White Genocide is happening. And you are busy masturbating at home

White Genocide is happening. And you are busy masturbating at home.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What is that Negro supposed to be doing in that picture, exactly? Sniffing her hair?

>at home
Try in the dressing room at Macy’s lmao

How do I get a white gf bros.

Her belly is perfect.
How could I ever be good enough to impregnate such a beauty?

Be a dog


daily anal inspection

>and that’s a bad thing
Prove it

I'm doing gym

Only amerimutts are getting replaced friend, and thats a good thing, they wanted a race war so badly they got one, and they are going to lose it without firing a single shot

based n dogpilled

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Just move the definition of white to 25% or something.

women have been told to fuck niggers and women are good at doing as they are told

White women overwhelmingly pair and marry with white men. Every some faggot posts how all white girls are whores, he is called out as a demoralizing shill. But post a random ad and its white genocide. Which is it? If white girls hardly ever fuck niggers, then why worry?

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why do you think they vote biden?

Ohh, yet another thread of insecure white guys crying

Told a girl on tinder she had nice eyes and she told me I have no personality and called me a twat. I’m getting close to throwing in the towel.

all women who settle for white men have been with niggers before, especially in your """"country""""". Its even worse than germany.

imagine settling for some nasty old coalburning whore

There's your problem

Joke's on you. I'm actually masturbating in the post office.


>dark roots
Nothing of value was lost.

Just like good old daddy used to do it to his democrat boy back in the old days, am I right? Still feeling the bern?

You can really feel the amount of anti European propaganda that you’ve been force fed. BISMARCK WHERE ARE YOU

Actually trying to get ahead in this rigged system. Should be able to breed in ten to twenty years. Maybe whe I'm fifty or something.

Fifty is the new thirty.

user, I don't know how to put it to you, but that's a tranny.
I don't have anything against black people liking trannies, but why post on this board?

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>Not posting the original

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looming erotically

checked, this is the original


oh god not again. Yes tyrone is so successful with women that the media needs to picture him as an imaginary masculine beast. Its not like the media is helping him because he looks super gay without chest hair and feminine facial features and his social status made him look like the last of the last option in the past of course not, the media doesn't have an agenda its just coincidences by the systematic racism. You know the high divorce rate in mixed couples is just a coincidence. he being the equivalent of an exotic arab or latina gf but for women its just a coincidence. remember he wuz kings n sheit and he cuks you every day in his imagination where he has a 2 foot plastic bbc

Nah. Don't care anymore. MGTOW and proud.

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Don't make conclusions based on your mother Ahmed.

puffy vulva
puffy vulva
Men Groping Their Own Wiener


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land whales have puffy vulvas
she is skinny
you are defending a tranny
reevaluate what you are doing

Is that Joe Bidens black twin? Sniff sniff

Cultural marxist thread remember to sage this loser

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SAGE you tranny loving faggot.

Tell her her eye makeup looks whoreish and insult her. She will do anything to prove u wrong

The primary source of technological delay in this world is interpersonal abuse. With sufficient pacifism, we could trust people not to use orbital bombardments on inhabited planets, permitting the acceleration of the utilization of the space and resources available for space travel. When people act as deserves hatred, they increase the space terrorism risk, reducing the speed of the development of space technologies.

I doubt OP is even American, much less the party affiliation they’ve jumped into. They are more likely an expression of the ways that primitive foreigners are holding back the development of America’s technology.

dont be white, thats it. maybe its cause I live in florida now, but the white girls just give it up down here.

You should ask the jewish photographer.

Ah how the Jew rats squirm

Her dick is bigger than his.

You’re not wrong. Struggle to meet girls in the real world though, my city is just vile uni students who go to “raves” every week. Ignoring the fact it’s not a rave of it’s in a licensed club.

I just said “Someone’s insecure” and she unmatched me kek

Women are last century.

Yas Forums is for LARP'ing.

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how can sweden ever recover?

Get a job? Stop living with your parents? Be a real man.


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Sweden has payed for the colonization of Africa, and America is next. wh*Te dogs simply cannot compete with the majesty of the greatest gift BLACK men ever gave the Earth - the BBC! It's no wonder that incels on /pol and reddit are so racist, they know for a FACT that they could never compete with the superior bodies and masculinity of BLACK GODS. wh*Te bois had to BAN wh*Te bitches from BREEDING BLACK because they knew for a fact that otherwise their women would become obsessed with pleasing the BBC of BLACK KINGS.

Now there is nothing stopping wh*te bitches from doing so so wh*Tey boiis console themselves by fucking ugly looking jap bitches while their wives, daughters, and sisters SCREAM in ECSTASY as they are ruined for teeny weenie wh*Te peenies by BLACK BVLLS. There is NOTHING the wh*Tes can do except CRY online as they know that they could NEVER call a BLACK man a nigger to his face or else be destroyed.

Face it, wh*Tebois, you're CANCELLED. You will live to see BLACK offspring borne out of the pink vaginas of the wh*Te women you thought you loved, oh how sad wh*Tebois. Give up now and your future BLACK OVERLORDS may have mercy.

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Women posing for these ads is a meme, the money is the most appealing aspect of it for them and even if they cave and fuck a nigger it’s usually a once off encounter they feel disgusted over afterwards.

99.9% Of white women are mouldable and would rather settle for a chiseled, high iq white chad with more possessions than a filthy stupid nigger could ever hope to own, most white women can be shown the propaganda and if they don’t agree with you can be made to agree with you on how pathetically obvious the whole thing is. You lot and the kikes as well all think white women are stupid enough to fall for the media so hard and the immigration so hard that it wipes us out entirely. The reality is that more and more females are waking up and want purebred children of their own because nobody wants to end up like that one waste of life everybody knows who accidentally forgot to abort Jamal’s kid when she went through the nigger dick phase and learned than it was sub-par.

I’m at a point where the blatant racist KFC ads don’t even bother me, my white blonde partner laughs hysterically at them with me in amongst being disgusted by it all. We see niggers in the city trying to hit on drunk white women and the women lapping up the attention but you can tell they’re a bit scared so they’re trying to get away and the niggers are still trying because they can’t respect social boundaries.

At the end of the day there’s no reason to risk being murdered to have Jamal’s dick in your mouth when you can blow Chad in a safer environment and not want to leave as soon as he cums

Bloody hell. What is that gurl packing?

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>White Genocide is happening. And you are busy masturbating at home.

masturbating outside will only get me arrested.

The white, middle aged man is the ultimate end game for this planet. That’s the ultimate red pill. A nigger will never amass the wealth, success and confidence you’re capable of. That’s the reason kikes are pushing for them to be accepted now.

When you see it for the devastating pathetic attempt at assimilation that it really is it’s a lot less threatening and you realise the effort spent worrying about “muh genocide” is probably better spent trying to get money faster so you can have cooler shit quicker and prove to all the staceys faster that you’ve got more to give. It’s not hard outplaying a nigger desu they’re pretty irrational and their cocks aren’t even that good just saying.

Speak for yourself I have four white sons

Your wife's four sons*

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