Friends and allies of Europe

Friends and allies of Europe.
Numerous Greek soldiers, army troopers and civilians of Evros, Lesvos, Chios and Samos are preventing islamic hordes of at least 100.000 somalis, pakistanis, hazara afghans and other terrorists from trespassing into European soil.
Many media follow the turkish propaganda, which is causing a turbulence, by encouraging terrorists breaching our boarders.
Their vast majority are adult men, of fighting age and skills, and have nothing to do with innocent women and children, like the media are promoting to believe.
While we stand still, turkish soldiers and officers are heading to the boarders and to the Aegean coastline in order to provoke into lethal skirmishes. They dream of a new caliphate, like their ottoman ancestors wanted an expanded islamic state throughout Europe.
More and more forces join them from other terrorist countries and nations to achieve that. Isis might be dead, but their driving goal isn't.
While we currently don't accept individual volunteers, if a neo-ottoman empire disgusts you, let know your people and your politicians your position.
We, Greeks stand as a sovereign and independent nation due to our ancestors cause. The past is past, but the future is now. Don't let yourselves fall into the expansion of the horde into your country.
If you seek to stop those vile creatures into stepping to your soil, let know your local embassy or consulate that you're not about to sit and watch.
It's about us, Greece. It's about us, Europe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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So, Kosta. When are you smuggling Corona into those camps and border hoggers?

Bump, glass the roaches

reporting in

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Based, spread the word.

just shoot them
We can and should do that. The turkish terrorists are going to defend their muslim brothers. I'm not sure how we can fight back hundred of thousand fighting somalis, turks, pakistanis, afghans and other creatures of the horde.


Where the fuck are the 300 when you need them?

Do your ancestors proud!

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They are coming for our NEET bucks ! We need a NEET phalanx to push them back boys

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they will probably laugh at my email or totally disard it.
Are you sure they won't allow me to volunteer for some corps?

Greece is the grand'ma of Europe. We owe you nearly everything that is beautiful. Philosophy, arts, civilzation.
All her children should rush to her defense.
But our traitor gouvernements won't do it, because they are corrupted by the jews and the anglos.

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Ive been playing as the irish in Total War: Medevial 2 lately. Its fun fucking up those pussy englishmen. Unfortunately Scotland and Norway are allied against me. Im hoping a marriage with a young beautiful welsh bride will be enough to allow passage of my armies through welsh land towards london itself.

You can talk to various groups and communities on facebook, there are citizen patrols on the islands and in Evros, but they're not formally related with the army or the national guard.
Informing our fellow friends, the Italian people is a high priority. The sultan of turkey is encouraging ex sis soldiers into trespassing to Europe.

Any idea how the bulgarian side of the border is faring? Seen a lot of talk about the happenings at the greek border, but barely a peep from bulgarians.

They're just showing them the way at this point.

Excellent question Suomi friend.
Zero ( 0 ) rapefugees have been storming their boarders!
Its a controlled planned in order to harm the stability of the Greek state and quickly invade into the Aegean sea, a long loving thought of the turks.
If we fell, so the rest will. Don't forget that their sultan made several amendments and alliances with former ottoman states, bosnia, albania, kosovo, azerbaijan and so on. People like him see it as a joke, but isn't. More and more of turkish soldiers are heading towards their European boarders for helping their brothers in faith storming to our lands!

I actually am averting everyone I know on whatsapp, facebook, at my university.

Can you please link me some of this local patrols?
I have studied ancient Greek so I can read in a decent way your language.

Fire rises

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>They're just showing them the way at this point.
Armed turkish soldiers have provided weapons to the illegals and both of them shoot on the Greek side.

Also check this out:

Is there a place where i can donate money for this cause?

Dump mutilated pigs on them.

Martin Sellner and the IB are now in Greece.

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Erdogan has understood that EUrope has gotten week, that Europe simply throws money at every problem it has and expects it to be solved. That, along with his long dreams of creating total instability in Greece and taking over the Aegean Sea and East Med, has enabled him to blackmail Europe. At the same time, he is supporting terrorists and is actively invading Syria.
No negotiations, no talk, no deals, no step back with Paparoach.

Thank you brother, don't let corrupted pro terrorism media spread their lies. There are only but a handful of children and women among them, almost all of them are african and asian adults. Not syrian refugees.
You can get in contact with this gentleman on fb
I'm not aware of any patrolling communities on the islands but I'm checking on it. The main thing is to pressure both sides of our nations to act NOW.
Not that I'm aware of friend, unless you can donate a military grade drone or heavy weapons. The need people with fighting spirit to stop the influxes of terrorists.

[email protected] => greek embassy in Dusseldorf
Contact: Maria Papakonstantinou

WHERE CAN I DONATE? i give k's
Im from Romania i cant come myself there. Nor am i involved in anything regarding weapons or drones.

>Nazi Sellner the midget

Just stop being racist and let them in.

Is there some sort of far right organisation that assists with defending borders? that happens to have a donation thing?

I'm coming back to my home Norway next week and I am seriously considering going to Greece to help out. I have military training (corporal, Armed Engineer Company). As someone who is not on Facebook and other nigger social media, what can I do to start a conversation with such groups?

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I'm rather surprised there haven't been cases yet of refugee boats being sunk actively by angry islanders. Or just abandoning them when they slash their own boat. Then again, they would probably have to get caught first for that information to become available. Those dingies sink of their own accord often enough.

>They dream of a new caliphate
Good. May Allah drive a spike into the heart of e*rope. Kill yourself rapebabby

At some point ill pay 5k to find out where this idiot is. But i think some Yas Forums guy will be happy with less.

I wish i could help somehow greek bros

Just let them in. Does it really matter at this point?

Silence rapebabby. Show respect to your father

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Fuck off you flaming faggot

Why don't you tell these would-be immigrants about all the
>billions of euros in aid
that Europe has been sending to Turkey meant to improve their condition. Ask them for receipts for every single cent spent.

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Our Pakistani friends are sliding their cocks inside your daughter's pussy as we speak

>turkey mobilizing its army
Yeah you niggers are fucked. Remember 1974 and how everyone sided against you? Here we go again.

BAsically greeks preventing other southern europeans from entering in Europe??


thank you very much.
I'm also a student of Medicine so I can be somewhat useful, not really a surgeon but I can detect blood vessels and muscles which are leaking.

You wish faggot, the pakis here are dumb as fuck and regularly get beat downs for sport

I dont see it as a joke, but you (all of europe) has seen it as a joke for the last 10 years. Well whos laughing now? Want to make fun of us backwards Americans for owning guns now? Want to call us ignorant racists? Hows that great European socialism working out now? Your all fucking soft and now you are being invaded by battle hardened jihadists. Hows that propaganda you have been sucking for 50 years taste now?

They want to force a stampede of immigrants over the border. Then the Greek troops only have the choice between shooting to kill to stop them, creating a "humanitarian incident" or let them go to pillage the countryside. Of course the shiteaters in Brussels will ignore Turkey as the cause for the stampede and put all blame on Greece.

based frogbro

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Sounds like cope. Alpha Pakistani man even rule London.

No one is gonna to show up.
You are on your own just like you were the last time.
The Western Euros are cucked.
Take care, Greek-fren.

How much do they pay you? Why are you laughing?

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Roaches shut down their side of the border too.


Why don't you guys have open borders with all African nations? Basically Brazilians preventing other Brazilians from entering Brazil?????

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Greekbro, is there something organized? Like a para group or something, because I want to get there (in one of the islands) asap...

No they aren’t. Poland, Slovenia, and Estonia have already dedicated 260 officers. EU also sent over 500 frontex members there. We also have our army at the ready to send there. Denmark has already reserved 50 mio DKK and patrol boats. And this is the response just from the first few states.
This time Greece is NOT standing alone and the world will turn their back on turk roaches once more.

They mayor is alpha? Hes 1.50 meters tall and looks like i could train my bicep with it.
I would prison rape you and this alpha mayor at the same time.

Arabs are small... Seen a group of them that came to work here in Romania. they literally are 1.50meters in height wtf.
Im almsot 2 meters tall i could have killed the entire group of 7-8 with a good bras knuckle...

Fucking rats...

Absolute cringe. Can't wait until your shithole is destroyed by Turkey.
