Greek residents have formed vigilante groups to find Refugees, catch them and deliver them to border guards > > Images from Turkish Police in riot gear and shields shooting gas grenades towards greek border(video from Greek Official sources) > police in riot gear stop migrants trying to get on a ferry to Athens at Lesvos > Refugees being put into Greek Landing Craft at Mythilene, more information to be released(update, will be sent to pre-deportation camps) > > Armed men directing refugees towards greek border, shots can also be heard in the background > Migrants that have boarded the Greek Navy Ship will be sent to pre-deportation camps > journalists sent away by the Greek police at the Mytilene port > Turkish Police officers force Iranian asylum seekers to go to the Greek border and threatens to shoot them > "refugees" protesting and asking to go through greece so they can go to other european countries > > turkey is putting fences up to stop people from giving up and going back into turkey > Polish minister of internal affairs will propose sending 100 border guards and about another 100 policemen to help Greek counterparts > Video from inside a Turkish bus taking people to the Greek border mostly men > Greek army transporting more barbed wire and other reinforcements to the border > Migrant throwing rocks at the Greek border guards while waving a Turkish flag >
Saw in the news this morning the Greeks firing at a migrant boat. Fucking finally someone realizes the only true way to stop the flow of migration. And it isnt improving conditions in their home country.
Levi Nguyen
We are now also arresting the shitskins that slash their rubber boats and sink them in order to force us to take them in.
It's something.
Justin Butler
It's feels quite huge really. I hope this awakens people to the fact that their is an alternative to just letting people walk all over you.
Connor Murphy
Jews don’t want 5 million more refugees into Europe at once. The last wave in 2015 almost made Europe Nazi again. This wave would make Europe full blown Holocaust mode and right wing governments would take power.
Jews want a slow white genocide. They don’t want to turn the heat up too fast or the frog will jump out.
Brandon Myers
As corny as this sounds I'm reminded of this quote from Gates of Fire, espescially if what the minster said about 1 million migrants is true.
>"A thousand years from now" Leonidas declared, "two thousand, three thousand years hence, men a hundred generations yet unborn may, for their private purposes, make journey to our country. They will come, scholars perhaps, or travelers from beyond the sea, prompted by curiosity regarding the past, or appetite for knowledge of the ancients. They will peer out across our plain and probe among the stone and rubble of our nation. What will they learn about us? Their shovels will unearth neither brilliant palaces nor temples. Their picks will prize forth no everlasting architecture or art. What will remain of the Spartans? Not monuments of marble or bronze, but this......what we do here, today." Out beyond the narrows, the enemy trumpets sounded.
This stand will be remembered and you will have defended not only Greece but Europe itself.
I remember that we unironically were chanting these during parade "drills" in high-school. kek.
Dylan Evans
The frog has been boiling slowly for over 60 years already.
Connor Perry
more proof? that's shit. it proves that he was on the other side of the river, that is all.
Easton Cox
fucking cunt it won’t work i hope but the media here is treacherous.. don’t even mention the shit migrants do on levros only poor fugees families i live in an islamist hell hole
Luis Lewis
I'm not going to pretend to understand the 17d chess that's going on here, but the kikes coming out against Turkey is good for us. It means that the chances of their satelite state (USA) coming out in defense of Turkey in a war is lessened.
This is it boys. Deus Vult
Christian Allen
This. But after Greeks have taken a taste of actually having a border, things will be more difficult when they start letting invaders in.
Henry King
How hasn't this guy been taken out in a self defense situation in minecraft yet?
Makes sense. If nothing changes and time keeps running they will win so why risk shaking things up.
Camden Roberts
Adam Thomas
The biggest(and only) supporters of Jews and Israel on the planet are Whites.
Any Jewish group that wants Whites gone or replaced is truly stupid since without Whites, Jews would be the next target and most Jews look White anyways.
Also since Jews have such a small population, White men could breed them out in a few generations if they really wanted to. Jewish women crave the "evil" white men so much that they want to destroy White women with feminism so only they can have them.
Seriously the biggest reason why cuck porn and interracial porn is pushed so much is because Jewish women love to fuck non-Jewish men and most Jewish men are actual cucks. All the Jewish men that hate White men are sexually frustrated and suppressed worse than Muslims.
Israeli Jews want a strong White Europe and US so they have protection and support.
Western Jews want to destroy all Whites in Europe and the US because they have been brainwashed/indoctrinated by Holocaust propaganda. Western Jews also destroy and subvert Israel when they go there.
George Soro's and his son Alex Soro's are just guns for hire essentially. They get paid by other more shadowy groups to do what they do and take all the heat/attention for it.
Connor Long
The biggest whitepill for me was that the police is taking the side of the anti-immigrant Greeks. Greece is a very left wing country so that says something important imo.
Maybe we shouldn't be so cucky about real life anti-immigrant actions. In France a lot of the police force is also openly starting to show allegiance to the yellow vests during protests.
I think we have reached the tipping point.
Lucas Foster
>no Goy Israel is actually based and our greatest ally! Weak bait. I'm way to redpilled on Jews for this to work. Go be a kike somewhere else.
Benjamin Lopez
How can the inheritors of the Med master race culture cause so much anal prolapse amongst whites? Literally every average (((/pollack))) would have done the same in Sultan Erdogan's situation.
Get fucked you hypocritical, dead end wastes of evolution, your future will be part of the kebab club under Allah's merciful eyes. Only then you'll know what it is like to be a man and be able to reproduce again.
"Come shit-Turk! Come Jew, envoy of the gypsies. Come and I will make you into cuckolds. Fuck your faith and your Mohammed! What did you think, cuckolds? You aren't allowed to ask a peace treaty from us with one big shit Sultan Mahmoudin, fuck him and your vizier and that Jew, Silichtar Boda the whore. If will survive, I will rape you! And if I die, you can fart on my dick."
>If will survive, I will rape you! I will fuck you*, user, it will be tender sweet love, kek
Thomas Brown
For Constantinopolis!
Sebastian Flores
Oh boy, you are so bluepilled. This is standard Ashkenazi M.O.: rules for thee but not for me. Read the Kalergi plan. Read the Talmud. It's all there.
If you take a Western Jew and put him in Israel he will be "le based ethnistate Israeli", put a Israeli is the US or Europe and he will start promoting immigration and degeneracy. That's why Soros sponsored Antifa until they tried to set up a chapter in Israel. Then he pulled all funding. Standard Jewish tricks.
Do you really think all those Marxism promoting Jews in the US and Europe aren't also sponsoring the Israel lobby?
Henry Nguyen
Hilarity ... Turk roaches are handing out wigs to rapefugees, so that they look like womyn on camera pic related, wigs found in evros
Mare Liberum a NGO 'rescue' ship was attacked by Lesvos residents on Sunday night and today was not allowed to return to port by a crowd gathered there.
If you can't tell the difference between all the Jewish groups or Zionist groups you know nothing. How many separate groups can you name?.
If you think every single Jew that exists is out to subvert you or they all are somehow working together constantly to subvert you, you have been brainwashed and can't tell how you have been set up and they have been set up.
Also it's been well known that Western Jews have subverted Israeli Jews with the same tactics they have done to Whites.
Lucas Thompson
Jaxson Perez
Josiah Walker
all you need is a slingshot or an airsoft gun
Luis Clark
I wanna say based Jews but I fear it's some sort of trick.