Fuck 50s

I see a woman in invisible chains. Unable to leave the relationship even if she was desperate to escape. Both the authorities and her inability for financial independence could facilitate abuse and marital rape. I see a gay child who is beaten into submission foreven the slightest amount of self expression. I see a father who is assured of his own patriarchy, who economically exploits the 3rd world underclass to provide his 1st world resource, food, and electricity needs. .

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Father knows best.

Man, I love the 50s too but this is a political board, not a lifestyle board

Whats wrong of men dominating and owning women?

Brown and gay people weren't invented yet in the 50s retard.

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Women's pleasure comes from being conquered snd fucked hard and the sublime pleasure from the greatest and strongest man dominating her.

Any woman who speaks of women's empowerments enjoys being treated as a little fuck toy and fucked unrepentantly and unapologically, this is 100% of women.

And only will be opposed to this from.an unfit and undesirable male that is inferior.

Cool story faggot

interesting how little has changed since then, other than lying to ourselves.

There's always silent suffering in any relationship, you're just hung up on the equal rights movement , which is skewed and only occured because of WWII

I really was the greatest time, wasn't it?

The future is white men and Asian women.

White women are shit.

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Fuck off kikes.

> see a father who is assured of his own patriarchy, who economically exploits the 3rd world underclass to provide his 1st world resource
You're thinking of liberals.

Let's dress our little boy in dresses and give him testosterone blockers. Yep, so much better now.

Yes, and It was absolutely beautiful.
Back then nigger loving faggots like you couldn’t spread your subversive bullshit openly without getting beaten to a pulp or strung up.

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the funny shit about Yas Forums pretending the le 50s/60s were the greatest era for white people is even the boomers back then knew this shit was fake as fuck and only prevalent in advertising.

imagine someone in 2100 posting 90s/00s mcdonalds ads as proof of racial harmony. thats the same vein of logic you guys are operating on.

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consoom racemixing

Nice bot thread you got there. I've seen it many times.

White women fuck niggers.

Poojeets are not Asian.

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We were supposed to colonize japan and produce superior children in both mind and body

The future american

Yes women are much happier now being alcoholic cat ladies/dog mom's and making power points and spread sheets for Mr. Goldbergstein

You see everything good and functional as some sort of secret evil. Kill yourself faggot.

Okay, so what's your point my fellow cucky canucky?

Actually, its kind of an improvement for men and women over the previous generation at that point in time. If you asked any of them invisable schakled women if they would rather go back to living like their parents or grand parents, theyd say fuck no.
The 50s would eventually lead, however, to some of the most damaging times in our history.

No. Statistically speaking quality of life indicators say life was much easier back then. One could get a good job and buy a house and make enough to take care of a family on a HS diploma, sometimes even less. The police weren't militarized, and the crime was less. Today you literally have much higher chance of being murdered in street, locked up for essentially being poor, you'll probably never own a house despite having a degree, you have all kinds of debt, and ohh yeah you're utterly alone through all this, even if you have a "gf" or "wife".

mutt's law

fuck cope cods.
never, never, never again.
>t. ranch homeowner

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Can I ask you what year your ranch home was built?


Top kek. Rad

why, do you live in a cope cod?

I see bad parents being used as an excuse to take away my freedoms.

I dont. I live in a ranch home built in 1962

You're a racist who generalizes everyone and everything into predetermined categories. You're what's wrong with this world. You are the problem not the solution.

oh. i lived in a cape cod for about 12 years. 12 years of misery. 12 years of being cramped, 12 years a slave nigger. no really i would never live in a cape cod house again. they are simply the worse. i know theres worse, but for me its the cape cod, the worst of all home designs.

>I see a woman in invisible chains
and happeir than in the modern times, funny how all this degeneracy doesn't make you happy at all..

sjw id nice. also faggots get the rope sorry

you're delusional, stop seeing your idiot 'therapist' who's clearly convincing you that you're oppressed

Thanks to FDR and Yalta, we were locked in a death struggle with communism for the remainder of the 20th century.
After their terrible losses in WWII, the Soviets were determined to spread their political ideology to the emerging, former colonial countries through proxy war communism.
If the time seemed grim to you, it's because it was grim. We had communists in this country, and still do.
Just as many boomers don't fully appreciate what a close thing the second world was to their freedom, their own children don't understand that the cold war was a bitter struggle between freedom and totalitarianism.
We managed to prevail in both; unfortunately for the boomers' grandchildren, America may have stared into the abyss, just a little too long for our own good.

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56’ here
I reno’ed the interior to 1956-62 standards, as well. Well, in the process of.

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Can u come up with something new and orginal, stupid jidf shill faggot? Race mixers get the rope.

the left ruined everything.

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>95% white
>crime rates low
>immigration laws kept spics out
>I-i-it was actually bad my fellow canadi- I mean Americans

>germcuck's retort

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>"come up with something new"
>calls everyone a kike

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>i see
>invisible chains
I wish you faggots would stop bumping these 1 post by OP threads.

Yeah, that's your brain on leftist indoctrination.

None of that was real.

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>tfw you live in an apartment
I miss having a back yard


I see a massive bait.

The fifties were a pleasant but temporary respite from the most unpleasant machinations of the Federal Reserve jews, but really you have to go back much farther than that.

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"I see a gay child who is beaten into submission foreven the slightest amount of self expression"

It was a better time...

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>the future is autistic, weird looking mutts

The 1890's truly were the Belle Epoque.

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>I don't see a male role model
>I don't see a woman rewarding my virtue signalling with sex
>I don't see myself ever earning a decent paycheck
>I don't see the consequences of uncontrolled immigration from mom's basement - yet

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The split level home of the 60's; the epitome of good living. All that's missing is the huge TV aerial so you can receive 4 or 5 TV channels instead of just one or two.

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Ah yes, wageslaving for mr. Shekelberg instead of being responsible for a big healthy family sounds much more like freedom and fulfillment.

Cuban missile crisis + Kennedy assassination = on the edge of your seat anxiety about the end of the world. I was only 7 but the weekend of the missile crisis there was heavy fear in the air. Walter Cronkite was deebly goncerned.

That's why women wish to go back to the days of taking care of family instead of working as a drone right?

>abuse and marital rape

White women are literally animals. They deserve both