How do I protect my 401k with how bad the market is doing? Should I take my money and run?

How do I protect my 401k with how bad the market is doing? Should I take my money and run?

I’ve already lost over 10k because of Trump

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It’s too late

wait until tomorrow when it goes up again

Stocks in 3M

Go to the bank and withdraw all your money and put it in your mattress

Park your money into ETFs.

Trump and his economic Igors ,Larry Kudlow and Steve Mnuchin, will probably announce a huge tax cut plan for the wealthy and corporations.
And stocks will skyrocket to double what they are now.

My Childs worthless video game playing father left, we have no social safety yet and you people are seemingly fine with tearing our society apart, shame on all of you

continue to hodl

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>Should I take my money and run?
always. imagine if you could destroy everyone else's money by withdrawing your own, wouldn't you do it every time? isn't that a small price to pay to destroy the ill gotten gains of others?

Yea and? Only poor people will be affected..
you're not poor are you user? lol :)

You should have gotten out and put your money in liquid super safe investments. This is very likely the big one.

>because of Trump

Take your money and spend it on bleach martinis, shill.

You’re here, shitposting this, during the day. You don’t have a 401k.

the vix is back near 40
sell puts

Bitcoin is your only hope.

If you don't sell now then a whiskey or twenty might help.

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Bitcoin is pumping...

Show tits

Buy the dip faggot


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>because of Trump

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More like we are mere witnesses than able to do anything about it. Smile while you still can.

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Zoom out nigger

Should have invested in gold, gold has increased by 300% over last 25 years

you don't.
now, go lick some doorknobs so coronachan can take you in her sweet embrace.

How is this trumps fault?

I lost 25k betting on dumb shit over the past 5 years. My gold is looking good though

As inflation increases hard currency and value increases in value such as land, property, farming, and all resources.

You should definitely sell user. You have lost a whole 5 months of gains. Market is up 10,000 points since Trump was elected but corrections are never a normal part of investing. Sell now and then buy back in when your ready to retire

>Let's blame drumpf for a virus started in communist China

You haven’t lost anything until your investments are realized. Unless you are a few years from retirement, don’t do anything with it. Pulling your money out as a reaction is fucking stupid.

Maybe you should have been more selective in whose creampie you take

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This is Obama's economy.


You don't get off the rollercoaster during the ride.

This is the correct answer

You buy the dip, there are some amazing deals right now.

Trump created and released virus on China. He really hates China.

Buy the dip, invest in healthcare (ex: Gilead), or get out of the market. Market is not for betas.

The 1940 inflation rate was 0.72%. The current inflation rate (2019 to 2020) is now 2.49% 1. If this number holds, $100 today will be equivalent in buying power to $102.49 next year.

If you're a consooomer pretariat with no care for increasing in economic power you shouldn't care about anything you'll still be able to and whatever you do

Buy the dip or.else

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>because of Trump
Seethe no matter what.

>selling low
Here's a perfect board for you

Wrong. $100 will have the buying power of $98.51 with normal inflation

Sure, hold my bags retard

Why would the poor need a tax cut?

Don't listen to this sick twisted shilling nigger. Anyone that buys this dip thinking it's gonna bounce right back up has zero business dealing with anything investment-related. Meaning if you have to go on Yas Forums to find out what to do, you shouldn't be doing shit in the first place.

This. It's not a meme. If anything, now is the time to contribute

You haven't lost anything until you sell it. So hold, and buy more to dollar cost average. Corona isn't the precipice of an economic recession the likes of 08, and anyone who believes that is slow. So play smart, by remaining invested. Not to mention you say its your 401k? so odds are you are still contributing bi-weekly, meaning you're buying shares automatically with each paycheck at lower and lower levels with these drops. So this actually helps you in the long term by dropping your average cost

>because of Trump
Kek learn to trade for yourself stop making excuses and blaming other people for your mistakes what did you think was gonna happen to the market with a global epidemic.

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Umm hello if we had a good president the stock market wouldn’t be in the gutter right now

cheaper food.
cheaper energy
cheaper stuff as $100 can only go so far.

Wouldn't lefties think this is good?
I mean only fat cat capitalists invest in stocks, a win for the small guy!

You haven't lost 10k, your 401k value just fluctuated at a higher rate than normal. Time in the market is better than timing the market. Just forget about your 401k and keep adding money to it.

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Great time for some intraday.

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>global epidemic
just say pandemic you brainlet

Lmao, I already switched most of my portfolio over to bonds


That is an extremely powerful infograph

buy high and sell low user

However you should include missing the worst days as well as the best... since the conservative player will also tend to miss the worst days


unironically this