First time prepper here and this is my first round. I live alone. Is this enough or should I get more?
First time prepper here and this is my first round. I live alone. Is this enough or should I get more?
Other urls found in this thread:
i recommend peanut butter, instant noodles, sardines and tuna
also don't forget to buy oil for cooking, toilte paper and other hygiene stuff
What are you having tomorrow though?
that's shit. at least 3 55gallon barrells. 2 with water and 1 with rice. which is enough for 1 man year
>Frog eating beef and drinking tea
wot. I thought you lot survived on cigs, wine, and baguettes.
you can never have enough supplies :^)
Also, count calories and be prepared to ration/plan your meals.
you need:
soap (20 bars)
water (200 liters)
Isopropyl alcohol (2 liters)
food won't be an issue when ur puking blood and shitting all the water you drink. you can survive a month without food, a week without water.
Former prepper here. Not gonna lie, it's hilarious to see all your racists crash and burn, wasting all your money on things you'll never need. lmao
Also here's a good tip for people who live on shit rain islands like mine (aside from put buckets out for the rain): if you need water tie cloths around your ankles and walk through long grass in the morning, and wring them out in to buckets, repeat until full.
>toilet paper
this is already a meme.
I don't know if people will remember this time as "Corona-chan time" or "toilet paper crisis".
>crashes over and breaks
That's pretty good. Get oats. Peanut butter (calorie dense). Some kind of healthy oil, maybe olive, since you need fat. Vitamin C is good, but get a multivitamin too, and vitamin D since you won't be getting much sun if you're staying inside. A lot of people are D3 deficient even now. Lentils and garbanzo beans (fiber, carbs, protein all in one). Seasoning and iodized salt.
why don't the trannie jannie move those fucking thread to /bant/ seriously what the fuck?
pleb detected. no cases of champagne, no caviar.
>110 gal of water enough for a year
Waterlet detected
Doesn't look bad. 2 weeks for sure.
This. I used to be a prepper but then I realized that there's no such thing as diseases or the economy. Now I have mountains of useless nonperishable food that I'll have to throw out to make more room for my videogame collection.
>Not making your own wine from grapes
Not gonna make it
there are toilet paper shortages in canada right now. Went to costco a few days ago and all out. Had to stock up more expensive ones at superstore and they were also starting to run out.
100 cans of tuna/sardines/chicken
100 cans of veggies/beans/soup/spaghettios
Plus one month of granola, potato, ramen, rice, crackers
Factor in the water he needs just for boiling the rice and he's even more fucked.
I got 36 rolls and I'm gonna get more. Suck pp.
A day without love.
vegas stores are starting to have security guards ration certain items
You forgot zinc
What's the scenario you're preparing for?
how are you going to eat all of this when you get sick?
>Hoarding water
Get a filter
There's a near zero chance water goes away. Maybe they find the water carries the virus (we haven't seen that elsewhere) but then you just need to boil it. Power and water will stay on. Your main objectives should be minimizing leaving the house, so have food, toiletries, entertainment and medicine. Then some security from potential looting, buglary or worse depending on the demographics of your area.
Yeah OP, show us your sanitation prep. I have 12 bars of soap, some shampoo, 3 tubes of toothpaste, 1 gallon of bleach (only good for 6 months) Pine-Sol, Comet (bleach powder). I need baking soda (dozens of uses) and more laundry soap though.
thats what peasants are for.
That's a lot of lozenges. Maybe stop sucking so much dick?
My Wal-Mart was out of Deenz.
I went to the Bulk Bin on Tuesday and got
24kg sack of Pinto Beans
20kg sack of long grain brown rice
20kg sack of steel rolled oatmeal (not the chemically treated instant shit)
I've also got a 20kg sack of all purpose flour.
About 10L of olive oil in glass bottles
They gave me a 10% discount on all that from their bin price.
I'm also getting whole flats of sardines.
I'm also stocking up on Kirkland fresh ground pork in the big plastic tubes. I parcel them up into one pound portions and wrap them in tin foil and stow them in the freezer.
>no whey powder
you're not gonna make it
So all you have is sugar?
Protein and frozen fruit, put in a garage freezer....
When the shit comes down I intend to go from house to house on my street begging the neighbors who never speak to me to give me enough to eat. I figure that should work out well.
Is this enough water
Could go either way
Point being, if the other poster is trying to be ready for a no-running-water scenario, he's fucked.
/k/ would be a good board too.
No toilet paper? Time to get creative or straight up pajeet
15kg of rice is enough for 6 months for one person.
Might want to put the pork in plastic too, otherwise it might taste weird.
Water and power will be fine, those basically run forever unless we are dealing with zombies.
Protein. some carbs.
Everything else comes after that.
Pinto Beans + Rice = complete set of 22 something amino acids. Mexico runs on this shit
And there's 90 one lb portions of ground pork.
Oh I've been buying 1.82 kg boxes of non preservative Sun Maid raisins for fruit. In the event of power failure you want to hedge your bets on the frozen fruit.
Nice, twinings earl grey. You're good. Except no fire arms and no PPE. Oh and get TOILET FUCKING PAPER!!!
Not even close m8. Btw fuck off google captha Fucking globalist kikes
I think its sensible generally to have a weekends worth of water or so anyway. But i don't think it's relevant to this happening.
As for that article it invokes a previous SARS spread through pipes due to faulty plumbing. We know it's excreted in urine and faeces so maybe just terrible contamination that way.
For a few weeks, if you're not using it to cook as well as drink. If tap water goes out, you're fucked.
It's good to have roughage like at least dried fruit . Don't want constipation. It's good to have food that's easy to eat. It's better to have eaten food that's easy to shit.
2 days for 3 bottle
Lmao if you're currently going outside it's already too late for you.
To further the unlikeliness of utility loss. Remember that most young people seem to get over it fine, we're currently assuming that confers immunity. So anyone who gets it can now go back to work totally carefree.
Am i doing this right?
>user you need to buy paper
Stop shilling for Big toilet retards
>/k/ would be a good board too.
or /out/ idk but it doesn belong here at all it's not political not politically incorrect it's just boomer blogposting
Vitamin C is the most important. What can be bought in bulk, stored for a long period, and can be absorbed by the body? Will Vitamin C tablets do that?
I'm thinking that 3-6 months should be the standard stockpile. Agree or disagree?
Impeccable taste in covfefe regions, needs bare minimum supplements additions:
>oil of oregano & garlic cloves [broad spectrum antiviral & anti-bacterial
>Iodine [thyroid/endocrine, or water purification & antiseptic]
>nano silver (long acting anti-v/b, combined with nebulizer if you do get pneumonia very effective hard-kill option for pathogens)
>Vitamin D3 (with K for bioavailability) -- no less than 5k IUs, as high as the 50k ones for acute symptoms presentation together with Vit C
>Vit C needs to be LIPOSOMAL for bioavailability
>Licorice root and rhillora have terpenoids approximating the protase inhibiter molecules of treatments like Remdesivir being deployed on Wuhan strain -- look into tea options, along with Green and pine needle tea for Vit C
-it is actually a massive logistical problem to maintain a steadily increasing population. nobody argues that.
-the whole reason for urbanizing most of the population, so the would be concentrated in controlled agglomerations, was that it would be easier in the future to remove the excessive amounts of population.
-the non-white elites are aware of the problem most of all. they understand that there are way too many niggers and chinks. they don't like it either. imagine living in those waste and shit infested hives of literal insectoids?? nobody wants that
-the only issue is how and what measures the is going to implement in order to reduce the population size by at least 50%
-there are several stages to depopulation
1.concentrating the masses in the agglomerations
2.seeding an incentive for the public tension(class strugle, minorities, sjw, overpriced life costs, multiculturalism, over-regulated currencies commodities and assets markets etc)
3.dehumanization of a targeted group which will later be exterminated(brainwashing niggers to act like niggers etc. in other words allowing the prey itself to establish a firm animosity towards them in the either of white population. also, organizing events such as military conflict, environmental crisis, biological factors adds quite a bit to dehumanizing chinks and niggers. they use aids and ebola to completely reduce niggers to mindless biomass that it worth less then dirt. indians are basically officially considered to be shitters. chinks continue to pose as dirty no hygene viral outbreak faggots + they are taught to act like insectoids)
4.then there will be a trigger - an event where niggers\chinks are going to stage a massive chimpout after which the western world is going to have a legit reason to start a some "preventive operation"
5.and the final stage is cutting energy\fuel resources to niggers chinks and sabotage their communication a little, and after 3-4 month they will start to RIP
based. no one needs 10 fucking packs of toilet paper, you're just making it harder for the rest of us to live life normally.
I've read a bunch of separate reports of water shutoffs now
In the Hong Kong pipe case, it was toilet discharge and an open pipe in someone's bathroom due to incomplete or ongoing renovation or something. The point being, it wasn't a normal situation.
This is incorrect, no immunity develops and reinfection is quite possible and dangerous.
why are you stacking those you fucking autist
We literally have no evidence beyond speculation there. We have bad tests for the disease and some people who seem to get better then get worse. Could be biphasic, could be the two strains. I imagine in the burdened health system it could even be a different illness going round.
>see all your racists
how prejudiced of you to spew your hate.
Yas Forums isn't one person newfaggot
>5.and the final stage is cutting energy\fuel resources to niggers chinks and sabotage their communication a little, and after 3-4 month they will start to RIP
The problem is African nations nominally state sovereignty is more useful than a denuded wasteland that becomes a free for all in a primarily Chinese resource/living space land grab. Not-exporting food would be the most efficient modality.
>can’t use public restrooms because they’re all locked thanks to bums
>rationing of goods in stores
>casinos spread viruses faster than anywhere else
Vegas will be the second biggest shit show behind Seattle.
people always get a hilariously small amount of water
For this particular situation, 3-6 months is probably sufficient. I only had 40 days (of food) before this. I'm up to 3 months now. I don't think the worst case scenario will happen, but I'll continue rounding things out more slowly. A bag of beans here, bag of rice there.
No goy, you need more. You need to buy more in case the corona virus you dont know anyone who has had hits you
I'll put my pork in your plastic
The green boxes, throw them out idiot. Never buy the cheapest pasta!
>casinos spread viruses faster than anywhere else
you sir, have never been to an american elementary school
If they live in a city they can still get a water butt, no excuses.
Lmao, apart from maybe PPE and some security items no-one is wasting any money. Maybe just eating shittier tinned food for a while instead of fresh.
Don't be an idiot. The earth is also round despite me never seeing that.
No public restrooms will lower infection. I've unironically bought some adult diapers so when i decide to bunker and do a monthly large shop i won't have to take off any gear, use toilet handles etc.
Good in that you'll have an idea of how long it will last as a result.
>restrooms, not bogs
>diapers, not nappies
The Americans have done a number on you.
> toutes ces boites de paté de Campagne
> mais le pain se garde 2 jours maximum
Definitely enough. Now, post a sign on your front door saying refugees welcome.
Glad to be of help, Muhammed