Also reminder you will never live here.
I thrive in Eastern Europe
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Based, eastern europe will be the last to fall to the Jew menace
Looks like a shit hole.
u kinda lost half of your country
wow, so you posted your shithole's most presentable street (probably where the president lives).
your flag looks like it should belong to some gook country
I will move there and make it even more of a shit hole
This lmfao
>reminder you will never live in the most boring place on Earth
That's a nice bench.
commie blocks are the most depressing shit ever, my street in the suburb with family houses look a million times better
>you will never live here
Thank fuck for that. Im blessed to live amongst the pacific northwest pines. Not some concrete shithole in eastern eu where drinking mouthwash is the past-time
Yet you still manage to have an iPhone according to your file name. You're obviously not that poor if you can afford an expensive phone.
how dare you insult commie blocks
I've already lived in Eastern Europe and it's an absolute shithole. Its only advantage is that it has little to no shitskins (probably because Eastern Europe is so shit that they don't want to move there).
what is it that you didn't like?
Lol, what the fuck are you talking about? Eastern Europe is riddled with kikes.
Poor, dirty, corrupt, violent, crumbling buildings, full of drunks and gopniks.
fuck off we are full
Looks nice. Are the apartments cheap? In the US, apartment complexes like that are either cheap but filled with ghetto goblins or they're nice but too expensive.
you were never in eastern europe, this is just xenophobia
Are you the same guy who said he went to Chicago and NYC for 6 days?
Lol, I was born in there, retard. I guess saying anything bad about Africa is also just racism.
when did you leave, 20 years ago?
>Also reminder you will never live here.
Why would I live in poor mans Bulgaria?
I left 6 years ago because I got a job in Sweden. Moving was the best decision I've ever made.
Are u unironically saying “xenophobia” on fucking /pol ?
Fuck I tough poland was based
You're on of those faggots that movest to the West then glorifies their faggotry and niggers and comes back for Holidays to brag how good Swedenigger is and how bad your homeland is.
Why is it the Polish that get super offended when people mention how much of a shithole eastern europe is
I lived in Hungary 3 years, and a few years back at work in England a Polish friend was talking about how no one went out at night because of how often muggings happened in his city
Later down the line I made a joke about how much of a shithole eastern europe is (all the younger generation does there is go hard on learning english/ german to gtfo) and he looked at me as if I said "kill all dogs"
Lol, I literally said "Its only advantage is that it has little to no shitskins (probably because Eastern Europe is so shit that they don't want to move there)". How about actually reading my posts next time?
Where from user?
Immigrants are all libtard trash it is known. For instance: you
>Its only advantage is that it has little to no shitskins
From my time living in the USA and UK, I genuinely haven't met ANYONE as slimy or "niggery" as white trash in Hungary + gypsies (almost indiscernable)
$50,000 for 1 bedroom
>Poor, dirty, corrupt, violent, crumbling buildings, full of drunks and gopniks.
Did read it, I'd have corruption, violence (no nigger type of violence like in the U.S), crumbling building (Lmao let them crumble, we will rebuild), full of drunks (Oh vey, Swedes are not drinking a ton) and gopniks (our culture).
I actually read them and I disagree, you not finding your purpose in your homeland is your issue, if you leave, you should think a bit about your nation because it created you just as you are (with its shitty infrastructure, healthcare and education, it still modeled you as a person).
Now fuck off to Swedistan and shit on Russia because "you're much better than the gopniks" faggot.
eastern europe is the home of the jews dumb fuck
Lol, every single Eastern European here votes right-wing/nationalist. You're talking about the shitskinned ones looking for gibs.
That is called having pride in ones culture. Like someone can argue that places in finland are not admirable or that great. But as a proud and stout nationalist any place in finland even its the shittiest shithole alcholic murder suburb is better than something some untermensch england could ever do in any place. Thats just facts. I like facts.
we think of your country as a shithole
the closest apostles of jesus were jews, anons; that means whatever you are talking about is something good
Somalis are worse, but they're still technically a minority, while Eastern Europeans are only slightly better, but they're 99,9% of the country.
It figures. Yeah Russia is like way behind even Romania in terms of development and wages.
If you're not living in the capital or St Petersburg, it's pretty much like pic related. And a few hundred bucks wages.
>the closest apostles of jesus were jews
its not the richest place
but its fucking WHITE so people are not afraid of going out and walking in the parks in the evening
not according to the KKK
>mutts decide who's white
remember, no blacks
Its usually like that with people from shithole countries. Where they are from is a dysfunctional shithole but they are super proud of it. Of course they never want to go back though. We get this all the time with the Somalis and the Latinos. Indians too. Most turd world people really. I hate turd world people.
Slavs ain't fuckin white!
We're niggers who haven't seen the sun in a long time
damn Westoids are seething by just posting a simple image
Nationalism is the last line of defense to the ego before finally having to admit your country sucks and you need to do something about it
thank you, i been looking for a place for my zulu tribe to move to , tell me more about your country OP
fuck cities, fuck commieblocks and fuck our nigger infested capital especially
villages is where it's at
any place where slaying a pig in your back yard makes you stick out isn't worth living
Americans from what I've seen are no different
Bring up any real issues with america and they'll act like "That's the way it is, that's reality, you fucking idiot liberals know nothing about facts or the economy"
>budapest has niggers
that's sad 2bh
Fuck you nigger. You'll never be as great and awesome in every single way us we are. You might try but each of your attempts will be a failure right from the start because its just not the same. Its not as good.
cope harder, we dont have no-go zones
I can SMELL the cow + chickenshit from this image
You didn't read shit. I'm talking about >violence (no nigger type of violence like in the U.S)
Yeah, you do. Niggers are worse, but they're still technically a minority, while Eastern Europeans are only slightly better, but they're 99,9% of the country.
>crumbling building (Lmao let them crumble, we will rebuild)
>Lmao, it's okay to have collapsing buildings, we'll just rebuild them, LOL.
Are you actually this retarded or just coping over how awful Eastern Europe is?
>full of drunks (Oh vey, Swedes are not drinking a ton)
Not nearly as much as Eastern Europeans, and they also only drink at home. You will almost never seen a drunken idiot on the streets acting like a retard.
>gopniks (our culture)
So your culture is being a retarded degenerate. Okay, got it.
>you not finding your purpose in your homeland is your issue
Yeah, something is definitely wrong with me for not wanting to live in a corrupt poverty-ridden shithole. Totally.
>Now fuck off to Swedistan and shit on Russia because "you're much better than the gopniks" faggot.
Thanks, I will.
imagine leaving this comfyness and wageslaving somewhere in europe
As a half Swiss half Slav I have quite fun in these threads.
Hello my brainwashed brother. Enjoy before you get raped by albanians. Just don't come over crying for a passport.
>US flag
Meanwhile in Eastern EU - good looking bitches, shit's cheap, no nignogs, no kebab, no chink, free healthcare, free education, based people, no autistic dogshit fakemotional westerner bs .. and way more freedom.
>You'll never be as great and awesome in every single way us we are.
scandanavia & africa have alot in common
Pretty much.
I’ve been in Macedonia, it was pretty nice, good people and sort of based (got compliments for having 4 sons and no daughters lol). But it was also pretty poor. That was like 5 years ago, so It’s probably still poor.
Sweden went from greatest to gayest in under a decade. Masculinity decline is inevitable with the modern political faggotry
if we got rich it'll mean we got jews, so we comfy
>Also reminder you will never live here.
thank God.
if you only knew how comfy things really are
You're not better than the gopniks mate, you just have other interests in mind.
>Yeah, something is definitely wrong with me for not wanting to live in a corrupt poverty-ridden shithole. Totally.
If you were smart enough, you could've become something great in your country, now stfu and be an NPC in the country of NPC culture Sweden.
Sacrificed your potential to be a wageslave and pay taxes, when you could've do the same in Russia using your brain and doing the same amount of work.
>Muh corruption
No, it's your inability to adapt, nigger.
infestation is probably stretching it a bit
to give you an idea, when you get on a tram or a metro cart, you're more likely than not to find a colored breathing the same air as you
> seething glownigger peon
true irony is how it's the other way around kek.
Sounds nice. How much does a farm cost in the Hungarian countryside, with like 10 hectares of land? I’m looking to buy a vacation house.
But don’t you mind the muslims there?
> Work refuses to give you your paycheck for 3rd month in a row
> Neighbor gets robbed, asks you for some money for groceries
> Government comes knocking at your door, asks you to pay your fee for not renewing your house id
> String on your glorified lawnmower cart breaks when starting it
> Law passes saying employers can withhold overtime pay for up to 3 years, and aren't obligated to pay if they go bankrupt
> The smell of cowshit isn't strong enough to mask the smell of pigshit this afternoon
> WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *aggressive teeth gnashing*
> Every dog growling and barking as you walk down the road
> Bike stolen
> Some old guy says "hey, i saw who took your bike, if you give me some cash I can describe em for you"
> You get lucky ONCE in your life and end up with a bit of money
> Every single one of your leeching relatives come out of the woodworks and pressure you for gibs
White niggertopia.
Looks comfy user
Honestly would rather live in Macedonia than in the US. It’s not a place I would move, but it is honestly not that bad, pretty relaxed even.