
Do niggers feel some sort of urge to be extremely loud and obnoxious whenever they're in close proximity to other human beings because it sure as hell seems like it. Whenever I see one it always has to move around, preferably jumps up and down while talking its ooga booga language really loud even though the nigger is situated less than 2 meters from its monkey friends. Is this something it's programmed to do genetically to assert dominance in the group or something or is it just the fact that most niggers are raised like their wild counterparts?

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>posts pic of michelle obama
why are you so racist user?


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I'm black and trust me, she-boons are exactly how /pol describes. They are loud af, usually not very clean but wear expensive clothes, and they always have an unknown number of kids that seems to grow every other month.

You bitch coward. You need us to fight your battles because yo weak. You want us divided.

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I wish you guys would stop trying to substitute racism for a personality and actually work on building life experience, maybe learn to play an instrument or take cooking classes

>extremely loud and obnoxious whenever they're in close proximity to other human beings
That's not exclusive to niggers though, that's all normalfags

The main reason causing me to post this is my ride to school. I take the bus 7:30 in the morning, tired as shit. I live in the shitty(black) part of town and a couple a stops away form mine, they all enter. An endless stream of them entering the bus turning it into a gas chamber with their disgusting smell. They come with in packs of 5+ persons(one mother because the father left and 4 or more children). A couple of minutes into the 25 minute ride they begin talking to the other nigger families in an increasingly loud tone, soon filling the bus with their goddamn ooga booga sounds. Me sitting quietly trying to relax a bit before school obviously gets pissed and begins to dream about genocide. When I get off the bus to school some of them come along with me and sitting still for so long makes them crazy so they immediately start to run around, jumping, screaming making as much noice as they can and I'm not joking when I say that I have seriously contemplated if getting myself a gun to shoot them once and for all is a good course of action. That's the main reason, user, and they also rape our swedish women all the time and the socialists blame it on white men and socioeconomic factors.

This desu. All people are created equal.

>unknown number of kids that seems to grow every other month.
Precisely, it seems like they breed faster than fucking fruit flies.

It's an attempt to assert dominance. They're loud and annoy others yet the others do nothing to stop them, thus they are dominant.

Just curious; was there ever a point in your life when you wished you were white? I believe I can say with almost 100% certainty that no white person has ever wished they were black.

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Same for Gypsies here,, probably over there too.
Which city?
Also, is Malmo really a no-go zone?
Is street violence common there? Like getting attacked verbally or physically without a real reason?

You mean Big Mike?

Attached: Big Mike.jpg (885x590, 128.9K)

The nigger is universal in it's ability to inflict disgust, it transcends language in ebonics of every dialect, it will try to appropriate history by being kangz or Jesus Christ the fucking son of God, it will ruin the host countries crime rate, fuck its women and render obvious why they shouldn't be allowed to vote, and ultimately shall bring all to grist before the slow mill of niggerdom and niggatry. They are maintained solely at the insistance of the international jew, but the day is coming their shrill voice shall be forever silenced. The horizon is red. A black sun is rising and the living nightmares will be vanquished beneath the glory of the dawn like any other dream. Keep faith to the coming dawn. Please don't give up.

Tommy sotomayor??

I've never wished to be white I HAVE wished for an app that raises black IQ by dropping red pills in small bites even a nigger can digest. I have black friends that aren't full WOKE but the zog nogs outnumber us 10:1 which means I'm fucked. But I like having a nice sized dick and being tall that part is true.

There a nigger in one of my courses and yesterday he was doing something loud like pushing his chair in, but repeatedly banging it down on the ground. This place has been disastrous for me because I called him a “fucking nigger” under my breath but it was audible enough that the Asian girl next to me a heard it. She agreed.
It’s one of my biggest peeves with niggers, they are ALWAYS loud and obnoxious, when I worked retail it was always black kids that would be actually yelling across the store.

They aren’t based or hindered by kikes, They are just niggers.

>Human beings

Nice try shekelstain

I fortuneatly live in the northern part of Sweden, small town so don't wanna say out of fear of being doxxed. Most of them don't wanna come here because of the cold and seek welfare further south.
>is Malmo really a no-go zone?
If you're a white Swedish woman who doesn't wear burqa or whatever it's called or if you critizice their religion/culture/immigrations policy of the socialist government then yes. From what I hear the most central part is the least dangerous but the closer you get to the suburbs the worse it gets. The entirety of Malmo is not a no-go zone but large parts of the city is under gang control. Police have no control in the suburbs, almost daily shootings/bombings, sharia law, widespread islamisation. If you're white and visit the suburbs there's a high chance you'll get robbed, talked down to or otherwise being treated in a bad way.

Lol I'm not Tommy but I am black and conservative. I got on here after realizing Obama was a nigger in a cheap suit and other niggers clap like seals for anyone with skin darker than orange man's. My mom loves Obama it pisses me the fuck off I stopped calling that boomer bitch and voted Trump just to piss her off. Too bad whites don't know how many of us blacks actually fucking vote Trump just to piss our wealthy middle class lefty black parents off.

Hey, look, the same guy posted three different times

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I'm sure the big dick is a net benefit. Why can't niggers see that acting the way they do is detrimental to their ultimate wellbeing? Is it simply a matter of IQ or are they merely a product of their environment? Christ, one look at black on black crime should open a few of their eyes.

And where are the swedish men, why are they not facing this? Pic related

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muh dick bix nood

No, it's disruptive and annoying. That isn't cope brah, it's common sense and common courtesy. My rebuttal, you seem sensitive. :)

All Swedish men(and people in general) are supressed by the socialist government. Anyone who speaks up about this is labelled racist, nazi and instantly looses his job and won't get a new one simply because he has the """""wrong opinion""""". All defense against the violence of the niggers and sandpeople is seen as hate-crimes by the media. The socialist government profit because people in the no-go zones vote for them so both parts win: they get their welfare checks to buy guns and can continue to build on their illegal businesses, mainly focused around the distribution of illegal substances and the government retains their power.

Pick one

that's nothing to compared to how much they scream on their phons, it's like their tiny simian brains think phones are just magical megaphones

No they are not. That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard.

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Ironic coming from the source of all the worlds degeneracy

Applies to both Swedes in general but mostly Swedish men as they're portrayed as the perpetrator 9 times out of 10. Most recently a group of immigrants assaulted a Swedish girl. Immigrants are defended by the government because according to them, the immigrants did it because of socioeconomic factors

>Is this something it's programmed to do genetically
Yes it is indeed

>niggers are raised like their wild counterparts?
Their cultures just reinforce this behavior

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Our liberals want to copy you, not the other way around

what a disgusting parasitical animal, the cat is nice though

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>Here we see the African male. He’s a docile creature, able to converse and think logically around the White male.
>He is a exc—-hold on. It looks like we’ve got more African males showing up. This will be exciting. Let’s get a closer look. Wow, see as their group gets larger they begin to display territorial aggression to outsiders.
>Oh look! Lo-look there! The group has established a hierarchy and notice the white male! This will be trouble it will! Oh wow, look! They’re beating him! >This is why the African male rates so highly on our top 10 most dangerous farm animal.
>Oh no! They’ve spotted us! Drop the equipment and run. Go! Run no—-ahhhh. Oh god! Get off me! No!! Please!!! Pleas—-ackkkkk.”

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>we’re getting feed again. Please hold.

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>My god

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All of Europe is coming to this now

based. you are welcome here.

Blacks will never understand that their anti-social behavior and poor manners are what keeps them down on the lowest level of the social ladder.
It's a huge cope to chalk it up to skin color.

Hey, that picture is insulting. Gorillas are calm, peaceful animals. You should have used a chimpanzee head instead. Those guys are crazy fucking mob killers.

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Quick honest question for blacks.
How does it feel when the entirety of the planet holds stigma against you because, for a well cited fact (socioeconomic factors prove it even more), that you are violent and stupid? How does it feel when instead of trying to better yourself the rest of your race is completely unaware and makes excuses for you to be pieces of shit? How does it feel when even "non racist" lefties say we need to drop sat scores, college requirements, and basically anything else that would prove you can even remotely compete with humans?

Also what does it feel like when every group of natives has formed some form of society meanwhile your natives are at home sucking shit by mouth out of cow assholes, raping children to cure AIDS, and eating disease ridden mosquito patties?

I imagine it feels like being a monkey wearing people clothes staring into a monkey exhibit watching them jerk off.

>dropping red pills in small bites even a nigger can digest
It's taken niggers almost 60 years to figure out about (((them))), those bites are going to have to be bird seed sized.

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This thread is extremely racist. Posting black qts to reduce the racism.

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>other human beings

Niggers are not humans.

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>Too bad whites don't know how many of us blacks actually fucking vote Trump just to piss our wealthy middle class lefty black parents off.

kek, /our rebellious nigger!

based and redpilled. We can only achieve peace between the races if we kill all the nigro men and take their women.

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Oooooga booooga doooga

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Many of the underlying issues niggers have trace back to their lack of prefrontal cortex.

They are to stupid to understand what you wrote. They will just grab their dick and muh dick their way to the porch to drink kool aid.

It’s all they know.
No prefrontal cortex

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Fuck off faggot. Hope you like fucking bald chicks or buzz cut groid women. Because here is something probably didn't bank on. Thats not her hair. Anytime you see a groid woman with long flowing straight hair that looks like white women hair, they are wearing a weave.

Underneath that weave on her head, she has her natural hair rolled tight into corn rows. Then the weave made out of asian or white hair is sewn into the corn rows. These creatures will then wear that weave around and will protect it at all costs. They don't wash it because they don't want to mess it up and they will keep it in sometimes for months. So imagine a hairpiece that hasn't been washed in weeks sitting on top of a groids hair that hasn't been washed in weeks. Imagine the grease and oil oozing. And imagine the smell.

Yep their is your black cuties. They are so desperate to look like white women that they sew their hair into their groid locks.

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Show face and flag.

just the fact that you are a fucking homo doesnt mean heterosexual men actually give a shit about "le hair"

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... and for them it's just fun...

Whites have the largest penises of all races bruh

Being black has nothing to do with dick size. If you ever spent any moderate time in jail you would no that. I seen alot of blacks with small peckers. I actually felt bad, imagine almost all your partners expecting a big dick because of Jew propaganda

You were first with Niggers, Transexuals and getting bombed by muslims tho.


Niggers BTFO.

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