Are all Jews bad?
Are all Jews bad?
Probably. But that won't stop me from breeding their women
no. usually its the jews with less jewish genetics that are good. but the fact is you aren't a "real" jew without high jewish genetics. the more jewish they look, the greater the chance they're bad.
no Brother Nathanael is based
jewishness isn't even a "religion and a race", it is solely a race. a black person can never be a real jew. nobody can be a "real" jew unless they're genetic jews.
>Synagogue of Satan
I'm gonna go ahead and say yes
No Jesus was pretty cool
>Are all Jews bad?
do they denounce the hatred in the Talmud?
No group of people is totally good or evil. Jews aren't all evil. But the interests of the groups that lead them are at odds with the interests of everyone else on the planet and 95% of Jews will support these people even if they are not personally bad people.
There are plenty of Jews who are genuinely good people. But they will still side with their tribe over anything else.
Not the ones who control Trump lol
Yes, specially this useless retard.
No, the one you posted is actually great. Only a complete retard would believe every single individual belonging to a particular group is either good or bad.
However, many of them are, and indeed put their own interests above the well-being of others.
But again, so do many goyim.
>There are plenty of Jews who are genuinely good people. But they will still side with their tribe over anything else.
Birds of a feather. If you endorse and support evil, you too are evil.
It then follows that ALL kikes are evil people.
I think evil doesn't describe the situation. They are third world subhumans who shouldn't have access to civilization, technology, information, ...
Same for niggers, latinos, arabs, pajeets, ...
12,000 from the tribe of Judah were sealed
All Jews are bad
Hey pollacks i need some redpills on the holohoax lets make this a holohoax thread.
I've tried to find good ones for many years, even spoke with them personally, in real life, discord, ect... all of them are liars and dodge questions, I can't stand it so therefore I put them all in the same basket since they seem to be clones.
based GNU poster. trannies hate RMS
not if they convert
The one in pic related is bad:
no,and the bad ones don`t give a shit if some good ones die because of their actions.soros doesn`t care if a jew is killed in europe from a jihadist he brings in.
do you really have to ask already knowing the answer?
All bads arent jews, but all jews are bad
The Haavara Agreement
No. My physics professor was a great man. RIP king.
no, just most, RMS tried to protect us from them
until a Jewess got him sacked so 8200 could backdoor GNU
Oh shit this is good. Any more my leafbro? Im red pilling my dip shit coworkers on the heebs and they literally equated me with a flat earther for saying i havent seen any evidence to support the holocaust. These people i sware
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Yesss
This. Most Jewish individuals are good people. But our problem isn't with them as individuals. Their collective power, their collective pro-immigration, pro-diversity push, and so on, are what we take issue with. You can have a destructive machine made up of good parts.
Jews were targeted. Jews were killed. It was jews that did not support zionism and the creation of the state of Israel which was a league of nations(precursors of United nations) mandate. Ties into Balfour declaration and rothschilds zionism which lord Rothschild last year gave an interview on how his cousin was integral in the miracle creation of the state. Now how much can $650 million buy you back in 1939? Think that may have saved 6 million Jewish lives? Zionist bankers were the one who negotiated the Haavara Agreement. Why wouldn't they want to save all their kin, especially if jews are thick as thieves?
Dead Jews cause very little trouble.
Not all "jews" are evil
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No, but they sure do love spreading corruption.
Any jew that rejects christ is though. Even if they dont like Israel. Its the rejection of God that marks them as enemies of mankind.
There are no "genetic" Jews anymore though.
What you have 100 different shades of mongrels.
kys faggot
he said nothing wrong
he was ousted by roasties and trannies
I like Stallman's stance on software. I would much rather have copyleft kikery than whatever Microsoft and Apple pull. However he literally is a socialist New York jew who defended Epstein.
Yes, every single last one.
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No, jews simply began a cult where they worship Satan instead of God, not every jew participates.
Hence synagogue of satan. I wholeheartedly agree. But also to extend: Judaism is not a race nor religion.
My Programming teacher too. He was based as fuck. he died a few years ago in a plane accident. It was devastating to see it on the news. He was a hero to me.
>defended Epstein
I don’t believe that’s true. What he said, in my recollection, is that Marvin Minsky should perhaps not be referred to as a rapist since we can assume that the women on Epstein’s island were presenting themselves as willing participants.
>are all Jews bad
>posts pic of pedo jew
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If they stick to making sandwiches and stay out of politics I can tolerate them.
doesn't count, any jew who actually accepts christ and criticises other jews is no longer a jew
yeah a long time ago, then some faggot just did it and now this is my day
pic related is a good Jew.
They’re raping children in the basement next to the horseradish.
I want /g/ to leave
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