So I just tried to redpill a libtard blonde girl that never actually took a punch in her went something like this
>user how can you be a natsoc do you believe in extermination?
>no I believe in the creation of an white ethnostate...
>but that’s racist what’s the problem with blacks?
>they have inferior intellect,and are more likely to commit crimes
>What You RaCiST
>no look I’m not advocating for their extermination or anything I just want them to stay in their continent and multicultural countries while I chill In a white ethnostate
>but why do you think that they are a different people?we all share this world OP
>no look it’s simple they have their own culture,their own traditions I just don’t want it in my etnostate
>but that’s racist
>no it isn’t it’s called borders it’s all a country needs to exist it’s what’s stopping me from going to your house over there and eat your favorite snack it’s the fucking wall in front of it
>but why do you think whites need an etnostate
>look the Jews got one,the Chinese and Japanese got one the Arabs got a whole region and the blacks have a whole continent why can’t whites have an etnostate ?why can’t we have our own homeland???
>but Europe is welcoming to refugees
>they are economic migrants, they are living off Europeans pockets
>b-but they add culture
>are you aware that there are neighborhoods in Paris where a woman will be stoned if not wearing a burka?
>but we can change their culture!
>how if they are the majority that thinks that way?
>I have to take my bus well talk later
So do you think I have made her question the Jew propaganda that’s been thrown into her in all these years?
So I just tried to redpill a libtard blonde girl that never actually took a punch in her face...
Yes if that is truly how the conversation ended. You can’t introduce them too quickly, next time you can deepen her appreciation.
hold off for a week, and just subtly introduce more points, and show her some more redpills, it takes a long time to change a persons viewpoints, and you CANNOT just challange her views outright, otherwise she will become defencive and root into them even more.
I had a similar open discussion with my grandfather once. I said something along the lines of "the only reason the population numbers are booming is because we are subsidizing Africa and keeping them alive with our medicine and free doctors. We should just let them die off naturally with famines and disease." He jokingly said "you probably like Hitler". I couldn't get myself to break his heart and tell him the truth: that I would have joined the Flemish SS and collaborated with the Nazis back then knowing what I know now.
He's dead now. He was a good man, but he had very boomerish naive ideas about the world. Glad I gave him a great grandchild before he died though.
Btw, yeah you HAVE to give it some time. The first reaction to the redpill is always anger and namecalling but the ideas are planted. The redpill only works if you let her sleep on it for a few nights. It works best when you outwardly reject it, but then go back to the real world and start (((noticing))) alot of patterns in the news etc..
I would also advice to stay away from the JQ for a bit until the racial thing has sunk in.
If this post gets archived can you please make sure that you make a good update post?
Why do you try?
Women are incapable or really thinking about something.
She will believe and repeat the popular opinion. She just wants to get along with the majority of people
You cant make her think or change her mind
>believes women cant have an independent opinion
fuck off faggot, just look at the case of EeeTahl (vintage lass from r9k), she literally had progressive parents and she emerged as a nationalist with strong opinions on traditionalism.
If you're a dominant personality it's really easy to get a woman on your side.
I redpilled my wife on many things. Although she was always extremely based on blacks and gays, more than me even. I completely made her 180 on having children, men being at the head of the family and other trad stuff. I even redpilled her on why women should not be allowed to vote and she agrees.
As long as you calmly take a firm stance, give your arguments and don't back down no matter what she says, you have already won in the eyes of any woman because deep down they don't want you to give in and deep down they want to submit to you. This is true for literally all women.
>trying to redpill a woman
She's just going to call the cops on you and then try to turn your family against you
wives are very likely to go along with that their partner believes
If she left you for some lefty, she would then have lefty opinions. But not because she thought about it, but because she just wants to please the guy and get along
She’s probably just questioning her association with you.
I see now... The real blitzkrieg was the friends we made along the way...
Typical Scandinavian weak man thinking. Pathetic. You people are a disgrace.
Start her with some easy shit, no one goes from libtard to natsoc most of us have a cringe libertarian phase before funding our way here
She is an NPC lmao
That's true to some extend. Then again, no woman is truly attracted to a lefty. Leftism is inherently feminine. Rightism is inherently masculine. But I get your underlying point and I agree.
>homosexual memeflaggot
If she ever talks to him again
If you're handsome you'll succeed.
If not expect to never talk with her again.
If you're not pretending and actually managed to hold a conversation that long without her yelling YOU'RE RACIST SHUT UP RACIST NAZI then you're probably atleast 7/10. Maybe 6 and she's just desperate.
Well yeah, you might have jumped it but you know this site exploded after trump and sjws, these are the easiest red pills because they are things she is accustomed to. You can’t give her ethnostate shit at the beginning because she likely has no experience or knowledge of an ethnostate and therefore will just assume you’re a nazi
No. You tried to lead her to your conclusion with your conclusion rather forcefully. You're supposed to make her question what she stands to gain by holding her current stance we're all one race the human race and diversity = good when those stances can get her assaulted and raped for what she wore and the color of her skin.
It's just as important and effective to see the big picture, the light at the end of the tunnel. It completes part of the equation even if it doesn't completely solve it for their minds
>no one goes from libtard to natsoc
Some of us did.
>they have inferior intellect,and are more likely to commit crimes
you can just point out how much happier they are in africa because they lack the the thirst and will to progress. they barely use the wheel in their tribal villages yet they are happier than all of us
>but we can change their culture
the whole point is not changing anyones culture and preserving our own. cool blogpost faggot
Nail on the head. Why should she care about an ethnostate? She has no current motive and hearing the word in itself brands you as something not to be listened to if she's intelligent enough to be worth the time. You failed to make her care about the preceding building blocks that got you to where you are today.
Is there national symbol really 3 fucking rocks?
Exactly, also be opportunistic don’t force it on anyone
not sure where you from but where I grew up it is self evident that the shitskins are the problem because they take every chance of fucking you over
just ask her this
>would you travel alone to india?
>why not?
>doesn´t that make you waycis?
An important thing to remember aboit psychology is that when people hear shocking information that totally goes against their current world view they usually deny it outright and it only reinforces their current belief, even if that belief is wrong.
Beating a NPC over the head with category 5 redpills does nothing but make them reject everything you said. You need to ease them in slowly so they have time to process and accept things over time.
bluepilled people have no sense of danger. she probably wont know the rape statistics and only has seen instagram stories in india so she thinks its a cool place to visit and get spiritual.
I can't wait till she bring her black boyfriend so he can beat the crap out of your racist ass.
This. Most people on this board have never tried to redpill anyone and it shows - extremely innocent view of normies.
Normies are literally fucking cattle. They'd walk into a slaughterhouse to be killed willingly if that's what everyone else was doing.
Stacking three rocks on top of eachother is the crown of their civilization.
Western women are like domesticated animals with no sense of danger. Like a pet dog that will run up to a lion wagging its tail wanting to play. Most western women have never feared for their safety beyond being a little uncomfortable when a bum asks them for money.
I'm really getting convinced that the majority here are either sub 100 IQ or underage.
Why don't you make empirical arguments from data rather than faggy emotional appeals you cockmongler
I revealed my powerlevel to my GF of 5 years kinda late into our relationship. I keep dropping redpills and asking her opinion on ongoing matters. For example what she thinks of shit going down at greek border today
Her first question was "whats going on there?"
Sweaty... how THE FUCK can ignorant faggots like my gf even vote on things like rapefugee policy.. Conscription should be a fucking requirement if one wants to vote
Anyways I didn't tell her that, I just told her what's going on, what I think about it and then I ended up the conversation with a thought which went smth like this:
>What would happen if they miraculously just suddenly disappeared?
>Would the economy of some European state collapse due to not the sudden influx of much required "doctors and engineers?"
>Would the European peoples health deteriorate due to the genetic diseases multiplying because we didn't receive this "heterogenous middle eastern gene material that has no incest?"
>Would the many cultures of European states dilapidate because they did not receive more kebab restaurants and brown people to the streets?
>Would the general safety level in Europe become worse?
>Would even the families miss them, whom the asylum shoppers left behind to suffer?
>Would the muslim world, who did not provide its brethren believers an asylum, lose anything of value?
She couldn't say anything and just became pissed off at me. Typical cognitive dissonance for I know she votes for fucking swedish peoples party which is good for nothing.
Idk, I'm West European and almost everyone I know is redpilled on race. It's really not a big deal.
>>but we can change their culture!
liberal racist exposed herself. this is what all liberals subconsciously think, that if we let in Muslims for example, if we just kill them with kindness then they will follow our example and shed the archaic and barbaric parts of their culture and religion and become westernized. as if white female liberals think of themselves as peak modernity and its their duty to show the unwashed masses how to live. and they spin it all as a virtue signal. nativity and narcissism to the point of being culturally suicidal. this is why women weren't allowed to vote until recently
you really think men are any better? its the same shit bluepilled people in general have no sense. for example look at how many people are not aware of shit.have you tried talking to any friend and giving him a heads up to buy some basic shit in case markets run out of stock for an extended period of time because of corona? i have and most people look at me like i'm crazy. but we already know its coming and its a plausible scenario and now everyone runs and now there is nothing left. you will never redpill someone who isnt open to anything out of the ordinary. And the best time to redpill a person is when something big happens that revolves around said subject and thats because you are not the only one voicing a different opinion, others are too so you wont seem like a schizo. For example berniebros meltdown, if you walk right now to a room full of these people and throw some pol nigger hate they will all cheer and add up or if you start questioning immigration now with the Greece issue. its all about timing and taking advantage of it
You’ll have to hammer at the points that would personally impact her first. It’s the only way to get into women’s heads.
>remember what they took from you
Muslim barbarity with women was a good start and the imbalanced interracial rape stats of blacks and Mexicans on white women will be a very strong next step. Remind her #MeToo centers around Jewish men abusing white gentile women and never Jewish women. She will have a ton of examples of why diversity makes her less safe and less happy and she will have proof that other groups only want to take.
fuck off memeflag. women cannot be redpilled. they require group consensus. you redpill your brothers and then when women see 80% of men around them and the media telling them something then they will follow.
don't get logical. You basically need to emotionally manipulate (for her own good( her into understanding truth. LITERALLY DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY OTHER WAY THAN BY EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION TRUST ME
This was my conversation with a girl once:
>Hey so if your worst fears come true and the AfD really turns out to be the NatSoc movement 2.0, how would you like me just leaving you here?
>What do you mean?
>Well that's what the 18-30 year olds do who compromise 75+% of migrants coming to Europe over the last years
>But they flee from war
>Yes, that's why I said what if your worst fear came true and the AfD would stage a coup and a civil war would break out - would you say it would be my responsibility to fight the EVIL AfD?
>Yes of course, they're Nazis
>So why do I have a responsibility to fight for my country but millions of refugees/migrants that you love so much don't
This is where she entered a sort-of feedback loop just jumping between "it's different" and "that's racist". Arguing with women is a waste of time anyway, it's rather shocking how even intellectually mediocre men can run circles around them logically.
The quick excuse to leave a debate means she was defeated and couldn't refute anything else mainstream narratives.
This thread is literal larping and cringe 24/7. Shame on y’all
Ofcourse a leaf would defend Scandinavian cuckiness. Same soi, different continent. You lot deserve the Marxism your whole institutions are drenched in, letting women walk over you like that. Pathetic.
De ubij se molim te
Seconding this. Appeals to emotion are the most effective way of influencing women. The sperg here who said to use fact-based and empirical arguments does not understand the nature of women.
this guy is also completely right.
cool story
You should do both, convincing someone has a lot more to do with emotion and conversational skill, a sense of sincerity than it does raw data.
How many people out there do you think would do a 180 on their beliefs they are emotionally invested in because someone showed them some data?
Not saying it isn't important, but you sound autistic when you seem to imply that's all you need to change someone's belief system especially if they're emotionally invested.
At least one thing you could improve on OP is you're implying the only reason whites should be kept separate from blacks is differences in intelligence and culture. You should say also that it's more than just that, it's the core principle that we should not mix because doing so would destroy both our races.
Not only that you could further get into what it does to the children of parents who mix, even if they are told they are accepted part of them would always feel like an outsider, always struggling with identity and to feel accepted.
Other anons are right about building up to the ethnostate part though, that comes after you establish core principles.
May the light bless you, champion of truth.
Currently in the process of gaining a girlfriend that is a blondie. Any advice?
Naw not a chance. Valiant attempt though. You have to hit deep science statistics such as:
"Blacks have a smaller average cranium cavity and smaller brains which corresponds directly to their lower IQ in almost perfect correlative fashion. Check the site if you don't believe me."
"Sub-Saharan Africans have not established any sort of tangible civilization despite being the origin point of humans as per the out of Africa theory. In fact, pastoralism and Neolithic technology including agriculture back migrated into Africa from the Middle East after it had already been independently discovered by Native Americans in America which was infinitely more isolated than Sub-Saharan Africa which is the most resource rich continent on earth and also very close to other peoples compared to other races that independently developed agriculture, metallurgy, etc"
Get their noggins joggin. Facts don't lie. If the hard facts are daisy chained together in a natsoc fashion, it's impossible to deny. They will go into mental gymnastics mode like "system racism or colonialism is the explanation" it is counter acted by going far enough back in time ie. the Neolithic etc when there were no "muh evil White colonialists".
>So do you think I have made her question
not rly i doubt she will but you did btfo her well if real gj
But then what if she battles back with their dick size statistics? And you just blue pill her into some shlong.
>trying to redpill a woman
Look, if you want to breed with her just take her out of her non-natsoc social circle and introduce her to a natsoc social circle while blocking any contact of her with non-natsoc ones
Ya the dick size thing is real and further reinforces the point that according to DNA, Sub-Saharan Africans are most probably NOT the same species of hominid. They definitely don't contain Neanderthal or Denisovan and now we've found they contain up to 40% of a hominid species that never left Africa. So being radically physically dimorphic just reinforces the point even if it's penis size.
Furthermore, if she brings up "but once you go Black you don't go back" or similar just say she is literally committing acts of bestiality no different than fucking a dog and it's only a matter of time before science points us too obviously in that direction but you won't retroactively forgive her for fucking another animal.
Did she talk back to you or will she talk to you tomorrow? Did you get her name and number?
You make arguments with data, force them to respond, and watch them squirm