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Good one Isaiah

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Pretty sure even the dumbest mutt cunt on Yas Forums knows getting married before the happening is fucktarded in the extreme.

my kids will live through the happening in order to strengthen them

>taking your own life over a woman

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Should have shot her instead, but by doing this he ensured the bitch got nothing, which is good.

Nah, he'd be fucked if he did that. No excellent options here I'm afraid but he did the best he could.

>divorce rates are like 60%
>get married anyway

Good on them for staying married through their children's lives. Divorce fucks up kids. But that guy should have been happy as hell his wife was leaving him. You did your married job, time to cut the ties and begin the third phase of your life.

Have fun going through the happening with two feminized traps for kids. If you have kids now I feel sorry for you. No bringing them back from all the propaganda

shouldve murder suicided the bitch

This desu

>Have fun going through the happening with two feminized traps

Imagine the hopelessness he felt. 30 years of his life dedicated to the female he loved. Only to get routed in divorce court when she decided it was no longer "convenient" for her. All his money all of his time, his assets and investments...POOF. You couldnt pay me to get married

You can change your beneficiary without being divorced, that's a moot point. The bigger issue is that they're going to fight to the death, so his pension will go to the lawyers instead of the family.

I'm not even going to bother giving my money to anyone.

Then the state will claim it. Look up an intestate estate. Better to ask that it get cashed out and burned than given to the govt.

Don't have to be divorced to change a beneficiary. SO GMa should be able to get it.

>this is a ww problem
Other races are even worse with this. If you dated them you would know.

The whore who divorced the father is the one in the wrong. Divorce is breaking a covenant you made with God.


You know why that is right? See pic related.

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>Stannis actor


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Do you think women think about anything other than themselves? They get all of their "great ideas" from their equally moronic female friends.

Women in general are just fucking whores.

why dont they tell their mother to stop being a useless cunt and if they dont stop say theyll disown them

Jews did good by rewarding the mother with all th kids and a fortune for divorcing. Now the kids will be transgenders or drug overdose victims. America is ripe for bulldozing.

well if i would marry if my wife would not accept it then i would think she has eyes in the money instead of me

if this was my mother id tell her straight. she asked for a divorce. shes disqualified. stop being a cunt

You disgust me

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Can confirm. My ex-wife was a whore and the whole relationship lasted almost exactly 10 years. Everything went downhill when we tied the knot and she went to grad school.

Yea. Social media helped bring this to light. We all knew this, but social media REALLY exposed their vapid personalities, narcissism, spinelessness and unrelenting slutty nature

Another reason marriage is simps

Still the mother of his child
he might not of wanted to have his child lose both parents

When youre facing any kind litigation, your sudden movements of any estate are considered void.
So if you own a home and your wife says fuck you we're divorced then you run and move your property into your bothers name, the Court will tell you to fuck right off with that shit. The same with anyone that is trying to sue you for anything.

This is why you move you shit well in advance of any issues.

no one to blams but that simp.

>Feuding over pop-pop's pension

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>over a woman
you make it sound like he's some 17 year old who got dumped and is a bit upset. this is a little different. you can have your life torn apart from a divorce

who is They?

perhaps you should listen to us instead?

weak pussy man dying like a weak pussy man

You're right, but still, I find it increasingly difficult to have sympathy for men who take this leap. Getting married in the 21st century is high risk, high reward, with the risk gradually going up and the reward gradually gong down. All the information one needs to learn all this is at their fingertips. There really is no excuse for these men. The writing is all over the wall and if they take the risk anyway, they should be prepared to be one of the many that fail.

>30 years of marriage
he knew what was about to happen

you fucking retard, he was married for 30 years
he didn't have the same access to information that you do you brainless nitwit

he got married 30 years ago, not last week. and whether or not he should have gotten married doesn't change the situation he's in

My mom has two pensions and between those she gets about $80k/yr. She was a secretary. Men of her age group many times have much larger pensions. Not “rich” but nothing to sneeze at when you have no debt and own your home outright.

It’s astounding this isn’t common knowledge. There will still be fucking simps getting married to their 50+ partner girlfriends and saying a woman’s history doesn’t mean anything

He got married in the 20th century lol.

>feminized traps for kids
Liev Shreiber here. It's the best. Highly recommend.

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so whats the most red pilled option is in this scenario?
killing the bitch and then yourself seems like the
most optional route.

I don't think women know how devastating a relationship end can be to a man.

I'm getting married to a white trad girl on Saturday.

>kill yourself
>not kill your ex wife first

Godspeed user. Congratulations.
I hope all goes well.

My kid is a fucking animal. He’s 3 and all we do is shoot nerf guns, airsoft guns, archery, ride bikes. There will be no feminizing my boy I will always double down on the globalhomo if it means homeschooling him and living on peanuts so be it

To make her pay for her transgressions eternally. He btfo out of her stupid plan like a real man should

Because he thought her stewing in what she did first would be worse than the nothingness that's coming for us all anyways.

Also suicide and murder are two different things.

it is called being wh*Te

imagine the alimony payment for 30 years of marriage though

He would likely be near the peak of his earning potential at that point in his life, and the court usually uses your current year income to decide alimony. It would mean he could never retire.

Fuck that bitch ex-wife, she deserves nothing.

mfw married my virgin bride, married 16 years 2 kids, still happy

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>after five years
The odds just continue to get worse on the way to ten years. If you aren't your wife's only experience with a man she'll continue to doubt the relationship thinking there are better men out there.

you think that's bad. brendan fraser somehow lived through it

That's why you shoot the child too

There’s this meme going around WN types stating you should get married and have kids. That’s the wrong advice. First of all, no one, including yourself, actually puts much value in being white. Everyone just cares about money, hobbies and lifestyle. Unless you’re a stay-at-home dad getting with any woman is a bad deal. If the threat of destitution hung over her that might be different but in today’s world of female employees and automatic alimony / child support while she tries to land on the dick of sone other guy — yeah no.

>take all guns to mom's house too kill self
What the fuck? It only takes a single bullet to commit suicide. Why the fuck do you need to bring your entire arsenal?
This whole story is bullshit.

That’s edgy as fuck but why should babby have to pay for selfish mom? Dad pulled the ultimate power play on mom. You know how terrible the holidays will be for her forever? The dad ended the family on his own terms instead of financing his own cuckery. Lot of lessons can be learned from this situation but it’s a pretty fucking shitty deal.


Maybe he had more than one option on the table

If I am not mistaken he did and you can move your pention to anyone u want while not divorced

Gas yourself, Schlomo.

This is true, Heartless cunts are incapable of perceiving how their actions might affect the well being of others. They only care about themselves and thats all.

Yeah, should've shot her before instead. Took the hassle of legal battle with his mother.

Give it time pedro.

t. Incel whose never been in love

Getting married is fucking retarded
Never get married
Find a woman who wants kids and then get her pregnant, come up with a "co-parenting" contract in the event of a divorce
Women love "Co-Parenting" sell it to her as the less time she has the kids the more freedom she has

>tfw religion was right again