/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1606

Italy to close all schools and universities

US doctors plead to get tests

Virus invades nervous systems

Fed cuts interest rates, tries to stop market crash

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Dogs can carry the virus

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

25 year old nurse dies in Iran

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

CDC refused to test infected man

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

WHO says Italy testing too many people

► Detected: 96,949 ► Died: 3,308

12:47: 10 new cases in Norway.
12:30: 21 new cases in Greece.
12:27: 3 new cases in Azerbaijan.
12:23: 7 new cases in Singapore.
12:19: 3 new cases in Saudi Arabia.
12:07: 1 new preliminary confirmed case in Quebec, Canada.
11:54: First case in South Africa.


Attached: CVG.png (686x526, 219.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,430 (3,013) ► International 16,519 (295): S. Korea 6,088 (40) Iran 3,513 (107) Italy 3,089 (107) D. Princess 706 (6) France 377 (4) Japan 361 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 162 (11) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (2) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 444 Singapore 117 UK 90 Netherlands 82 Norway 72 Sweden 60 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 35 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Algeria 17 Vietnam 16 Denmark 15 Israel 15 Lebanon 15 Oman 15 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Ecuador 10 Czechia 8 Portugal 8 Qatar 8 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Ireland 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Palestine 4 Brazil 3 Egypt 3 Estonia 3 N. Zealand 3 Chile 3 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Slovenia 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1

China +160 (+32) S. Korea +467 (+5) Iran +591 (+15) Spain +31 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Germany +182 France +92 Japan +30 USA +4 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 UK +3 Netherlands +44 Norway +13 Sweden +8 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +1 Iceland +8 Greece +22 India +1 S. Marino +5 Finland +5 Portugal +2 Azerbaijan +3 S. Arabia +3 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Palestine +4 Egypt +1 Estonia +1 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2 Slovenia +1 S. Africa +1 TOTAL: 1771 (+54)

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Whats this going to look like when burger niggers start freaking out?


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Boarding my flight to Barcelona now, lads! Wish me luck and good fun at AbroadFest!


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Hotel Wuhanda

3:35 coronavirus in china

What happened to Xi Jinping, he has gone quite for to long.

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When does the EU fall, Yas Forums?

Do I need to go full autism with a full face mask(the one covering eyes) or can I get away with just a respirator with P3 filters?


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Poorfag 18-year-old zoomer here.
What're the best alternatives to guns for self-defense?

I would've gotten my license, but, I didn't have the money. Now, it'd take 60 days for a license to be processed, plus another 35 before I receive it. Absolute bullshit, and no options for expedited licenses, since "you don't need a gun for self-defence", and "you can wait if you need it for any other reason."

Right now, here's what I have:
>495fps .177 air rifle with 500 rounds
>2 machetes
>2 combat knives
>40 throwing knives
>3 swords
>1 tanto
>5x500mL jars of napalm
>half-assed flamethrower with around a liter of fuel
Latter two aren't really useful given that it'll be indoors.

I'll also be getting a crossbow with 40 bolts. As for the area I need to cover, it's a 500 square foot apartment, one entrance, no fire exit, 6th (top) floor - protecting only myself and my wife.

In addition, I'm going to put a second latch on my door, reinforce it with sheet steel, and if need be, I'll weld it shut from the inside - we've got enough food and supplies for at least two months.


I can't wait when the virus mutates and makes people Zombies.


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Daily reminder that we have not reached a true happening until international deaths have exceeded the number of threads.

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If I catch corona does that mean I can just coom inside my gf all the time considering it makes you sterile from what I hear?

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Trudeau would like to know your location.

>be on train
>stand outside of coupe to avoid people
>hear heavy coofing from one of the coupes
>look inside
>old lady is coughing her lungs out
>deep, dry coughing
>in front of her is a young girl
>she's smiling nervously
>she makes eye contact with me
>sees my full-face mask
>she reaches into her bag
>takes out a pair of glasses and put them on
>give her a nod

March is gonna be a wild ride in Copenhagen.

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Austria 41

Redpill me on just how fuck is china right now and what would happen to them after all this is over.

One bud light please

This is the most accurate Happening metric we have at our fingertips. Plan accordingly.

Info day about corona in infected school

Retarded germany reaches new high, congratz deutsches volk, you just leved up.

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His visit to Japan got postponed.

You're good.

>institutions have started fighting back against the spread of false information surrounding the outbreak
>A judge issued a ruling in favour of the hospital which ordered anyone who posted or shared the content in question to remove it
>The hospital said that they had decided to file a criminal complaint to bring those responsible before justice, arguing that the spread of “fake news” was “unacceptable since it can negatively impact the public’s trust on health authorities and institutions managing the coronachan crisis.”
>Both institutions called on citizens to refrain from posting or sharing unconfirmed news or information and said that official information was exclusively posted on the accounts of public health officials as well as on the government’s

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Were fine, it’s just a flu. 15 cases, were not in any danger

Have you washed your hands Yas Forums?

The situation at 4pm

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I'll take a number 4 please.

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How many 2 (two) weeks we have to wait guys?

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Bobo Gang

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Imagine helping out a group of jews trying to short the stock market by reposting pictures of Chinese people passed out in the street from drinking too much alcohol or from other health conditions, captioning that DIS WUZ CORONOVIRUZ!!! China is one of the most densely populated countries so people pass out for various reasons all the time. You guys are LITERALLY being played by a fiddle helping to perpetuate fear mongering so some stock market shorters can make money off fear.

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Someone said in the last thread that ibuprofen is not good for corona. Why? I mean, i‘m aware it‘s not going to help with it, but is it not good to take it when you have it (for something else) for some reason? Pls enlighten a brainlet

Pls help me bros my mask and filters were destroyed, managed to find a mask but what do I do about filters can I make them? fuck

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by autum.

Yes but once your testerone levels will plummet and so will your desire to coom

One way to stop coofing

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These threads are going as fast as our last comfy days on this earth heh.

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Be not afraid.


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>say goodbye to your tendies
>the docks are empty
>say goodbye to your tendies
>the docks are empty
>say goodbye to your tendies
>the docks are empty
>say goodbye to your tendies
>the docks are empty
>say goodbye to your tendies
>the docks are empty

Will the US, or parts of it, wind up under a military enforced quarantine similar to Wuhan? Imagine if here in the Bay Area there were 2,000 cases, would it get to that point?

>second case coofed all over Copenhagen for 10 days before going to a doctor

Imagine how many are thinking they have "just a flu" right now.

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Day of the rope for these kikes soon.

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Everything seems to double every 2 weeks so just double the numbers until you reach the population of the planet. That's the timeline.


The health ministry reported another case

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Proof that Yas Forums posts affect stock markets?

Didn't get any actual answers last thread so I'll post again.

I have a weird occasional twitching lasting for a second or two on my left side, no my piss isn't black or purple or anything, it just started a while ago and it feels fucking weird. Been happening for the past half a hour.

No amount of research is getting me anywhere, medfags what the fuck happening? Is it just a twitch that happens or what?

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argentine bakers best bakers.

85% of industry still closed down.
Apparently they've started using the Uygurs as slave labour since they can't convince anyone to contract kung flu.
Firewall seems to be over 9000 now since nothing unofficial is getting out anymore.

perfect time to go

All right this is it niggers.

I live in Montreal and yesterday night I took an Uber to get somewhere. The driver (seemingly an Indian woman in her early thirties) coughed literally the whole trip through. I asked her if she was ok and she couldn't even speak. I have never once in my entire life seen someone cough so desperately and continuously. It sounded like it had been going on for a while and like she was trying to get a small amount of mucus out but it was just too thick and deep. I contacted Uber support about it and they said they'd look into it.

TLDR I believe I have been in contact with the virus. I've yet to contact local health officials, will do so today.

>alternatives for self-defense
that would be surrender and acceptance of death, which you might as well get started on because your air rifle and crossbow are only going to aggravate your assailants

Post more

Thats normal for the flu I've heard

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>France 377 (4)
France 377 (6)

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Reminder that based Iran already has the cure
>Tabrizian recommends consuming copious amounts of brown sugar, burning wild rue, as well as inhaling snuff.
>Before bedtime, drench some cotton in violet oil and apply onto your anus

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>still cases missing on the map

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LibGen, "Meaning in Existential and Positive Psychology" Read while you isolate and die.

magazine fed crossbow would be good, exbow adder or steambow would be best.

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my brother is going tomorrow to the Swiss Alps. I warned him... but nothing

Ahahah fuck you

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I was hoping to get my annual physical done before this shit hit, but now I'm sure to cancel. Doctors' offices are probably already plagued.

What am I looking at? Docks are empty? Empty how?

Uhh you don't have my permission to die yet.

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How long until all schools are just closed.

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Embrace the coof, coof on others and spread Corona Chan's seed.

Medications that alleviate symptoms will help you cope with it but not stop it.

Not just Yas Forums, those pictures were spread on other social media platforms as well.

Is there a way to craft your own mask filters?

Yeah no that one guy collapsing in nyc posted on the youtube channel "Corona Real News" was totally legit.


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Quads of truth

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How do I into wife
t. Burger 18 year old zoomer

Doesn't the USA raise the chickens that the chinks eat though?

Millions will die.

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and why complain about it on Yas Forums? go complain on social media platforms

Prion disease. You got the mad-cow and will die in horrific seizures.

Im starting to think WHO will declare pandemic once all countries in the world is infected

if it is is it too late or it can still be contained?


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Also I was sick with a bad cough and fever a week ago and I didn't get tested at all, I'm dabbin on all of you niggers scared of this little virus.

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>Wife has had coof for the last three days.
>Slightly raised temperature.
>Tired and lethargic.
>Still going to work.

>I am now coofing and feel light headed.

Bristol, UK.

I'm going to B&Q and then Morrisions for some stuff. Coofing all the way. Wish me luck, Anons. Roll digits for the amount I infect.

5 days ago at 7pm (full city center)

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fucking based

Never, Seattle is progressive, now go down and feed the homeless

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What about Iranian morgue videos?
Are these people just dead drunk?

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Stop posting old as fuck news.

this isn't your blog

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once the akh reaches capacity shit will get really ugly.

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>this is what dirty stinking mudslimes actually believe

>tfw knew some bitch through elementary/high school who went on to go to fb hq
>we're hitting schadenfreude levels that shouldn't even possible

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The rake cometh for you leaf. You're dead, you just don't know it yet.

grazie mille based italiano


I only come to Yas Forums once every few weeks to make fun of you retarded fear mongering niggers. This will kill old people but if you are under 30 and worried you are literally a dumb nigger.

>WHO starting in 15 minutes
WHO starting in 15 minutes
>WHO starting in 15 minutes
WHO starting in 15 minutes
>WHO starting in 15 minutes
WHO starting in 15 minutes


Recap will drop once they are done shilling

>can an exponentially spreading virus that is found in every country in large numbers be stopped
The answer is no.

Because he's paid to post here

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get one from a friend

This virus exposed some of the world structures and relationships, for example you can see who's America's bitch by the timing of their testing (after the USA started) and the policy they follow (USA policy)

>Japan numbers are increasing
fugg :DDD

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>12:23: 7 new cases in Singapore.
>12:19: 3 new cases in Saudi Arabia.
>12:07: 1 new preliminary confirmed case in Quebec, Canada.
>11:54: First case in South Africa.
> Anonymous (ID: pdqu3Z/n) 03/05/20(Thu)10:04:34 No.246639084▶
>File: CVG.png (432 KB, 2000x1027)
>► China 80,430 (3,013) ► International 16,519 (295): S. Korea 6,088 (40) Iran 3,513 (107) Italy 3,089 (107) D. Princess 706 (6) France 377 (4) Japan 361 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 162 (11) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (2) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 444 Singapore 117 UK 90 Netherlands 82 Norway 72 Sweden 60 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 35 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Algeria 17 Vietnam 16 Denmark 15 Israel 15 Lebanon 15 Oman 15 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Ecuador 10 Czechia 8 Portugal 8 Qatar 8 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Ireland 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Palestine 4 Brazil 3 Egypt 3 Estonia 3 N. Zealand 3 Chile 3 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Slovenia 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1
>China +160 (+32) S. Korea +467 (+5) Iran +591 (+15) Spain +31 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Germany +182 France +92 Japan +30 USA +4 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 UK +3 Netherlands +44 Norway +13 Sweden +8 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +1 Iceland +8 Greece +22

they don't drink? so doubt it

Millions and millions.

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Why not update Czech rep?
Its 12 not 8



why is she going to work?

>Normies keep going to work and school infected spreading the plague further


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I dont know if anyone cares but I will repost this:

I made a group for /cvg/ on Steam for anyone who wants to play L4D or other games while being /comfy/ in self-quarantine

Here is the group link:

Everyone and their mother is welcome to join lmao. Lets get comfy in this quarantine ladies, traps and gents. Dont even know how long we'll have internet lmao.

Nothing triggers me more than when normies on Facebook spread memes about “corona virus”
Fucking retards

they are using the KFJ at the moment for cases in Vienna and Zwettel/St.Pölten for NÖ
AKH is secondary point for vienna

>this will kill old people
>if you're under 30 and worried you're a nigger
Only niggers don't have families user

Winnie the pooh has been dead for weeks now. He caught Corona-chan in dec/Jan.

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OK guys. Tell me straight... I´ve been waiting for this pandemic to happen and still nothing. My life is in pause and I have prepped food for 2 months... did you trick me?

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Now where are those people who said it wouldn't affect whites?

Those fuckers are always 30 minutes late. Why be such fucking assholes?


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Can I smear a dildo with said oil and insert into the anus for maximum effect?

The conjecture seems ideal.

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You're absolutely right, it isn't. It's /cvg/. My post, however, was related to the state of coronavirus in Montreal, while yours was completely unrelated to coronavirus. What does that make you, if not a fucking retard?

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WHO been here since day 1?

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so they won’t declare pandemic because of that fund but what else are they going to do

Who? The US is barely testing
They only semi-started after Italy exploded
In that sense you can say they're Italy's bitch

I wish

Will this also work if I put in in a plague doctor's beak and inhale it directly? Can I substitute ass oiling with ball greasing instead?


They did nothing but inflate the values. Nobody is spending money. It's not helping supply chains.

Just a delaying tactics

It was just a meme bro

no puede haber plebescito si estan todos enfermos

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Make sure to aim for the eyes

Container ships arent shipping things because of the chinese lockdowns, which means consumer goods and raw materials arent arriving at factories and stores. This leads to a drop in purchasable goods

Oy vey i wonder where zis virus of ze mass destruction originated from?

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Resident Evil 5.

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Fashion district at 7pm (5 days ago)

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Didn't they say updates will no longer be on a daily, rather a weekly basis?

Yeah you can worry about family if you have family over 60 but most niggers in these threads are spreading shit like "EVEN IF YOU ARE UNDER 30 YOU COULD DIE LOOK AT THIS TOTALLY LEGIT ARTICLE ABOUT SOMEONE UNDER 30 DYING" *posts unverified chink shit*. Anything from China CANNOT be trusted, only trust news about the virus from US/Europe.

WHO LIES STREAM youtube.com/watch?v=Ednr5zEPrtE
Make sure to keep abreast of what they want you to know this week

It must be those Correct The Record shills! MAGA
p-pls don't sell stonks

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I have everything I need hopefully except for the filters

Probably goner, also his premier and half of the party elders.

A group of Indians just refused to beside me on the bus and refused to sit beside me because I'm Asian lol

>played by a fiddle

Opinion promptly discarded.

Didn’t I see that they’re going to stop daily updates in favor of a once per week update?

Please elaborate on the destroyed mask thing, how the fuck did it happen? what kind of a "friend" destroys another friend's property?

imagine thinking i give a fuck about your pension dumb boomer

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> 22-Jan-2020
it made me realized that Corona-chan is an actual Black Swan Event


WHO is on Chink payroll and its a fact.

Should have coofed in their directo

Yes, but tell us where your stash is before you go outside.

Even the "recovered" are fucked for life.
What don't you understand about this you doublenigger?

Bussiness as usual.

>tourism is 10% of Italian GDP

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Patients being readmitted.
"Cured" was always and for ever will be bullshit

they changed their mind

>put the sharpie in your ass, i swear it's a cure.

After Markets close in UK?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-05 BNO Newsroom on Twitter The update on new coronavirus cases in the UK has been delayed Today's figure[...].png (607x339, 39.46K)

Nobody cares about you so you have to come on an Australian monkey fighting community to talk about yourself. Cope.

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Thats correct. Faggots wont even tell us which cities/areas have been infected. Coof coof

If I could turn the page
In time then I'd rearrange
Just a strain or two
Close my, close my, close my lines
But Xi couldn't find a way
So I'll settle for one day
To believe in a flu

Tell me, tell me , tell me lies
Tedros lies
Tedros' sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no WHO can't disguise
(You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies

Although I'm not making plans
I hope that you understand
There's a reason why
Close your, close your, close your eyes
No more Weibo leaks
We keep'em off the streets
Let's give'em a lie

Tell me, tell me , tell me lies
Tedros lies
Tedros' sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no WHO can't disguise
(You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies

If I could turn the page
In time then I'd rearrange
Just a corpse or two
Close my, close my, close my lines
But Xi couldn't find a way
So I'll settle for one day
To believe in a flu

Tell me, tell me , tell me lies
Tedros lies
Tedros' sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no WHO can't disguise
(You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Oh, no, no WHO can't disguise
(You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies

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You have to go back.

Tell them not to be racist, bigot. We all know that the left doesn't give a shit about Indians since they're too successful relative to other token minorities.

DEATH PENALTY for stockpiling face masks in Iran!


Oh no that's where I am pls stop

Wuhan (got you all infected)

that can't be good they also said they were moving on to phase 2 soontm which is DELAY


Attached: By early next week, large commercial labs such #Quest and LABCORP will also b[...].png (898x871, 115.69K)


Wow! The death penalty in Iran? This MUST be serious!

what about people under 7? they're under 30. Should infants not be worried too?

Post me your legit article link backing up your claim please. Please note I will spit on your mother if it is a "literal who" news website.

Yeah let's just post silly memes and wait for the death to come just to satisfy fuckheads like you.

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You can follow the masses or take the precautions that only 1% of people can and will take. Though I can understand you getting mad about it if you are posting from work and cant actually self-isolate even if you wanted to.

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Good. They aren't as dumb as I thought.
Based prajeets

Quick, someone post the WHO bingo

"C7" by a big apple. Apple opens to reveal a Chinese water lilly (representing disease also seen by the antichrist in the water)
New years.
Fireworks look like Covid 19 cells.
Mosque getting destroyed (turkey?)
Whoever made this knew something is coming.

Thanks, colonial cousin. Good luck out there


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Holy shit, Italian cities is starting to look like your average Nordic city at 4am.

Can someone post the cvg movie list? Thanks!

They had proper scientific support, it just turns out ACE2 is not the only receptor its spike binds to.

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infants don't have the capacity for worry, so no.

I'm gonna reply to my own post so it looks like there's more replies :) you are all dumb niggers I come at this board to laugh at this containment board

Oh no no bull bros we got too cocky

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even asians are avoiding other asians, you never know

Time for national collective action.....but we are little more than a collection of mutually suspicious strangers at this point. Diversity just doesn’t add up to unity no matter how many time you say it.

>WHO press conference
Any streams with an open live chat?

Reminder that corona-chan is a nothingburger; China simply took advantage of a new flu to clean house and boost a false public image that they care about their citizens. And you retards were stupid enough to help them because you wanted to larp the apocalypse

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no but if you get a boyfriend and have them do that with their cock then it works

Asians allowed on Yas Forums?

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Yes, but there is value in knowing what line they are forcing. Remember when they said keep airports open? Remember when they praised China's efforts in "containment"? Remember when they said its just a flu?. The lies they tell today will have ramifications in the coming days.

FIRST for "Thank you Tarek" lmao

Thats what that poo in loo opens with.

Bulls on suicide watch

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I won't try to convince someone who's hinted that they're as dumb as you appear to be of anything about myself. My point was, and is, that there's most likely, according to what I've observed, more cases with symptoms in MTL than the health officials know or are willing to tell us about. This is unrelated to you personally, of course, but you're too stupid to comprehend that.

>air rifle
Cool, so when those raiders come for your food you will be able to irritate the shit out of them before they behead you

I wish

I started believing with the UK/former UN insider post. Was on the fence as to whether larp but believed.

>Airline CEOs urge Trump administration not to warn Americans against air travel
Fuck them and their profits. The government can help them recover after this passes


okay lemming

Hello, can I have a number 823 sweet and sour figures, "szechuan style"

>bull bros

I don't get this meme. Isn't a "bull" how cucks call niggers they pay to fuck their wives?

100k tomorrow cases tomorrow. NPCs will begin to wake up. This is your LAST CHANCE

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shit b8 m8, r8ed 0.8/8

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They are doing all of this just to keep the economy stable for as long as possible, The only health they are concearned about is the health of their own and friends pockets.

alright boys im gonna watch the hunger games today

65% of 4 chins are Asians

Damn. Imagine trying to stop a virus in areas full of rabid Basketball-Americans.

>The cruise ship's being held off the California coast so federal health officials can screen the people aboard, some of whom were on an earlier cruise with the California victim
>Grand Princess finished its Mexico trip last month, it went on another cruise to Hawaii and is on its way back. Some passengers on the current cruise were on the previous one
>ship's carrying about 2,500 passengers on its current voyage. Eleven passengers and 10 crew members have developed symptoms
>Princess Cruises said it's been notified by federal health officials that there's a "small cluster" of cases from the February voyage. There are 62 passengers on the ship who sailed that San Francisco-Mexico voyage and remained onboard for the current Hawaii one
>sampling kits to the ship Thursday via helicopter
>People aboard the ship not confined to their rooms, only those on previous voyage as well as current

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It can actually be a good tactic to show a realistic air soft gun

Most of the time a gun is handy because it deters people from fucking with you

If a feral spic see’s you carrying lead he 90% back off

>Bull and cock found in the same sentence


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jan 24 here

odd nipples corona chan

holy fuck, neck yourself

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>Finland 12
Oh shit I'm gonna die

bails out to hit the shops before that shit

nope... numbers are still rising

and starting to get faster day by day

it's just a matter of time til SHTF

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>normies will all go out and die
>shut in neets will inherit the world
about time baby

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You can stream? We should stream it

in the average Nordic city at 4 am you see Syrians waiting beside corners

Last chance to do what?

Bet your pantry is low

Did you faggots trick me into buying 4 months of food and daily essentials? I normally eat out for every meal and I'm already sick of cooking and eating at home.

>Elderly people who contract coronavirus are “not a goner” and the “great majority” of patients as old as 80 will recover, England’s top doctor has said.

>COVID-19 Isn’t As Deadly As We Think

They can't keep up. This is it bros

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This means we wont see the exponential rise in figures, and wont be able to get the fuck out.
It is clear, the wool is being pulled.

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Ooh, my little pretty one, my pretty one
When you gonna give me some time, Carona
Ooh, you make my sinus run, my sinus run
Got it coming off o' the line, Carona

Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up, for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
M-m-m-my Carona

Come a little closer, huh, a-will ya, huh?
Close enough to infect my eyes, Carona
Keeping it a mystery, it gets to me
Running down the veins of my thigh, Carona

Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
I always get it up, for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, aye-aye, whoa!
M-m-m-my Carona
M-m-m-my Carona

When you gonna give to me, a gift to me
Is it just a matter of time, Carona?
Is it d-d-destiny, d-destiny
Or is it just a game…

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>You can follow the masses or take the precautions that only 1% of people can and will take.

According to your logic, you think the "masses" are the ones NOT reading fake news? You are wrong. The 1% are the people who are NOT falling for fear mongering bullshit fake news. Normies are the ones who freak and fall for it. I work at a big organization and everyone is crying about it and quoting shit from fake news they read.

You are the masses user. Sorry to break it to you.

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I dont know how to do that or if my rig can handle that.

We should play games and be peak comfy in this pandemic.

>I normally eat out for every meal
We just saved you thousands of dollars, be grateful.

2 keys entered on the keyboard caused you to reply to my post, therefore I won.

Lurked the early threads but January 24 I knew this was real
>Patient 5 page 8

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Bulls are buyers - bears are sellers - stock market.