Yas Forums will deny this.
Yas Forums will deny this
>we need to drones strike American homes and weddings!
Sieg heil faggot
>tfw americans want to drone strinke its own people
Ok I wouldnt mind USA becoming balkanized
>white people are the problem
fuck off nigger
Okay. WHAT white-supremacist violence?
Who are these non-existent white supremacist terrorists leftshit golems keep whining about? I keep trying to find attacks by them but for some reason nothing shows up in the news or in any search engine.
No it's terrorism. Nothing wrong with striking a little fear into the hearts of (((the enemy)))
I don't see why the state shouldn't prosecute neo-nazis or white supremacists. In general the people who are apart of these movements are inbred low class jobless welfare leech trailer park white trash who give white people a bad name. If you wanna help the white race you get yourself a job/education and hide your power level while you vote for your own interests.
>i politicked my way to the top abroad and profitted from sending young men to die
>now I must kill my own disaffected countrymen so I can truly become one of the elite and have kids suck me off.
establishment will not deny it and try to fight for these ideas with antifa terrorism
>white-supremacist violence is terrorism
kikes, shitskins, traitorous politicians and journalists should be afraid. if they are, you are doing the right thing.
democracy is why the west is in its current state. voting does nothing. don't delude yourself.
He fought Israel's enemies abroad and now he's still their shabbos goylem. A shekel for the good goy.
Well being apart of these movements doesn't help as well.
What violence?
Okay. WHAT movements?
What's there to deny? It's all just an insane Jewish conspiracy theory. Already debunked.
The fed infested ones of course.
What violence?
Gang bangers and drug dealers run the streets
Pedophiles run the government
Pharma administers death to all
Elites and the (((wealthy))) fund it
But yes a bitter working class white is a top priority, and so deserving of your skewed judgement
Yes I'm pro terrorism. Now let's just nuke USA to hell.
There were no wmds in iraq you huge tool.
I grew up in the deepest Deep South. In 35 years, I saw maybe 25 fights between black people and white people. NONE of them--NONE--were started by white people. They were ALL black people attacking whites.
However, there is one group of people that starts an inordinate number of fights where I come from: SHORT TEXANS.
t. Cajun from Houma
>every young white man in america who doesnt suck shit and eat cum is a terrorist now
so where do we go from here?
I don't understand who thinks it shouldn't count as terrorism? Or do some people think that only brown people can commit terrorism??
>ideologically motivated political violence is terrorism
What an astounding observation. The person who wrote that must be very very smart.
What kinda movements exactly my dear croacuck?
That's the only thing I can figure. I'm being serious. I've lived in Mississippi my entire life. Never, have I ever, seen anybody with any of these "white power" tattoos, or wearing shirts with them on them. I've never seen flyers recruiting for these so-called organizations. I've never seen anything online recruiting for these so-called organizations. My father told me the last time he ever saw a KKK hood was at a parade. In Ohio. In the 1950s.
We had a kid a while back hang himself. But because he was black, Jesse Jackson came down here and stirred up this big "muh racial hatred, muh lynchings" shitstorm, despite several of the kid's friends saying he was suicidal. But we have things like a pretty white girl getting burned to death in her car by her black boyfriend, and the media is silent. Any work situation I have been in where a co-worker squalled "racism" is because they were doing a shit job, and knew they were doing a shit job, and EVERYBODY ELSE knew they were doing a shit job, but "muh black skin" was their pass. Every. Single. Time.
speech isn't violence, sweaty
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
>I fought the Taliban and whites are just as evil.
All that makes me think is maybe the Taliban weren't as evil as he would have be believe.
These retards would call pic related "white supremacist violence".
so you're saying that, we should remove niggers from the premises?
i wonder how many bombs will be dropped
*Freedom fighting
>calling right-wing people another -ism/ist
Tiresome it all is.
In the case of Britain, we start with 'white supremacist violence is terroist'.
Whites however are the natives of the land (cotaining the haplogroup u5a which turned into R1b1a1a2. There is much deeper mixing but thats the general overview).
We must then account for how the current situation of Britain has more elderly native people than young native people, and when a current threshold of elderly people above 50 years old die off, even with current native replacement rates, we will have lesser of a population.
Currently the 'powers that be' are importing people to make up for this loss, which is displacing native British people out of areas they have built. Once the British indigenous population die down, the new comers will replace them.
If we are to take the idea that native people have an inherent property right to their soveign territory, then they have all the right to defend it in what manner they deem fit.
Thus it is not terroism, but an offshoot of resistance fighters, which is to be encouraged, rather than discouraged....in minecraft.
What terrorism though?
Where are the instances of it being a legitimate case of terrorism, not just a troubled kid?
What constitutes racial terrorism?
Racially motivated attacks? Well I'm sorry to say regardless black on black, black on Mexican, etc far far outweighs the death toll or scope of “white terrorists”
Racial violence on “innocents” what are drive bys and other gang shootings that leave innocents in their crosshairs?
Why is a white kid shitting around on Yas Forums a terrorist
But a nigger who specifically targets whites to rob/assault is a good boy?
>Yas Forums will deny this.
>Marxists equate "violence" with words.
>Words literally ARE 'violence'.
>And "violence" is terrorism if you don't share my opinion.
>Anyone who doesn't share my opinion is a "Nazi".
>Therefore, you are a violent Nazi terrorist simply by disagreeing with me and speaking.
This is the level of fuckheaded "logic" we're talking about here...
>O-Hole political "general" appointed post-OHole Purge.
Who gives a fuck what he thinks?
Couching Marxist authoritarianism behind fake patriotism.
Fucking despicable.
violence is the only thing that is going to save the west. traitorous politicians, subversive journalists, corrupting corporate suits, kikes, and shitskins fearing for their lives. nothing else will change a damned thing.
I fought bad goys abroad
Now we must fight bad goyim at home.
1 Post by this ID
when someone defends themselves against antifa
Marching around with tiki torches is not real action. It's no better than eceleb "debates".
The Jew fears PRAXIS. The Jew fears free Englishman retaking their Republic. The Jew fears high fertility closed communities. The Jew fears action and rules by preventing other tribes not under their control from acting as a group while they act as a group (and being the last tribe standing in a civic space of individuals means they win by default.)
Play the game.
Yas Forums WILL deny this. But it's true.
This is what they teach in the (((((((((((((military))))))))))))
Well clearly that boy is a hardened white supremacist and needs to be tortured and executed.
What I'm saying is where are the "white supremacists"? Have you met, in your real life, a white supremacist? Have you seen, in your real life, white supremacists symbols displayed? Have you seen, in your real life, white supremacists attacking black people?
The only reason people even talk about "white supremacy" is because the media is always writing these bullshit articles and publishing these symbols, and Hollywood is constantly churning out some dreck film digging up old history or just flat out making shit up.
Every time I walk outside I see people wearing hugo boss uniforms and swastika armbands
As a resident of the state of Illinois I want nothing more.
Is that from a movie
Some commander he Is, sounds like a real faggot.
It's too late for us.
For example by 2030 ~50% of all newborns, 45% of school children , 30% of the electorate and 162 seats in parliament will be invaders.
We see you, ChapoFags.
Try your fucking shill tactics elsewhere. We aren't voting for your ACTUAL BOLSHEVIK JEW.
It's an Adobe stock photo that several media outlets love to use.
There it is. Even when you're told how to best the Jew you refuse to do it. Your Republic is dead.
yeah this is a real problem, these are the bigots who attacked jussie smollet and ripped off the hijab of that girl
He posted a map of mormon population.
Yeah sure it will.
You’re supposed to call him a Jew or Incel
No payment!
>This is what they teach in the (((((((((((((military))))))))))))
This one O-Hole appointee political "general" is a shameless careerist - a Yes-Man willing to support anyone who gives him a promotion.
The military is rife with these shitbags, thanks to the Great O-Hole Purge where pretty much senior NCO's and flag-rank types who were NOT on board with O-Hole's "policy" were encourage to... retire... or were RIFFED...
They were replaced with these Yes-Men bootlicking Marxist fucks.
It will take time for them to pass through the system - like the screaming shits after eating gas-station sushi - before normalcy returns.
The military is apolitical - a tool to be used for defending the US. And that is ALL.
It is not a Petri dish for social engineering experiments, a make-work jobs program, social workers, World Police, mercs for hire for anyone, etc...
>INB4 "Everyone who isnt ashamed of being white and doesnt want to pay 70% of their income to destroy their own country is a white supremacist."
>Who are these non-existent white supremacist terrorists leftshit golems keep whining about? I keep trying to find attacks by them but for some reason nothing shows up in the news or in any search engine.
This. Where is the "White-Supremacist Violence" *EXACTLY*? If it was such a problem we'd see more real, objective cases. We obviously don't. We see a lot of LARPing and a lot of talk, but not a lot of action in actual reality. The boogeyman white supremacist has always been the easiest scape goat for society. It's already socially taboo to be a part of. It's already condemned, no one is going to lose clicks or profits or votes by going against these pretty much non-existent groups.
It's easy for humans to project bad qualities on fictional groups that can not stand up for themselves than to call out and fight against real groups who will do real harm. Everyone fighting against "white supremacists" are people looking to make themselves look good by being against the already-socially-taboo.
Imagine the time and money for production that went into staging all of that for a stock photo.
Checked like a motherfucker
>Defeat the Jew!
>By voting for the Jew!
Holy shit, you fucking retards really believe this?
>Import the Brown Hordes to work low skilled jobs for unlivable wages!
But also...
>We want livable wages!
How are you fags this retarded?
What happens when the white population (the only major demographic to be a net positive tax burden)?
Do you think the brown hordes willingly accept their cut welfare for the good of everyone?
Do they riot and lynch whites like they've done literally everywhere else in the world?
>t. Cajun from Houma
I've lived in North Louisiana my whole life and never once saw a single scrap of KKK or Nazis or any of these groups publicly or privately. We're lied to by the media that those groups are everywhere here.
>The Jew fears PRAXIS
>ChapoFag Vernacular
Look champ, regardless, it doesn't detract from the fact that you ChapoNiggers are trying to subvery Yas Forums. You're fucking retards.
>Vote Jew to defeat the Jew!
Fucking kek.
No such thing. Witch hunting is retarded.
They are, if you're the government. The gov doesn't care how many nogs shoot each other because it's not a threat to them. Terrorism is a threat to the Government, so that's why they care.
This is how you know Jewish people are snakes.
It’s true!
The parasites that comprise gov feed on human energy (chi) they produce nothing but a net gain. At the end stages they will kill their host unless it mounts a overwhelming immune response and kill off the offending interlopers.
We are there US - the EU same
All those mean words are violence, you fucking privileged hateful bigot!
>Terrorism is a threat to the Government
You know when white people get upset they start shitting themselves.
no they won't
Good thing I'm just a peaceful white nationalist