Why do atheists always deflect when this is brought up?
Why do atheists always deflect when this is brought up?
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in africa obviously
Because they went extinct and evolution happened to have the superior humans
there arent millions of the first group today, there are none.
the drawing is misleading, that first group doesnt exist today. the monkeys you know today evolved from that group as well humans in a different branch
Because we killed everything that was dangerous, moron. It's supposed to be something your dumb fuck brain can conceive on it's own, but apparently you're struggling with it. Same reason sabre tooth tigers don't exist anymore. You think they just ran out of food, all those bears, wolves, etc x50 that they could have eaten forever...
We didn't even let wolves stick around - drove them out into the uninhabitable areas of the world too. Coyotes only exist because we couldn't manage to kill them.
P.S. Humans like to kill shit that threatens them. DIFFICULT CONCEPT.
So why do we keep niggers and Jews around?
Shhh. Don't tell them why they're being intellectually dishonest, they might call you a kike.
Actually, there aren't millions of those. They've been extinct for millions of years at this point. Stupid Crusader larp. I bet that thing has higher IQ than your whole family put together. It's not a monkey like we have today, you know? And if evolution doesn't exist then how the fuck did you evolve from a sperm and egg from two separate entities?
Obvious bait but homo sapiens are the only things still living from your OP pic you colossal fucking faggot
Memeflags, not even once
There are some here. Do you want them?
They don't do what's completely rational or logical because they usually need consensus. Christianity is the answer to your question, ultimately.
No homo sapiens ancestor live nowadays. Manipulated muggot bait pic for 10 iq mouthbreathing disgusting retards. Return to school.
If intelligent design is true, where are all the talking animals?
Homo sapiens annihilated them along with every other living species it comes in contact with. You fucktard bitch
>conflating macroevolution with microevolution
Wrong assumption.
Humans are best suited for their current environment, if so called "between species" existed they would compete for the same environment, and would be eventually extinct because they are less suited for it.
>Monkeys didn't evolve
Just as humans have changed to suit their environment, which resulted in closer relatives to modern day humans surviving, so did monkeys, becoming more adapted to their environments.
why do religicucks never shut the fuck up
evolution is a deception and lie
Except, it's just you who don't understand what evolution is or what it means and this makes you look like an idiot.
your flag might not be our greatest ally in real life but you definitly are in this thread user.
> ?
what i came here for
the transitional species is niggers
If it was truly about survival of the fittest and killing off everything dangerous, niggers would have been killed off a LONG fucking time ago. Don't give me that Christianity bullshit.
They live in africa
Modern chimps are a relative of a common ancestor to us both.
The first thing isn't a chimp they are extict. It's a comment a ancestor we have with chimps. They split off their way, we split our way. Learn how evolution trees works.
As for the hominids, we interbred. Most people have a little neanderthal. Africans have a bunch of hominids dna from species we haven't even discovered yet (ghost hominid dna)
>okay evolution exists but its only micro-evolution!!
actually moving the goalpost.
if you admit micro-evolution is real then you admit macro is as well, just given enough time and generetions.
LOL, there's an inverse relationship between religion and education for a very good reason, my retarded little friend. Btw, you're worthless. You've taken the one thing that humanity has, wonder/study, in favor of something that requires belief to exist. Embarrassing. Then you used products of science to spew your retardation. Double embarrassing. Cherry picking cunts.
dunning kruger
also it doesnt explain why the between species are of different color than both beginning and ending one
And Australia.
One Homo Erectus was even spotted in Brazil last year and caught on camera.
Racist! Don't forget Brazil, the most mixed place on earth
brazil too
My man
It's just a guy who was born with a disease.
We came out of an ice age and a time where the worldwide climate was extremely chaotic. The average brain size of our lineage grew rapidly during this time.
It was incorrect to assert that we came from Monkeys. Instead, we both descend from the same ancestor.
There are no LIVING millions of the ancestor species this first arrow is pointing at. You should open a biology textbook and read very carefully what exactly evolution is. There's a bunch of bones of all those species, in the ground and in museums. Please stop being retarded.
Most of the time when a religicuck brings up God
And you bring up evolution
They bring 'macro" evolution vs 'micro'
Now Yas Forums, whats a good counter to this shit?
>where are millions of these?
There are literally Billions of blacks and jews op.
Sub Saharan Africans are as sub-species, a hybrid of modern man and an archaic human known as the "ghost" species.
Every race stems from a different hominid species who bred with Cro Magnon to give rise to the different races and blood types.
Humans did not evolve down a linear path from ape to man.
The Notion that modern man is the product of the Negroid race is laughable. The Negroid race is the youngest race and is in fact their own breed of sub-species.
>ghost species contributes up to 19% of Sub Saharan African DNA
There are tons of Sabre tooth tiger skeletons where are the missing link skeletons ?
Negroid race is only a few thousand years old. Oldest Negroid remains date to around 9,100bc, and they are that of a Proto Negroid. Modern Negroid didn't emerge until around 4,500bc, well after the great African civilizations were established.
>The only known early human skeletal remains to come from West Africa are from the Iwo Eleru rockshelter in southwestern Nigeria. The skeleton was found in an undisturbed Later Stone Age (LSA) context and dated by radiocarbon to 11,200 ± 0.2 ka (~13 ka calibrated)(Allsworth-Jones et al., 2010;Harvati et al., 2011) and between 11,700 ± 1.7 ka and ~16.3 ± 0.5 ka by Uranium series (Harvati et al., 2011). However, despite this terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene (Marine Isotope Stage [MIS] 1 or 2) date, the skull presents a mosaic of primitive and derived features (Brothwell and Shaw, 1971;Stringer, 1974). ...
To answer question from attached image: Because hybridization of two extremely different (on the verge of incompatibility) sub-species can and do mate when sudden extreme changes to the environment occurs, when that happens, the offspring will have 50% DNA from each parent, but might have a skeleton-shape of predominantly one parent. Very good example are some "Neanderthal" remains, that look like Neanderthal, yet when DNA tested, it turned out it was a 50/50 hybrid, not a pure Neanderthal, so it means, that genes from Neanderthal were responsible for instructions related to skeletal-structure, but genes from other hominid could be responsible for example for CNS and brain-related, and the end effect is a hybrid hominid, which looks like a pure Neanderthal, bu isn't, that's why we don't find huge amount of gradual changes in skeletal remains.
Modern example of Howler Monkey: sciencedaily.com
The picture is not about beings that are alive but bones, there's no skeleton that is in between human and hominini.
Before we conquered the elements and maintained proper hygiene and eating healthy, a lot of people would be born with a lot of things to make them look like unevolved monkeys.
If humanity indeed did start in Africa, it was not with a Negroid.
See According to a 2012 study, Europeans little to no genetic relation to Africans and early hominids found in Africa.
>"These data, based on the SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymor- phism), along with the data based on the STRs (Short Tandem other and undeniably indicate that non-African people, bearers of haplogroups from C to T, did not descend from the “African” haplogroups A or B. Their origin is likely not in Africa. A higher variance of the DNA in Africa, which was a cornerstone of the “Out of Africa” theory, is explained by Figure 3, in which haplogroup A has been evolving (mutation-wise) for 132,000 years, while the NON-European haplogroups are much YOUNGER. Hence, there is a lower variability in the latter. The same is related to language variability, which has also been used as an argument of the African origin of non-Africans. We believe that those arguments upon which the “Out of Africa” theory was based were, in fact, conjectural, incomplete and not actually data-driven. Therefore, we are left holding the question of the origin of Homo sapiens."(Ibid., pp. 84-85.)
There is no such thing as "macro" or "micro" evolution. There is genetic variation and natural selection. If you have a population with a short lifespan, like bacteria you will see evolutionary adaptation very quickly, like them growing resistant to anti-biotics, or butterflies changing colors to better camouflage against trees. The same process is happening for species that live years, or decades.
look at the shills
>1 post by this ID
you're all being played
if this is true (and i doubt it is) i bet we dont have any bones of those first "common ancestor" probably due to time ehich makes sense
So, did the Europeans and Africans just evolve parallel to each other on different continents?
Maybe instead of arguing about religion, do something else instead? No side parting will change their mind, so why not just leave this as is?
They say evolution is actually only observable on the micro scale, as in bacteria and viruses and other tiny things
and that big things "adapt"
there aren't any of the creature depicted on the far left(common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees). there are millions of chimps and millions of humans. humans didn't evolve from chimps. they simply share a common ancestor.
We did exist at the same time as some of these "cousins" but they couldn't compete with us and slowly died off. Not a real hard concept to understand...
Stfu monkey
>muh shills
stfu faggot
jews cant even spell God. have to spell it like G_d and your gonna tell me you believe in evolution and not divine creation lol
spell dog backwards user
>there's no skeleton that is in between human and hominini
Because in reality it was a gradual change and the naming convention has two categories. It would be impossible to have a skeleton that is between humnan and homini.
It's because of semantics, not because of a bad fossil record.
If I used this logic, there are no colours between orange and yellow.
it spells shut the fuck up now shut the fuck up
go to church
we don't evolve from todays monkeys you idiot. we shated the same anchestor.
>implying im a jew
i hate religion just as much as others on this thread
all mod approved too
christian hate threads reach post limits but pro christian threads are deleted
can you spell dog backwards user? lol shills cant even do it hilarious
reminder that one day you will stand before your creator
>but pro christian threads are deleted
They should just be moved to /x/ or /trash/
if your not religious spell God user
>hurr I no liek u so u joo-ish shill
You faggots are by far the worst posters on this board
>da joooooos can't type the word god
lmao retard
go fuck a baguette, frenchfag
Hey rētard. Identify the first one there you claim there are millions of. Millions of fossils? Wrong. Millions of modern day chimpanzees today? LOL! You can’t be serious.
>give into my demands
okay, bend over
cant even spell dog backwards user lol. absolutely hilarious just do it should be no big deal right. instead of a shill insult. all you can do is shill insult lol
Yas Forums bringing the facts.
>we don't have a complete fossil record therefore a wizard did it
That has nothing inherently to do with atheism, you gibbering mong.
Atheism is merely the lack of belief in any god, and as such existed before anybody recognized evolution at all.
You are an actual classical idiot, incapable of critical thought or of grasping simple concepts.
If you care about humanity at all, you should sterilize your parents (I'm guessing there's absolutely no need to sterilize yourself) and call attention to every school that you've ever been to for their horrible incompetence and neglect.
>if your not religious spell God user
I’m an atheist and I’ll spell it for you...
Why are christcucks retarded?