Serious. This is an issue. Most guys can only grow pubes so shave.
Beard fags
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off moor
Most mutts maybe
A beard is a great way to hide a pencil neck and a weak chin. Beards are for old men and giants, if you're neither then you'll just look like a hipster
When you're 16 your beard doesn't look like a 25 year old man's would.
A neatly trimmed thin/patchy beard still looks better than no beard unless you have gigachad facial aesthetics, in which case it doesnt really matter
does your husband not have a beard?
I just have a beard because it's easier, shaving sucks.
ngl having pubes on your face is kinda chad, whenever people look at you they think of your penis, so you get to cuck everyone in public by making them think about your cock lol
based Zakk
I'm growing a beard right now, I turn 30 this year and never had a beard so I figured I'll give it a go. Is it weird to shave my neck/under my jaw? Because the feeling of hair there is just annoying to me, I kind of just want a face beard. It's not a complete shave, I use the sideburns bit on the back of my razor so it's just trimming the hair under there back to like 1-2mm while leaving the face hair. Please respond.
I’ll grow my facial hair however I like faggot.
Nah, it'll look better that way in the early phases. Just don't make the mistake of shaping it too high, then it'll look idiotic.
No it's not weird because if you don't shave your neck it will look sloppy
Facial hair is nigger-tier and always has been.
Both look horrible and both are hiding their lack of jaw.
No that’s fine to shave. I generally keep it shorter but not shaved because it itches me if it’s stubble. I mostly rock just a mustache now
The söyböys fears the mustache
I've been shaving daily since 15, I could grow a full beard by 16 but my family is of purely German Baptist stock ( like the Amish) , if I let it grow it's like steel wool or something, I will never understand why people who can't grow a beard try, it's a pain in the ass and plays hell on your skin
Please don’t shave, I shave and if you all start doing it then I have to grow a beard and I hate mine
fuck this stupid D&C thread this one isn't even good bait it's literally making you fuckers argue over facial hair like a bunch of no good faggots.
They do this over cut / noncut
they do this over age
they do this over race
they do this to keep us from uniting on a single front.
I'm changing that today and i'm willing to throw my life away to make it happen.
I'm sick of waiting for the next hitler to show up.
I decided if no one else is going to do it, It must be me.
>can only grow a slight mustache
>will never have a full beard
>will always look boyish
fuck my life man
>you will never be as chad as Don Frye
feels bad nigga
Don't shave it at all til you see how it grows. Just wash it often and scrub the skin to keep it clean.
I like the guy on the second picture, he looks more masculine
White guys without beard look like women
Oh go away you dumb fucking glownigger let us be.
i was blessed with a chad chin, i will never grow a beard
You'll stop looking boyish if you lose weight
Feels real bad bro, we can try though.
I suffer from a weak chin. Thankfully I can grow a full beard (the moustache is separate though) and it's managing to solve the problem. I've received compliments walking around in town from strangers saying they wish they could grow a beard too lol. The beard makes me look old, respected and helps me to not garner any attention from violent punks and kids looking to eyeball people so I'm happy with it.
the one with the thick beard somehow manages to look like the bigger numale soihomo
>thinks "violent punks" and "kids" are scared of his beard
lmao whatever makes you sleep at night.
I bet you have a weak barely visibly chin. Post chin swedefag.
post chin
Grow your beard boys and bask in your bearded glory as females can't help but be allured by your potent display of machismo.
Good for you. Stay positive.
Based swede
Checked and Keked at that id
Beards undoubtedly have a psychological effect. Whether it makes them think I'm a homeless bum or that I'm too old to mess with, or whatever. It's having an effect and I'm getting less stares and just kind of blend in comfortably now. I don't think it makes people afraid and never said that. I feel comfortable hidden away behind my beard.
wow Man so based
The mustache is the most alpha of facial hair styles
>doesn't hide a weak pussy chin
>doesn't hide neck fat
>takes time and effort to build, like a bonsai tree
>gets shit talked by everyone, but is too alpha to care about what they think
Young man: Beard = womb broom.
Old man: Beard = pain in the ass, attractive to only roasties and kids who both think you're Santa Clause.
Enjoy it as a young man, but get over the convenience of being lazy, and shave that shit down to a decent goatee or stach. Re Selleck or Elliot. Still making the thots weak in the knees even as oldfucks.
Only homos care about other dude's beards
>Serious. This is an issue. Most guys can only grow pubes so shave.
That is true. Then you have those that don't groom their beards, and they look like the homeless heroin addicts in San Francisco.
This is the annoying thing. All the homos and hipsters in my city seem to be growing beards. Makes me angry that they're sodomizing masculinity like that.
Yes, you need to shave the neckbeard, your beard will look 10 times better. Just do it where your neck begins, if you do it too high, it will look like shit and then you'll look like an idiot until it grows some more to correct it.
What kinda fag worships beauty. The most deceptive and fleeting trap there is.
It's not the 90s anymore tho.
beards are degenerate, take the mustachepill if you're based enough
imagine the smell
>shits on a culture of a beauty
Look at this not nazi.
It's not about beauty. Beards are not beautiful, they're psychological. They have the same effect on the subconscious as body language.
It's not about beauty, it's about widening the gap between male and female. We want to be as far far away from female as possible, until they are literally an alien race.
Yes and know they subconsciously tell me you are a hípster numale sóybóy cuck. Seriously. 95% of betas have beards. I had a beard but one day I look at my colleagues in college and all the beta cucks had beards. Now I shave mine every other day.
My beard actually grows too fast because I'm a hairy dude so I just shave it because trimming lasts for at most 1 day, but I won't grow one until I move to a colder, dryer place.
I can't imagine anymore from Florida wearing beards for example, how the fuck do you live and breathe with such filth in the face?
Don't shave you're going to end up looking like post molone when you try to grow a beard.
I find zero difference in summer with full beard or clean shaven. In winter tho the cold is noticeable if I shave.
Start working out and get into fighting way to grow facial hair? Testosterone.
How do you raise test levels? Eggs and lifting.
i look like the guy on the left tho
Homos and basedboys have hijacked beards to make them seem stupid..and judging by your reaction, it's worked.
Man is made in the image of God. I'm not getting rid of my beard. That's like shaving off a lions mane. Male and female are different creatures, alien to each other and must look the part. Shaving is an invention created by Jews to bridge the gap between male and female. That is why we have all of this non-binary nonsense now.
>at my colleagues in college
So you're a onions boy.
All my hair goes straight to my pubes and my legs. My arms are clean af
The thing is summers here in the southern hemisphere are very different than yours, Bulgariabro, specially since most of us are near the Equator.
Even if we both get near 30C temps during the day, you go below 15C at night (thats winter temp for us), but in our summer nights we never go below 22-23C which is fucking hell, add up the extreme humidity and you can imagine how it is.