It's been 45 days

>It's been 45 days.
>Only 3.5k dead.
>90% of those are old fucks and people who would have also died to the flu.

Wow, nice HAPPENING, guys. Absolutely epic.

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Agreed this was nothingburger since the beginning, it only kills old timers and people with underlying illnesses.

fuck happening fags, this faggot little virus did not have any potential to cause a pandemic.

>B-but muh re infections the Asian man died after fight a bad varsity from another illness
I thought it had an incubation period of weeks?
>n-no it couldn’t of been anything else it kills your brain it’s hoopening

Death rate is higher than expected. Who says 3.4%. Many countries like Iran and China are covering up official deaths. This virus will be a major problem for months to come, before it mutates and starts spreading next year

>believing CCP numbers
it's going to skyrocket over the next couple of weeks

Attached: 3-4.png (507x309, 12.82K)

Wishful thinking.

>n-next month guys, numbers will explode trust me!
>uhh well numbers didnt explode ut thats because they are covered up!11 next year it will return even more dangerous believe me!

covid-19 is a huge snoozefest

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Why do you keep using that retarded argument? The virus has spread everywhere and the numbers are the same. It's a 0.2% fatality rate for people under 40, that's fucking nothing.

>only significant increase in China due to methodology in evaluating cases
Yeah this is a nothingburger


>not understanding how mutations work
Deadly viruses normally mutate to less deadly versions of them selves because the main goal of life it so survive and reproduce. Incapacitating and killing your host is not how mass spread happens your host has to be well enough to engage in public activities.
Sorry amerabro your mutation fears have no basis in reality

Show me one single video of a recovered person. Show me a single interview, testimony, social media post, vlog, or any evidence whatsoever from a supposed recovery. Then, when you realize you can't find anything on the entire internet, enjoy that little redpill.

Preppers trying their best to offload hundreds of pounds of rice and beans

>over the next couple of weeks
whatever dude, don't believe it if you don't want to

if its harmless why did the chinks kill their own economy?

>implying mutations have purpose and aren't totally random
>implying a virus has a mind and can choose the best mutations for its survival

You need to go study evolution again

Rice and beans are useful tho just eat them why waste

We don't know anything about the long term of this virus.
Since its a new Virus it can affect any parts of your organs.

no, you show me evidence of mass deahts and cover ups. On such a scale, with millions of soldiers, policemen, officials, doctors, reseachers etc involved, there is not one leak? come on.
And no, a random video of some guy collapsing without any context doesnt count. Then you could just use any footage of someone falling and claim it's corona.

The only scary part is about the probable effects of the virus on the brain but we dont even know if its true or just schizo talk.

If more people were aware of the deaths caused by influenza each year they'd shit themselves and ask how we even function with such a pandemic.

What's your field of expertise and what are you basing this on?
>Since its a new Virus it can affect any parts of your organs.
Every seasonal flu is also a "new" virus.

Yes user this is not a pattern that has happened multiple times within recent history
Your right the virus will choose to be more deadly all because it’s self aware nanomachines

it is most probably true, the study seems legit, showed it to neurologists i work with they said it seems legit

China is a filthy, disgusting bacterial breeding ground. Including china death rate is 3.4%.
South Korea and Iran are also dirty, shit hole countries. Including these animals, death rate is 1.8%.
Not including disgusting Asians, the death rate is about 0.00%.

Corona problematic for elderly asians living in squalid conditions.

>not one leak
there have been several leaks retard

no its a mutation of an old one

>Two more weeks

It never gets old

>show me evidence

You retarded Kraut. That shit you're asking for is posted constantly in /cvg/. I'm asking for evidence of something that's never been posted. Go to /cvg/ then come back and maybe you won't still be so retarded

>over the next couple of weeks
You retards said this 2 weeks ago and yet the death toll is only around 3000. For fuck's sake, 1000 people a year are eaten by crocodiles, 6000 a year killed by getting hit by lightning. This is an absolute nothing burger. You are more likely to die by being hit by lightning.

>That shit you're asking for is posted constantly in /cvg/.
You mean those 5 webms that get post over and over?

>no it’s a mutation of an old one
Yeah it’s almost like this is how all new organisms are created

It already has exploded you filthy bastard. It’s spreading in 65 nations now compared to just 2 a month ago

How are the seasonal flu numbers there?

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This may come as a shock to you but a virus doesn't care about national borders. Saying it spread to 65 nations is completely meaningless.


>Be me china
>A fuck ton of people die from a virus
>Change the definition of being infected
>Problem solved
>China number one

Coronavirus is a deep state conspiracy to make frogs gay

Fuck you guys, Don't give up on her/pol/

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Retarded bullshit. The black death spread over almost all of Eurasia and killed most people infected before it died down. If it has an R0 value higher than 1, and spreads more aggresively inside hosts, it will spread, unless less agressive strains confer sufficient immunity, wich from the information we have it doesn't. It won't magically die out, just that a less aggressive version might spread faster, but once the more aggressive version comes in, it will be better at taking over your body than the less aggressive strain.
>South Korea and Iran are also dirty, shit hole countries
>trusting muh government after all the lies.
pathetic NPC.

Explain every other country's stats

look at the yellow line, that is for locations outside of china. it started going from almost nothing to what it is now in the past week alone. china shut down their entire economy over this virus. china is the last country that would do something like that unless it was very serious. they are lying about the numbers, other countries won't be able to cover it up the way china can. you'll see soon enough.

>things that have a mind can choose the best mutations for its survival
American "education"

spread them cheeks faggot

>leftists and chinks turned a potential modern day plague into a political shitshow

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>it started going from almost nothing to what it is now in the past week alone.
Woah, almost like more and more people are becoming aware and get tested.

i don't know if you're actually this stupid or what. viruses don't infect the whole world over night. it is just now starting to spread in other countries. this is only the first wave of infections.

>viruses don't infect the whole world over night.
Where did I say that?

How soon?

>Bullshit, south korea and iran aren't dirty
Bro.. lol. I've got bad news for you. Outside city center tourist traps, those countries are hot GARBAGE

Case and point, modern 1st world nations don't get shit rocked by a flu
>must be a pretty bad flu then
No. Lol, no. pol stahp.

>mutations are willed by the organism
>especially a virus, which lacks conciousness

If there was ever a time to ok, retard a person it is now.

when you assumed that the reason for the increase in numbers in the last week is due to more people getting tested? that is ignoring the more important factor that the virus spreads slowly and most people don't have it yet. it has a long incubation period, remember? people generally don't get tested until they are already symptomatic.

>retarded bullshit
>Black Death
user people toned the country side whipping themselves and shoveling shit out of outhouses

There is a correlation with better sanitation and fewer infections
What do we see now? Public activity slowing down what also had this affect? The fucking flu had this affect
Come on eurobro I figured you’d be more aware of this

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I am happy middle kingdom made sacrifice so world can safe.

We can not panic now because of.

>evaluation dose not follow commen patter-
Sholop sholop sholop sholop

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>when you assumed that the reason for the increase in numbers in the last week is due to more people getting tested?
Okay, you're the one who's stupid. It's silly that I even have to ask this, but do you realize that those numbers are only CONFIRMED cases? You know you can be infected and not get tested, right?

>Since its a new Virus
No, it's a variant of the Corona virus family.
You could call the yearly mutation of the flu also a new virus.

Considering the amounts that preppers are buying they will be eating rice and beans for a year. That's insectoid tier.

I cought the virus guys...And then i got over it was nothing

It's now in India, give it two weeks and boooom.