The REAL conflict of our age is the mind

>the REAL conflict of our age is the mind
is he right?

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But intelligence is genetic...

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

yeah no.

Its about perspective, and propaganda.

no itnisnyn

it is, just like you are a fag - and suck dick on daily basis.

Whoa so, no problems are real bro just people dumb and people smart...

you have no proof

>the real conflict is the mind guyse
>let me just play super mario instead of going to a family funeral

Hes absolutely right. Free your mind and your ass will follow!
Unfortunately if your getting your "information" from kikes then its unlikely you'll be able to make an informed opinion.

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This man is the personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Woah.... Is Blob a philosopher? So deep.

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No. It’s class.

Sounds like someone clutching his pearls and moral signaling

Wait, if intelligence isn't genetic, then it's simply a social construct we can ignore, right? It has no possible real world basis beyond genetics.

He’s absolutely right. He’s self-aware of his retardation and cuckoldry.

Smart people are enslaved by strong people every day around the world.
The only reason that "smart" people are powerful right now is because computer industry was off the charts profitable and the legal system protects people.
The great news is that people in power usually do everything possible to corrupt the legal system(government, police, judiciary) and eventually that system is so corrupted that it turns on everyone and once again strong men rule over everybody.
This is not good, this is not bad, this just is.

>dur dur the real fight is Intell vs stupid poo poos

all that fat must be going to his head.

amen. everything else is a highly promoted distraction.

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I couldn't give a care honestly.

class is just a result of wealth though
so it's wealth

we'll have none of that in the superior future

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How come 1% makes 90% of the 0.1%?
>inb4 its totally rich people goy and not just jews colluding together to fuck everybody else over

So close, yet so far away...

Almost all human economic activity is moving shit from one place to another or using that shit to build other shit.
The actually smart people(not the "I watched Star Trek I must be smart because smart people watch Star Trek" smart people) know this and their work is typically done to reduce the amount of shit moved or the energy needed to move it.

"Smart" people like Bob think that they're contributing the society by just being smart not by building something with their genius.

Yes. True.

Interesting meme. Perhaps it shows Brzezinski's quote has nearly been fulfilled? "Shortly, the public will not be able to reason or think for themselves. They will only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous nights news." Yes, we must listen to and obey our intelligent, high IQ betters.

your flag is proof enough.

>is he right?
No. It has always been good vs evil.

class is illusory only race is real, wtf who is the real racist

Yeah, and the kikes attempts to control it.

why yes i did learn today that race, class, and history don't exist from some pile of human tofu on twitter today

Do communists believe in evolution?
Do they believe in natural selection?
Do they believe that human behaviors are a product of evolutionary pressures?

the superior future

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Intelligence has nothing to do with your position on most political issues. Are you more intelligent if you support abortion or are against abortion? What is in conflict here is not intelligence, but world views. That is the real conflict of our age: our vastly different conceptions of the world...what is right and what is wrong. Only brainlets think intelligence is the "most important thing."

I don't think it is supposed to be so black
on top don't you only use the acid of lemons to make low quality stuff more tender?

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Wait till he learns how much black and latinos cost every year pushing his earned future even further away.

I'd say it's both biological and spiritual. But every human conflict has been about spiritual and/or physical ideals, so he's not really saying anything profound, and the conflict of our age is no different than the conflicts of the past.

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The conflict we've been in has always been the same. It's a spiritual war. We're fighting the grip of Satan and all of the demons in our midst. The one that accepts God is the free man with the free mind and can finally see the satanic disease that's infected all of us.

wh*tes are mediocre

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This, its all pretty much cyclical. Suffering keeps people pursuing progress. Hence why most intelligent animals engage in stuff like war, and have the capacity to suffer.

Mediocre people build and keep civilization running, its the primary way to measure how a society is doing.

Yes it is about being informed.

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who knew dumbing down society could have consequences imagine my fucking shock schlomo

nah they keep moviebob down

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Intelligence is meaningless without the emotional faculties to make proper, moral decisions based on what is objectively and naturally right or wrong.

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Holy shit, he is so high on his own supply.
>the ATLAS SHRUGGED solution
Bob in a real Atlas Shrugged situation you'd be cowering near a flaming barrel with the other useless people.

you don't get it
THIS is his living room!

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Unfortunately Jews have convinced people that by borrowing money to pay for their higher education they are somehow becoming more intelligent, but in fact are just being indoctrinated and taught what to think, rather than how to think critically.

I take it all back
Bob is truly the learned aristocrat we need in these trying times

call him fat and watch him cry

Agree with me = intelligent
Disagree with me = stupid

I think this is what he means to say...

Wonder why Bob would want a future like this. We are mind, body and spirit, ignore one at you detriment.

Bob Chipman is truly the quintessential /leftypol/

The citrus in lemon can "cook" meats and certain enzymes in things like pineapple can tenderize too. However, for tenderizing, anything over 2 hours would make the meat fall apart too much and anything after 4 would be practically inedible.


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He only wants that to be the case because he sees himself as one of the smart people and wants to be on top, when we all know he is a degenerate consoomer.
Classic resentiment and slave morality.


>claims globalism is the only way forward and that nationalism will eventually lead the west into falling even further behind china
>china is one of the most nationalistic countries around
