@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>TrumpAd: Keep Going! 3/4/20
>Pres Trump on Hannity 3/4/20
>Pres Trump @Latino Coalition Legislative Summit 3/4/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Airline CEOs 3/4/20
>WH Press Brief (VP Pence/Corona-chan Task Force) 3/4/20
>VP Pence on Dobbs 3/4/20
>VP Pence meets w/Diagnostic Lab CEOs 3/4/20
>SoS Pompeo/FLotUS Melania @IWOC Awards 3/4/20
>AG IronBarr @DoJ Elder Justice Summit in Sun City Center FL 3/4/20
youtu.be/VaQZiQGUum0 (pt1)
youtu.be/FmAUzFHKbsU (pt2)
>TreasSec Mnuchin comments to reporters 3/4/20
>DepAG Rosen @DoJ Natl Opioid Summit 3/4/20
>KAC on FoxNews 3/4/20
>Lara Trump on FoxNews 3/4/20
>Hurr Katrina on FoxNews 3/4/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FBN 3/4/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on FoxNews 3/4/20
>WBGPres Malpass Joint Presser w/IMFManagingDir Georgieva on Corona-chan 3/4/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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>no contested convention


>being concerned about corona virus in the least

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fuck /cvg/ fags
go back to your fucking containment thread
we don't want you here retards
you're just like bernie bros, just stay in your own fucking thread

community spread has already started in the US. it's only a matter of time until the numbers explode and the hospitals are overrun. do you have 30 million ICU beds and enough doctors to staff them?

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Are there really a lot of paid influencers on pol or is it a persecution complex?

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This virus is a marketing scam to get cities to claim protections from the fed withholding monies from sanctuary cities.

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>being concerned about corona virus in the least
It's babby's first media scare.

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What a fucking cuck

/ptg/ - people terminally gay

you should be concerned. this is going to fuck the whole world up. it's never going away and it's just going to get deadlier with each mutation. just wait until it gets into the brazilian bat population.

now that it looks like biden will win the dem primary the stock market recovered oh wait

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-05 10-06-26.png (250x292, 19.51K)

But he did say it.
>” So you can't put them down in the category of the overall population in terms of this corona flu and/or virus," Trump continued. "So you just can't do that. So, if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better."

>he literally said that


what a orange buffon

Lol he wont even try to win over superdelegates he’ll just bend over wow

Reminder that Trump will win. However it’s up to us to ensure it happens

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Joe!'s economy lasted one day.

the media is still downplaying the hell out of this pandemic. in terms of knowledge, they're around 4-6 weeks behind /cvg/ right now.



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>I can't stop smoking meth and suckin dick!

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>trumpfags already blaming the economy on Biden’s presidency

Oh, you're a Biden supporter?

List every single country with

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>this was the guy that was shilled here relentlessly for several weeks and months via raid from /leftypol/, Chapo and breadtubers

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that's not saying anything, user

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This virus is a marketing scam by Anheiser-Busch to tank their competition and raise their stock, in collusion with Johnson & Johnson and the rest of of Big Sanitizer.

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/cvg/ is 4 weeks behind the virus being nothing and case numbers dropping like flies. Sad.

>I trust everything I read on Yas Forums

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All eyes are on Warrens campaign. Biden is the strongest endorsement choice and Sanders is a road to political ruin for her.


Maybe space apart your posts if you don't want to look obvious, you suck at your job. Better luck next thread.

There was once a time I would have been terrified to know all the creators of comics would be at risk of infection, now I just think "so all the jews, you say?"

>trust /cvg/

the /cvg/ pastebin is full of scientific papers and analysis.

I can't wait to see this implosion. As horrible as it might sound I'm even going to enjoy seeing my friends momentarily melt down. They're usually smart but their backing of Bernie has turned them into childish retards who won't shut the fuck up about Bernie and they constantly jam political talk into everything now.

You deserve to get it.

>dead comic nerds
>dead new jersey
>dead chinks

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did this have to do with the talk with warren

>mfw the entire country gets pozzed because of geeks

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It's also a marketing ploy to draw attention away from the recent shit dem debates, fuck with the market, and cause general panick.

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Do we need an excuse to quarantine Seattle?

Well, when it's over they'll all just go back to mom's basement effectively quarantining themselves.


disc: qvkVuhS

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It's what the rest of the Pacific Northwest has been saying for years. We don't need nor want all of Seattle's drugs and hobos. Anything cool that comes from there originates from a satellite city like Everett or Federal Way.

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incorrect. all projections show that this virus is going to be an endemic thing in every single country. it's just going to keep sweeping across the world, killing higher percentages each time it hits, because reinfection is a death sentence and you can't gain immunity to this thing.

This. /cvg/ is Gud boys. That said are any of the Italians white?

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Coronavirus is literally the least worrisome pathogen that will be going around at fucking Comic Con.

Turttle man live!

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>fans first
>not just cancelling it

Cons are literally kind of cons, they make fuckstupid money for not much overhead or work. Profiteering off consoomer trained culture.

It’s about fucking time they finally are calling democrats out

>have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work

>we have people getting better by going to work

>trust the ccp
fuck off, zhang.

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Actually, we need a law. Because Trump and the Federal government actually have zero authority to quarantine a city. The local/state officials are the ones to make that call. And no one wants to be first. No one wants to tank their economy. We're fucked.


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So what happens from here?

that's still not saying people should go to work when they're sick
he's describing a situation

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>bernouts just realizing niggers only care about themselves

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This shit makes me think the hysteria is just to harm the economy.

investigation by the ethics committee or judiciary committee? idk. either way he'll get a scolding and then that's it and we all move on.

Trump can declare an emergency and quarantine the city anytime he likes. The President fully has that power.

Hes saying going to work is the cure for corona.

>wagies btfo

Except you yourself tell us to trust them when it suits your shilling


Just watch, he'll get another beach house by the summer.

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This shit makes me think the dumbest of the dumb come to these fucking threads to worship trump.

i trust that everything coming out of china is being downplayed/manipulated. the truth is much worse than anything you hear from (((official))) sources.

Woah it’s like black people don’t give a fuck about policy. Who would have thunk?
But in all seriousness, I pretty much knew the south would go to biden. Large black population, most of the population hating socialism outside of young whites.

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Most middle class Americans have a vacation home.

When they learn the virus has spread to new world bats, aren't you concerned that chinks might swarm across the Pacific and eat all the bats?

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Florida poll LMFAOOOO

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um we do have a law.
The Stafford Act. The media has been lying so long about Katrina and Puerto Rico disasters being the Federal governments fault they dont want us to know all emergency response to a disaster is SOLELY the States Governers responsibility.

It was rhetorical, I already knew the answer. Shit sucks.

Burger faggots need to build a wall around Seattle, NO DOORS, just leave them and forget about it.


that's better than making assumptions about people you don't know and then using those assumptions to rob peter and pay paul when really in the end you just wanted gibs for yourself and student loan forgiveness.
they talk all high and might but it's a facade. No one would vote for communism unless they thought they'd be in the ruling class


was this memoryholed?

she's gonna do this again lol

>Trump and the Federal government actually have zero authority to quarantine a city
ok retard

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Fucking kek. Clever. Holy shit Trump is truly a master of the troll. I love it.

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the worry here is that it'll mutate rapidly once it jumps to the brazilian bat population. the death rate could easily double.

I also love how berniebros are getting redpilled in real-time. Black peoples outright rejected Bernie, and call him a bullshitter and a racist. They see through Bernies shit and know he’s lying. Now bernouts are going to make shit worse by saying shit like this.

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Just a flu bro.

>Black people are the worst
He's right, you know.

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>oh no no no they found me out


as much as I hate schumer he's right about a backlash

Yet when jew media, WHO and politicians tell you to panic, you oblige. Dumbfuck.

I think, no matter what happens with the virus, Chinese need to be punished severely.

Just like his time in the Senate.

> "From Jan 2007 to Mar 2020, Sanders missed 535 of 4,089 roll call votes, which is 13.1%. This is much worse than the median of 1.4% among the lifetime records of senators currently serving. The chart below reports missed votes over time."

Sanders can't lead, and just like his millennial constituents, he shrieks a LOT, but doesn't put in the work.

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>It's only been 3 years and Trump has alreday made most Americans have vacation homes.
Wow, he really is GEOTUS!

Bernouts are detached from reality, they’ve never actually talked to Biden supporters, and have burned so many bridges at this point that virtually everyone hates them. They shit in moderates and centrists, they alienated Pete supporters by calling Buttboy a rat. They did more damage than anything else

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Notice how all of the sanctuary cities and states got the virus first. I hope once this is over, Trump hits them every single week on it and how open borders killed people yet again

>*cries and finally commits Sudoku*

The end of Berntards.

I agree too, if shit does kick off people are going to take it out on the administration. I won’t say that it wouldn’t be rightfully deserved either, although people should be smart and prepare so at this point it’s all on the individual.

>still no American deaths
Retard. Imagine being such a scared little pussy all the time. You're an npc.

read the Stafford Act for yourself, dumfuk

Title IV: Major Disaster Assistance Programs Edit
The procedures for declaring a major disaster are to be made by the governor of the state. When a disaster occurs, the governor executes the state's emergency plan. If the Governor then decides that the disaster is of such severity that the state and affected local governments cannot possibly handle the effects of the disaster, the Governor will make a request to the President explaining the amount of resources they currently have available and commit to the cost-sharing requirements in the Stafford Act. The President can then declare a major disaster or emergency in the affected area.

i know people like this. usually impulsive, selfish and mentally ill. like a bull in a china shop.

>once this is over
it's not going to be "over". the virus is never going away.

This. I’ll start to worry once it kills someone in the US.

>no American deaths
This is false, you fucking faggot

The paki has legitimate concerns

He was kicked out of a commie commune for not working

hate to spoil it for you but there is no company Anheiser-Busch.
Anheiser-Busch is a subsidiary of ImBev

You want to know the best part? If Biden were to somehow win the GE, the progressive movement would be aborted in its infancy. It’d show that the DNC doesn’t need progressives.
But I sincerely doubt trump will lose, being that a good chunk of Sanders supporters won’t vote

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It already has, retard.

No you don't or else you would have killed yourself.