how do we break free?
How do we break free?
so that's what it like to be a poorfag... i feel for y'all. i never had to try it, i made it at birth. i work right now but could stop working and live off of my money for the rest of my life thanks to my parents building generational wealth
good luck lads
kill yourselves
Reproduce and enjoy having a family
take LSD
No one is forcing you to consume bullshit and waste your time. Even if you wageslave 50 hours a week, that leaves at least four hours of pure free time a day that you can spend on what you please.
You can accomplish millions of things with 1460 hours, which is your free time for the year, faggot.
imaginary friends won't help
OP this is why the Matrix is inevitable. We won't be forced into it we will BEG the machines to do it. People already live the matrix life with tv/movies/vidya.
>Even if you wageslave 50 hours a week, that leaves at least four hours of pure free time a day
in which I'm too tired to do anything because I'm slaving for CEO's new boat
Have a family faggot
Make art, numbnuts. Get a hobby. Create something with your hands. Jesus.
Hey faggot nigger, if you're too tired putting boxes of cereal on the shelf, maybe you should subsisting on a diet of unadulterated sugar while stop jacking off to your anime folder and indulging yourself with instant gratification ever night.
>Have a family faggot
>Reproduce and enjoy having a family
I'm married
it's just sex and cuddles and some nice dinners out on top of the shit in OP
>inb4 foaming incels
>Make art,
I'm not gay or a woman
>if you're too tired putting boxes of cereal on the shelf,
I work in IT
>stop jacking off to your anime folder and indulging yourself with instant gratification ever night.
I'm married and have healthy sex
it's still miserable
In no particular order:
1.) Dismantle the Rothschild pyramid scheme based on fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, and compound interest.
2.) Create ethno-states.
3.) Implement a global eugenics program for humanity that selects for IQ levels above 100.
4.) Somehow gradually reduce the population to below 1 billion humans.
5.) Have a resource based economy.
6.) Mandate that all food and most products be locally-produced.
7.) Purge the small hat tribe from the world of Minecraft.
Did I miss anything?
Get off this website, exercise, fast, and stop consuming any media
You'll have your energy back in a month
Find meaning. Find God.
>the memeflag Jew boasts now
but will cry later as the masses continue to wake up, and with a bloodthirsty vengeance
A man has many superpowers - learn about yourself.
>there is no magical third act where I am the star in some fantasy adventure
Solipsism is a mind virus that can only be cured with a bullet to the head
This is the hardest blackpill to swallow.
Based and 88-pilled
You rebuild the roswell craft that says "freedom" in ancient greek but dont fuck it up this time
The piece in question is shown in project blue book (tv) no excuses.
Checked again, and based.
With cynicism in your life you won't find any value. Be humble and talk to God. He will answer.
Merge 7 and 1 and you are gold. Aka move 7 to 1.
Read maybe? Not much else. Maybe try to create some media? It is possible.
This. My girlfriend and I have been reading Psalms and Proverbs every day, one from each corresponding to the day of the month. It's been valuable. We've gained wisdom and healthy perspective.
>50 more years of drab misery
Very optimistic assessment Luigi.
This. 7.7 billion humans and growing. This system is not sustainable at all. It's all culminating towards a massive crisis on the scale of an asteroid hitting this planet i.e an extinction event. We didn't listen.
That truly is the only answer. Priority #1.
I discovered the "Illegal Freedom" channel on Jewtube yesterday and I think it's a pretty admirable way to live. Live on the move, live freely, live outside the law, but never do anything serious enough that authorities would follow you. Train surf from place to place, explore abandoned areas, sneak into places at night, etc. Only problem is there is no real way to make money unless you shill yourself on social media, so you'd need a "job" you can do on your smartphone, or shoplift frequently.
Sounds retarded, selfish and unsustainable. Neck yourself.
>how do we break free?
Put the ones who deserve to be on that cross.
>how do we break free?
Psychedelics. I’m not joking. Life is profoundly beautiful and a constant miracle. It’s just that you’re too dense and weighed down to recognize it. Psychedelics help you to see that.
>just reproduce!
And how does one do that?
I'm 37 and have never had a gf, and the only blowjob I've ever gotten was in 1999.
Being rejected by every woman I've ever asked out has made it quite difficult to have kids
Realize government and society at large are artificial creations of our imagination that hold no power over us aside from what we allow it
pharmakeia is a sin and psychedelic induced mood lifts are only temporary + abuse of psychedelics can lead to severe HPPD/DPDR that worsens the life experience instead of enhance it.
If you do take this route, which I don't recommend, don't do them more than once or twice.
You're better off becoming a Christian and practicing contemplative prayer and meditation.
Classic check.
And then what? You slave for your ethnostate? Kek. I mean... I’m for all of those things but life is just a waste of time, literally. So kill yourselves faggots and stop being a cuck, take out some koshernigger faggots while you’re at it. Be an absolute mad man.
These guys know
Make others happy and be true to yourself.
>find God
Found Him, and guess what? My life still sucks and He doesn't answer any prayers.
learn to appreciate what you have and stop being an ungrateful shit. i'm sorry cartoons and Jewywood altered your perception of reality.
it's probably you. try being better
No, you work for yourself. Acquire arable/fertile land, and work the land. It's hard, yet rewarding work and you won't have anyone who can tell you what to do, all while being able to feed yourself, your family, and then some. Such a healthy lifestyle probably doesn't appeal to you because the Jews have conditioned you to this current, false paradigm that is not in alignment with nature, natural law and God.
This. Life is good. Go try to have sex, guys! It’s fun I promise
Get a shotgun i hope you know the rest and that should solve all your problems once and for all
Go to a boxing class and let someone punch you in the head and punch them in the head back
I promise a month of combat sports sorts a guy right out
have you repented?
Even if you invite the Lord into your life, you face consequences for sin.
Fapping, being greedy, covetous, wrath, etc. You still suffer for living in sin.
Whoever told you sentience was a gift or that consciousness was a currency to be spent? And why did you believe them?
>talk to God, He will answer
Only if He wants to.
How do you explain people praying for years to be healed, and God doesn't heal them?
How do you explain lonely men praying for a wife just like God "intended" us to have, and the prayers never being answered.
AT BEST, praying about your problems helps you care about them less, but it doesn't fix them
>ok, I guess being an incel my whole life isn't the *absolute worst* outcome, I guess I'll just keep living
>ok, I'm always going to be disabled and treated like shit, but at least I know GOD LOVES ME
God doesn't really help us, he just makes it easier to not care that He didn't help us
>be a nomad that won't leave a trace in the world and won't make offspring
good goy
>dude drugs!
I'm bad but not (You) bad
Death, I'm afraid.
Under the assumption death is either ceasing to decease or get reincarnated to a fantasy world.
Getting reincarnated on this planet or worse would just suck.
Heaven or hell don't sound all that interesting either.
That's not how it works, brainlet. You're supposed to embody the spirit of Christ, His Light and Life. You fail to acknowledge the power of your perspective and do not see how it shapes your life. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it. Your character is devoid of godly values and wisdom. You need to cultivate gratitude, faith, wisdom, understanding, generosity, as well as many other positive attributes, and allow them to shape you over time. Purpose and fulfillment come from within and through God.
I’m a deeply religious Jewish man. Did you not see my flag?
>7 and 1
Checks out
>just be better
Wow, thanks for the advice. The problem isn't with the world, it's all me! Thanks!
Me: 8/10 face, muscular, intelligent, honest, run my own business making 70k
Women are awful, and you're the biggest retard in this thread if you can't admit that
You are at fault for being an extremely low quality man. Why haven't you gotten an education? Why aren't you fit? Why haven't you built wealth? Any of those 3 things would attract a woman. Having all 3 mean you have true value. At this point I think your only solution is this:
Keep trying
You can do it
Stop giving up
Do whatever you want. We're molded to do what we're told and what's expected of us, and we internalize it to the point that we forget that other options exist. You can literally just go and do what you want, just try it a bit, do something new you've never done before, don't worry about the cost or legality or social consequences, just try and do something you feel like doing, just try it out, to see how it feels.
>Me: 8/10 face, muscular, intelligent, honest, run my own business making 70k
if thats true then you must be a turbomanlet and/or have an extraordinarily repulsive personality if you cant get a gf
read pauls epistles
>cant get a gf
Try reading and comprehending
>Women are awful, and you're the biggest retard in this thread if you can't admit that
Eh, but taking psychedelics while you're in a black pilled demoralized state is not exactly the best idea imo. Also many people need a friend or trip sitter with them to be comfortable. I don't know a single person to fill that role anymore.
God isn't someone who does what you want. If God just healed people because they asked no one would have to have faith. And given your post, why would He help someone who just wants Him to do a magic trick. Perhaps what He needs to help heal is your bitter black heart.
Maybe he's just incredibly autistic?
try reading and comprehending yourself
That would be me. I've done it for numerous friends. I'm basically their anchor that keeps them grounded and stable while being able to freely explore their experience.
Maybe actually works but too early to say
You misunderstand user. If you spend your sentience only trying to please your carnal desires and stay comfortable than of course you will be miserable and aimless.
Choose the path of responsibility and order. You see a world that is vapid and that is our purpose. We have to enrich it, lighten it, clean it.
Your suffering should be a guide towards you should really be doing. This world is not a good place. But it takes people like us to fix it.
He is just a liar. Owning his own business with a decent middle-class salary + good looks = at least moderate female attention. Even if he, rightfully, distains women he would still be fucking them.
we don't, we learn to live within the limitations of reality instead
there's still plenty of space within those limitations to fill with imaginary social constructs, and the ones our ancestors made could sure use some proper maintenance
Were you trying to use a memeflag or?
Anyway, it makes sense that a self-sustainable, off-grid lifestyle would not appeal to a Jew. Jews possess the opposite of a green thumb.
Go to tutorial island (thailand) and bust out a couple quick flings. 10k and a month will get it out of your system. White + tinder = your pick. Degenerate? Sure. But you honestly need to get a few nuts in and shake the autism a bit. It's like they say women are like dogs they can smell you haven't gotten any. Tutorial island will sort that out and then you can bag white chicks. Also you're probably hyper stressed get some tissue massage they have the same effect as xanax your entire body is probably tensed no homo.
Shit, thought it was his only post
the saddest cope
Cleaning this world would require the sword. This modern kiked system prevents us righteous men from wielding it, but more and more people are starting to not care about that.
marriage is not a family
how many of y'all "life is good" fags have friends?
like real life friends you meet at least once a month?
Then why are you bitching like one
You need Jesus.
>Hurrr but I don't believe
Sucks to be you then, enjoy your misery
I was raised catholic
the church says "suck it up in this shitty life, for heaven awaits you"
not exactly helpful
Porn and media have ruined your brain. Look into nofap/noporn and dopamine fasting
>Look into nofap/noporn
I have sex with my wife
Believing in something doesn't make it true. Your belief isn't going to will a dead-jew-on-a-stick into being the ruler of the universe.
its the exact same as fapping dude, probably worse for you even
>raised catholic
Well, there's your problem, brainlet. Take the orthodox Christianity pill.
You're supposed to practice semen retention. Look into Crown Chakra orgasms.
>believing in some Disney bs for your life.