FED can cut rates as low as they want and toss as much of helicopter money on Wall Street as possible but the meltdown is here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it'll go up again tomorrow and then crash next week

lol. it's MARCH 5TH you fuckin heathen. REPENT NOW




this is 2007 all over again

At this point do we prefer president Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden? Trump is fucked without ATH markets.

Noooooooooooooooo!!! You said it was just the flu and to buy the dip noooooooo Turns out its more than just a flu noooooooooooooo

index futures are currently defending a really important price area right now - lets see ... vix super close to breakout

corona cases are getting lower day by day in china, in other countries most people hardly even showing symptoms apart from few elderly dying its nothing, I am personally getting fed up with all of it, so are others, markets are recovering, no one cares anymore

It is fine. Everything is fine! Sell? Why would I want to sell, or anyone for that matter? If anything after this conversation is over I will probably go and buy some more stocks.

> fed lowers rates
> no one wants to take out another loan
who will pay our interest??
aw sheeeit. time to panic!!

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Yeah, I'm sure your portfolio is taking a beating, right, concern troll?

Sanders. Wall Street would be perfectly comfortable with both Trump or Biden.

Can't be concerned if you don't own any stocks in the first place. I am euphoric of a financial happening of our lifetime.

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Just wait until 70% of the world is infected :3

2k drop today

Just wait until earnings reports come out for March. The markets are about to get fucked, hard

Let's hope so.

I remember I said Drumpf is pumping dollars into the stock market and some user didn't believe me kek

I'm moving soon so this rate cut is gonna save me 100 grand. It is all monopoly money anyways might as well take advantage of it.

Suddenly people like me with thousands of bullets and small gold ingots will be rich

Hell yeah

Wait until November bro. Rates will be even lower

It's march 5th newfriend.
Yas Forums's plan is in motion.
All praise kek.
Chaos has spoken.

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Will be around August for new job. If we can get to 2.5 by then I won't complain.


People who spread fear through the stock market are tranny shills trying to ruin Trump and my 401k

yeah, no there is only one hour left for the world to end, better hurry the fuck up

Attached: time in japan - Google Search 3-5-2020, 2-19-47 PM.png (688x153, 5.17K)

10 mins til open and futures down 650 pts

oh shit,oh shit


still 24 hours left one time zone away

When do I buy?

God I hope so !

>taking financial advice from a guy who lost a $500 million bet yesterday

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When the market falls 61.8% from the highs start to think about buying.

Wake me up when dow is 10k

T1rips confirm happening!!! Im scared now panic!!!

The world revolves around the US not Japan lol

Kys shit b8


Another fucking faggot who believes China. Are you that retarded?

Boomers are going to get wiped the fuck out! It’s kinda funny cause the boomers were the most loyal generation to the kikes! Hahaha the fucking jews want all the boomers money before they pass it on to their children!

it's like watching a snuff film and saying
>sucks to be you guys

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>my 401k

Should've liquidated it a week ago.

>Muh stocks
no one cares mammon worshiper, go buy land or some good tools that will allow you to live and work without being held to the whims of big business and bankers.

>markets fall no matter what
and this is a good thing. people will start to riot we get the acceleration much needed and progress as a society

>thinking his election bid was legit
>thinking his 1B wasn't instantly injected into the DNC fund just as planned.

No you little fuck. Trump will never allow a stock market crash. The economy is booming

He’s okay. Bear Sterns started this time of year. If they want to crash the market it will take some months to work through.

It wont. We had a dead count bounce. If we see two or three of them we are going to see some real shit.

The Chinese manufacturing supply chain has been severely crippled user and we haven't even seen the real shit like barebone shelves on a lot of products. It will take a month for resupply if everything goes full hunky dory and the Chinese factories are 100% manned again by tomorrow and the virus cases drop to borderline zero here. Let's be real though that's not happening.

I'm just glad the kikes are losing all their money even with the (((government))) pumping them with welfare.

The autistic in me refuses to accept a woman's opinion on anything that is mathematical but also incorporates the need for understanding of human emotions on a global scale. They simple aren't qualified to be talking.

>being this retarded
Yes cause Trump can provide tens of trillions in liquidity to prop them up.

It'll be okay user just buy the dip

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>-703.77 -2.60%

This ironic shilling for Flumpff is really getting tiresome.

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Have basically 0% interest rate on my savings account

The Fed prints a trillion dollars

The dollars in my bank account become less valuable through inflation

I have effectively a negative interest rate now

The trillions go to wallstreet and government goons

They tell me they worked hard for those billions, and just deserve it.

It's theft. So are taxes, when the rich are given tax waivers all the time. When did you ever get a waiver to break the law?

You sound really jewish.

Muh dead cat bounce

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I'm putting it closer to 4k but they will halt trading before it gets there.

No one can stop what's coming. Not even sure you can delay it anymore.

Hihi. This will be amazing.

Are they inflating the money supply right now?

If there are reports of this I am going to get out of it and into Bitcoin.

Paenitet et Haereticus reputandus uri

DOW TO 25000 LETS GO BULLS (2018)

Doesn't matter how China's doing really.
What matters is what the media is reporting.
All economic damage comes from the media overhyping Coronavirus with the sole purpose of destroying the economy under Trump's presidency so he won't have a guaranteed victory next election.
All the mainstream media outlets are deliberately pushing news articles and TV news items to manipulate the markets which is a federal crime and can be considered an act of terrorism to boot.

mornin gents, getting coffee ready to watch some huge losses. comfy af

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they are just butthurt poorfags that missed the biggest free money handout in human history

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My Childs worthless video game playing father left, we have no social safety yet and you people are seemingly fine with tearing our society apart, shame on both of you

I guess traders just know how to buy.
It seems like the only decision for them is, do I buy huge today, or wait and buy huge tomorrow.

They seem to know the government will do anything and everything to keep the current bubble from popping.

Plagues and election uncertainty? Shrug it off, keep buying.

>Doesn't matter how China's doing really.

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>Bloomberg news

The market crashes periodically, so this instability might not portend the immediate start of the NWO, but if a new world dictator rolls out a digital currency and requires everyone to take a biometric access tattoo/implant, DO NOT TAKE IT.

Revelation 13:16-18 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

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But then recover the next day.
Damn, how will dipfags like me ever be able to buy into a discounted market if they keep it from ever crashing?

Way to skip the point entirely.
If China gets worse, the media will report China's doing worse.
If China's doing better, they won't report on China and use that broadcast time and webpage space to report that Europe or America are doing worse.
If nobody's doing worse, they won't report a thing about it. They'll report how the vaccine development specific to covid-19 isn't making progress.
If it is, they'll spin it and push against antivaxxers.

The media is under orders to fuck the economy up.
That's what they'll do.

>Are they inflating the money supply right now?
Not yet.

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>"I am going to get out of it and into Bitcoin."

>Bitcoin isn't Le Pyramid Scheme 2.0

Matthew 6:19-21 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

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The media won't have to fuck up shit. As soon as normies start to notice supply shortages it's over. Current year Americans of any age have never experienced anything but instant gratification of any consumer impulse. Shit is going to be biblical.

I missed this prophecy. Whats significant about March 5th and where was this predicted?