Portugal will soon be fascist too

Spain and Portugal are going to be fascist soon.

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I wish

Elaborate on your theory

Guys, it's just a matter of time. Chega and Vox are just the beginning.

I doubt it, but I guess that thinking positively can't hurt.

Fascists are infiltrating in Chega by the hundreds. You'll see. Give it a few years

I am somewhat aware of that phenomenon. What are your views on race, if you don't mind me asking?

I like Luso-tropicalism however I am skeptical about the majority of blacks in Portugal. I do believe that minorities in Portugal should undergo further lusonization. All hoods should be destroyed, those that protested, white or not, should be killed. All gypsies should be killed too.


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Just speak spanish isiots

Negro fascist.

Can confirm, centrists already btfo, cuckservatives in suicide watch, communists alienating their own voters and lefties about to facing the major crisis of our democracy with the coronavirus. If oldfags die the old order will be dead and VOX will be in the gov.

I hope so my friend. Whether we like it or not, we live in the same Península, and if Portugal would become fascist than Spain would have to too. And vice versa. So glad of the Viriatos that helped you guys fighting the fag Catalonia commies. And then we fought along side the nazis.

General Franco was a hero!!

El Generalísimo!!!

I see. I would like you to further study the relations between race and IQ, it might help you make your expectations and beliefs more practical and realistic.
Luso-Tropicalism created Brazil, the crime capital of the world. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

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Killing gypsies is something every country should do. They are the cancer of society, far worse than niggers.

Perhaps you're right about luso-tropicalismo.

I fucking hate gypsies so much, they are like low end jews

> Spain
> Fascist

Good one, there's more chances that France becomes a white country again, a feminist ignorant country that listens to Reggaeton becomes "Fascist" hah sure thing.

Just pray that the Jews don't spread lies about the discovery of America therefore enraging the best migrants in the world ( Gentile South Americans).

Don't make me get started on Portugal and their 13 years old twerk fest where teenagers are getting fucked by mulattos

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Despite all the noise, and their anti feminist and anti migrant policies, Vox is basically a glorified neo-con party. I will keep voting for them though

It doesn't matter what the plebs do. Only us. Fascism is growing. I'm one of them that is infiltrated in the new right wing party. And we are hundreds and we are growing. Same thing in Spain. Portugal and Spain are much more likely to turn than france or Germany. They are already overrun with sandniggers

South America can have it's mixed nationalism. If we try it here we will just become like them. Educate your fellow peers in the ways of peaceful preservation of our ethnicity, to try and force others to be like us when they have rich lands of their own will stop their nations from developing from the labour drain, and will keep us poor/unemployed due to labour excess.

We are more overrun with south americans and africans then they are. Don't be overconfident. We are only about 85% white right now, that is why ethnic census were forbidden.

Hating on their gypsies, which are already Spanish due to breeding and Spanish women being whores since Franco died, literally the only Nationalist community left in their feminist shithole

I mean your Kings are literally Kikes, what does it matter to you?

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I pray to God you're right.

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My friend lives there and they just elected a fucking socialist,

I doubt...

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Didn't youre friend tell you that we also elected Andre Ventura?

>Pic related is Felipe VI the Kike with his whore attending an LGBT event.

They won't answer you, Pablo and Rodrigo are too busy crying over another "femicide" created by their kike King and hippie president.

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t. Barbosa

Probably, they are one of the most retarded countries in western Europe.

Based Iberian bro’s

miren el cuck facha este que no consigue salirse de su virginidad.

Sigan soñando...

Spain the most.

>85% white
wtf, when did they arrive in Portugal?

>Not a circumcised-cocksucking Neocon party
You have very shitty political definitions, my dear

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Nice to see a thread here with fellow Portuguese. Always wondered where were the absolute cryptofascists morons that support Ventura

Vox swallows Jewish cum in broad daylight. What are you even talking about?

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Not in a million years lmao
These people only live for football and are nigger and brazillians lovers, extreme leftists and completely oblivious to external world problems.
The only patriotism they show is during football matches. It's good that you like your country but don't be so self deluded.

Antes que digam que não sou português, sim sou.
Já agora, não dependam no Chega. Oposição controlada, vai tudo dar ao mesmo.

>"Na área das relações externas, o Chega defende a reavaliação da presença de Portugal na Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e um "compromisso inequívoco com a defesa da existência do Estado de Israel, face ao recrudescimento do antissemitismo e das ameaças terroristas de que o povo judeu é alvo, pugnando pela transferência da embaixada Portuguesa para Jerusalém"."


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Hail victory.

>80 years of Leftism and a tryhard welfare state created Brazil, the crime capital of the world.

Wtf happened? Iberia was always a based peninsula until the last century or so.

lol. Nepotism, corruption and income disparity is rampant here. People hate the higher classes and the national leadership. The sooner we would become communist.

Alot of the Brazilian/SA immigrants in your country are Italian/Germans, lets be honest you should be thankful Manoel

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Franco's mistake was not ensuring a clear line of succession.

With scum like these it's impossible, see:
We need another civil war but this time no commies will survive to be resentful.


The very reason Iberia is behind in both economic and cultural terms is because it endured decades of conservative right wing dictatorships.

"If only you knew how bad things really are."

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Yes, yes, we are just waiting for orders from Brussels.

What bitch?

Why do you even reply to me?

Not like Cuba or Venezuela, leading technological powers of the world. The only times we had a bit of stability were during dictatorships, the rest of the time we were infighting.

Slow but steady immigration from the former colonies, since the 70's. Every year it speeds up and intensifies.


Then why is former Commie Eastern Europe constantly improving while you get worse every single year? Go and check demographic changes.

Not really. Those dudes usually go to Germany or Italy. We just get the average mestizo who listens to funk, is always wasted, and is simply glad to not get robbed every single day.

Sure. Look at all this war now we are experiencing.

It doesn't matter if Chega wants to help the jews, what matters is the amount of fascists that are infiltrating. You velhos do Restelo are missing the bigger picture here. Small, baby steps go along way. Be patient. Don't be a doomer.

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Shut up, woman.

But the "velho do Restelo" was right. Colonialism was a mistake.

No, it's because of socialist despotism and corruption

Best summary ITT. The last based thing about us is that we celebrate our history for the most part.
I'm sure this is changing thought and I'm curious on how they go about it in school today.

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There was infighting the whole time before Franco except during Primo de Rivera dictatorship, read a bit of Spanish history. The worse times were during 17th to 20th centuries, Spain was in turmoil all the time.

Royal families are leeches, Vox is a glorified neo-con party, independentists are useful brainwashed idiots for both sides of the political spectrum and you have two digits IQ. Once said that, it would be beautiful to see a party with the beliefs of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.

For some to profit, many will pay dearly. Colonialism is still a thing, it's just that the roles are reversed.

We wasted lives, effort, resources, time and money to secure trade routes, while all the money was either lost through the crown being incompetent wastrels and spending the money to build useless monuments/churches, and by the inflation of excess (and poorly managed) south american gold influx. And the cultural acceptance and assimilation of the colonies natives made us vulnerable to the current invasion of non-Europeans on our soil. We should have invested in our own turf, instead we built up the rest of "our Empire" while the homeland stayed stagnant and addicted to injections of foreign resources instead of building productive industries/manufacturing/artisans and skilled labor like the medieval German city-states did.

nobody knows where that is.

You live up to your field name

Who do you vote then? Pacma? At least vox defend some normal values, if you do nothing and have no hope Spain will keep going down. They want you blackpilled so you keep doing nothing.