Why shouldn't you wear masks?

My gf refuses to wear one because it looks """silly""" and her boomer dad told her he saw a sign that says not to wear them at a drugstore. He didn't specify why so her cockiness is really pissing me off.

I have multiple FFP3 respirators so it's completely illogical to me.

Attached: mask.png (981x406, 137.32K)

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People are stealing them from my clinic daily. Some just walk in and grab them and run out the door. Really pathetic. As for not wearing one at the drug store, I would assume that is so you don’t get suspected of intending to rob narcotics.

> No one cared who I was 'till I put on the mask.

Attached: Bane.jpg (470x706, 50.02K)

This is a peanut brain take from adams . Medical professionals needs the masks to give them to infected people to curb to spread.

I want people to start hoarding masks just because people are telling me that I shouldn't do it

>Buy mask
>Dont wear it

Yeah k can't bring myself looking like some STALKER larping uni

Only one two filter, everything is sold out

The masks are designed to stop the wearer spreading their bacteria (etc) to the patient, not vice versa.

this. i want to buy a bunch of masks and have the redditor at the front counter tell me the science behind why masks dont work. then i'll tell the redditor he's a very smart boy and politely leave with all my masks.

>You look healthy and masks dont work, we need you to not buy them so we cam give these useless masks out to people sick with a disease that can be asymptomatic to stop the spread!
They're not consistent. They're lying to you.



The panic is the lie, brainlet.

So how do you know you aren’t infected?

Based. The whole "masks don't work" crowd is obviously lying.

The only peanut brain here is you.

Then why cant you be consistent, liar?

It depends on the mask. N95 is intended to protect the wearer from the environment, surgical masks are intended to protect the environment from the wearer.

Attached: bane.png (500x319, 173.11K)

How come nobody is embarrassed by the fact that one little flu scare is enough to jeopardize the entire global supply of something as basic as a little fucking mouth mask?

We have barely enough at any given time for normal everyday use, what happens when there's a REAL worldwide pandemic? Massive shortages . . . Pathetic.

Uh, the peanut brain is the US Surgeon General for saying that A) the mask is completely ineffective and B) Medical professionals need it more than regular people.

It's contradictory language and that's a fucking joke coming from a surgeon general who's job is to clearly communicate medical information to the public at large.

The guy talks like a fucking idiot.

Unless you're covering your entire head, a mask isn't protecting you from shit. Great, the airborne particles didn't get into your nose/mouth, instead they'll enter your eyes and ears.
They are effective at stopping people who are already infected from spreading it further, which is why hospitals are desperate for them.

>My gf refuses to wear one because it looks """silly"""

Let natural selection claim her.

Brainiacs in here think medical professionals only need it for corona or what?

N95s come with goggles, retard.

N95 filters with exhale valves do fuck all to prevent sick people from spreading it

>masks don't work so give them to others
Why do others need them if they don't work?

imagine being afraid of dying from a virus in a 1st world country

For fuck's sakes OP, we're not some 4th world poverty civil war struck shithole, like Italy.

THANK YOU!!! finally someone that gets it. A surgical mask will not stop you from getting the virus as it doesnt stop anything from getting in it just stops you from spreading it once you have it. There is a difference between a MASK (ie. A surgeon's mask) and a N95 RESPIRATOR (ie. A 3M 8200 respirator) a respirator such as the 3m 8200 which I'm just using for an example filters out 95% of particles larger than 0.3 microns now the virus its self is smaller than 0.3 microns so the virus its self would pass through HOWEVER the virus is spread via aerosolized water particles in the air from people when they cough and sneeze and those tiny virus containing aerosolized water droplets are LARGER than 0.3 microns so the respirators filter it out.
>T. Sold respiratory products for 10 years now

Wtf are you talking about you have to get them separately

Smoothest brain in this thread right here

There is no shortages for hospitals and government health agencies as about a month and a half ago the major manufacturers such as your 3m's and your moldex's stopped selling to retail customers and industrial customers and are currently only selling to hospitals and other government health agencies as a means to ensure adequate supply for those who actually truly need it. I e had purchase orders in for 2 months with 3m and they wont fill them currently that's what they told me and I am in the respiratory safety business for 10 years selling to large industrial customers and occassionally military

They don't work with this one. And women are retarded. My GF insists on going to walgreens to get almonds and milk daily. Also its cool to play pokemon go at the shopping mall. I'm leaving tomorrow and taking the money.

Okay. You have to walk through a corridor full of coofers. Before doing so, you may put on a mask or you may not. Your choice.
I choose the mask option.

N95 respirators are not to stop you from spreading it it's to stop you from getting it in the first place if you don't have the virus use something N95 to give you modest protection against getting it. If you already have it use a surgeon's mask because those will help you stop from spreading it

The N95 doesn't even stop it. It can land on your fucking arm and you have it. Just quit my medical job of 20 years. You people don't even know what is going on. We are literally not allowed to test people. We have people with 104 degree fevers and they are forbidden to be tested. Ask me which hospital i work at. This is not a joke.

That's because you're retarded.

If you have an open cut or sore then yes it can be contracted through skin but other than that no simple skin contact can not infect you. It infects you via mucosal opening in the body stop spreading panic

Yeah I should have clarified that they're being deliberately vague with saying masks don't work or that they're only for sick people which applies to surgical masks but then they turn around and say medical professionals need them which would only apply to n95 respirators

Where do you work and whats that in Celsius?

Not spreading panic. You want to panic? Go look at the recovery numbers.


ever been to Lowell, MA?

Although highly infectious ita not contractable via the skin unless you have open wounds or sores my gf is a nurse and they have an entire quarantine ward set up for the likely event it spreads to our little slice of hell in canada and so far not one patient so as of now things are ok

I just don't think it will prevent me catching it, just delay it until civilization is too far gone to give me any medical assistance
So far I'm just taking my chances, but I do get a direct deposit around midnight tonight.. I've prepared everything but the masks, because the way it sounds the survivors just shed virus for the rest of their lives..

So why not put the N95 respirator over a surgeons mask?
Double the mask, double the protection.

>don't work

Then why do medical personnel need them? Really tingles the synapse

A psyop.

"masks" dont work, but what people think about when they think "masks" is "respirators"

They're telling you to not wear "masks" because they dont work, and it's true, but what they really want is people to not wear respirators


ok fine. it is a petry dish right now. this isn't the flu. that is all im saying. hoping everything turns out fine. im positve and not negative. but please go look at the recovery numbers.

>boomer dad
He will be dead soon
Than you can say I TOLD YOU SO

they are useless. Coronavirus particles are too small for non p3 masks to protect. It almost impossible to have these masks fitted properly as well.

Are you "people" retarded? Little too much racemixing in the family history?

Attached: n95 mask.png (450x450, 159.58K)

I dont know mostly because surgeons arent usually operating on people who are highly infectious and when they are they have full hazmat suits and face gear

Your masks don't prevent shit if you keep bringing retards into your personal space.

Prank her.
>Suddenly, verbally stop caring about COVID.
>Make sure she believes you.
>Lie and say you had chinese for lunch (when she's not around to disprove it)
>Make sure to mention you weren't protected.
>2 days later pretend you have the flu
>>>Keep a spicy pepper in your pocket when you see her and make sure you are teary-eyed, sniffling and leaking, etc
>really play it up
>You could easily play it off after a few days (recover)
>The scare might ripple to her family too

>Shit like that works on retards
>No offense

>In our study, we found N95 respirators, disinfection and hand washing can help to reduce the risk of 2019-nCoV infection in medical staffs. Our results call for re-emphasizing strict occupational protection code in battling this novel contagious disease. The risk of 2019-nCoV infection was higher in the open area than in the quarantined area. N95 may be more effective for 2019-nCoV infections.

Don’t listen to Scott Adams

>I just don't think it will prevent me catching it, just delay it until civilization is too far gone to give me any medical assistance

Kek this

The filters are already sold out and goverments are seizing all future shipments. Meaning the prepmasks will last 1-3months
>Survive the beginning of the pandemic
>Get infected just in time when it's all going down..


the only true protection is total isolation. that is what im doing.


Full face respirators are widely available, because normies dont want to look stupid and they're more expensive (lol bugmen are cheap even for saving their own lives)

BUY NOW, or never, it's your last chance. Full face or half face, they're both better. Buy glasses if half face. They need sanitizing after each use but it's doable.

Don't be cryptic, its not a Qanon session. Please tell us what you know. Why aren't they tested? Not hitting the boxes? 40C not high enough? Contamination?

>who has dealt with Conona before
>all wear masks
Are Americans this fucking retarded?
Are YOU really this retarded?

Its a fucking bioweapon. Will cull boomers, 3rd worlders and the occasional youth. It will fuck you up for life regardless. No inmunity and reinfecton possible

Only buy filters that have two of the n95 pads in them if you get a full face. The pads are thinner than the half masks, so you need two layers incase someone sneezes or gets bodily fluid directly on it.

why is 3M the only corporation on earth that produces masks


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