But Yas Forums told me lampshades and holocoasters don't exist?


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>and then had their skin turned into interior design
wtf? that's not how interior design works

trust me dude it's in the Daily Mail
please, fuck off!

Fake ass bullshit you can’t believe any of this

They don't show the tattoos on the book cover and they don't show the human hair that it supposedly has. Why do jews do this?

oh my fucking god, they're trying to resurrect that human skin lampshade nonsense

>bad smell
Why would something 75 years old smell like anything other than old and musty? Even a turd stops smelling bad after a while.
>"likely the skin of a murdered inmate"
I'll "likely" believe this bullshit after a battery of blind tests at an independent laboratory.

>They don't show the tattoos on the book cover and they don't show the human hair that it supposedly has. Why do jews do this?

yes theres clearly nothing there, unbelieveable.



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Kek they are becoming desperate whats next they gonna dig up the masturbaters of death?

I believe this 100%

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Why would a nazi make a human skin holocaust survivor book out of a holocaust survivor. That just doesnt add up. “I saw he writing in a book so i skinned her and made her the cover of her book”

Bad smell...? Ok it’s definitely a dead Jew

Is it coincidence, it's always polaks?

>How am i gonna sell this worthless book schlomo?
> Hold my kippa

So a jew murdered someone and made a book out of them, then brought it with them into a concentration camp eh?

>(((experts))) say its likely skin from an inmate
>they added that it was "without a doubt proof of a crime against humanity"

Hey experts, lets do an DNA test. Shall we?

Attached: jew lampshade.jpg (321x450, 62.7K)

>it was revealed to me in a dream



This is what likely happened. Some covetous jew spied a tattoo on an aryan goyim he fancied. Had the aryan killed and removed his skin. Took it to his uncle the bookmaker and had it turned into a book. Covetous jew goes on to say it's proof of the holocaust. Why would so many jews have tattoos if it's forbidden by their religion? And why would they have such interesting tattoos that hard-working camp employees would feel the need to remove and immortalize them?

>bad smell

Hmm, it might be real!

I piss on faces of local morons with HOLOCOAT NEVAH HAPPENT.
Literally, what's in common between poltard and nigger?
70 iq and hate of jews and collectivist fantasies.
Srsly, fuck jews and Israel, but poltards are amazingly degenerate subhuman living flesh.

Leave a piece of beef jerky out for 75 years and it’s not going to smell like fuckin anything. Hell, leave a peace of steak out and it won’t smell. Fuckin Jews can get normies to believe anything.

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Skin is exterior design. Jews aren't even real.

>it was true in my mind

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Dont worry, Holocaust 2.0 will make jew-skin products a reality
They'll really regret THAT bit of predictive programming

ball pen.

>it is likely that the skin came from an inmate murdered at the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald, in Germany.
a very convinient assumption.

>literally belives in lampshade esque-story
>but muh poltards
>I-i hate jews too goy- guys.
Rat-faced oven dodger, choke on a dick and die.

its sad people actually believe this, its why the goyim will never see for themselves. its also why the kikes want a world full of half niggers

This is funny. Seems like a desperate move.

BTW the Ise Koch case was completely fabricated.

Daily Mail is a forum for a lot of yiddish political theater. Example: jew larps as (((white))) to report black student.

>Auschwitz inmates speak up
>Debunking Treblinka
>Archive of evidence debunking the holohoax
>Zyklon B tested on humans
>Soviet reconstructions and other lies exposed

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It's been found in pooland, everything made in pooland smells of poo and is fake

>Daily Mail is a forum for a lot of yiddish political theater.

Funny that.

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>literally belives in lampshade esque-story
>but muh poltards
>I-i hate jews too goy- guys.
I beleive in what I see - tons of middle class 90 iq nigger-incels without future that sublimate there fail in life in marginal and degenerate theories.
>Rat-faced oven dodger, choke on a dick and die.
I'd better kill you, brown monkey degenerate, lol. My ancestors liberated death camps, tons of non-jewish citizens of USSR went there and tons of soviets died in this shit, so fuck off. I don't care about jews and holokoastas.

It was blown up (fabricated) by Military Intelligence after WW2. They didn't want to blame all Germans even though their were factories and slave labor all over Germany. So, they said it was all confined and limited to the camps to give Germans a pass. Obviously, it was exploited by Zionists and backfired but it was a noble lie at the time.

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>Daily Mail is a forum for a lot of yiddish political theater
I know user, it's embarrassing too

Lmao, here's a link. There's 4 photos, 3 of the book, and one of "lab results", but for me at least when I try to scroll to the tests jpeg its skips back to the binder pic. Hmmmm. Is it fucked for anyone else?


This, they enslaved and sent millions of people from around Europe(mostly eastern) to help in german families and factories as literally niggers on plantations. But to wash out germans they created this stuff about "only SS and nazi were evil nobody knew about cruelty".

My gpa brought back a jap thigh bone. A real life Necronomicon is next level


Yeah right.

Yeah I can’t get a view of the lab results either.

someone should steal & examine it. im pretty sure history will justify his minor law breakage as I suspect it will turn out to be fake as fuck.


Ed Gein was SS and made a lot of these, typical viking type, I heard he was alright to have tea with unless you weren't white enough

this seems extremely very true

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Search Results
Web results

Shop owner defends sale of 'Holocaust' soap | CBC Newswww.cbc.ca news canada montreal shop-owner-defends-sale-o...
Mar 26, 2010 - Montreal shop owner's wares draw ire from Jewish groups ... since 1967, admitted he has no idea whether the soap is really made of human remains. ... "It's just offensive to the core," said Bromberg, who is based in Toronto.

'Nazi' soap contains no human remains | CBC News - CBC.cawww.cbc.ca news canada montreal nazi-soap-contains-no-hum...
Jun 2, 2010 - At the time, the St-Laurent Boulevard shopkeeper said the soap was rendered from remains of Jewish prisoners held in concentration camps ...

Wanna come to Moscow and work for me for food and housing and decent care?

Managed to nab a screenshot

Attached: 20200305_104250.jpg (1185x888, 277.65K)

>>marginal and degenerate theories
>belives in the lampshade
>>I beleive in what I see
>doesn't even belive the jew, notorious for lying, could be lying.
>>My ancestors liberated death camps
Yeah i bet they were (((commissars)))... And rat-faced just like you.
iq nigger-incels
>muh media told me so
>>without future
And why is that?
>>I don't care about jews and holokoastas.
Cared enough to come here and defend kikes.

The lab results are in and have been found to be anti-semitic, no further lab tests allowed

Here comes the (((guilt))) trip again.

>bad smell
oy vey that is antisemitic!

Its a mass spectrometer report
Red line is the sample
Purple is Fingernails
Green is Fingernails
The list on bottom shows the % match to the sample
>Carminic Acid (used ti die leather)
I have no idea how you make leather out of keratin because that is the hard part of a fingernail, I think this is an unrelated test they just posted or its some sort of contaminated sample.

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>And why is that?
Well, you live in Brazilia and that's enough. As 99.5% people from there will die without future.
Poltards have a bit better chances, I bet ~10% of them may acheive something decent in live. Another 90% will live as human trash.
Because of really low average intellectual level, shitty sence of humour, collectistic mind state, no identity besides being political hurr-durr marginal and abnormally nervous and agressive behaviour in society.
>Yeah i bet they were (((commissars)))... And rat-faced just like you.
~99% of red army were non jewish, common solders, farmers and workers, lol. You are miserable in your eternal everyone is jewish. Jewish physics, jewish facts, jewish mmuricans, jewish germans.
The one who isn't jewish - it's jewish puppet or shill.
You literally ill, sorry.

80 years ago remember the 6 million
Forget the rest 85 million that died