Do communists believe in evolution?
Do they believe in natural selection?
Do they believe that human behaviors are a product of evolutionary pressures?
Do communists believe in evolution?
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Billionaire defender cuck kys
Is that a no?
>Hue hue monkey
Opinion discarded
I don't know about that evolutionary pressures but otherwise yes I do.
I'm a biologist of course I know evolution is a fact, I have mutated bacteria genes myself
Communists don't believe humans have innate values and some can be superior to others, they believe all people are equal and the only difference is the ownership of capital.
Communists actually promoted an alternative theory of evolution. It resulted in them banning things like agricultural science and research on cell biology.
We do we’re not retarded but the system works too well for the super rich that rig the system actually being a socialist at this point is more Darwinian than being a cuck on the right
It’s not 2016 anymore trump served his purpose
If you were to suggest that some people are superior in strength, character, morality, intelligence and such they will deny it and claim that all people are the same.
Are you an ethnonationalist communist?
If not, do you believe that people of different races evolved to out-compete eachother?
That they have different strategies to do this? That people of other races, on average, are programmed to defeat you and your genetic line?
Communists deny all biology, psychology and nature and solely subscribe to social theory and economic capital.
Marx technically did but he was writing before the implications on human nature we're understood in any significant respect
Modern leftists are basically on the level of creationists believing all difference in human ability to be purely a product of environmental conditions without allowing for any role of genetic predisposition on human capabilities
(Pic semi-related)
Reality, biology and nature opposes false communist thoughts.
Lysenkoism (Russian: Лыcéнкoвщинa, tr. Lysenkovshchina) was a political campaign led by Trofim Lysenko against genetics and science-based agriculture in the mid-20th century, rejecting natural selection in favour of Lamarckism and exaggerated claims for the benefits of vernalization and grafting. Lysenko served as the director of the Soviet Union's Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Joseph Stalin supported the campaign. More than 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned, and numerous scientists were executed in the campaign to suppress scientific opponents. The president of the Agriculture Academy, Nikolai Vavilov, who had encouraged Lysenko, was sent to prison and died there, while Soviet genetics research was effectively destroyed. Research and teaching in the fields of neurophysiology, cell biology, and many other biological disciplines were harmed or banned.
>Marxism-Leninism postulated "universal and immutable laws of history" (historical materialism and dialectical materialism), which assumed unavoidable large-scale change at the collective level of societies.[4] Collectivism was a key feature of Marxism; Darwin's concept of a random mutation in an individual being able to propagate and transform subsequent generations directly contradicted the ideology, and was perceived as having a strong liberal inclination.[5]
>Soviet agriculture around 1930 was in a crisis due to the forced collectivisation of farms, and the extermination of the kulak peasant farmers. The resulting famine in 1932-33 provoked the government to search for a solution to the critical lack of food.[6] Lysenko's attack on the "bourgeois pseudoscience" of modern genetics and the proposal that plants can rapidly adjust to a changed environment suited the ideological battle in both agriculture and Soviet society.[7][8]
Basically, they believed that evolution was incorrect because it was based on selection of individuals and thus individual genetics. Communists believed this contradicted with the Marxist idea of collective struggle. So they changed evolution to be species-wide and simultaneous. For example, Soviet scientists believed that you could make plants change en masse to grow in another environment by just changing the environment, rather than a mutation leading to plants adapting to the environment.
There's a reason why they're so opposed to Christianity. Christianity acknowledges that evil exists, human beings are flawed and works to alleviate it. Communism believes humans are completely plastic and has enough hubris to think it can reshape humanity to be perfect. The system itself considers itself to be flawless and its followers believe it can't fail, only be failed.
See By creating and advocating for a multi-ethnic society, you are creating pressures on society where white people have to choose between siding with two lions.
Either I side with the rich people of my own race who may or may not have bad intentions for me, or I side with the poor people of another race who definitely have bad intentions for me.
I get that. I used be a a trump/bolsonaro supporter but then I realized that I have more in common with literal niggers than billionaires...
There is nothing in the world to prove any.of your Christian beliefs, go to x.
Not entirely true. You can prove a great many things about them, like their superior understanding of human nature in relation to what is essentially malware; communism. .
To me "more in common" doesn't really matter.... The important question is "are their kids going to want to kill my kids?"
Most rich people lose their fortunes in a couple of generations.
There's always going to be a persistent nonwhite population that is racist against my descendants.... So if I take the long view, I have to side with the whites.
I think the chances of blacks and whites fucking and becoming one race is higher than a race war. Seriously tho we have more in common with the blacks than we do with the ultra rich
There is no superior morality in cuckholdry and sacrifice for Jewish God promises of death after gains
No, it's not going to happen.
Some will mix, but there's going to be a persistent group of whites who will refuse.
And they're not going to put up with things going the way they're currently going.
Would you rather live in a neighborhood of white millionaires or a neighborhood of blacks?
Everyone has their own timing
I trust u will see the light very soon. I’m not gonna try and convince you here cause I’m not even a regular poster anymore I’m just posting today cause some faggot lifted my permaban but I’m gonna get permabanned again after I have lunch by posting cunny
Anyways it’s about tapping into that good thing inside us and being highly intelligent
You’re living in fear and hatred but you’ll be fine eventually
The truth shines like gold thru the shit
>if you don't want to be genocided, that's because you're living in hatred
oh boy
I would rather not have neighbors like a cuck that’s why I’m for billionaires sharing their wealth so we don’t have to be city dwellers
Again, this is a demonstration of your understanding of the world as being some moral bullshit instead of being the expression of beings that are trying to outcompete eachother.
The world is not composed of love and hate... it's composed of animals that have survival behaviors.
That’s why I’m a socialist
Is my way of imposing my will onto others(billionaires)
and everyone else too.
I know. Well, do your worst.
You’re acting as proxy agent for people who don’t care about you. They don’t care if you’re white or black they just care about their billions
But hey man do your worst
Hope u don’t realize the truth too late and regret being a minion for the ruling class
>Do communists believe in evolution?
some do, some don't
>Do they believe in natural selection?
some do, some don't
>Do they believe that human behaviors are a product of evolutionary pressures?
some do, some don't
The third question does confirm that you do not understand any of these concepts
You're acting as a proxy agent for people who want to end your genetic line
I want to end my genetic line
I don’t want children
Anyways I’m sure u live a comfy life there in the USA while I’m in a country that I don’t even feel that is my country that’s why you’re satisfied but you could have much better. We all could be rich if we fix the system.. I think you have scarcity mentality we could all have boats and mansions but you’re too distracted being obsessed with race... if you give a little the universe you give back to you tenfold
all the rich people are jews, everyone else is poor.
he's biden his time, just watch
rich people will rape your kids.
>I want to end my genetic line
see? All that talk of love and hate and whatever... but this is what underlies the whole thing.
Communism, leftism... it's the product of a suicidal psychology
killing billionaires is part of evolution :)
>Do communists believe in evolution?
>Do they believe in natural selection?
>Do they believe that human behaviors are a product of evolutionary pressures?
While it wasn't part of the theory initially North Korea is an example of not giving up in spite of it and applying genetic selection to a Communist system, e.g. punishment to a family including two generations being born inside a prison camp in case of a singe perpetrator of a "serious political crime".
>Brazilian shilling to accept Race-Mixing
Color me suprised. Its almost like actual White people want to preserve their race and mutts shill for demoralization. Whats right to us wont be right to you
Just cause I don’t want children doesn’t mean I’m against you having them.. it benefits me (someone has to keep society going) I just dont want to contribute to a broken system by slaving away to pay for children but frankly I don’t even want it anymore I wouldn’t have any even if I was a millionaire.. I just don’t see the appeal anymore.. it’s too much buck for the bang
How does capitalism believe in natural selection?
We keep the dumbest people alive on cheap cheetos until they're obese and then give them medicare as disabled people until they bankrupt the system already.
Why not give normal people the opportunity to do this as well?
Maybe we want to preserve our Race AND get rid of the exploitive bougie class?
...almost like we need some kind of Nationalism combined with Socialism...
You really underestimate how contemptuous the rich are of you user. I would know. I grew up around them. They don't care if you die off or get replaced so long as someone's willing to be a good goy and shovel shit without complaining. Yes they want to separate from the brown/black criminal underclass but they view you as part of the problem.
What you described is modern liberalism, aka welfare socialism.
So we're already too socialist as a country?
I don't really agree. I think we just have a country that is supportive of benefits of the dumbest to keep them from dying, but primarily the average person is kept out of these benefits.
We're charged a "free market" rate for things like healthcare, which is hilarious because we're paying trillions of dollars more than other countries due to our completely inefficient system that is giving elderly and obese people a free ride. Nothing you can do can stop it, because the elderly LOVE voting and no one would ever try to take their benefits away.
>Do communists believe
they don't believe in anything
they only have faith
I ask the question to communists because whenever I bring up the race issues with them, they say that race doesn't matter... that people of other races are just like you and me. That they just want to have work and food.
But that picture seems to lack any understanding of what humanity really is.
Maybe people are differently abled, but that doesn't mean their humanity is more or less valid.
The idea of communism isn't actual equality, that's ridiculous -- it's the idea that every single person should have the basic necessities and security necessary to become self-actualized. Most people being called communists are not actually suggesting we change the means of production to achieve this, but rather are aruging a democratic socialist platform to create a compression of incomes and provide services to people in need so they can worry about become better citizens as opposed to bitter wageslaves working for 7 dollars an hour in a country where this has frankly become an unlivable wage.
If anything the stupid are who this protects, because they're too afraid to take out loans and go to school at this point, especially because they've been called failures their whole life.
And yeah, I guess fundamentally the idea is that wealth shouldn't buy human value in a society, but we currently have a system that does.
It shits on artists, intellectuals and the charitable and promotes sociopathic bankers stealing wealth from the American people and then paying politicians to not charge them. These sociopathic bankers have created an oligarchy which controls the entire government, and MSM fear mongering that if we try to stop this we'll become Venezuala furthers this system along until the system will inevitably break.
It's only a matter of time.
a billion dollars amount to 5 dollars for each mongrel in your shitholer nation
so you can tax away at billionnaires all you want, you won't get anywhere near providing what you want without raping working people
this is why socialism/communism is only in the interest of the low IQ underclasses and women, and why an analysis of leftist argumentative strategy reveals effeminate social shaming, rallying, herding, chanting, lying and emotional blackmailing as you have demonstrated
I'm not a fucking commie, but even I can answer this. The theory of mutual aid is about social evolution and is the premise for anarcho communism.
It was formed, by explorer/biologist Peter Kropotkin, who was a Russian prince that refused his title, to pursue science.
>The biological process of evolution takes thousands of generations.
>social evolution takes a single generation.
one is relevant, the other isn't.
>we succeed more by working with each other than against each other.
Your moral philosophy is a bumper sticker slogan written by a 40 year old wine aunt with five cats
Why would I care a single bit about equity and human value if my country is going to belong to brown people in 30 years?
In fact, the more brown people are here, the more I benefit from the ability to buy human value.
Why would I want to pass my money to brown people? They're interested in taking my money, my power, my whole country.
Because the brown people are going to win the election and hate you for your greedy ways and will have ample guns to start a race war, lol.
Give it 10 years, the Republican party absolutely cannot keep up with the demographic shifts happening in the United States. You may get Trump for 4 more years, but that's it.
Then you'll get a senile ass 82 year old Joe Biden imposing white taxes.
>Because the brown people are going to win the election and hate you for your greedy ways
They hate me anyway. That's the point of the thread. They are evolved to compete against other races.
Your argument is that I will lose either way.... Well if i lose either way, i'd rather go down swinging.
Do it, I guess. I'd rather try to build a better society where people can only blame themselves for their failure.
no, you'd rather end the white race.
Your paper thin justifications don't convince anybody really.
mutual aid and social organization under reciprocity
leftists demand propotionality and equity, not reciprocity
one of these systems is cooperation, the other is parasitism. one is eugenic, the other is dysgenic.
>one is relevant, the other isn't
dysgenics will regress a population and dysgenic pressures are maximal under systems that redistribute income from the middle and upper to the underclasses
>Do communists believe in evolution?
Ever since God created everything, things and creatures did evolve, so yes.
>Do they believe in natural selection?
I mean, it's scientifically proven, isn't it?
>Do they believe that human behaviors are a product of evolutionary pressures?
Name an example/Elaborate in general so I may answer you.
You just gave up like a loser.
>its not worth it
Why do you even care about the rich at this point? How do they affect your life?