 666 and i only use that phone for:
>applying jobs
>ordering mcdonalds
>buying drugs
>was tempted but didnt buy pussy
on the bright side, im now pretty much nophone and have read most of the Bible

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brainlet thread

this lad will queue for the chip

I bought and switched to a simple keypad phone, no reason to switch back unless I go to a different city and need Google Maps for orientation.

>The mark of the beast is very close.
soon ...

havent read his schizo posts, but maybe he is referring to a planet 17 light years away?
The sunlight needs 8 minutes to reach, so each photon, or beam of (sunlight) is 8 minutes old ... just a rough idea

you're mentally ill

How so?

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oh no no no no ... we are getting close.
lets see what giga satan has to say

>And yes, it is all over 8kun too.
Those NPCs over there are just sure the Wuflu is a nothing burger because Q said--srsly how can people be so stupid. I warned them the saturday before Trump's speech--they laughed.
The storm is coming
(cytokine storm)
The truth (about the virus) will put 99% of people in the hospital
These people are stupid

I listened to Edward Riordan's RV of Q--someone commissioned him (meaning he does this for a living) with a blind target and he filmed it all and posted it--then he took it down and posted a synopsis. What Q really is--should scare the living fuck out of all of us. It explains why Trump is acting like the virus is nothing--and why he thinks there is a cure coming--they don't realize that shifting timelines have consequences. They are about to find that out.

There is much worse coming for US...devastating EQ in CA--Cascadia, Juan de Fuca, and Gorlock are going to slide--massive tsunamic incoming.

Also Yellowstone has been under heavy guard against suitcase nukes for a while now...

there is a war both in the heavens--and on earth.

THE PLAN--take us out
Opposition to THE PLAN--take them out.

Right now many wealthy influential people are incubating wuflu. Tom Cruise and much of his film crew are rumored to be in quarantine due to having filmed in Italy.

The four Senators that snuck off to Iran to meddle in US Iran policy met with members of the high council--many of whom are now dead of wuflu. Nasty Pelosi came back and had a meeting with Chuck Schumer--John Kerry--where is he? Where are any of them now?

The pope has this for sure. When did he get it? He most certainly KNEW it was coming--how many people did the pope infect by kissing and touching all of them on Ash Wednesday? What about the high level meetings he had? WHO went to visit the POPE before he came down with it? LOLOLOL every person he shook hands with, every retard that kissed his ring..

EU council is infected..too.

>Microsoft is teaming up with Accenture to build a digital ID network using blockchain technology
Having worked at Accenture, I can confidently say this will either be delayed indefinitely or will be a massive failure.

lmao based and consultantpilled

Please don't get angry with me. What am I supposed to do concerning the gospel of matthew? I like that it says to follow the OT and judge a tree by its fruits yet in certain areas it seems to contradict itself and say things that go against the OT and bear bad fruits. Should I use mental gymnastics to get around the bad parts of matthew or just toss it entirely?

What bad parts exactly?

bump for orthobro

multumesc mult

you don't even know what the words you are using mean.
"Kike" is a slur started by Christians to refer to Jewish immigrants. Look it up.
A Christian can never be a kike, but you can be called a kike for rejecting the Lord.

>durr the jewish gud YHWH is gonna save us all!!

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The parts about not resisting evil and not judging. I guess I could just make my own translation that translates it differently but that feels like patching holes in swiss cheese. I don't think I have the patience to outpilpul Satan and his translators.


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It's already here you dumb nigger

Not us all. Only those who turn from their sin and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It's not too late for you my friend.

Which passages are you referring to?
Yes, but it hasn't gotten to the point where people are forced to either accept it or withdraw from society

no thanks

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Well for example the verse that says do not resist a bad person could be translated do not resist a bad thing which means something more like don't hit a brick wall. I could go through the whole gospel and do the same for all verses but it's already so fucked and would require so much translating it feels like hitting a brick wall.

>Well for example the verse that says do not resist a bad person
Can't recall anything like that, maybe if mention the specific verse I can compare it to our own version, you might have read a mistranslation of it.

You'll be sent to hell for committing innumerable sin, not for not knowing Jesus. The moral code written on our hearts leaves us with no excuse before God.

>Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Its probably that neural link

It's the first half of the turn the other cheek verse in English.
>“But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.”
Matthew 5:39

It seems like it isn't "one who is evil", but just evil (deeds). The person doesn't necessarily have to be evil. he can just be misdirected and such a reaction would put him to shame while countering would exacerbate it.

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Yeah, and the Latin says badness. English Bibles in particular are so cucked. The kikes probably did this intentionally since English is the standard global language now.

Maybe, but were they twisted to the point where people that follow them can no longer see the signs?


I bet a lot of cucks don't suspect a thing and are quite happy that book seemingly supports their cuckoldry.