
Attached: Screenshot_20200305-095548_Brave.jpg (1440x2960, 964.91K)

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>implying that locking up Zoomers is a bad thing

If he was black he would have had a bunch of bullets in him.

All that weed really pussified Colorado it seems.

Me and my buds used to go around with air soft guns that looked real except for the tip. Nobody gave us any shit

>implying a delivery driver in CO, especially one who will yell at children, can carry a firearm.

Nigger I'm talking about the cop obliterating the kid with bullets lol.

It’s fucking paywalled.

as a kid i learned quick to run away from people accusing you of shit, they will pursue for a short distance and then give up and BAM no consequences

my mom always told me never to point toy guns at anyone, least of all cops

A link that isn't a pay wall would be nice.

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Lel "land of the free" no doubt
The country with the most surveillance and highest prison sentences of any Western nations (even worse than shit tier countries like Russia)

>but muh guns fuk u eurupoor fr33dom

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Your mom sounds like a typical female.

We did that once and the old lady followed us into our house and all we had done was throw handfuls of rocks at her car when she drove by

There is no Constitutional protection for toys nazi.

this. Zoomers who experience this shit are going to grow up hating their government.

>licking boots this hard
you shame your flag kys you statist son of a bitch. You serve the jews.

You're not supposed to run home.

Zoomer here. I spent 2 months in a mental hospital when I was 14 because I had depression. I was then labeled as a “danger to society and others.”
Now I Hate (((them)))

exactly. This is how it happens. they were supposed to have an extra 30 years or so to desensitize the public to these extreme violations of our rights but now they threw everything into overdrive and people are catching on because it's too much too soon.

Fuck the jews and fuck you. I'm a Constitutional Libertarian. If you can't see the point of my statement you should start using a meme flag.

>most surveillance
Wtf are you talking about? Show flag.

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America is the land of kike and cattle.

The police can charge you with whatever they want. Any sane judge would throw this outright.

>except for the tip
That’s how it works, fag.

Right? I mean if I want to point a gun at you and each of your family members, what's the problem? Who cares if it would make you all uncomfortable?

Canada is the land of chinks and poos

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>muh ibbertarion
gimme a fucking break you are defending charging kids with felonies for pointing toy guns (ALL OF WHICH ARE MARKED WITH ORANGE PLASTIC ON THE FRONT THESE DAYS)
if you can't see that if your ideology calls for you to defend such grievous intrusions into our political institutions then your ideology is not one worth following.

Jfc. Some fucking kike DA out to make a name

Remember this a few years ago?

Attached: Murica.png (420x305, 7.38K)

You should live up to that label and start hardcore red-pilling your fellow zoomers. Call race-mixing women coal-burners to their face, have your peers watch "The Greatest Story Never Told", publicly name the Jews as the enemies of humanity, etc.

Journos need to eat too

Well we were doing it right in our driveway like we always did. Surprising no one even stopped before this lady. These days someone would call the cops to come kill you.

>Journos need to hang too

>These days someone would call the cops to come kill you.
Thats a just consequence for throwing rocks at cars like a nigger

this guy is here to mislead you, if you are going to redpill your fellow peers you should do so subtly and slowly. You cannot undo 100+ years of propaganda programming overnight. Take it from someone who openly tried to redpill everyone on the wealth of information i discovered throughout my awakening, unless you are prepared to live a lonely life do not openly start expressing the views you stumble upon here without carefully vetting your audience.

Yeah they collect your info, too.

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>Thinking any news story is exclusive

They do
That's my point.

The "land of the free" is the worst offender in performing mass surveillance both on its own people and its allies

>Commie fag defending a paywalled site

Your government does it too.

> handful of rocks

Not using a 3 person water balloon launcher with your friends to hurl giant rocks at the highway from a safe and concealed distance? Bush league.

What a fucking pussy society.
My friends and I used to all draw and point finger guns on brinks trucks whenever we passed one.


Obviously this, if you're a mentally healthy individual with a lot to lose. The other guy seemingly has nothing to lose and might as well be advised towards being repurposed as an accelerationist pawn. Look into Reticular Activating System. Even if some people are not ready, planting the mental seeds of red pills into the collective consciousness is still a worthwhile application of time and effort.

White privilege at work. If he was black, he'd be dead!

In the 80s, kids would play outside with all kinds of toy guns, grenades and other military equipment while playing cops/robbers, cowboys/Indians, manhunt, etc. and not a single fuck was ever given. I member...

>point fake guns at passerbys and pretend to carjack them

useful idiot of the jew if not an actual jew himself. Look how he dances his talking points and opinions like a snake he slithers from point to point. When someone disagrees or points him out on his shit well of course that's what he was saying all along even though the exact opposite intentions were indicated in his previous installments.

Because blacks shoot people at a vastly higher rate.

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>getting this assblasted over toy guns with orange plastic indicators on the muzzle.

You probably think the kid who bit a gun shape out of his lunch crackers deserved to get expelled to you useless sack of flesh.

I guarantee I've red-pilled more people in person than you have in person and online combined.

So, this is how erosion of trust looks like, eh?

Fuck that, you don't get to go around pointing fake guns at people. Don't even try to downplay this shit, I don't want anybody doing that to me. Dumbfuck is lucky he didn't get capped by an armed citizen.

What a pudgy little cocksucker. And his hair is gay.

Everyone is missing the most important part

>He actually plays Fortnite

Lol kill yourself

>Fuck that, you don't get to go around pointing fake guns at people.
Yes you do. Get some freedom, faggot.

And that's a good thing

isn't this shit the reason why toy guns have orange caps at the end? that driver is a gay nigger

>sources: trust me dude i'm super persuasive
You don't know what it means to be redpilled so all you've done is mislead many.