/NSG/ + /SIG/

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Thread for discussion of
Race Realism
the Aryan Ideal
National Pride
Racial Identity Movements

Improve yourself - Comrades, community, and folk!
> 卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))


> What is National Socialism?
National Socialism is the belief of man as part of the natural world; it is the idea that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism, an idea based in the unbounding love of one's own people. This love is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own individual desires, understanding that this selflessness will be paid back in full by your fellow man.

National Socialism believes in putting the nation before yourself. Despite this, there is considerable difference between the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler's nationalism has the patriotic motive of placing the good of one’s country before personal ambition while retaining one's individuality and happiness, whereas Marxism squeezes the people dry in favor of a machine-like nation built only for profit.

In short, National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities which are unique to that group. National Socialism believes in the improvement of your people through individual means; its goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>NatSoc German Economic Policy
>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)
>The Coining of “Privatization” and Germany’s National Socialist Party (Germa Bel)
>William Joyce – Twilight Over England
>Arthur Pillans Laurie - The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany
>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Social Welfare in Germany:
>German Economic Policy:
>German Labour Service:
>Paul Einzig - Economic Foundations Of Fascism

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this is easy mode, get it going soldier

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The fit seek a free market, the unfit seek socialism.
Liberty or death.

Don't mind him, he's the same retard which can't use simple logic. Ignore him.

What's the nationalist situation in everyone's country?

Done for. We're past that now. Hail to the new frontier, hail to the future!


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Flemish part is right to far right, but our French speaking neighbours always vote left

I found this hot/weird kkk porn girl on pornhub. I made a stat chart for her. I think I'm in love guys.

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Congratulations, you are a faggot.

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Stop watching porn you fat faggot

wtf dude

It's a transfaggot, dude. My god, the leaf meme is true.

Picture unrelated.

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German leaflets dropped on the British invasion troops in Northern France in 1944.

Attached: german_leaflets_1944_onbritain.jpg (690x3996, 385.87K)

Eww bro what the fuck. Fix your shit dude.


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Holy fuck that sent a chill down my spine. Thats fucking cocky as shit.

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We believe in free enterprise and private property though. We just think it's fair to give (our) people social welfare if they contribute to society. Why are you against this idea? America has had social security benefits for its citizens since 1935, too bad it's being misused.

So I know a lot of you are fans of fascism. My question is how do you think that could be properly maintained in a society? Isn't it likely that people unsuited to hold power will end up being the ones in charge? Then you're in a system where they have near absolute power? I understand theres problems with democracy as well. But fascism seems to be a strong jump to the other extreme.

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Fascism and National Socialism are too separate ideas. Fascism may as well be just another form of crony corporatism, it doesn't hold regards to race. National Socialism is more principle than anything, the economical structure that goes into making a National Socialist state is second hand to securing the interests of the people as a collective. Hitlerite National Socialism believes in the formation of a meritocracy, only the best and most competent have even a slight chance of obtaining the right to rule. We believe in hierarchy but we don't think it should be parasitic. We want a state that's soul purpose is to further our interests by any means.

>too separate
two separate*

Huh. Alright I can partially understand that I suppose. I'm young and still figuring out what I believe. I used to be an anarchist, then I became a libertarian. Now I partially agree with the idea of a mix between the democracy of ancient Greece(every man who fits certain criteria has the right to vote. For example I don't think people should be able to vote till they're 20 something and that would forbid me to vote but I realize I still don't know enough) and I can also partially agree with Plato's philosopher king idea. Children sould be raised to find who is best suited to rule. With checks and balances obviously to make sure the system doesn't become twisted.

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>tfw went big brain on the family last weekend

"bernie says that white people don't know what it's like to be poor, he's always talking on behalf of us whites until it benefits him and he claims he's jewish

>b-b-but user jews are a religion not a race they are white and anyone can be a jew


That makes sense!
So hitler was having merely a holywar and it's not racist genocide because it's a religion?


I guess that's why they claim "anti-semitism" because they can't say it's racism.

>w-w-well user... uh...

So considering everyone is atheist these days and anti christian and everyone who is religious we consider braindead we should remove the jews from israel because a non existent god claimed they should own it.

>mom starts to cry
>dad shell shocked
>little brother laughing
>haven't spoke about it since but you can tell they see jews as a seperate ethnicity now just to cope with their beliefs that genocide happened

I kinda understand user. I've been having a hard time hiding my power level recently too. Got into an argument for 40 minutes last week about how I don't agree with mass immigration and white people need to have more children to preserve the white race. And somehow that makes me racist lmao. I brought up statistics but it's meaningless to them.

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I used to think the same way until I started looking at people collectively. The masses will always wish to further their interests but a lot of the times seemingly good and simple choices on their behalf only creates more societal problems. That sort of responsibility should only be put on people that know what they're doing and if they somehow prove that they're incapable of running society then they can just get their asses overthrown. Every single republic in Human History has failed without exception due to incompetence and corruption.


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That's why I stopped supporting anarchism or extreme libertarianism. People are too stupid and or malicious for it to work out.

Huwhite power.

Alright will do.

I can't wait to see what you make for us, user.

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Give me a reference.

youtube.com/watch?v=gMEZp47VKC0 unless you need something harder

Reference photo I meant. I am an artist. If you give me a picture to paint you'll know it was from me.

Would this work?

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Isn't she a cosplay whore?

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Also, shit. If you're an artist, are you a part of any NatSoc groups?

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Yes. I have a natsoc group of friends that are well rounded individuals. I feel bad for those who don't.
I'll look for something.

Good stuff, user. I wish you luck!

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Kek. I'm not a national socialist or even a racist really. But these threads are the bright spot in my life. And because I spend so much time in here with the propoganda I can't help but smile and chuckle whenever I see Uncle Adolf.

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Art in the Reich


imagine what could have been bros

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Yeah right
Cause if they'res one thing that sound body and mind scream its allowing your own family to get raped to death or starved by ever changing whims of uncaring democratic opinion instead of taking your destiny into your own hands and forging a future for your people.

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Too gaudy for my taste. One on the chest or on the arm would have been enough. But each to their own Fren.

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I feel the tides turning, the pendulum stopping to swing fiercely in the opposite direction. It's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy, when they try so hard to kill NS and it just makes it thrive and grow. NS is the natural order, nature always wins in the long run.

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Check out their store lots of different stuff


They're scared. The levels of goyim knowing has reached unstoppable levels

Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is "the black sun"? See it quite frequently, but have no idea other than it looks pretty comfy

Checked it out. Kinda neet. Im probably on an additional watchlist now Kek. I doubt I'll get anything but I'll keep it in mind. Im unironically a Christian even if I have more and more doubts every day. I did put the rune uruz on my hand the other day for motivation during midterms. I don't believe it has any actual power but it was a reminder so useful in a way.

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>Not racist
Gee, user. Imagine NOT being a racist in 2020. lol you some kind of a faggot?

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>The levels of goyim knowing has reached unstoppable levels

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OP loser

they're just a small serbian store that sells pagan clothes, has a lot of slavic stuff too. They aren't associated with anything crazy so don't worry. Really nice clothing though I've bought a bunch of stuff from them.
It's an esoteric symbol, a sun wheel, similar meaning to the swastika

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>Not racist
>Gee, user. Imagine NOT being a racist in 2020. lol you some kind of a faggot?
Well I suppose technically some people would classify me as a racist. I think the white race should be preserved and strengthened. And I think race mixing is... At the very least a dangerous idea. I think it has negative consequences for thr children. But I don't consider myself a racist. Sure I dislike some cultures more then others. But I can't bring myself to hate. Blame my Christian up bringing I suppose.

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Racism is not hatred, it is love.

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It's an old pagan symbol that was used in one of heinrich himmler's castle, castle Wewelsburg also an ss headquarters

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ok incel

show flag Israeli Kike demon

you can just feel the power radiating from that room. I wanted to visit that castle one day

Ya I get that some of you have that perspective. But most people don't. So there's lots of confusion because of the word usage.

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>"so much pride in my Jewish race"
>A. Hitler aka A. Schicklgruber aka A. Freiherr von Roth

Fuck Israel and everything it stands for.

ok show flag stop being gay

Yeah, but the oldest swastika were found in the Vinča writings, what is believed to be the oldest form of writing in human history, found in modern romania.

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And the threads being disrailed again. Wonderful.

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Bottom right is a skinwalker.

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Satan tells the truth

Back! Back I say!

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